Table of contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 2. Problem statement ....................................................................................................... 3 3. Delimitation .................................................................................................................. 4 4. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 5 4.1 Theory of scientific approach (Pahuus 2004, p.140) ............................................................. 5 4.2 Research methods .............................................................................................................. 5 4.4 Theoretical approach .......................................................................................................... 6 5. Domino´s crisis.............................................................................................................. 7 5.1 Domino´s Pizza´s Special Ingrediants (Good As You 2009) .................................................... 7 5.2 Sneeze Sticks (Good As You 2009) ....................................................................................... 7 5.3 Poopie Dishes (Good As You 2009) ...................................................................................... 8 5.4 Dominos Pizza Buger (Good As You 2009) ............................................................................ 8 5.5 Domino´s Pizza part 1 (Good As You 2009) ........................................................................... 8 6. Theory .......................................................................................................................... 9 6.1 Crisis communication .......................................................................................................... 9 6.2 Theory of Image Repair Discourse (Johansen og Frandsen 2000) ........................................ 10 6.3 Criticism of Benoit ............................................................................................................ 12 6.4 Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) (Coombs, W. Timothy 2007) ..................... 12 6.5 Criticism of Coombs .......................................................................................................... 14 7. Empirical data ............................................................................................................. 15 7.1 YouTube Video ................................................................................................................. 15 7.2 Email Correspondence ...................................................................................................... 16 8. Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 18 8.1 Benoit´s image repair discourse ........................................................................................ 18 8.1.1 E-mail correspondence ........................................................................................................ 18 8.1.2 YouTube Video ..................................................................................................................... 20 8.1.3 Sub conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 23 8.2 Coombs´ SCCT ................................................................................................................... 24 8.2.1 E-mail correspondence ........................................................................................................ 24 8.2.2 YouTube video ..................................................................................................................... 26 8.2.3 Sub conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 28 9. Discussion ................................................................................................................... 30 10. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 33 11. Bibliography.............................................................................................................. 34 Books ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Websites ................................................................................................................................ 34 12. Appendices ............................................................................................................... 36 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................. 36 Benoit’s theory of Image Repair Discourse: ................................................................................. 36 Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................................. 37 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (Model 1): .................................................... 37 Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................................. 38 Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (Model 2): .................................................... 38 Appendix 4 ............................................................................................................................. 39 E-mail correspondence 1: ............................................................................................................. 39 Appendix 5 ............................................................................................................................. 39 E-mail correspondence 2: ............................................................................................................. 39 .............................................................................................................................................. 40 Appendix 6 ............................................................................................................................. 41 Transcript of YouTube video:........................................................................................................ 41 Appendix 7 ............................................................................................................................. 42 Domino´s financial results fourth quarter 2009: .......................................................................... 42 Appendix 8 ............................................................................................................................. 42 Domino´s financial results fourth quarter 2010: .......................................................................... 42 Appendix 9 ............................................................................................................................. 43 Domino’s financial results first quarter 2014: .............................................................................. 43 1 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 1. Introduction As demonstrated in the following quotation, the notion crisis is used in many different contexts: “Product crises, industrial crises organisation- or image-crises, crises concerning publication of financial results, organisations internal crises, etcetera.” (Johansen og Frandsen 2000, p. 46). This quotation emphasises the importance of the use of crisis communication, caused by a risen focus on communication, when an organisation is threatened by a crisis (Ibid). With focus on crisis communication, this thesis has been worked out with Domino´s Pizza as a case. This thesis will examine how Domino´s Pizza managed its image and reputation in a crisis situation, and how the organisation responded to the criticisms. The problem consists in a crisis, which occurred in 2009 in Conover, N.C., US. The crisis started at Domino´s Pizza in Conover, where two employees created videos showing one of them doing unsanitary acts with the food, while the other one was filming the acts and afterwards uploaded them on YouTube (PRSA 2009). Domino´s Pizza is the world leader in pizza delivery. Domino´s Pizza operates in more than 60 countries and has more than 9,000 pizza places (Domino´s 2014). In 1960 two brothers, Tom and James Monaghan, bought a pizza restaurant named DomiNick´s in Ypsilanti, Michigan, US. Five years later they renamed the restaurant and DomiNick´s became Domino´s Pizza, Inc (Ibid). Since the hesitant beginnings in 1960 Domino´s Pizza has improved especially through franchising. As early as in 1967 Domino´s Pizza had their first franchisee (Ibid). Today Domino´s Pizza has more than 1,700 franchisees worldwide and more than 150,000 persons are employed in this organisation (Ibid). The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Domino´s Pizza communicated throughout the crisis in 2009. In order to answer my problem statement, I will work with tasks, which involve the relationship between the chosen theory and empirical data. In order to examine the crisis communication I will be using Benoit´s theory of Image Repair Discourse and Coombs´ Situational Crisis Communication Theory. 2 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 2. Problem statement My focus is on a crisis, which occurred in Domino´s Pizza in 2009. The crisis involves two employees, who damaged the image and reputation of the organisation by filming insanitary acts with the food and afterwards uploaded videos to YouTube. I will be examining how the image and reputation have been threatened by this crisis. With use of the theory by Benoit I will examine which image repair strategies Domino´s Pizza used. Also, with the use of the theory of Coombs, I will examine how the reputation has been affected by the crisis. Therefore, I will be focusing on crisis communication. To understand my problem statement comprehensively I have chosen these objectives: Could this crisis have been avoided? Which strategies of the theory of image repair discourse has the organisation used? Which strategies of the theory of Situational Crisis Communication Theory has the organisation used? Has the organisation been able to repair their image and reputation? 3 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 3. Delimitation Firstly, in this thesis Domino´s Pizza will be mentioned as Domino´s and the organisation. Furthermore, Coombs´ Situational Crisis Communication Theory will be mentioned as SCCT. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Domino´s was able to repair its image and reputation during the crisis in 2009, and therefore, I will focus on external communication, and the verbal response of the crisis. I will delimit from an analysis of Domino´s internal communication. Though, I think internal and external communication influences each other, and actually cannot be separated, but I have to make a theoretical delimitation. Also, I will in this thesis only focus on one type of crisis (Johansen og Frandsen 2000, p. 46), which is mentioned in the mass media, or has been created by this. Another interesting perspective and approach to a crisis could be investigating how social medias affect the crisis situation. Though, the limited size of the study and time range makes it necessary to make delimitations. 4 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 4. Methodology The purpose of this part of the thesis is to explain, how the problem statement will be answered from a methodological point of view. The starting point for this thesis is a statement of the theory of scientific approach. Furthermore, the methods of the thesis will be explained in the following. 4.1 Theory of scientific approach (Pahuus 2004, p.140) The scientific approach is based on the understanding of human actions, which is aligned to the hermeneutic approach. When using the hermeneutic approach, one moves back and forward between the subjects with the purpose of reaching an understanding of the entire meaning. One works and moves in circular direction until, as earlier mentioned, one reaches an understanding of the entire meaning. This knowledge and understanding must be modified when working further into the investigation and when obtaining more knowledge. Therefore, one’s understanding will be modified several times when adopting new knowledge. 4.2 Research methods Methodically, this thesis will be based on empirical data, which consists of document records such as articles, e-mail correspondences, and a video describing Domino’s handling of the crisis and more important the damage of their image and reputation. Further, this thesis will consist of Domino´s financial results from fourth quarter 2009, fourth quarter 2010, and first quarter 2014 (Dominosbiz 2014). The financial results are illustrated in appendices 7, 8 and 9. Therefore, I have chosen a qualitative approach, which allows a deeper understanding of the handling of a crisis. It is an understanding of, how and why one interacts, which is characteristic of the humanities (Pahuus 2004, p. 140). The quantitative method of collecting data was considered in this thesis, as I thought about presenting a survey, which should support the understandings of Domino´s image and 5 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 reputation today. However, I did not found it necessary to present a survey, as the qualitative data gives a comprehensively insight to the investigations and understandings. 4.4 Theoretical approach In the analysis of the crisis communication used by Domino’s, I will use theories including image repair strategies and crisis response strategies. I will analyse how the reparation of the organisation was executed. Moreover, I will divide up the analysis in two parts and discuss the relationship between the two parts, and thereby compare the results. In the first analysis I will be using the theory by Benoit and in the second analysis I will be using the theory of Coombs. By using the theory of Benoit I will analyse, which repair strategies Domino´s has been using. The purpose of this theory is to understand how Domino´s communicated throughout the crisis in 2009. Furthermore, I will evaluate whether it has chosen the right decision referring to the image repair strategies. Additionally, I will be using the theory of Coombs to analyse the crisis response of Domino’s. The purpose of this theory is to understand how Domino´s responded and how it protected its reputation. Furthermore, I will evaluate how it succeeded protecting its reputation referring to the response strategies with use of the financial reports (Appendices 7, 8 and 9). The theories of Benoit and Coombs will be explained more detailed in a following part of this thesis, which is a review and explanation of the theories. 6 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 5. Domino´s crisis The purpose of this part is to give an understanding of this specific crisis. As mentioned, two employees caused this crisis, and the following will be an explanation of five videos which shows the employees performing actions that have caused this crisis. The videos has been removed from YouTube, therefore I will refer to:, as the videos are available on this website. On April 13 2009 the blog site contacted Domino´s vice president, Tim McIntyre, by e-mail and alerted him of some damaging videos uploaded on YouTube (Good As You 2009). This was just the beginning, and within a few days the videos were viral all over the Internet (New York Times 2009). The following five points will be short explanations of the videos. 5.1 Domino´s Pizza´s Special Ingrediants (Good As You 2009) In the beginning of the video, the actor Michael and the director Kristi are joking and having a conversation about how lazy they are in Domino´s. In this conversation they mention that Michael is gay and Kristi is lesbian. Afterwards, the actor Michael is sneezing on the sandwiches he is making, sticking cheese up his nose and putting it on the sandwiches. Finally, he is passing gas on the salami, while Kristi claiming, it is the way employees at Domino´s acts. 5.2 Sneeze Sticks (Good As You 2009) In the beginning the actor Michael is sneezing on cheesy bread, and the director Kristi comments that the cheesy bread with snot will be delivered to an unlucky customer. Furthermore, they are fooling around and having a conversion about, that they are working great together. In the end, they are boxing the cheesy bread with snot, and make it ready for the customer who ordered it. 7 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 5.3 Poopie Dishes (Good As You 2009) In this video the actor Michael doing the dishes using a sponge. However, before using the sponge, Michael wiping his behind and afterwards doing the dishes. Meanwhile, the director Kristi laughing and encourages Michael to continue the act. 5.4 Dominos Pizza Buger (Good As You 2009) In this short video the actor Michael has a pepper up his nose while making sandwiches. However, in this video Michael does not put the pepper into the sandwiches, though it is still an unsanitary act. Further, Michael does not clean his hands after touching his nose. 5.5 Domino´s Pizza part 1 (Good As You 2009) This video shows how the actor Michael checks out a customer. He is extremely slowly and acts very foolish, while he is searching for the keys to the cash box. Finally, after 45 seconds Michael gives the change and checks out the costumer, though he is very impolite. 8 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 6. Theory The following part will be an explaining of the previously mentioned theories, Benoit and Coombs. As the purpose of this thesis is to examine Domino´s crisis communication it is essential to have basis in Benoit´s verbal image repair strategies, as it defines an organisation’s possibilities to protect its image throughout a crisis. However, the results of the applied image repair strategies succeeded cannot be answered only by this theory. Therefore, this thesis also uses Coombs’ SCCT, as the theory of Coombs involves the recipient´s expectations and understandings, when the organisation communicates throughout a crisis. The usage of Benoit and Coombs supports each other’s results and helps to understand the results of my investigations. The interaction between the theories creates the best possible solution and understanding of whether Domino´s image and reputation has been repaired. Further, it creates the most optimum understanding of Domino´s verbal crisis communication. 6.1 Crisis communication The notion crisis originally comes from the Greek word krísis (Ordnet 2014). Edgar Morin once argued following: “Crisis point in the conception of crisis is the beginning of crisis theory” (Johansen og Frandsen 2000, p. 46). It can be argued that a crisis is a turning point, which is crucial to the future. For example, in relation to illness, the turning point of the crisis is crucial to whether one is given a clean bill of health. In relation to an organisation facing a crisis, the situation can be corrected by making the right decisions and thereby also acting correctly. Furthermore, it can be argued that crisis communication is the communication, with which a sender attempts to defend one’s image (Johansen og Frandsen 2000, p. 45). A crisis can damage the image and reputation of organisations, and therefore it can be crucial. Therefore, it is very important for an organisation to use effective crisis communication to protect the image and reputation, and thereby reduce the consequences of a crisis. It is important to reduce the consequences to maintain the competitive advantages on the market. If an organisation does not focuses on using the right image 9 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 repair strategies, a crisis can result in costumers and investors loosing their confidence in the organisation, which can affect the economy of an organisation. 6.2 Theory of Image Repair Discourse (Johansen og Frandsen 2000) In this part I will be explaining the theory of Image Repair Discourse by William L. Benoit. The theory of Benoit is grounded in two fundamental assumptions: Communication as goal directed activity A good image is an important object when communicating Furthermore, according to Benoit (Ibid) a crisis contains three phases, which are before, during and after the crisis. Benoit argues that the image of an organisation is threatened when an undesirable event happens, the organisation is held responsible for the action and the act is considered as offensive. As a consequence, the image of an organisation will therefore be considered as threatened. The first part of the process of repairing the image contains a verbal response. The three phases cover five different verbal image repair strategies, which will be explained in depth in the following. Furthermore, these strategies are illustrated in table 1 (Appendix 1). Denial (Ibid): This strategy contains simple denial, which is when the organisation denies that the action took place, and denies that organisation is responsible for the action. Also this strategy consists of shifting the blame, which is to shift the responsibility and thereby avoiding one’s own participation. Evading of responsibility (Ibid): This strategy contains four different types of strategies, which are: Provocation, Defeasibility, Accident and Good Intentions. Provocation is used when the organisation claims that they have been provoked to perform the action. Defeasibility is used when the organisation claims that they were not well-informed, or the organisation does not have the ability to adapt information. Therefore, it can be argued that 10 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 when using these strategies, the organisation does not bear the full responsibility for the crisis. The next strategy is Accident, which is used when the organisation claims that the crisis is an accident and therefore, they are not guilty. The last strategy is Good Intentions, which is used when the organisation claims that the act was meant well. Reducing offensiveness of event (Ibid): This strategy contains six different types of strategies, which are: Bolster, Minimize, Differentiate, Transcend, Attack Accuser and Compensate. These strategies are used, when the organisation tries to reduce the negative consequences of the act. Bolster is used when the organisation brings out positive aspects of it and thereby moves the focus to the positive sides of the organisation. Next, Minimizing is used when the organisation defends itself by claiming that the act was not that bad. Differentiate is used when the organisation claims that the act is not as bad as equivalent actions. Transcend is used when the organisation tries to move the act to another context. Attack Accuser is used when the organisation reduces the credibility of the attacker and thereby goes to counter-attack. The strategy to compensate is used when the organisation tries to minimize the attack by offering compensation. For example, an organisation can offer any kind of compensation to persons, which have been influenced by the act and thereby improve the image of the organisation. Corrective Action (Ibid): This strategy has the purpose to handle the attack and correct the problem, which caused the crisis condition. Benoit argues that the organisation can use this strategy by doing an adjustment. Also, he argues that the organisation can adjust without taking the responsibility for the act. Mortification (Ibid): This is the last strategy of Benoit, which is used when the organisation apologies for the act. Benoit argues, that this strategy is often used in connection with the above-mentioned strategy Corrective Action. Though, this strategy differentiates from Corrective Action, as the organisation using this strategy acknowledges its responsibility. 11 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 If the organisation has used one or several of the above-mentioned strategies, then Benoit argues that people do not believe that the organisation is responsible for act or further, believe that the organisation has justified its part in the crisis/act. Lastly, Benoit argues that the image of the organisation will be repaired. 6.3 Criticism of Benoit In relation to the theory of Benoit´s, silence is not involved caused by the argument of viewing silence as a non-verbal strategy, and Benoit only focuses on verbal strategies to repair the image. However, this could also be seen as a possible strategy used by organisations facing an attack or damage. Therefore, I believe that the approach of Benoit is not complete when mentioning image repair strategies Today many organisations chose to be silence when a crisis arises, which in some cases can result in ending the crisis and therefore minimizing potential consequences. Furthermore, the argument for implementing silence as a strategy is based on situation in which the evidence has not been demonstrated, which Domino´s did in the crisis in 2009, they awaited the situation and stayed silence in 48-hours. 6.4 Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) (Coombs, W. Timothy 2007) In this part I will be explaining The Situational Crisis Communication Theory of W. Timothy Coombs. SCCT gives an evidence-based framework of understanding how to optimize and maximize the protection of reputation. SCCT identifies key aspects and how it influences stakeholders and publicity, and how it is responding to the crisis situation. SCCT begins with dealing with the reputational threat of a crisis, and continues to explication of SCCT and its application to protection of the reputation during a crisis. When evaluating the reputational threat of a crisis Coombs works with a two-step process. The first step is to decide a specific crisis type, which will give an understanding of how stakeholders define the crisis. 12 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 SCCT works with three crisis types: Victim cluster, accidental cluster and preventable cluster. These are illustrated in table 1 (Appendix 2). Victim cluster (Ibid): This is a mild reputational threat with weak attributions of crisis responsibility. Victim cluster includes four crisis types: Natural disaster, Rumour, Workplace violence and Product tampering/Malevolence. Accidental cluster (Ibid): This is a moderate reputational threat with minimal attributions of crisis responsibility. Accidental cluster includes three crisis types: Challenges, Technical-error accidents and Technical-error product harm. Preventable cluster (Ibid): This is a severe reputational threat with strong attributions of crisis responsibility. Preventable cluster includes five crisis types: Human-error accidents, Human-error product harm, Organizational misdeed with no injuries, Organizational misdeed management misconduct and Organizational misdeed with injuries. The second step in SCCT is evaluating the protection of reputation during a crisis by using crisis response strategies. SCCT consist of two types of crisis response strategies: Primary and secondary. These crisis response strategies are used to protect against negative attitudes among the stakeholders and repairing the reputation. The primary crisis response strategies consist of three groups: Denial, diminish and rebuild. Denial includes three strategies: Attack the accuser, Denial and Scapegoat. Diminish includes two strategies: Excuse and Justification. Finally, Rebuild includes two strategies: Compensation and Apology. The secondary crisis response strategies only consist of one single group: Bolstering. Bolstering includes three strategies: Reminder, Ingratiation and Victimage. These strategies are illustrated in table 2 (Appendix 3). The crisis response strategies have three objectives in relation to the main goal of reputation protection: “Shape attributions of the crisis, change perceptions of the organisation in crisis and reduce the negative affect generated by the crisis.” (Coombs, W. Timothy 2007, p. 171) 13 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 6.5 Criticism of Coombs Coombs works with pre-crisis and he gives an explanation of this notion. Though, I believe that in general practice pre-crisis can be difficult to deal with. The society and global world moves faster than ever, therefore I take a critical view of the possibility of about the notion pre-crisis. For example, the crisis in Domino´s in 2009 was unforeseen, and the pre-crisis stage did not exist. Therefore, my criticism of Coombs is based on the fact that I do not believe that the notion pre-crisis will exist in every crisis. 14 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 7. Empirical data This part will explain the empirical data, which will be used in the analysis. As this thesis uses the approach of humanities, qualitative approach has been chosen, and the primary empirical data consists of a YouTube press release by the president of Domino´s, Patrick Doyle and an e-mail correspondence between vice president of Domino´s, Tim McIntyre and the blog site Good As You. The YouTube is a press release that is illustrated in the transcription in appendix 6. Further, the e-mail correspondence is illustrated in appendix 4 and appendix 5. 7.1 YouTube Video The YouTube video has been chosen, because it was the first public communication given by Domino’s after the origin of the crisis. Also, when an organisation has been damaged and thereby experiences a condition of crisis, the first public communication is the most important of all communication during a crisis. Moreover, this communication is decisive for the future of Domino’s. The YouTube video gives an understanding of how Domino´s handled the crisis, and how it protected its image and reputation. In the YouTube video, Patrick Doyle, president of Domino´s Pizza, apologies for the acts of the two employees, who did insanitary acts with the food at Domino´s in Conover, and uploaded videos to YouTube filming the acts. Patrick Doyle, describes the initiatives Domino´s has done to disentangle the situation, and he stresses that it was an isolated situation: “Although, the individuals in question claim it is a hoax, we are taking this incredibly seriously. This was an isolated incident in Conover North Carolina. The two team-members has been dismissed and they are felony warrants out for their arrest. The store has been shout down and sanitized from top to bottom.” (0:22 – 0:45 appendix 6) Furthermore, Patrick Doyle stresses that customer´s trust is the most important factors to Domino´s. Finally, Patrick Doyle mentions the situation has caused huge damage to the brand and all employees will be influenced by the situation: “… it is not a surprise that this has caused a lot of damage to our brand. It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our 15 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 great system. We are 125,000 men and women; work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world.” (1:19 – 1:40 appendix 6) 7.2 Email Correspondence As earlier mentioned, the e-mail correspondence is between vice president of Domino´s, Tim McIntyre and the blog site Good As You. This has been chosen, caused by it gives an understanding of how Domino´s reacted and how they managed the crisis. The blog site, Good As You, represents gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, straights and fight for common rights and elimination of discrimination. Their declarations are illustrated in the following quotation: “We will not sit back and be led to a society that favors discrimination over diversity.” (Good As You 2014). The explanation of why Good As You published the YouTube videos on their blog site, is caused by the fact that the director of the videos, Kristi, informs that she is lesbian. Furthermore, the actor Michael also brings out that he is gay. Therefore, the videos were in the interest of Good As You. However, Good As You make clear that they do not support gay and lesbian, who do such unsanitary and damaging acts: “We of course never want to see anyone fired because they are gay. We do, however, fully support gays being fired if/when they do this:” (Good As You 2009). The following after: “… if/when they do this:” (Good As You 2009) the five YouTube videos of Kristi and Michael are shown. The e-mail correspondence between Tim McIntyre and Good As You is divided into two emails, which are illustrated in appendix 4 and appendix 5. I consider this data as crucial in relation to the analysis of crisis communication, because it represents the first communication after the crisis. Also, the public website, Good As You, was the one who informed the organisation about the videos of the two employees, who threatened the organisation by acting injudicious (Good As You 2009). Further, it can be argued that Tim McIntyre has an indirect point when responding to Good As You: “You are welcome to use anything I´ve sent to you in the past 24 hours. I do want to thank you for bringing this to our attention.” (Appendix 5). Tim McIntyre indirect knows that Good As You will use his comments in the e-mail correspondence and publish the 16 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 correspondence soon or later. Therefore, he tries to clarify that everything he claims in the correspondence will be done. Somehow Tim McIntyre knows that this e-mail correspondence could be a part of Domino´s crisis communication strategy. For that reason, every choice of words is carefully chosen. 17 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 8. Analysis The following analysis will be divided into two parts. Firstly, I will make an analysis on basis of Benoit´s image repair strategies, and thereby classify Domino´s usage of the strategies. Afterwards, Coombs´ SSCT will work out an analysis, which will classify Domino´s usage of response strategies. As mentioned, the e-mail correspondence between the vice president of Domino´s, Tim McIntyre, and Good As You was the first communication after this crisis. Therefore, I will structure the analysis chronologically beginning with the e-mail correspondence and subsequently I will move on with the YouTube video. The structure is important when illustrating Domino´s communication progress. 8.1 Benoit´s image repair discourse Patrick Doyle, president of Domino’s, states that the image of Domino’s has been affected by the crisis in 2009, which is supported in the following quotation: “… it is not a surprise that this has caused a lot of damage to our brand.” (1:19 – 1:40 appendix 6) Therefore, based on the above framework, this part will make up an analysis of which image repair strategies Domino’s has applied throughout the crisis with the purpose of restoring the image of the organisation. The following will be an analysis of the e-mail correspondence between Tim McIntyre, the vice president of Domino´s, and Good As you. This will be succeeded by an analysis of the press release, which was uploaded on YouTube. 8.1.1 E-mail correspondence This part will look into Domino’s crisis communication in the e-mail correspondence, which is considered as the first communication after the crisis. As earlier mentioned, this empirical data is an e-mail correspondence between Tim McIntyre, Vice President in the organisation, and the public website Good As You. Moreover, this data is considered as crucial in relation to the crisis communication, because it further reveal how the organisation took stand on this damage. 18 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Domino’s applies the image repair strategy reducing offensiveness of event to its communication efforts, which is used through bolstering. This is emphasised in the following: “…these two individuals do not represent that 125,000 people in 60 countries who work hard every day to make good food and provide great customer service.” (Appendix 4) Domino’s deflects the crisis and thereby it moves the focus to positive aspects of the organisation. In this case it calls attention to the 125,000 employees, who work hard every day and the great customer service they are providing every day. Also, Domino´s applies the strategy evading responsibility through shifting blame: “I’ve turned this over to our security department.” (Ibid) In this quotation Tim McIntyre emphasises another department in the organisation, and it can therefore be argued that he is shifting the blame and does not take the full responsibility. The organisation uses the strategy corrective action: “We will find them.” (Ibid) This describes how it will correct this crisis by finding the employees who threatened Domino’s, and thereby it tries to solve the problem. By using this strategy Domino’s signals that it will not tolerate the action of these employees and similar future actions will be punished, which shows that the organisation takes responsibility. In the second e-mail Domino’s also applies the strategy corrective action: “He has told us that he will be terminating their employment effective immediately.” (Appendix 5) This quotation describes which corrective action it used. The organisation has chosen to dismiss the two employees, who caused this crisis and thereby it signals that the action was unforgivable. Also, it can be argued that by using this strategy the organisation takes responsibility for the crisis. Further, the following quotation is an example of the strategy reducing offensiveness of event, below here attack accuser: “We suggested that he call them and get a written statement from them, asking them to “explain” (to the extent anyone can, really) their actions.” (Ibid) By using this strategy the organisation tries to reduce the credibility of the two employees, who are the attackers in this case, and thereby it diverts the attention from itself. 19 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 The last quotation is also an example of the strategy corrective action: “We are also seeking legal counsel to see what kind of action we can take against them for damage to the brand.” (Ibid) However, to this it can be argued that even though it corrects the mistake, Domino’s does not take responsibility for the action. The corrective action consists in punishing the two employees and not how the organisation can improve itself with the purpose of preventing similar crisis. 8.1.2 YouTube Video This part will look into Domino’s crisis communication in the YouTube video. The following quotation states that Domino´s is taking action, as the two members have been dismissed and a judicial proceeding will come up: “Although, the individuals in question claim it is a hoax, we are taking this incredibly seriously. This was an isolated incident in Conover North Carolina. The two team-members have been dismissed and there are felony warrants out for their arrest. The store has been shout down and sanitized from top to bottom.” (0:22-0:45 Appendix 6) The decision of correcting the action emphasises that similar incidents are not tolerated in this organisation, and the employees, who causes a crisis, will be punished now and in the future. To this it can be argued, that the organisation applies the strategy corrective action, because it aims to correct the problem. When using this strategy, the organisation takes crisis responsibility, though two employees did the action. Furthermore, it can be argued that the above quotation consists of evading responsibility with use of the strategy accident. This is emphasised by Domino’s claiming that the act was “This was an isolated incident in Conover, North Carolina” (0:29 – 0:34 Ibid), which indicates that the organisation does not take the responsibility for the action. Further, Domino’s, with this sentence, emphasises that the action was unique and it will not happen again. Also, it can be argued that the organisation implicit uses the strategy bolster. The argument for this is based on the fact that the organisation focuses on the importance of this action being only was an isolated incident, and thereby it is comparing the crisis to the fact that they have not experienced similar before. 20 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 The organisation uses two different strategies in this quotation, and further in this quotation appears an inequality, which is seen by the organisation both takes the responsibility for the action and also, the organisation blames the two employees. This inequality reflects a reliability of the organisation and it can therefore affect the customer’s attitudes negatively towards this crisis. Another strategy is used in the following quotation: “We are re-examining all of our hiring practices to make sure that people like this do not make it into our stores.” (0:51 – 0:59 Ibid) The organisation applies the strategy corrective action, as it makes clear that it will prevent the crisis to emerge again in the future. Furthermore, Domino´s acknowledge that its hiring practices must be re-examined. By this Domino´s takes crisis responsibility, and it makes clear that it aims to avoid similar crises in the future. Therefore, Domino´s must take responsibility for its hiring of the two employees. However, the incident was unpredictable and caused by two employees, therefore it can be argued that the organisation cannot take full responsibility for the crisis. In the following quotation Domino’s uses the strategy reducing offensiveness of event with the use of bolstering, as it points out positive aspects of the organisation. “We have auditors across the country in our stores everyday of the week making sure that our stores are as clean as they can possibly be and that we are delivering high quality food to our customers day in and day out.” (0:59 – 1:13 Ibid) It deflects the crisis when it points out the use of auditors across the country to make sure, that stores are clean and stores are delivering high quality food to the customers. Also, it brings attention to some fundamental aspects of Domino´s, such as: “delivering high quality food to our customers day in and day out” (1:09 – 1:13 Ibid) which is high on the list of priorities in this organisation (Dominos 2014). Furthermore, it can be argued that Domino´s uses the strategy corrective action in this quotation, because Patrick Doyle points out that auditors will make sure that stores across the country match the expectations Domino´s represent. Patrick Doyle emphasises that Domino´s takes actions to prevent the crisis to emerge again, and thereby Domino´s corrects the mistake to match expectations. 21 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 The following quotation is an example of the use of mortification, as Domino’s apologizes for the incident: “Recently we discovered a video of two Domino´s team members who thought that their acts would be a funny YouTube hoax. We sincerely apologies for this incident. We thank members of the online community, who quickly alerted us and allowed us to take immediate action.” (0:05 – 0:22 Ibid) It stresses its gratitude to the online community, which alerted Domino´s about the videos. The usage of mortification indicates that Domino´s does not take the full responsibility, as it was intangible and unexpected circumstances that caused this crisis. However, the crisis is caused by two employees of Domino´s, therefore Domino´s must take part in the responsibility. Mortification gives an acknowledgement of the crisis, and it makes the organisation appear as reliable and as a responsible organisation. Furthermore, to this quotation, it can be argued that the organisation uses reducing offensiveness of event with the usage of the strategy bolster: “We thank members of the online community, who quickly alerted us and allowed us to take immediate action.” (0:16 – 0:22 appendix 6) Patrick Doyle indicates that the organisation quickly took action concerning the crisis. Also, he emphasises Domino´s positive respond to the crisis. The usage of laudatory terms about Domino´s emphasises a usage of bolster. “It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system. We are 125,000 men and women; work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world.” (1:23 – 1:40 Ibid) This quotation consists of the two image repair strategies evading of responsibility using the strategy defeasibility, and reducing offensiveness of event with the use of the strategy bolster. The strategy defeasibility remains often to external incidents, which organisations cannot avoid. The crisis could not be avoided, caused by it is a result of unforeseen actions, and Domino´s must take crisis responsibility, even though it was two employees who were responsible for the action. 22 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 As mentioned, the quotation furthermore involves the strategy bolstering, which is seen in the following examples: “our great system” (1:27 – 1:30 Ibid) and “We are 125,000 men and women; work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world.” (1:30 – 1:40 Ibid) Domino’s uses positive terms about itself, which affects the attitudes of the costumers towards this crisis. The description of Domino´s great organisation and system deflects Domino´s responsibility in this crisis. Therefore, it emphasises the size of the organisation, as it brings attention to the positive acts Domino´s conducts. 8.1.3 Sub conclusion The following models show the results of the analyses of the email-correspondence and the YouTube video respectively. Bolster Bolster Shifting Blame Accident Corrective Action Mortificatio n Attack Accuser Defeasibility E-mail correspondence YouTube video The analyses above show that the organisation mainly applies the strategy corrective action when communicating about this crisis. This includes that Domino’s take crisis responsibility and therefore signals that it does not tolerates when the employees do not act up to the ethics of the organisation. Also, it indicates that Domino’s acknowledges the crisis and it aims to solve the problem. It is evident throughout both analyses that the organisation mainly is concerned about correcting the mistake and also informing about this, instead of denying crisis responsibility. 23 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Moreover, in the video, the organisation applies the strategy accident, which indicates that it does not take any responsibility. This is contrary to the above-mentioned strategy, and it can therefore be concluded, that there is an imbalance between the choices of strategies. It can be concluded that the organisation in general applies the strategy bolstering in both analyses. Also, this shows that Domino’s takes minimal responsibility for this crisis. In general it can be concluded that the organisation takes crisis responsibility for the action. However, it, in almost en every argument, includes the two employees, which emphasises that Domino’s justifies its part in the crisis. 8.2 Coombs´ SCCT This part will make up an analysis of which crisis response strategies Domino’s Pizza applied in the crisis in 2009 with the purpose of restoring the reputation of the organisation. As mentioned in the above framework, SCCT works with a two-step process. The first step is to decide the specific crisis type, and the second step is evaluating the protection of reputation during a crisis by using crisis response strategies. The following will be an analysis of the e-mail correspondence between Tim McIntyre, the vice president of Domino´s, and Good As you. This will be succeeded by an analysis of the press release, which was uploaded on YouTube. 8.2.1 E-mail correspondence As mentioned earlier, the two-step process begins with determining types of crisis clusters. Starting with the first e-mail, vice president Tim McIntyre does not concretes the crisis cluster, but implicit the correspondence refers to the false and damaging information about Domino´s, which has been executed by the two employees in Conover. Therefore, the organisation is a victim in this crisis, caused by the false and damaging rumours, which are the foundation of this crisis. The second step is determining the primary and secondary crisis response strategies. Domino´s applies the primary strategy diminish, which is used through excuses. It is 24 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 illustrated in the following quotation: “…these two individuals do not represent that 125,000 people in 60 countries who work hard every day to make good food and provide great customer service.” (Appendix 4) This quotation emphasises that the organisation is claiming inability to control the incident that caused the crisis. The description of Domino´s great organisation diminishes the crisis, as Tim McIntyre points out how hard employees work at Domino´s to provide great customer service. Furthermore, it can be argued that the organisation applies the secondary strategy reminder, as Tim McIntyre emphasises what Domino´s stand for: “…who work hard every day to make good food and provide great customer service.” (Ibid) He expresses the good work it has done and still does. This bolstering crisis response strategy emphasises, that Domino´s does not take the full responsibility for the incident, as Tim McIntyre points out: “…these two individuals do not represent that 125,000 people in 60 countries…” (Ibid) which underlines that he does not compare the two individuals with the remaining employees in the organisation, and therefore Domino´s denies full crisis responsibility. In the second e-mail Tim McIntyre states following: “We are also seeking legal counsel to see what kind of action we can take against them for damage to the brand.” (Appendix 5) This quotation supports the statement about victim clustering, as Tim McIntyre states that the incident caused damage to the brand. Further it can be argued that Domino´s takes actions to correct the situation, while Tim McIntyre states that Domino´s will seek legal counsel to find out how the two individuals can be punished. He underlines the fact that Domino´s does not take the full responsibility of the crisis. Moreover, it can be argued, that the organisation applies the secondary crisis response strategy victimage in the quotation, as Tim McIntyre underlines that the crisis caused damage to the brand. Hereby he claims that the organisation is also a victim of the crisis. In contrast to the first e-mail, Domino´s also applies denial crisis response in the second email. Tim McIntyre emphasises in the following quotation that Domino´s confronts the two individuals and ask for an explanation for their actions: “We suggested that he call them and 25 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 get a written statement from them, asking them to “explain” (to the extent anyone can, really) their actions.” (Ibid) Tim McIntyre applies the strategy attack the accuser, as he ask for an explanation for their actions and aim to confronts the persons who caused the crisis. Again, the organisation applies corrective actions, which indicates that Domino´s will take actions and respond to the incident. However, it also indicates that the organisation does not take the full responsibility of the crisis. 8.2.2 YouTube video As earlier mentioned, Domino´s waited 48-hours before it published the press release, which was an online press release uploaded on YouTube. Once again the analysis of the YouTube video begins with determining the types of crisis clusters. The following quotation illustrates the victim cluster through the crisis type rumour: “It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system. We are 125,000 men and women; work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world.” (1:23 – 1:40 appendix 6) In this quotation Patrick Doyle states that the false and damaging information about it affects the entire organisation. Therefore, the organisation is also a victim in this crisis, as false and damaging rumours are the foundation of this crisis. Furthermore, it can be argued that Patrick Doyle applies two of the secondary crisis response strategies. The following quotation emphasises the use of the strategy victimage: “It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system.” (1:23 – 1:30 Ibid) Patrick Doyle states that the organisation is also a victim of the crisis, as he points out that the crisis could impact Domino´s great system. The usage of the strategy reminder is illustrated in the following quotation: “…our great system. We are 125,000 men and women; work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world.” (1:27 – 1:40 Ibid) Patrick Doyle points out the great work the organisation has done until this crisis appeared. The expression: “our great system” (1:27 – 1:30 Ibid) stresses that Patrick Doyle brings attention to what Domino´s has managed to build throughout its history. 26 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Further, he mentions the size of the organisation, as he once again reminds about the good work of the organisation. In the following quotation the organisation applies the primary crisis response strategy rebuilding through apology: “Recently we discovered a video of two Domino´s team members who thought that their acts would be a funny YouTube hoax. We sincerely apologies for this incident.” (0:05 – 0:16 Ibid) In this quotation Patrick Doyle states, that the organisation apologises for the incident in Conover. He therefore informs that Domino´s takes responsibility for the incident, as employees in Domino´s caused it. However, this apology and quotation does not reflects the entire organisation, as the organisation indicates, that the two individuals caused the crisis. Therefore, Domino´s could not avoid the crisis. This is illustrated in the following statement: “It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system.” (1:23 – 1:30 Ibid) In the following quotation the organisation applies diminish through the strategy excuse: “This was an isolated incident in Conover North Carolina. The two team-members have been dismissed and they are felony warrants out for their arrest. The store has been shout down and sanitized from top to bottom.” (0:29 – 0:45 Ibid) In this quotation Patrick Doyle underlines that it was an isolated incident. In this statement he emphasises, that the organisation could not avoid the crisis, as unforeseen circumstances caused this crisis. He claims, that the inability to control the situation excuses the incident. Furthermore, it can be argued that the organisation applies secondary crisis response strategies through victimage, as Patrick Doyle points out the initiatives the organisation must take to disentangle the situation at Domino´s in Conover. The initiatives indicate that the organisation is a victim of the crisis too, as Patrick Doyle describes the consequences of the incident, illustrated in this statement: “The store has been shout down and sanitized from top to bottom.” (0:40 – 0:45 Ibid) Several times in the YouTube video the organisation applies secondary crisis response strategies. This is illustrated in the following quotation: “We are 125,000 men and women; 27 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world.” (1:30 – 1:40 Ibid) In this quotation the organisation applies the strategy reminder, as Patrick Doyle stresses the past good work Domino´s has build up. He mentions the greatness of the organisation when describing the size of Domino´s, which gives a reminder of Domino´s success until the appearance of the crisis. The use of secondary crisis response strategies is further be illustrated in the following quotation: “We have auditors across the country in our stores everyday of the week making sure that our stores are as clean as they can possibly be and that we are delivering high quality food to our customers day in and day out.” (0:59 – 1:13 Ibid) Once again, it applies the strategy reminder. Patrick Doyle points out the good work and service Domino´s delivers to customers every day, and he underlines that auditors controls the stores making sure that everything is in order. The following statement emphasises that the organisation gives a reminder of Domino´s great work so far: “…and that we are delivering high quality food to our customers day in and day out.” (1:08 – 1:13 Ibid) Finally, delivering high quality food every day is a part of Domino´s values, which is important for Domino´s mentioning in a crisis situation. 8.2.3 Sub conclusion The following models show the results of the analyses of the email-correspondence and the YouTube video respectively. Execuses Execuses Vicitmage Reminder Apology Reminder Victimage Attack the Accuser E-mail correspondence YouTube video 28 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 In relation to the theory of Coombs, it can be concluded that this crisis is of the type victim cluster, which is emphasised by the fact, that the organisation is a victim of this crisis. Furthermore, the analyses above show that the organisation mainly applies the secondary strategies reminder and victimage when responding about this crisis. This also underlines that it is a victim of the crisis, and the organisation reminds stakeholders about the past good work. Further, it indicates that Domino´s is afraid of loosing customers, and that the brand will be damage. Therefore, the organisation seeks empathy trough the usage of victimage. Moreover, the organisation applies the primary crisis response strategy diminish through excuse in the e-mails and video, which indicates that Domino´s minimizes its crisis responsibility. It also applies the strategy denial through attack the accuser in the e-mails, which indicates that organisation confronts the persons, who are responsible. Also, it applies the strategy rebuild through apology in the video, which indicates that the organisation takes full responsibility for the crisis. Therefore, the usage of the strategies is contrary to each other. Finally, it can be concluded that, also in relation to the theory of Coombs, there is an imbalance between the choices of strategies, which can affect the success of the applied response strategies. 29 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 9. Discussion With a basis in Benoit´s theory of image repair discourse and Coombs´ SCCT, the following will be a discussion of the results. Furthermore, this part will discuss whether Domino´s crisis communication succeeded. First, the use of Benoit´s theory of image repair discourse showed that the organisation applies several different image repair strategies. However, the organisation mainly applies the strategy corrective action when communicating about this crisis. The usage of corrective actions is shown in both the e-mail correspondence and the YouTube video. Furthermore, the strategy bolstering is used in both the e-mail correspondence and the YouTube video. In relation to the usage of the image repair strategies, similarities of the e-mail correspondence and the YouTube video shows that Domino´s from the beginning of the crisis has been aware of, that the organisation must correct internal procedures, which for instance is the hiring practices to avoid similar crises in the future. To the choices of strategies, it can be argued that Domino´s takes some responsibility, as a corrective action is also an acknowledgement of that the organisation can be improved. Furthermore, corrective actions show the customers that the organisation is willing to do what ever it takes to optimize, and as a result it appears reliable and responsible. The usage of bolstering, in both the e-mail correspondence and the YouTube video, shows that the organisation attempts to underline the positive reputation and image of Domino´s. The action was an isolated incident and therefore, Domino´s does well when mentioning and describing positive aspects of the organisation, caused by it underlines the fact that Domino´s always has delivered high quality food and service to the customers. The intention of this strategy is to avoid that customers stay away from Domino´s and to avoid that the economy of the organisation will be affected by the crisis. To this it can be concluded, that this crisis has not affected the organisation’s economy, which is seen by a consistent increase in the net income. (Appendices 7, 8 and 9) 30 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Besides the similarities in the usage of image repair strategies, in the e-mail correspondence and the YouTube video, there are also differences. In the e-mail correspondence the organisation applies the strategies shifting blame and attack accuser, which is in contrast to the YouTube video, as it applies the strategies accident, mortification and defeasibility. The usage of shifting blame and attack accuser in the e-mail correspondence shows that the organisation somehow is shocked at the incident. Also, the use of these two strategies shows that the organisation was not prepared for this crisis, as these two strategies differs substantially from the other image repair strategies used in the YouTube video. In contrast to the strategies shifting blame and attack accuser the usage of the strategies accident, mortification and defeasibility shows that the organisation changed its communication strategy. The changes in the strategies shows that Domino´s considered the communication more in the YouTube video, and the organisation is more aware of taking crisis responsibility of what can be corrected to avoid similar crisis in the future. Although, Domino´s maintains the use of the strategies corrective action and bolstering throughout the crisis, conflicting statements appears and will be pointed out. The following quotation shows that the organisation applies two different strategies, as it both takes responsibility for the action and further blames the two employees, who created the videos: “Although, the individuals in question claim it is a hoax, are taking this incredibly seriously. This was an isolated incident in Conover North Carolina. The two team-members have been dismissed and they are felony warrants out for their arrest. The store has been shout down and sanitized from top to bottom.” (0:22-0:45 Appendix 6) To this it can be discussed whether the organisation appears reliable, caused by the imbalance between the willingness to take crisis responsibility. Moreover, this has not affected the economy of the organisation (Appendices 7, 8 and 9), which can be considered as the most important element to measure the consequences of crisis. Further, the analyses with use of Coombs´ SCCT showed that the organisation applies several different crisis response strategies. However, the analyses show that the organisation mainly applies the strategies reminder and victimage. The use of these strategies, in both the e-mail 31 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 correspondence and the YouTube video, shows that the organisation considers it as a victim of the crisis, and it attempts to remind stakeholders about the past good works of Domino´s. This indicates that the organisation does not take the full responsibility of the crisis. Furthermore, the organisation applies the strategy excuses, which indicates that the organisation from the beginning took part in the responsibility, however Domino´s also claiming that inability to control the incident caused the crisis. Besides the similarities, in the usage of the response strategies in the e-mail correspondence and the YouTube video, there are also differences. In the e-mail correspondence the organisation also applies the strategy attack the accuser, and in the YouTube video the organisation further applies the strategy apology. These conflicting strategies showed that the organisation changed the crisis communication through out the crisis. I have discovered that if Domino´s should have optimized its strategy of crisis communication, the organisation should only have applied strategies, which supports each other and not contradict each other. As the organisation varies between the use of different strategies, it creates an imbalance and makes it difficult for the recipient to understand Domino´s direct attitude toward the crisis. However, it is important to mention that Domino´s economy was not negatively influenced by the crisis (Appendices 7, 8 and 9). Therefore, it can be argued that Domino´s crisis communication succeeded. However, in the future Domino´s must be aware of that confusion concerning its attitude toward a crisis, and crisis communication strategies can create uncertainty about the reliability of the organisation. A comparison of both analyses emphasises a misbalance between the willingness to take the responsibility of the crisis. However, this misbalance has not influenced Domino´s economy negatively, as the net income has been growing every year since the crisis in 2009 (Appendices 7, 8 and 9). Therefore, it can be emphasised that the usage of the crisis communication strategies succeeded, as the image and reputation of Domino´s has been rebuild (Appendices 7, 8 and 9). However, Domino´s must be aware of that misbalance 32 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 between the willingness to take responsibility of the crisis in the future, might cause uncertainty about the reliability of the organisation and cause damage of Domino´s image and reputation. I will in the following be concluding on my findings in the analysis. 10. Conclusion It can be concluded that when an organisation is facing a crisis, it is crucial to handle the crisis with a focus on crisis communication. Further, in relation to the theory of Benoit it can be concluded, that Domino´s mainly applies the strategies corrective action and bolstering throughout its crisis communication. Therefore, it can be argued that the organisation takes some crisis responsibility, as it aims to correct similar crises in the future. In relation to the theory of Coombs it can be concluded, that the organisation mainly applies the strategies reminder and victimage throughout its crisis communication. This indicates that the organisation points out, that it is a victim of the crisis, as the acts of two individual employees could not have been avoided. The usage of bolstering and reminder stresses that the organisation was aware of the importance of emphasising the positive history of Domino´s, and the positive aspects that the organisation is known for. Therefore it can be concluded, that the organisation has managed to repair its reputation by informing about positive aspects of the organisation, when it communicated after the crisis. The success of the reparation of the image and reputation is emphasised in the years after the crisis, where Domino´s succeeded to increase its financial results every year (Appendices 7, 8 and 9). In general it can be concluded that Domino’s does not take crisis responsibility, because of a general focus on the two employees, when the organisation explained itself. Also, an argument to this is based on a misbalance between the used image repair strategies. If the organisation wanted to appear reliable, it should have been consistent in the use of repair strategies and moreover, has chosen to take crisis responsibility or not. 33 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 11. Bibliography Books Coombs, W. Timothy. 2007. “Protecting Organization Reputations During a Crisis: The Development and Application of Situational Crisis Communication Theory.” Corporate Reputation Review: pp. 163-176. Johansen, Winni and Frandsen Finn. 2000. “Retorik og krisekommunikation.” Rhetorica Scandinavica: pp. 45-62. Pahuus, M. 2004. Videnskabelig metode, problemorientering og typer af videnskab. Vidensgrundlag for handlen, red. J. Christensen. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Websites Den store danske. 2014. “Kommunikation.” Last accessed May 27 2014.,_psyke_og_sundhed/Psykologi/Psykologiske_t ermer/kommunikation. Dominos. 2014. “About Pizza.” Last accessed May 27 2014. Dominos. 2014. “Start din egen Domino´s.” Last accessed May 27 2014. Dominos. 2014. “Vores historie.” Last accessed May 27 2014. 34 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Dominosbiz. 2014. “Quarterly Earnings.” Last accessed May 27 2014. Good As You. 2009. “Video: Let the Domino´s appall as they may.” Last accessed May 27 2014. Good As You. 2014. “What´s this.” Last accessed May 27 2014. Ordnet. 2014. “Krise.” Last accessed May 27 2014. Oxford Dictionaries. 2014. “Communication.” Last accessed May 27 2014. PRSA. 2009. “Domino’s delivers during crisis: The company’s step-by-step response after a vulgar video goes viral.” Last accessed May 27 2014. _delivers_during_crisis_The_company_s_step#.U39oc9w0p9y The New York Times. 2009. “Video Prank At Domino´s Taints Brand.” Last accessed May 27 2014. nl=1&adxnnlx=1400860980-2d/TefF1ej9xosXLepOjiw. YouTube. 2009. “Domino´s President Responds To Prank Video.” Last accessed May 23. 35 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 12. Appendices Appendix 1 Benoit’s theory of Image Repair Discourse: 36 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Appendix 2 Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (Model 1): 37 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Appendix 3 Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (Model 2): 38 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Appendix 4 E-mail correspondence 1: Thank you for bringing these to our attention. I don’t have the words to say how repulsed I am by this – other than to say that these two individuals do not represent that 125,000 people in 60 countries who work hard every day to make good food and provide great customer service. I’ve turned this over to our security department. We will find them. There are far too many clues that will allow us to determine their location quite easily. Regards, Tim McIntyre Vice President, Communications Domino's Pizza, LLC Appendix 5 E-mail correspondence 2: 39 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Hi, Jeremy. We just got off the phone with the franchise owner, who was absolutely dumbfounded by this. He has told us that he will be terminating their employment effective immediately. We suggested that he call them and get a written statement from them, asking them to “explain” (to the extent anyone can, really) their actions. We are also seeking legal counsel to see what kind of action we can take against them for damage to the brand. You are welcome to use anything I’ve sent to you in the past 24 hours. I do want to thank you for bringing this to our attention…I just wish it hadn’t been posted so prominently on your web site…while it was certainly fair game, it does hurt the company and the thousands of people we employ in this country whether it’s intended or not. Regards, Tim Tim McIntyre Vice President, Communications Domino's Pizza, LLC 40 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Appendix 6 Transcript of YouTube video: 0:00 – 0:01 Hello, 0:01 – 0:04 I am Patrick Doyle, president of Domino´s USA. 0:05 – 0:12 Recently we discovered a video of two Domino´s team members who thought that their acts would be a funny YouTube hoax. 0:12 – 0:16 We sincerely apologies for this incident. 0:16 – 0:22 We thank members of the online community, who quickly alerted us and allowed us to take immediate action. 0:22 – 0:29 Although, the individuals in question claim it is a hoax, we are taking this incredibly seriously. 0:29 – 0:34 This was an isolated incident in Conover North Carolina. 0:34 – 0:40 The two team-members have been dismissed and they are felony warrants out for their arrest. 0:40 – 0:45 The store has been shout down and sanitized from top to bottom. 0:45 – 0:51 There is nothing more important or sacred to us than over customer´s trust. 0:51 – 0:59 We are re-examining all of our hiring practices to make sure that people like this do not make it into our stores. 0:59 – 1:13 We have auditors across the country in our stores everyday of the week making sure that our stores are as clean as they can possibly be, and that we delivering high quality food to our customers day in and day out. 1:13 – 1:23 The independent honor of that store is reeling from the damage this has caused, and it is not a surprise that this has caused a lot of damage to our brand. 1:23 – 1:30 It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system. 1:30 – 1:40 We are 125,000 men and women; work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world. 1:40 – 1:47 We take tremendous pride in crafting delicious food that they deliver to you everyday. 41 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 1:47 – 1:57 There are so many people who have come forward with messages of support for us, and we want to thank you for hanging in their with us, as we work to regain your trust. 1:57 – 2:00 Thank you. Appendix 7 Domino´s financial results fourth quarter 2009: Appendix 8 Domino´s financial results fourth quarter 2010: 42 Jakob Lind Bachelor Thesis Aalborg University Summer 2014 Appendix 9 Domino’s financial results first quarter 2014: 43