Revision checklist Unit 2 SAC 1 PSYC - VCE-Psychology

Area of Study 1: Interpersonal and group behaviour
Revision checklist for SAC 1 – Interpersonal and group behaviour Test
Key knowledge to be assessed;
 classic and contemporary theories and studies relating to the formation and
change of attitudes, including the applications and limitations of the tricomponent model of attitudes
the interrelationship between attitudes, prejudice and discrimination:
- factors contributing to the development of prejudice
- factors which may reduce prejudice: inter-group contact (sustained contact,
mutual interdependence, equality), cognitive interventions and superordinate goals
- social and cultural grouping, stigma, stereotypes and prejudice: gender, race
and age
social influences on the individual:
- effects of status and social power within groups, informed by researchers
such as Philip Zimbardo
- factors affecting obedience including social proximity, legitimacy of
authority figures and group pressure, informed by researchers such as
Stanley Milgram
- factors affecting conformity, including normative influence and culture,
informational influence, unanimity, group size, deindividuation and social
loafing, informed by researchers such as Solomon Asch, and Peter Smith and
Michael Bond
Key skills to be assessed;
 Use research literature to demonstrate how psychological concepts and
theories have developed over time
 Process and interpret information, and make connections between
psychological concepts and theories
 Communicate psychological information, ideas and research findings
accurately and effectively
 Evaluate the validity and reliability of psychology-related information and
opinions presented in the public domain
The form of the task:
 A test (multiple-choice, short answer questions)
The task will be completed individually.
Worth 25% of the overall Unit 2 SAC marks.
Chapter 8
1. Attitude
2. Evaluation
3. Tri-component model
4. Limitations of the tri-component model
5. Attitudes and behaviour
- Strength of the attitude
- Accessibility of the attitude
- Social context of the attitude
- Perceived control over the behaviour
6. Factors influencing attitude formation
- Classical conditioning
- Operant conditioning
- Modelling
- Repeated exposure
7. Attitudes towards people
- Stereotypes
- Stigma
- Prejudice and discrimination
- Old-fashioned prejudice/Modern prejudice
- Direct discrimination/Indirect discrimination
- Racism/Sexism/Ageism
8. Factors contributing to the development of prejudice
- Ingroups and Outgroups
- Intergroup conflict
- Attributions
9. Factors the may reduce prejudice
- Intergroup contact
- Sustained contact, Mutual interdependence, Superordinate goals, Equality
of status
- Cognitive interventions
10. Measurement of attitudes
- Observational studies
- Self-report methods (Questionnaires, surveys, interviews, rating scales)
- Advantages and limitations of attitude measurement devices
- Ethics in conducting research on attitude measurement
Complete the true/false questions on page 369.
Complete the Chapter test on page 370-372.
Chapter 9
11. Social Influence
12. Group/Collective
13. Status and Power within groups
- Status
- Power
- Types of power (Reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent
power, expert power, informational power)
- Role
- Zimbardo’s Standford Prison Experiment (Ethical issues)
14. Obedience
- Milgram’s experiments on obedience
- Factors affecting obedience (Social proximity, legitimacy of authority
figures, group pressure
- Ethical issues in obedience studies
15. Conformity
- Asch’s experiments on conformity
- Factors affecting conformity (Group size, unanimity, informational
influence, normative influence, culture, social loafing, deindividuation)
16. Group influences on behaviour
- The peer group (peer, friendship, clique)
- Peer pressure
- Risk taking behaviour (social, emotional and physical cost, thrill seeking,
reckless and rebellious, anti-social)
Complete the true/false quiz on page 412.
Complete the Chapter test on page 413-415.