Male Reproductive System Notes

Name: _________________________________________________
Period: _______
The Male Reproductive System
Learning Targets
I can describe the function of the male reproductive system.
I can identify the organs and structures of the male reproductive system.
I can discuss how to keep male reproductive system healthy
The Human Reproductive System
Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce others of their own kind.
Human life results from the union of two cells: one from the male and one from the female.
These cells are produced by structures in the male and female reproductive systems. The human reproductive
system consists of body organs and structures that make it possible to produce young.
The Male Reproductive System
The function of the male reproductive system is to produce sperm and transmit them to the female
reproductive system.
Sperm are the male reproductive cells. They are first produced during puberty—usually between the ages of 12
and 15.
Sperm are made in the testes (inside the seminiferous tubules) and mature in the epididymis.
Sperm join with the female sex cells (eggs) to produce new life.
The union of the male and female sex cells is called fertilization.
The mixture of sperm and fluids from 3 different glands (seminal vesicle, prostate gland, Cowper’s gland) is
called Semen.
Male Health Concerns
Inguinal hernia - If a boy or man strains his abdominal muscles, he can weaken the muscles that hold his
intestine in place. This can allow the intestine to push through creating an inguinal hernia.
Testicular cancer - Symptoms may include a lump or swelling in the scrotum, pain or tenderness in one of the
testicles, or a dull ache in the lower abdomen and groin. If detected in the early stages, it can usually be cured.
Prostate cancer - This type of cancer usually affects men over the age of 55. Current treatments include surgery
to remove all or part of the prostate gland, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.
Sterility - The inability to produce enough healthy sperm to fertilize a female reproductive cell is a condition
called sterility.
Caring for the Male Reproductive System
Males can keep their reproductive systems healthy by:
Performing a testicular self-exam each month.
Taking a shower or bath daily to keep the external reproductive organs clean.
Always wearing protective gear when participating in contact sports.
Having regular health screenings.
Reviewing Terms and Facts
1. Describe the function of the human reproductive system.
2. Identify three disorders of the male reproductive system.
3. Why are regular self-examinations of the testes important?
The Vocabulary terms in this lesson are:
 Reproduction
 Reproductive system.
 Sperm.
 Penis
 Testes.
 Semen.
 Urethra
 Vas deferens
 Epididymis