LECTURE COURSES IN RADIATION LAWS, ENVIRONMENT, ATMOSPHERE Introduction to Climate and Environmental Physics, BERN http://www.climate.unibe.ch/?L1=courses&L2=crcclmumw&L3=past (also contains problem sets) Physik der Atmosphäre II, Institut für Umweltphysik, Heidelberg http://www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/institut/studium/lehre/Atmosphaerenphysik/ TEXTBOOK: Atmospheric Science, by Wallace and Hobbs, 2nd edition, Academic, 2006 Available in our Library for reading EARTH IN SPACE INTRODUCTION Looking from space, the Earth is seen as a beautiful Blue Marble, the name that was given to the famous photograph taken by Apollo 17 astronauts in 1972 from a distance of about 45,000 km. THE SUN See NASA article at http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/sun_worldbook.html SOLAR WIND (from http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/20020509imagessu.html where you can find more detail) Solar Storms: see http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009/21jan_severespaceweather.htm COSMIC RAYS See Wikipedia article RADIATION, EQUILIBRIUM PLANCK’S LAW Wikipedia provides good description of Planck’s law. Play with the applet showing black body radiation spectrum at different temperatures. Za studente viših godina koji žele vidjeti izvod zakona iz principa statističke mehanike i kvantne fizike: Radiation lecture notes STEFAN-BOLTZMANN LAW WIEN’S DISPLACEMENT LAW LIMITING FORMS OF THE PLANK’S LAW: High frequencies: Wien’s law Niske frekvencije: Rayleigh - Jeans formula NASA EARTH ENERGY BUDGET http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/EnergyBalance/page1.php EARTH INTERIOR “Our Ever Changing Earth” Scientific American 2005 Special Edition, (available for reading on the Computer in Room 8, Folder Documents) Seismic Eruption and Seismic Waves programs by Alan Jones: http://pods.binghamton.edu/~ajones/ OCEANOGRAPHY SIO 210 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA http://sam.ucsd.edu/talleyhome.html h t t p: // oc ea nw o rl d . ta mu .e d u/ h om e/ co u rse _b o ok .h t m El Nino lecture by Kessler ft p : / / ft p . p m e l . n o a a . g o v / O C R D / k e s s l e r / TAL K S / E N S O AMSteachers_jun08.pdf W. S. Kessler site: http://faculty.washington.edu/kessler/ MARINE CHEMISTRY The lecture was taken from the MIT course, as shown in the ppt file. Basics of Marine carbonate chemistry are available from many sites, e. g. http://www.eoearth.org/article/Marine_carbonate_chemistry PALEOCLIMATE Try to read at least some of the IPCC The Physical Science Basis report Chapter 6. CLIMATE CHANGE We studied a lecture by James Hansen, NASA, Climate Threat to the Planet: Implications for Energy Policy and Intergenerational Justice (2.4 MB PDF). Bjerknes Lecture given Dec. 17 at the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco. Slides also available as PowerPoint (23.3 MB) Available from James Hansen site http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/ ENERGY Please visit Professor Exell's site for simple physics of photovoltaic materials MIT course on photovoltaics, "PV in 2012: What's Next in Photovoltaic Technology, Policy, and Economics" POPULATIONS, FOOD Most sources are listed with the slides. Elmentary population dynamics is described at http://wwwrohan.sdsu.edu/~jmahaffy/courses/f00/math122/lectures/qual_de2/qualde 2.html#pred