political typology assignment

Above: the typical image of the political spectrum. Where do you fit?
1) Go to http://www.people-press.org/quiz/political-typology/ and click Begin Quiz
2) Answer each of the questions as best you can. (I know you might not agree with either choice, but
which one is MOST like you?)
3) When you are finished, you will get a type along this spectrum:
4) THIS IS IMPORTANT! Now in your browser under File choose Save Page As ...(Chrome) or Save Page…
(Safari). This will save a copy of the whole page so you can view it later for an assignment. Please be
aware of WHERE on your computer you are saving it! (Maybe your APGOV folder?)
5) Go to: http://www.people-press.org/2014/06/26/typology-comparison/us-and-the-world/
Go through each of the sections (under Compare the Issues) and choose one subcategory to analyze. (For
example, under Views of US and Economy you could choose View of Wall Street to analyze). Don’t go
into detail about all of the types – just explain how most liberals (left of center) and most conservatives
(right of center) view this issue.
6) Go to http://www.people-press.org/2014/06/26/the-political-typology-beyond-red-vs-blue/pp2014-06-26-typology-0-01/
Analyze the chart here. What patterns do you see? Write down at least three. (Be sure to know what the
terms general public registered voters and politically engaged mean before you begin.)
7) HOW was this survey done? (This will be very important to us in this unit). Go to
and skim the first few sections (stop when you get to The American Trends Panel Surveys), then explain
the methodology of this survey.