INSGC SMART Objectives

NASA Office of Education Outcomes and INSGC SMART Objectives
This document outlines the NASA Education Outcome and Objective Hierarchy and inserts the
INSGC SMART Objectives for each. These SMART Objectives were initially submitted with
the five-year proposal in 2010 for INSGC and are binding. They are provided to help you in
preparing your proposal, reporting, and ensuring that INSGC goals are met. Each NASA
outcome is listed first with its associated objectives; the relevant INSGC SMART Objectives are
listed after each Outcome section.
Higher Education – Employ and Educate: Contribute to the development of the STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) workforce in disciplines needed to achieve
NASA’s strategic goals, through a portfolio of investments.
Objective 1.1 Faculty and Research Support (Employ)
Provide NASA competency-building education and research opportunities for faculty,
researchers, and post-doctoral fellows.
Objective 1.2 Student Support (Educate)
Provide NASA competency-building education and research opportunities to individuals
to develop qualified undergraduate and graduate students who are prepared for
employment in STEM disciplines at NASA, industry, and higher education.
Objective 1.3 Student Involvement, Higher Education (Educate)
Provide opportunities for groups of post-secondary students to engage in authentic
NASA-related mission-based research and development activities.
Objective 1.4 Course Development (Educate)
Develop NASA-related course resources for integration into STEM disciplines.
Objective 1.5 Targeted Institution Research and Academic Infrastructure
(Employ) Improve the ability of targeted institutions to compete for NASA research and
development work.
INSGC Objective 1-A: Faculty, researchers, and doctoral fellows who receive INSGC funding
will report increased research capacity and competency as a result of their awards. (NASA
Objective 1.1)
INSGC Objective 1-B: Students who participate in INSGC higher education programs will report
an increased: a) interest in STEM study and careers, b) understanding of NASA programs, and c)
perception of leadership skills. (NASA Objectives 1.2 and 1.3)
INSGC Objective 1-C: At least 60% of INSGC higher education program student participants
will seek employment with NASA, aerospace contractors, universities, and other educational
institutions. (NASA Objective 1.2)
INSGC Objective 1-D: At least 40% of undergraduate students who participate in NASA higher
education programs will move on to advanced education in NASA-related fields. (NASA
Objective 1.2)
INSGC Objective 1-E: At least 25 underrepresented and underserved students (minimum 30% of
total) will participate in INSGC-funded higher education programs.
INSGC Objective 1-F: At least 2 new or revised course targeting STEM skills needed by NASA
will be created through INSGC support. (NASA Objective 1.4)
Elementary and Secondary Education – Educate and Engage: Attract and retain students in
STEM disciplines through a progression of educational opportunities for students, teachers and
Objective 2.1 Educator Professional Development – Short Duration (Engage)
Provide short duration professional development and training opportunities to educators,
equipping them with the skills and knowledge to attract and retain students in STEM
Objective 2.2 Educator Professional Development – Long Duration (Educate)
Provide long-duration and/or sustained professional development training opportunities
to educators that result in deeper content understanding and/or competence and
confidence in teaching STEM disciplines.
Objective 2.3 Curricular Support Resources (Educate and Engage)
Provide curricular support resources that use NASA themes and content to a) enhance
student skills and proficiency in STEM disciplines; b) inform students about STEM
career opportunities; and c) communicate information about NASA’s mission activities.
Objective 2.4 Student Involvement, K-12 (Engage)
Provide K-12 students with authentic first-hand opportunities to participate in NASA
mission activities, thus inspiring interest in STEM disciplines and careers, as well as
provide opportunities for family involvement in K-12 student learning in STEM areas.
INSGC Objective 2-A: At least 75% of elementary and secondary educators who participate in
two or more NASA training programs will use NASA resources in their classrooms. (NASA
Objective 2.2)
INSGC Objective 2-B: At least 60% of elementary and secondary educators who obtain NASA
content-based education resources or participate in short-duration NASA education activities will
use NASA resources in their classroom instruction. (NASA Objective 2.1)
INSGC Objective 2-C: At least 50% of students will express interest in science, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM) careers following their involvement in elementary and
secondary education programs. (NASA Objective 2.3)
INSGC Objective 2-D: At least 500 elementary and secondary students will participate in
INSGC instructional and enrichment activities. (NASA Objective 2.4)
Informal Education – Engage and Inspire: Build strategic partnerships and linkages with
STEM formal and informal education providers that promote STEM literacy and awareness of
NASA’s mission.
Objective 3.1 Resources (Engage and Inspire)
Provide informal education resources or tools that use NASA’s unique content to connect
NASA’s missions to self-directed learners or to attract or retain individuals to STEM
Objective 3.2 Professional Development for Information Education Providers
Provide informal education that improves competency to embed NASA expertise,
content, or STEM career development among those professionals and individuals who
create or offer local, regional or national NASA-themed educational activities or exhibits.
INSGC Objective 3-A: At least 4 museums and science centers in Indiana will actively engage
the public in major NASA events, with exposure of at least 1000 persons to STEM content and
educational opportunities available through INSGC. (NASA Objective 3.1)
INSGC Objective 3-B: At least 25 informal educators will report increased efficacy as a result of
INSGC supported professional development. (NASA Objective 3.2)