
Task Process
Welcome junior Astronauts!
You will be traveling through the Solar System exploring the nine planets. You will land on the planet
of your choice and investigate it’s environment gathering information that you discover while
visiting the planet. Once you arrive back at Earth you will take the information you have gathered
and share with your fellow astronauts . Lastly, you will compare your findings of the planet you
explored to planet Earth. Good luck with your mission and safe traveling!
For a successful mission you will need to complete the following tasks:
Explore the Solar system as you travel to the planet of your choice. Collect any data from your observations as
you travel through space.
Once you have arrived at the planet of your choice you will use the planet worksheet to report your discoveries
and include a picture or drawing of the planet you visited. Your planet worksheet and picture will be your
mission report that will be turned in.
compare the findings of your chosen planet to our planet earth.
Your Missions:
Step 1:
use the KWL chart fill out “what I know” and “What I want to know” sections only.
Pick a planet (not earth)
Print out the planet worksheet
Step 2:
Begin research on your planet by clicking on resources. Pick out a website link and find your planet. Be sure to look at all the links and read carefully. All the links will be useful information
to you.
Step 3:
Complete your planet worksheet by writing a few sentences for each question. Don’t forget to include the three interesting facts you learned through your exploration of your planet.
Step 4:
Print out a picture of your planet or draw them. Your planet worksheet and picture or drawing of your chosen planet together will be your mission report. complete your mission report and
make sure your name is on your report before passing in.
Step 5:
use your discoveries of the planet you chose to explore and what you know about the planet earth to fill out the venn diagram. Remember you will write details of how the two planets are
similar and different from each other.
next, complete your KWL chart by filling in the last column, “What I learned”
confirm that your name is on both the venn diagram and KWL chart before passing in.
Step 6:
print the self-evaluation then answer the four questions honestly. Once you have evaluated your mission work check to see that you have your name on it and turn in.
Step 7:
print the checklist to be sure you have completed every mission.
A self evaluation will be filled out by yourself. Please answer the questions honestly. You answers will help make
this mission better.
you will receive one grade for all the assignments. Click on scoring guide to see how your work will be graded.
The most points you can earn is 100.
everyone will earn 10 points for reading through all the web links to the planet you chose to explore.
Scoring guide
Congratulations astronauts! You have successfully completed
your solar system missions and are now an expert on your
planet and have learned about the other planets. You are
now promoted to Senior astronauts…great job!