Political Ideology Project - Home

Name: ________________________________________
Political Ideology Project
DUE DATE: 3:00 PM, Tuesday, December 16, 2014 (No excuses made due to
absence. If not in school, it is expected that it will be emailed to me by 3PM on that
Educational Objective: Upon completion of this project you should understand the
following concepts or items:
 Your political ideology
 The validity of political polls (ie: the political ideology tests you take)
 How to craft your own political polls (ie: political ideology tests)
 How to choose an appropriate sample to make predictions
Educational Plan: You will need to follow the steps listed below to complete the
 Complete all of the political ideology tests listed on this assignment page with
their accompanying questions designed to help you understand the relevance of
each test.
 Write a total of a one paragraph description of your perception of the validity of
the tests you took. If there was a test that seemed to provide results that did not
mesh with your other results you would discuss that. Overall, did you think the
tests were valid? Why or why not? Was one test better than the others? Why or
why not? This is NOT to exceed ONE page in length.
 Write your own political ideology test. It must contain at least 10, but no more
than 30, questions. One question that ALL of your ideology tests MUST contain,
but that is not counted in the 10 to 30 questions, is to be worded as follows:
o “What political ideology do you currently agree with the most?”
 Create a metric for evaluating the responses of the people you polled. This must
be quantifiable (ie: supported by actual numbers).
 Distribute your political ideology test to at least 10, but no more than 30, students.
 Evaluate the results of your political ideology tests. This is to include: a)
determining their political ideology based upon the metric you created when you
made the test, and b) how the results of your metric correlate to what political
ideology the respondents perceived themselves to be.
 Write an at least ONE, but no more than TWO, page analysis of your findings.
This is to include:
o The correlation of your metric and the respondents own perceptions
o The validity of your political ideology test based on that data
Reporting Requirements: Follow ALL of the following requirements or you will lose
points from your total score:
 ALL writing is to be done in 12 point Times Roman font and must be doublespaced. Standard margins (1” on all sides) are to be used and do NOT bold words.
 You must submit all of the following items IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY
o _______ The results of the political ideology tests you took (written on
this packet)
o _______ The one paragraph self reflection description you completed
based upon the results of the political ideology tests you took
o _______ A copy of the political ideology test you created
o _______ A copy of the metric you created to evaluate responses
o _______ All of the tests that you distributed and then collected from
o _______ Your one to two page analysis of your political ideology test
What political ideology do you currently agree with the most?
Political Quiz #1 (Note: because this is blocked at school you will need to complete
this at home. Please do so before we come to the Library.)
Do the questions place you on a spectrum with one or two dimensions?
Based on the results of your test, with which party or group are you mostly
closely affiliated?
Based on the results what are your beliefs regarding social programs for
the poor, the role of the government in the economy, and the use of the
Political Quiz #2
Do the questions place you on a spectrum with one or two dimensions?
What is your political belief based on this test?
List the key features of someone with your political belief.
Based on this test, are you more liberal or conservative?
Political Quiz #3
Website: http://typology.people-press.org/typology/
Do the questions place you on a spectrum with one or two dimensions?
Based on the results of your test, which ideology most closely agree with?
List four major beliefs for your ideology and if you feel you believe in
each of those things.
List three characteristics of someone with your beliefs and if you fit each
of those characteristics.
Investigate the groups that are formed according to this website. Does this
site group based on a strictly conservative or liberal ideology?
Political Quiz #4
Website: http://idealog.org/idealog.asp?ClassID=
Take the tutorial before beginning the quiz.
Once you have taken the tutorial, take the quiz.
Do the questions place you on a spectrum with one or two dimensions?
Based on the results of this test, what is your political ideology? How does
that compare to what you found in previous tests?
Political Quiz #5
Website: http://www.politicalcompass.org/
Read the page and click on “Take the Test” on the left header.
Do the questions place you on a spectrum with one or two dimensions?
Based on this test, which individuals do you most closely agree with and
in which areas?
How do the results here compare to the results from your previous tests?