IPT Installation Webinar Common issues and how to get help Laura Russell1 1 VertNet iDigBio Adobe Connect Platform http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/ipt/ 7 January 2015, 12:00-02:00 pm EST iDigBio is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections Program (Cooperative Agreement EF-1115210). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Common issues 1/6 After the installation, I receive a message "FAIL - Application at context path/ipt could not be started" and the tool does not launch. Some Linux distributions (like CentOS or Red Hat Linux) include Tomcat incorrectly shipped with two libraries, xml-apis.jar and/or xalan.jar, in the Tomcat directories. These libraries are not needed for the GBIF IPT operation so make a backup copy of them and then remove them. If that does not solve your problem, put the files back into place from the backup copy. If your server admin won't allow these libraries to be removed, another known solution is to include the xalan.jar in the IPT's /lib directory located at $tomcat/webapps/ipt/WEB-INF. Just copy the jar file to that folder, restart Tomcat, and the error should disappear. 2 Common issues 2/6 My GBIF IPT instance is slow. What can I do to improve performance? Apache Tomcat comes with very little allocated memory. This amount should be increased depending on the amount of physical memory on the server. If the server has at least 2GB of RAM, the available memory should be increased to 1GB. 3 Common issues 3/6 How can I upgrade my IPT installation to the latest version? Every released version of the IPT comes with instructions on how to update previous versions. In some cases, substituting the .war file by the new one will do the trick. In others, additional tasks will have to be performed. Please be aware that once upgraded, it may not be possible to go back to the previous version. Always remember to make a backup of your data directory before performing any maintenance operation. 4 Common issues 4/6 Can I move the IPT installation to another server? To move the IPT to a different server, make sure that you copy the entire contents of the IPT's data directory over to the new server. It is important to preserve the same folder/file permissions. Then, follow the starting over instructions available in the IPT project site. As it says: "If the user enters the same absolute path to the data directory as before, the previous configuration will be completely restored". 5 Common issues 5/6 I have a problem that is not mentioned in the documentation. How can I report it to the developers? The IPT project site has an issues section devoted to log bugs and enhancement requests. You will need a Google account to submit a new issue. Please make sure that no one has reported the same issue before (in that case, just vote for the issue and you will be notified whenever there is an update). When filing an issue, please make sure that you describe it clearly, with sufficient detail so the developers can understand the problem you are experiencing. 6 Common issues 6/6 Can I collaborate in the development of the tool? The IPT is still under active development to fix issues and expand its functionality. The best way to get involved in the development is to join the IPT Contributors list. Apart from contributing directly to the software development , you can also collaborate by completing the documentation, translating the user interface and the documentation, or expanding the number of cores and extensions supported by the tool. https://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/wiki/HowToContribute 7 Documentation IPT Wiki https://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes?tm=6 IPT FAQ (Common Issues) https://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/wiki/FAQ 8 How to get help: global resources IPT Mailing list and archives http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ipt/ IPT Contributors list http://groups.google.com/group/gbif-ipt-contributors IPT helpdesk and training experts group http://community.gbif.org/pg/groups/3529/ 9 How to get help: national networks & projects www.canadensys.net www.idigbio.org www.vertnet.org bison.usgs.ornl.gov GBIF national nodes 10 vertnet.org Thank you! facebook.com/iDigBio twitter.com/iDigBio www.idigbio.org vimeo.com/idigbio idigbio.org/rss-feed.xml webcal://www.idigbio.org/events-calendar/export.ics iDigBio is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections Program (Cooperative Agreement EF-1115210). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.