Global Engineering Expertise Library



Global Engineering Expertise Library

Improving Engineering Practice Across Cultures

Student Investigator

Andrea Mazzurco

Engineering Education PhD student

701 West Stadium Ave.,


Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN


Brent K. Jesiek

Assistant Professor

School of Engineering Education

701 West Stadium Ave.,


Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN

December 3 rd , 2012

Executive Summary

A large part of industries wealth and competiveness depends on the knowledge, skills, and attributes of their human capital. The rapidly shifting of U.S. workforce demographic and the high turnover rate is threatening to alter the competiveness of U.S. industries. Thus, it is becoming imperative to effectively retain the tacit knowledge of experts and to transfer it to lesser experienced workers who will replace them. However, there is little or none effort to retain engineers’ ability to work effectively across countries and cultures. Globalization is an ongoing process that has begun several decades ago; as a consequence, engineers have gained competencies that allow them to effectively perform in international settings. Moreover, globalization trends are intensifying rapidly, and future engineers will have to practice in an increasingly high cross-national context. Hence, it is vital to capture the knowledge of global engineering experts and to make it available to any engineers about to undertake cross-national projects.

This research proposes to provide a process that will allow industries to retain and transfer engineers’ ability to work effectively in cross-national/cultural contexts. The research objectives of this study aim to (1) identify Global Engineering Experts (GEEs), i.e., engineers who are able to function effectively in cross-cultural contexts; (2) collect experiences from a selected small sample of GEEs and create Global Egnineering Critical Incidents (GECIs); and (3) prototype a searchable Global Engineering Expertise Library as a mean to share GEEs knowledge in form of


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This research will begin by administering a survey that aims to assess global engineering competence to employees within the firm. In addition, information about engineers’ prior international experience will be collected. So that, engineers with scoring high in the survey and having an extensive international experience will be labeled as GEEs. At this point a list of GEEs will be delivered to the industrial partner. Then, a small selected sample of GEEs will be interviewed to elicit their experiences and based on this data GECIs will be collected. Finally, a prototype of a library that leverages the Case-based Reasoning methodology will be developed and tested. At the end of the project, the industrial partner will receive the GEEL prototype and directions on how autonomously execute all the above tasks and further populate the library. The proposal is idealized as a 10 month project, during which all the above tasks will be performed.

The budget of the proposal is 48,687$, which includes the Graduate Research Assistantship of the student investigator who will work at rate of 10 hours/week; the funding for paying an undergraduate programmer to help develop and test the GEEL; the salary of the PI who will function as a consultant, and other expenses.

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Problem Statement and Research Objective

In today’s globalized economy, knowledge is an important resource and it constitutes a large part of a company’s wealth (Chen, Zhu, & Xie, 2004). Thus, industries depend enormously on the competencies, attributes, and creativity of their human capital. Yet there are several events that can cause the loss of valuable knowledge. One of the major reasons for knowledge loss is the retirement of the baby boom generation. The 2000 U.S. census estimated that almost 83 million individuals are 48 to 66 years old (L’Allier & Kolosh, 2005). This means that a large portion of the experienced U.S. workforce has and is already retiring and all the knowledge and experience that they have accumulated over a lifetime is going with them – unless it is somehow captured or transmitted. In addition, Nelson and McCann (2010) point out that other losses of knowledge occur when talented employees decide to leave their job position to move to other companies or start their own business. Given that the turnover rate is around the 40% in industry and government (The Bureau of Labor Statistics); industries can fail to retain important knowledge if they do not deploy effective strategies (Casher & Lesser, 2003).

Moreover, some kinds of knowledge are not routinely captured through existing knowledge management processes and systems. For example, international marketplace forces engineers to work with very diverse engineering cultures and standards (Swearengen, Barnes, &

Coe, 2002). Hence, many engineers in industry have been involved in cross-national projects and have gained lots of experience from such situations. However, their experience and knowledge is often not formalized and documented, and this kind of expertise is often lost once these global experts move on to other projects and positions.

While there is a wide understanding of the importance of human capital and the retention of experts’ tacit knowledge, there is little awareness regarding the need to capture experts’ ability

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to work across countries and cultures. Moreover, while the academic community agrees on the need to educate globally competent engineers (Ayokanmbi, 2011; J. R. Lohmann, Rollins, &

Joseph Hoey, 2006; Parkinson, 2009), only a small percentage of U.S. engineering students has international experience (Lohmann, 2003). As a consequence, the new generations of engineering graduates who will replace retiring experts are not yet prepared for cross-cultural technical work environments and will need to be trained and mentored to excel in such situations.

Hence, it becomes imperative to capture the knowledge of engineers that have extensive international experience and to make it available for other engineers that will have to practice in the global workplace.

The purpose of this research proposal is to provide a process that will allow industries to retain and transfer engineers’ ability to work across countries and cultures. This will be done by:


Identifying Global Engineering Experts (GEEs), i.e., engineers who possess competencies that allow them to work effectively with international partners;


Collecting Global Engineering Critical Incidents (GECI), i.e., stories that depict puzzling situations involving both technical and cross-cultural aspects; and


Creating a prototype of a searchable Case-Based Library that will contain all of the

GECIs, so that GEEs’ experiences will be accessible at any time by engineers about to undertake an international project, and by human resources managers responsible for the training of workers going abroad.

Identification of Global Engineering Experts (GEEs)

The first step of this research proposal regards the identification of engineers that had extensive experience of working across countries and culture and therefore have developed skills that allow them to solve puzzling cross-cultural situations in engineering context. This will be

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done by the use of a survey meant to measure cross-cultural competencies and by collecting background information, especially length and number of international experiences, of engineers within the firm. Thus engineers who both scores high on the survey and had extensive prior experience will be labeled as GEEs and will be the subject of the second phase of this proposal.

One of the first conceptual model of global engineering competence comes from the work of Lohmann, Rollins, & Hoey (2006). In their model, they defined global competence as the:

“the ability to work knowledgeably and live comfortably in a transnational engineering environment and global society”

(Lohmann, Rollins, & Hoey, 2006, p. 1).

In addition to a definition, they also provide a conceptual model to define such competence. The model is based on five elements: (1) proficiency in a second language, (2) international coursework, and (3) an immersive international experience which should be combined in a coherent program that (4) ties the elements together and (5) integrates them within the student’s major (Lohmann, et al., 2006).

Rather than giving a precise definition of global competence, Downey et al. (2006) provide a learning criterion to guide the creation of and to assess students’ learning from the

Engineering Cultures course that they developed at Virginia Tech and Colorado Schools of

Mines. In this course students learn about the historical and cultural aspect of engineering profession in several countries. The learning criterion is stated as follows:

“Though course instruction and interactions, students will acquire the knowledge, ability, and predisposition to work effectively with

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people who define problems differently than they do” (Downey et al., 2006, p. 110)

The learning criterion also comprises three learning outcomes. The first component focuses on knowledge.

In the authors’ opinion, successful global experiences should allow students to acquire and demonstrate understanding of how engineers and non-engineers may differ in their work and in the meaning their work has for their careers and lives. The second learning outcome is ability. Globally competent engineers should be able to go beyond the pure knowledge of similarities and differences among engineers and non-engineers of other countries.

They will have to demonstrate an ability to apply the knowledge acquired into everyday practices and behaviors of engineering work. Finally, the third learning outcome is predisposition . Such outcome is more difficult to fully identify and assess. In this case, the term used by the authors does not refer to the personal character of individuals, but to “learnable tendencies” or “patterned actions” that allow students to treat co-workers from other countries as people who have knowledge and value.

Diverging from approaches that consider learning outcomes and conceptual models, other authors do not give a precise definition, however they provided a list of attributes that describe what it means to be globally competent. For instance, Parkinson, Harb, and Magleby (2009) propose 13 dimensions or attributes of global competence. Such attributes were based on previous definitions, experience with the authors’ study abroad programs, and stated objectives of courses and programs which prepare students to be globally competent. From a survey,

Parkinson, Harb, and Magleby (2009), found out that, among the 13 attributes presented, the following five are conisdered especially important by both academic and industrial representatives:

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Appreciation of other cultures. This attribute refers to the ability to avoiding the idea that one’s own culture is superior to all others. Thus, engineers need to develop appreciation and sensitive to others cultures.


Proficiency to work in or direct a team of ethnic or cultural diversity. This attribute refers to the ablity to deal with the problems arising when working in a team characterized by diverse cultures. This dimension is also strongly related to the following attribute.


Communication across cultures. This attribute includes an understainding of cultural differences regarding status, formality, saving face, directness, and the meaning of specific words.


Opportunity to practice engineering in a global context. This dimension focus on practise and experience, rather than on knowledge or understanding.


Ability to deal with ethcial issues arising from cultural or national differences. Ethical issues in this case range from bribes and tax evasion to safety standards.

Finally, Huff, Abraham, Zoltowski and Oakes (2012) collected the attributes of the discussed models and sorted them accordingly to three psychological dimensions suggested by

Jesiek, Shen, and Haller (2012): cognitive, behavioral and attitudinal. As illustrated in table 1, the cognitive dimension of this framework refers to an engineer’s knowledge of cultural differences; the behavioral dimension refers to an engineer’s flexibility and adaptability to cross cultural settings; and the attitudinal an engineer’s openness and respect of cultural differences.

Although no instrument has been developed to measure all these attributes specifically for engineers, scholars in other disciplines have developed surveys that presents features very similar to the one presented so far. One such instrument is the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS)

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developed by Earley and Ang (2003). CQS is a 20-item instrument which uses a 7 point linkert scale to measure individuals’ Cultural Intelligence (CQ), i.e, “the capability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings”(Ang, & Van Dyne, 2008). CQ is measured across four subscales:

 Metacognitive CQ: an individual’s consciousness and awareness during interactions with those from different cultural background,

 Cognitive CQ: an individual’s knowledge of norms, practices, and conventions in different cultural settings,

 Motivational CQ: an individual’s capability to direct attention direct attention and energy toward cultural differences

 Behavioral CQ: an individual’s capability to exhibit proper verbal and nonverbal actions when interacting with people.

Hence, the CQS is a good fit for this phase of the proposal because it measure similar psychological dimensions of Huff et al. (2012) framework. Moreover, it is freely reusable in unmodified forms, can be completed quickly, and has been proven to be a reliable and valid instrument (Van Dyne, Ang, & Koh, 2008).

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Table 1. Global Competencies (Huff et al, 2012)

Creation of Global Engineering Critical Incidents (GECI)

Once GEEs are identified, the project enters a second phase which consists of capturing the experiences of GEEs and transforming them into GECIs that would then be collected in an online library. Stories will be elicited using semi-structured interviews. In order to gain the most from these interviews, Jonassen and Hernandez-Serrano (2002) suggest following three simple steps. First, engineers that were involved in global projects must be contacted and a meeting must be organized. Second, at the beginning of the interview, a story in a cross-cultural setting should be shown to the expert. The story must have both technical and cultural aspect, such as the one in figure 1 (from Jesiek et al. 2011). Third, the interviewer should ask the engineers to

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remember similar situations he/she experienced and guide him/her in retrieving the most relevant information. If any GEEs will not be available to be interviewed, a phone meeting or an online form that follows the same structure of the interview will be utilized.

As an employee in a large multinational corporation, you are temporarily assigned to your company’s branch operations in Shanghai, China. Your work team consists of three

Chinese engineers, all at about the same rank as you. Your team reports to an engineering manager, who is also Chinese. In a recent team meeting, your manager proposed a solution to a difficult quality control problem. However, you feel you have a much better solution to the problem. How would you deal with this situation?

Figure 1. Global Scenario (Jesiek et al, 2011)

The stories collected from the interview will be formalized as GECIs. Critical incidents are well established psychological tools that “consist of a set of procedures for collecting direct observations of human behavior in such a way as to facilitate their potential usefulness in solving practical problems” (Flanagan, 1962). In the case of this proposal, each GECI will consist of a story describing especially puzzling, notable, or significant cross-cultural interactions in engineering settings, as well as an explanation of proper behaviors or approaches to follow in such situation. Such stories will then be available to other engineers that will work in international setting. Thus, the engineers will rely on past experiences of GEEs, rather than abstract theoretical frameworks about cross-cultural interactions.

The choice of using the above methodology for capturing GEEs experience and using stories to transfer them is based on considerations about expertise. It can be argued that an expert’s mind can be viewed as a structured library of information that is organized around abstract concepts and is contextualized in the experts’ past experiences. Moreover, experts can retrieve such knowledge with little effort and can find meaningful patterns that help them solve new problems. In fact, Stepich (1991) affirms that experts have a “large library of information in the form of condition-action units”. Thus, when experts are faced with an external stimulus they

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retrieve the appropriate response from their internal library (Stepich, 1991). Ross (1986, 1989) demonstrated that people learn a new skill by using what they have learned in the past from solving a problem and applying it to the new situation. For instance, this is the case of expert fire commanders, tank commanders and systems designers that heavily rely on past experiences to wrestle successfully with new difficulties (Klein & Calderwood, 1988; Kolodner, 1992).

Additionally, research demonstrates that both car mechanics and GTE engineers troubleshooting phone switching networks use past experiences to tackle new problems (Kopeikina, Brandau, &

Lemmon, 1988; Lancaster & Kolodner, 1988; Kolodner, 1992). Finally, engineers have especially been shown to use lessons learned from previous experiences to master puzzling new situations (Polkinghorne, 1988; Kolodner, 1992).

Creation of a Case-Based Library of GECIs: the Global Engineering

Expertise Library (GEEL)

In the final phase of this project, the GECIs will be collected in a library or database that reflects the way experts think. Case-based Reasoning (CBR) is the most appropriate methodology to build such a library, because it properly replicates the structure of an expert’s mind. In fact, CBR is an effective problem-solving paradigm that involves matching the current problem against problems that were solved successfully or unsuccessfully in the past (Watson &

Marir, 1994). In this case, the past problems will be the GECIs.

The origins of CBR are found in the work on cognitive sciences of Roger Shank and his students (Shank, 1983; Shank & Abelson, 1977; Aamondt & Plaza, 1994). It began with a desire to understand how people store information and how they use such information to tackle new problems (Watson, 1999). The first emblematic definition of Case-Based Reasoning was given

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by Riesbeck and Shank in 1989 (Kolodner, 1992): “A case-based reasoner solves problems by adapting solutions that were used to solve old problems.”

The first computer program that used CBR was developed by Janet Kolodner (1983). It stored events of the lives of former secretaries of state and answered questions posed in English concerning such information. During the following years many CBR software applications were developed and applied for many different purposes (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994). By 1996, CBR was already considered a matured subfield of Artificial Intelligence and most of its key principles were already established (Leake, 1996).

Although CBR has been widely used for Artificial Intelligence, it is not a technology, but rather a methodology that replicate experts thinking to solve problems (Watson, 1999). Casebased reasoning is a “cyclic and integrated process of solving problem, learning from this experience, solving a new problem, etc.” (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994). At its most general level, it consists of four phases, also known as the four “REs” (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994):


RETRIEVE the most similar cases to the new case


REUSE the solution suggested by the previous case


REVISE the solution of the new case


RETAIN the validated parts of the new solution for solving future problems

As illustrated by Figure 1, the cycle begins with a new case. Similar cases are retrieved from the central library and are matched against the new case. The old cases are reused to solve the new problem. Then, the new solution is revised, e.g., by being applied in the real world or evaluated by a teacher (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994). Finally, useful and innovative parts of the new solution are retained and stored in the central library. The reader can notice that the central part of such a

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cycle is a library that contains general knowledge in the form of previous cases. Such a library is the most important feature of systems that employ CBR.

Historically, CBR has been divided in two classes: interpretive CBR and problem-solving

CBR. Although such classes shares the same cycle, they present some major differences (J. L.

Kolodner, 1992; Leake, 1996). Interpretive CBR aims to classify or judge new situations by matching and contrasting them with cases that have already been stored. For instance, the

American legal system provides a perfect domain for the application of interpretive CBR, because the definite way for interpreting law is based on previous cases (Ashley, 1987; Rissland,

1983; Kolodner, 1992). As a matter of fact, lawyers use interpretive CBR when they use cases to justify their argument (Kolodner, 1992).

Problem-solving CBR uses prior cases to suggest solutions to new circumstances. The similarities and differences between the new and the old cases are used to adapt the new old solution to fit the new situations. Because such a model reflects so well the reasoning that

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experts typically use to solve problems, it has been successfully applied in many engineering applications. For instance, Haque, Belecheanu, Barson, and Pawar (2000) used problem-solving

CBR to create a system that could provide decision-making support for project managers and engineers of Thomson CSF Service Industrie (France) and General Domestic Appliances Ltd

(USA/UK) during the early phases of product development. In the aerospace industry, Lockheed and British Airways have used problem-solving CBR to assist engineers to solve various problems (Hennessy & Hinckle, 1992; Malgadi, 1994; Watson & Marir, 1994). Most recently,

Cobb and Agogino (2010) have used CBR to “synthesize new microelectromechanical systems

(MEMS) design topologies that meet or improve upon a designer’s specifications.”

Due to the problem-solving nature of global engineering and engineering in general, problem-solving CBR is the most appropriate methodology to create the GEEL. Hence, the following pages explore the details of the problem-solving CBR at the heart of this proposal.

The Four “REs” of the CBR cycle

The most important phase of the CBR cycle is the first stage: retrieve. Only if such a step is well done the CBR cycle can it effectively help engineers solve their problems. In general this part consists of two closely related sub-procedures (Kolodner, 1992):

Recall previous cases. This step aims to find cases that can potentially make relevant prediction about the solution of the new problem. At this step, a list of suitable cases is created.

Select the best subset. This second step aims to winnow down the set of cases retrieved during the previous phase to a smaller group of candidates that are worthy of further consideration. At this step, the retrieved cases are ranked in order of similarity.

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At the base of the problems related to such phases, there is what Kolodner (1992) has called the indexing problem . In general, it refers to the procedure of giving pertinent labels, called indexes, to cases; so that only useful cases to solve the new problem are retrieved (Kolodner, 1992). Thus, it is very important to carefully choose the most appropriate indexes to assign to each case of the library. In particular, Watson and Marir (1994) suggested that indices should:

 be predictive

 address the purposes the case will be used for

 be abstract enough to allow for widening the future use of the case-based library, and

 be concrete enough to be recognized in the future.

Once the indexes have been assigned, the researcher can formalize what routines to use for recalling “good” cases and selecting the most appropriate. Although there are various methodologies to perform such tasks, the similarity assessment approach is the most widely used and simple, but not necessarily the most efficient (Lopez De Mantaras et al., 2006). First, the new problem is characterized by assigning features to it. Features are very similar to indexes.

Then, the features of the new problem and the indexes of the stored cases are matched and ranked. Once the most suitable cases are retrieved, the user can advance to the reuse phase. The reuse phase consists of adapting the old cases to solve the new problem (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994;

Kolodner, 1992; Lopez De Mantaras et al., 2006; Watson & Marir, 1994). Such a task can be completely automatic and executed by the computer, or it can be performed by the user, e.g., an engineer (Kolodner, 1991).

After adapting the old solution to solve the new situation, the user will need to evaluate the solution adapted. This task is the only routine that has to be completely performed outside the

CBR system (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994). The user tries the new solution in the real world and tests

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its effectiveness (Kolodner, 1992). If the solution is found to be successful, it is stored in the case-based library. Otherwise, if it fails in the real world, it is repaired and then stored (Aamodt

& Plaza, 1994). The storing phase is known as the retain step and it involves again the indexing problem. Hence, proper indexes have to be assigned to the new solution, so that it can be easily retrieved in the future.

Case-based reasoning offers many advantages that make it very appealing for assisting engineering to undertake new projects (Kolodner, 1992). In fact, users can:

 find solutions quickly and effectively, and avoid starting from scratch,

 solve problems in knowledge domains they are not familiar with,

 interpret ill-defined and open-ended problems,

 prevent making mistakes that were already made in the past, and

 focus on the important part of the problems (Kolodner, 1992).

Moreover, CBR can be efficiently used:

 to create a system that can help humans make the right decisions in contexts that they are not acquainted with (Kolodner, 1991); and

 as an instructional tool to train novices in specific domains (Jonassen & Hernandez-

Serrano, 2002).

Thus, the proposed GEEL can be developed as a decision-aiding system that engineers can query whenever they need, or as an instructional support to existing cross-cultural training. Finally, many open source tools are available that implements features of the CBR methodology, deleting the problem of programming a potentially complicated system (Watson, 2009).

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Project Activities and Timeline

To achieve the three objectives of this proposal, the project will take 10 months during which three different deliverables will be handed to industrial partner. At the end of the project, the industrial partner will possess the list of GEEs, instruction on how to elicit experience and create GECIs, and a prototype of the GEEL containing the first set of GECIs. As a consequence, once the project is over, the industrial partner will be able autonomously to continue populate the library. Table 2 summarizes all major activities organized by month. The sections that follow summarize all activities related to each phase.

Phase Activities Months 1 to 3 Month 3 to 7 Month 7 to 10

Phase 1 Administer CQS

Select top 6 GEEs

Phase 2 Interview GEEs

Create GECIs

Phase 3 Create GEEL prototype

Table 2. Timeline and Project Activities

Phase 1: Identification of Global Engineering Experts (GEEs)

In this phase the Cultural Intelligence Scale and the background information form will be administered to as many engineers within the firms as possible. If at least 10 GEEs are found, it means that the industrial partner possesses an adequate number of experts to build an extensive library. Of the GEEs found 6 will be selected for the successive phase. The selection will be based both on high scores of CQ and on the richness of international experiences. Such GEEs will be contacted and meeting organized. If two or three GEEs work at the same location, focus

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group interview will be utilized, so that the researchers will have to undertake a single trip. If it is not possible to meet in person the selected GEEs, meeting can be arranged by phone, or an online form can be developed. At the end of this phase, a list of all the GEEs within the firm will be delivered.

Phase 2: Creation of Global Engineering Critical Incidents (GECIs)

In this phase the researchers will meet with selected GEEs and interview them in order to elicit and record their experiences. Moreover, during this phase, the experiences of GEEs will be formalized as Global Engineering Critical Incidents (GECIs) that will function as the cases for the Global Engineering Expertise Library (GEEL). Considering that each GEEs will share 1 to 3 valuable and unique stories, 6 to 18 GECIs will be created. In order to optimize time, collection of experiences and creation of GECIs will be done in parallel. At the end of this phase, a document containing GECIs and instruction for eliciting and creating GECIs will be delivered to the industrial partner.

Phase3: Creation of the Global Engineering Expertise library (GEEL) Prototype

In this phase the searchers with the help of an undergraduate programmer will develop and test a prototype of the GEEL. This initial version of the GEEL will contain the GECIs collected during the previous phase. At the end of this phase, the GEEL prototype and instructions on how to expand the GEEL will be delivered to the industrial partner.


The overall cost of the project will be of 48,687$. The budget of the project includes funding the graduate student who will work at a rate of 10 hours per week over the 10 months necessary for the accomplishment of the project. During the last 12 weeks of the third phase, an undergraduate programmer will be hired to assist the graduate student to develop and test the GEEL. The PI

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will function as a consultant and paid accordingly. Finally, expenses include multiple travels to interview GEEs and cost for communication and webhosting for the development of the GEEL.

Table 3 summarizes all the expenses.

Item Description/Rate Amount ($)

Graduate Researcher


Faculty Consulting

10 months @ 10 hours/week

20 days x $500/day

12 weeks x 40 hours/week x $12/hour Undergraduate programmer


Other - travel

Other - web host

Other - telecomm

54.00% of select expenses

5 on-site trips x $1000/trip

10 months x $ 10/month

10 months x $10/month


Table 3. Budget









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Personnel Profiles

Andrea Mazzurco – Student Investigator

PhD student at the School of Engineering Education, Pudue Univesity.

Research interests:

Global engineering education, human-centered design, humanitarian engineering, and servicelearning.

Educational backgroung

Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronauitics, Purdue University

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Politecinico di Milano, Milano, Italia


Mazzurco, A., Jesiek, B. K., Ramen, K. D. (2012). Are engineering students culturally intelligent?: preliminary results form a multiple group study. ASEE conference and exposition

Contact email: phone: 765-237-7305

Brent K. Jesiek – PI

Assistant professor at the School of Engineering Education and School of Electrical and

Computer Engineering, Purdue University

Associate director of the Global Engineering Program (GEP), Purdue University

Research Interests:

Historical and social studies of engineering, engineering education, and computing; global engineering education

Contact email: phone: 765- 496 -1531 website :

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