Minutes – March 14, 2013 - Isla Vista School
Call to Order: Superintendent William Banning called meeting to order at 9:23 a.m.
Attendees: Superintendent William Banning, Director of Food Service Sharon Baird, Director of
MOT Robert Matheny, Isla Vista Principal Mary Kahn, Board Member Yvonne DeGaw, Members:
Kary O’Brien, Tammy Johnsen, Jennifer Tangel, Carin Ezal, Sue Burns, UTP-G, Michelle Hay, UTP
Rep. Susan Zink, Cheryl Weakliem, Kathy Bohley and Lisa Steinberger.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes from Thursday, February 14, 2013 approved.
School Report: Mary Kahn, Principal Isla Vista School (IV)
Mary Kahn introduced herself and shared that this was her first year as principal at IV. She has children at Kellogg School. She has been in education for the past 16 years.
She gave a power point presentation to provide greater information and understanding of IV. She shared that what makes IV fabulous is the overwhelming sense of community. IV has 493 students
(preschool – 6 th grade); 25 languages and cultures; 100 teachers, students, and support staff; 75 volunteers daily (before school/in the classroom/after school); 61% Latino, 23 % White, 9% Asian,
3 % African American; 49% ELL; 62% SEE; Autism Program – 15% SD.
IV was awarded CA Distinguished School award in 2012.
IV is on Program Improvement and implements a systemic ELD instruction (and corresponding program for English speakers).
API = 844 (Asian & White above 900) but EL and SD below needed level resulting in Program
Most teachers at IV have been there for more than 10 years; they come and do not leave resulting in an incredible investment in IV and creates a system for professional development and community of adult learners.
IV has a large number of collaborative partners: THRIVE (also in Westside, Carpinteria) collaboration of services aimed at 0-5 years and now beyond; ELAC – 30 families focused on positive transition to Junior High; Food Bank – once a month food and other goods are distributed at IV; UCSB Greek Council hosts annual carnival with over 600 volunteers. Raises $10K which goes towards camps; Viva el Arte – 5 assemblies each year, two for kids/one for parents.
4 th , 5 th and 6 th grade Camp Experiences. PTA raises funds to cut costs for families (contributes ½ costs). Parents can “earn” camp funds through volunteer activities (chip/salsa, watermelon, and ice cream sales on TH and FRI; Book Fairs; Special events).
IV Programs include: preschool, integrated autism program, UCSB Student Teachers, interns and
Power of Play (5-6 UCSB students during each recess to provide semi-structured activities for children); ASES/IVYP Before- and After-School programs (6:45am – 6:00pm)
Enrichment Programs include: Drama, Robotics, Music, Track & Field, Eye to Eye (UCSB student with disability), KidzArt, Tennis, Mariachi, Spanish, Chess, Cross Country
Specialists include: Garden/Science, Computer, Art/Music.
Library is open WED evenings and during summer. There is a Book Club during lunch.
Food Services: Sharon Baird, Director of Food Service
Sharon Baird introduced herself and shared that she is a Registered Dietician and this is her 4 th year as Director of Food Service for GUSD.
Sharon gave a hand-out that highlighted many of the Food Service’s Accomplishments of the Last
Three School Years.
Operations Highlights included; the remodeling of 8 school kitchens (IV was not remodeled given the newness of their current kitchen); addition of three breakfast programs and a 60% increase in breakfast participation for children and 63% increase for adults; salad bars were added at all schools with use of fresh, local, and organic produce (two freshly made salad dressings offered daily); reusable trays and metal flatware at all schools.
Menu Development and Improvements included: Made from scratch cooking - 80% of lunch items;
100% of all sauces; 83% of salad dressings; 100% of muffins/breakfast breads; 100% breakfast sandwiches and burritos; 90% of grains served are whole/100% of breakfast cereals are whole
(new gluten free cereal added); all milk is Rbst free; 62% of produce sourced is local; healthy snacks for preschool and ASES program; four-week breakfast and lunch menus cycles are posted on GUSD web site and includes nutritional information. Nutrikids menu planning software is now used by Food Services; menu is carefully screened for allergens; GUSD meets all USDA New Meal
Pattern Requirements.
Education and Mentoring included: School gardens are at all 9 schools; Use of Dietetic Interns from Cal Poly (SLO); Cal Poly Nutrition Undergrad volunteer; High School student volunteer/intern.
Participation: Lunch – 5% increase in student meals(significant increase in adult meal sales);
Breakfast – 60% increase; Adult Meals – participation has doubled
Revenue and Expenses: 22% increased both federal/state reimbursement and 4% food sales. Food
Services revenue covers all expenses and contributes up to $40K in indirect costs to general fund annually for past three years.
New Program: CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) application approved for this school year to provide breakfast in 3 preschools.
Future: (1) continued focus on scratch cooking, fresh fruits and vegetables, lower sugar, salt and fat; (2) options for gluten-free, dairy free, egg free, vegetarian and vegan options.
MOT (Maintenance, Operations and Transportation: Robert Matheny, Director of MOT
Robert Matheny introduced himself and shared that this is his second year as Director, MOT for
GUSD. He has a total of 32 years in this field. He has a team of 45 employees plus custodians (2 per school). He and his staff aim to take care of all MOT issues before they go to Board. He and his staff take tremendous pride and care in all work activities and want to make MOT safe as possible for children. He invited us to attend weekly meetings (Fridays at 7:15am, next door to Goleta
Community Center on Hollister) to meet MOT crew.
District Update: William Banning, Superintendent
Bill gave an update on school security. He talked with the Superintendent of Carpinteria SD about not using playground for fire drills and shared that that was temporary. Bill continues to meet with local law enforcement about school security and reviewed teacher concerns. He has received and is reviewing a list of protocols from other school districts and will share with teachers. Since
Columbine, protocols have changed and law enforcement and all school staff need to be prepared to respond.
Bill shared that badges will be made for DAC members and will be in school office. DAC members are asked to sign in and get badge and sign out and turn in badge.
Bill also discussed the difference between drill and emergency; awareness and fear. Bill indicated that prevailing advice is to not surprise children with fire or lock down drills, rather transparency of what is going on. Fire drills will continue.
“Ask the District”: William Banning, Superintendent
Bill was asked; “What are most pressing issues facing GUSD from his perspective?”. Bill suggested we explore what the “A” in Advisory means during the May meeting.
Bill was asked about the proposed condos next to Ellwood School. He replied that GUSD will wait to see what happens before any thoughts about redistricting. He also shared that there is a lot of proposed building in Goleta and GUSD does still own El Rancho School and owns another piece of property.
Bill was asked about the possible changes to current lice policy (from no nits to no active lice).
This is before the GUSD Board and Bill encouraged persons interested to attend Board meeting and share their perspectives.
School Council and PTA Reports:
Brandon (Lisa Steinberger): Upcoming Auction/Casino Night; Dr. Suess Reading Day; New
Drinking Water Systems (from CEC); Track and Field program after school; After School movies for conferences.
Kellogg (Kathy Bohley): PJ Day/Dr. Suess Day; After School movies for conferences; Jog-a-thon;
Track and Field pgm after school; Tree planting for Arbor week; drinking system installed.
Foothill (Tammy Johnsen): 5 th grade CIMI trip; After School movies for conferences; Open
House/Art Fair; Adopt a Book (Chaucers Night) raised $700; Track and Field; School
Beautification Day with Home Depot (parents and students)
Ellwood (Jennifer Tangel): Great turn out for PTA!
Hollister (Cheryl Weakliem): STAR assembly; bike to school promoted during assembly; jog-athon (raised $27K, last year $31K); 5 th grade trip; Science Night; After School movies for conferences; Open House; May 11 is Casino Night/Silent Auction
Isla Vista (Kary O’Brien): Student Council event – Crazy Hair Day; Dr. Suess Day with volunteers from community reading a Dr. Suess classic in each classroom; After School movies for conferences; 5 th grade trip to Camp Whittier; Drama Production – Little Mermaid on April 18, 19,
Mountain View (Carin Ezal): Offered Thanks to every one for responding to her email about camps. Water bottle program – PTA buys water bottles and then sells to students; not a huge money maker but nice water bottle (metal) that students have in class and also has Mt. View logo for school spirit. Theatre Program tried to include all interested children. Move-a-thon – raised
$16K, Principal spent day on roof, classroom rewards include pizza party, no homework, dodgeball with principal; Auction/Fundraiser - inc. online auction, classroom-made projects, movie nights, wine raffle.
Next meeting at Mountain View School on Thursday, April 11 th at 9:15 am.
Meeting concluded at 11:30 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kary O’Brien