REVIEW OF FIRST SEMESTER Part 1: The Reconstruction/Civil

Part 1: The Reconstruction/Civil Rights
Think About It:
1. What is the lasting impact of the 13th, 14, and 15th Amendments
2. How did efforts to repair the wounds of the Civil War create political and social discord?
The years following the Civil War, between1865 - 1877 are known as__________________________.
The reason historians use the term Reconstruction is because this was the period when the federal
government restored the _________________________ to the Union. This proved to be a difficult and
contentious process. The federal government had to deal with three main issues:
1. ________________________________________.
2. ________________________________________.
3. ________________________________________.
The passage of the ____ ____ and ____ amendments was governments attempt at giving African
Americans civil rights and protecting those rights. Yet African Americans still struggled for civil rights.
Because of harsh condition in the South massive numbers of African Americans leave the South and
migrate North during WWI for jobs. (This is known as the Great Migration).
Why were there so many jobs in the North ______________________________________?
2. What were some things done to help African American during the Reconstruction (What major
organizations emerge? ____________________________
3. Who emerges as Leaders? _____________________________________________________
Many in the south opposed civil right for African American.
1. In what ways did the following represent opposition to civil right and equality for African
a. KKK ____________________________________________________________________________
b. Poll Tax ________________________________________________________________________
c. Literacy Test ____________________________________________________________________
Progressivism-progressives and populist 1890s-1920s
The Progressive Era refers to an era of political change that called for the increased regulation of business
and the regulation of government, including the regulation of income tax, direct elections, prohibition and
women’s right to vote.
1. How do social and political issues lead to the progressive movement?
2. How do gender race and socio economics affect attitudes toward reform?
_________________________, were American journalists, novelists, and critics who in the first decade of
the 20th century attempted to _______________ the ____________ of ____________ and the corruption
in __________ through their writings and publications.
_____________________ Legislation-laws designed to prevent and dismantle monopolies.
What is a monopoly? __________________________________________________
What would a decrease in monopolies mean for businesses?
The Federal Reserve ___________________________________
Interstate Commerce Act- Regulated trade between states
Sherman Anti- Trust Act- Regulated- Prevented the formation of conglomerates or trust that could
potentially become monopolies
Clayton Anti- Trust Act-Regulated- Intended to provide clarity about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Although our political system is dominated by two parties, the Democrat’s and Republican’s, many of the
ideas these two parties support come from what we call ______________________ like the Progressive
Party, Populist Party, or in todays’ world the Green Party, or even the Tea Party.
During the Progressive Era Women’s Rights Leaders like _____________________________ promoted
Women’s suffrage.
What is suffrage? _____________________________________________________________
The Progressive Era prompted the American Government/ Congress to pass laws designed to help
World War 1-The Great War 1914-1918
1. Many African Americans Migrated North to escape the Jim Crow south, and to find jobs many of
which were available because many white men had to leave their jobs to go fight in the war.
2. Of the four major cause of war ____________________plays a significant role in WWI as the
United States and other _______________________________ Competition leads to fighting
After WWI there is the ______________________________________ which leads to the rise of
communism in Russia and a Fear of Communism in the United States.
The Palmer Raids
Red Scare
And Schenk v. United States
A rise in anti-immigrant sentiments
A rise in Nativism
What does each of these tell about what can happen concerning Civil Rights during war time?
The war between Austria – Hungary and Serbia ultimately becomes a world war because of the alliance
The United States wants to stay out of the war. It wants to remain neutral and maintain a policy on
_____________________, but because of Submarine (U-boat) attacks by _________________ and the
Zimmermann Note sent to Mexico by the __________________ the United States is forced into war and
joins the war on the side of the Triple Entente which then simply becomes known as the
_______________________________, and the Triple Alliance then becomes known as the