Lynn School Committee Candidate Forum Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Congregation Ahabat Sholom 151 Ocean Street, Lynn 7:00 p.m. Upcoming Events All candidate forums will begin at 7:00 p.m., 151 Ocean St., Lynn Please participate in our Red Cross Blood Drive Saturday, July 27th, 9am – 2pm, LHAND, 10 Church Street! Sunday, September 29--Essex Heritage Sails & Trails—Two Events Goldfish Pond and Grand Army of the Republic Museum (free to all—get “Passport” from Book Club--meets monthly September through June For more info email or see our website Eating Out Club—meets monthly at different Lynn Restaurants For more info, contact Trish, or visit our website Thursday, October 17th, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Fundraiser--Tides Restaurant & Pub, 2 Wilson Rd, Nahant 10% of all sales to benefit LCA programs and events. November, Date/Time TBA--Resource Fair December, Date/Time TBA--Wreath Hanging Monday, January 20, 2014--3rd Annual MLK, Jr. Day of Service March 2014—Youth Forum May/June 2014—Mayor’s State of the City June 2014—Clean Sweep to the Sea Lynn School Committee Candidate Forum Lynn, MA Wednesday, July 24, 2013 7:00 pm Welcome Mary Trahan, LCA President Moderator Cleo Hereford* Time Keeper Steven Dwyer Candidates Qualified by City Clerk: Patricia M. Capano** Maria O. Carrasco** Donna M. Coppola** John E. Ford, Jr.** Charlie Gallo** Lorraine Gately Melissa L. Romaniello Richard B. Starbard** Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. * Cleo Hereford is a Lynn native educated in the Lynn Public Schools at Ford Elementary, Marshall Middle School and Lynn English High School. After graduating from Wellesley College in 2009 with a degree in psychology, she began work at Boston Children's Hospital in the Department of Psychiatry where she is still currently employed. In addition to her day job, Cleo is also the writer behind An Education, a local blog focused primarily on the Lynn public schools and education-related issues, and serves on the Citizen's Advisory Board and the Marshall Middle School Council. **Incumbent Notes Candidate profiles are listed in alphabetical order with a photo and a brief biography. Candidates are seated for the forum in alphabetical order (left to right). Please accept our thanks for all Lynn citizens caring enough to come out tonight to this forum, and to the candidates who are taking time from their already busy campaign schedules to participate. In Gratitude… A special thanks to moderator, Cleo Hereford; time keeper, Steven Dwyer, and LCA photographer, Patrick Devanney. Very special thanks to the Congregation Ahabat Sholom and Shendel Bakal for their very generous support of LCA by allowing use of their facilities and set up for the event. We much appreciate a variety of local media coverage! The mission of Lynn Community Association is to promote pride and ownership in our community through beautification, education, recreation, and neighborly relationships. Debate Rules 1. Each candidate will be allowed 2 minutes introduction; candidates will present in alphabetical order. A yellow flag will be displayed by the time keeper 15 seconds before time is up. A red flag will be displayed when time is finished. 2. Moderator will ask questions which have been submitted anonymously by voters in the community. A name of the person who is to answer first will be drawn from a pool of candidate names. The question will then pass to that person’s left until each person has had an opportunity to respond. 3. Each candidate will have up to 90 seconds to answer the question. Yellow/red flag time keeping will apply. 4. If any candidate makes a remark which is directed toward another specific candidate, that candidate will be allowed 45 seconds to respond/rebut. Yellow/red flag time keeping will apply. 5. Following approximately 75 minutes of questions/answers, each candidate, in reverse alphabetical order, will be allowed an additional 1.5 minutes to make closing statements. Again, Yellow/Red time keeping will apply. 6. Candidates who do not respect the time keeping rules may be disqualified from participating in the remainder of the debate. City Clerk’s Office Contact Mary Audley | City Clerk and Elections Chief Phone (781) 598-4000 Email Office Room 203 | Lynn City Hall Hours— Monday 8:30 AM to 4 PM Tuesday 8:30 AM to 8 PM Wednesday 8:30 AM to 4 PM Thursday 8:30 AM to 4 PM Friday 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM You can register to vote at City Hall Clerk’s Office, where you also can obtain/complete an absentee ballot. Candidate Photographs and Biographies were submitted by candidates and are presented on the following pages in alphabetical order. Patricia M. Capano I am a life long resident, homeowner, and an invested citizen of the city of Lynn. I am married to Attorney Mario Capano and have three sons Nicholas, Alexander, and Jonathan. I graduated from St Mary's High School Class of 79. I attended Salem State College after high school. I have held a seat on the Lynn School Committee for 16years. I have been the Vice Chairperson for the past 10 years. Prior serving on the School Committee, I was a family advocate for children with acute trauma and chronic disabilities at Tufts Medical Center. I currently serve as an Eucharistic Minister at St. Pius V Church, Lynn, MA. When I first ran for a seat on the committee I was a mother of three young LPS students. My oldest son required several services and I quickly learned I was his best advocate. I thought I could serve my community by bringing my knowledge and passion for education to this board. My primary goal has not changed. I continue to be motivated and passionate and want to be part of a system that is growing and thriving. I believe I have consistently worked openly with parents, teachers, administrators and my fellow colleagues to continue to strive for a successful future for our students. I have been part of the Negotiations Subcommittee for 16 years, assisting with contracts that support and promote highly qualified teachers for our students. Serving as Chairperson for the Curriculum Subcommittee has given me hands on experience and specific knowledge of our students' academics, books, and standards of teaching in our classrooms. As a committee member I have been instrumental with assistance of my colleagues to devise the Superintendent Evaluation, which combines committee, district, and Superintendent goals that are concise, measurable and consistent with our mandate to continue to achieve increased levels of students performance. I will continue to be an accessible advocate for parents and students. I will continue to reach out to the community to help our students be successful in the future. Maria O. Carrasco In the early 1980’s I came to Lynn in pursuit of the “American Dream.” I immediately enrolled in English classes at North Shore Community College and received an Associate’s Degree with certification as a Drug and Alcohol Substance Abuse Counselor. For over 15 years I was a teacher. I have worked as a case manager for 25 years at the North Shore Career Center. Every day I get to help people access the training and education they need to achieve their career goal and feel I make a difference enabling me to be a strong advocate for increased state funding for more English as a Second Language (ESL) and Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs. I have three children and 6 grandchildren. All three of my children attended and graduated from Lynn public schools. Three of my grandchildren attended the Lynn public schools. I am ecstatic to say that my first grandson has graduated from English High School and this past May Graduated with a bachelor’s Degree from Becker College. My life experiences have given me an understanding of the lives of children, youth and working families in our community and the challenges they face. I have been a community advocate and activist in Lynn for decades. I have been President of New Lynn Coalition, Chairwoman of the Lynn Shannon Grant Steering Committee, Member of Neighbor to Neighbor, Greg House, Operation Bootstrap, Lynn United for Change, Highland Coalition and have had A the honor of being appointed by the governor as Member of the Trustee Board of North Shore Community College. I have also been a member of the Lynn Hispanic Scholarship for over 16 years and served as president for 4 years where we award scholarships to high school students based on their academic performance and financial need. Donna M. Coppola 300 Lynn Shore Drive Apt. 700 Lynn, MA 01902 781-593-4433, Facebook - Re Elect Donna Coppola – Lynn School Committee Married to Harry, mother of 4 children, grandmother of 3. Former foster parent of 19 children. Educaiton: Graduate of NSCC, Phi Beta Kappa, and University of Massachusetts Work History: AT & T 23 year career, member of CWA JOI Childcare Center Case Manager, Teen Parent Program, UAW 1596 Commonwealth of Mass NRS, Direct Care, member of AFSCME 1730 Volunteer & Community Service: Elected to the Lynn School Committee in 2000 Past PTA President Lincoln-Thomson Elementary PTA, Breed Jr. High PTA, and Lynn Classical HS PTA Mass PTA, former Executive Board member Education Reform Review Commission, Parent Representative appointed by Gov. Weld Lynn Community Connection Coalition Board Member DARE Family Services, former Board Member My Brother’s Table, former Board Member North Shore Labor Council, Women’s Committee Austin Square Baptist Church, Women’s Supper Committee Awards: Kline Scholarship Recipient, Governor Foster Furcolo Recipient John E. Ford, Jr. I am married ( 46 years ) to Sheila ( Wilson ) , have 4 daughters ( Kathleen, Tina, Valerie and Jennifer) and 5 grandchildren. Two of my daughters are Lynn schoolteachers ( Kathleen and Jennifer). My sister, Joanne Eagan is the Principal of Sacred Heart School. My father, John, was the Councilor of Ward 7 for 16 years and City Council President for 8 years. My uncle Robert was the Principal of the Ford School and the building is named in his honor. My cousin Phyllis O'Brien teaches at Shoemaker and my brother-in- law John "Jack" Eagan recently retired as a teacher from Pickering. I have strong family ties to education. I worked 34 years at General Electric, retiring in 2001. I then worked several years for GE as a contractor before joining the staff of State Representative Steven Walsh in January 2010, as a Legislative Aide. My main duties for Rep. Walsh are to act on his behalf at local events and to attend to his constituent services. I have a B.S. in Sociology from Northeastern University and a Masters in Education. from Cambridge College. My initial desire when attaining my Masters in Education was to begin a second career as teacher, but that desire never materialized. I am very involved in the community. I am a member of the Knights of Columbus and A.O.H Division 10. I am a member of CTC ( Community That Cares) and serve on the Executive Board. I am on the Board of Directors of Children and Family Services, Building Bridges Through Music, and Cerebral Palsy of Eastern Mass. I also serve on the Executive Board of the Lynn Food and Fitness Coalition. I have also been involved, the past several years, with Councilor Peter Capano, and the Lynn Item in running a Summer Youth Basketball League. As a member of the School Committee, I am very active. I am in contact nearly every day with School Administration on any topic or agenda item that may arise. I pride myself on same day response to any school related phone calls and attend as many school functions an initiatives as my schedule will allow. I attempt to render educated and common sense input on each School Committee issue. Charlie Gallo I first ran for the School Committee because education has always been important to me, and I wanted to work to improve education in Lynn. As the first member of my family to graduate from college, I understood the importance of a quality education. I understand the history, accomplishments, and challenges facing our city and its schools. I ran for the School Committee with the belief that all students deserve a quality education, and that the future of Lynn requires that all students receive a quality education. I began my first term on the School Committee in 2012, and have worked hard for our students and schools. I am running for a second term to continue working hard to improve education in Lynn. Some of the initiatives that I have been working on include grant funding to bring more resources to Lynn students and schools, career development programs for high school students, student safety programs for elementary school students and parents in partnership with the Lynn Police and Fire Departments, youth engagement and the Lynn Youth Council, partnerships with businesses and non-profits to provide more opportunities to Lynn students, establishment of the Lynn Community Enrichment Program which offers educational and recreational courses at Lynn Tech at night for Lynners of all ages, educator appreciation, and making Lynn School Committee meetings available online. PERSONAL --Lifelong Lynn resident; Family in Lynn for four generations; Homeowner / taxpayer; First family member to graduate from college PROFESSIONAL—Attorney; Adjunct instructor, North Shore Community College EDUCATION--Juris Doctor, Suffolk University Law School (evening division, while working during the day), 2009; Bachelors Degree in Government, Suffolk University, 2005; K-12:Sacred Heart School, Sisson Elementary School, Pickering Middle School, and St. Mary’s High School COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Lynn Democratic City Committee, Secretary, 2005-present Lynn Community Association, Board Member, 2012-present Lynn Home for Young Women, Board Member, 2012-present Lynn Citizens Advisory Board (for youth, non-profit, and community development programs), Board Member, 2008-2012 Zoning Board of Appeals, Associate Board Member, 2009-2012 Member, Friends of Lynn and Nahant Beach Member, Lynn Museum and Historical Society Member, Friendly Knights of St. Patrick Associate Member, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 10 Volunteer, Santa Island For more information please visit, call 781-592-9498, find Charlie Gallo for Lynn School Committee on Facebook, and follow GalloForLynn on Twitter. Lorraine Gately Lorraine Gately is a lifelong resident of Lynn who has experienced Lynn Public Schools from many sides, including as a student, parent and long-time educator. She is ready to add School Committee member to that list. Gately, who retired in June after a 33-year teaching career has announced her candidacy for Lynn School Committee. “When I decided to retire from teaching, I knew I wanted to stay active in the school district, which has played such an important role in my life,” Gately said. “Serving on the School Committee will give me the opportunity to put all my experience to good work for the benefit of all students, families, teachers and staff.” After graduating from Lynn English High School in 1972, Gately earned an associate’s degree at North Shore Community College and a bachelor’s at Goddard College in Vermont. She also holds a master’s in education from Cambridge College. Gately spent the vast majority of her teaching career in Lynn Public Schools, working mainly as a science teacher at the secondary level. For the last six years, she served as a lead teacher at Pickering Middle School. She has also been a team leader in the Gateway to Engineering and Technology Education project at the Museum of Science. Strengthening the science curriculum, especially at the middleschool level, will be one of her priorities as a School Committee member, she said. Gately, whose son, Michael, graduated from Lynn English this year, said she will also focus on upgrading the quality of school buildings, which is why the upcoming vote on a new Marshall Middle School is so critical. “The Marshall project is the most important issue that has come up in the school district in many years,” Gately said. “Not only will it cost the City less for a new building than to repair the existing one, but a new Marshall will also pave the way for a continued partnership with the MSBA (Mass. School Building Authority) and more new schools down the road.” A two-time cancer survivor, Gately is a member of the North Shore Labor Council’s Women’s Committee and the Lynn Teachers Union. She formerly served as an assistant girls basketball coach at Lynn English, and over the years has been involved with Lynn Youth Hockey, Lynn Youth Soccer and the Lynn Park Softball Association. She is also a former member of the Gannon Golf Course Inner Club. Melissa L. Romaniello Melissa Romaniello and her husband Chris have owned a home in Lynn for six years. They share it with their three sons, a St. Bernard, and two cats. Melissa's sons attended Lynn elementary schools, currently her oldest two attend KIPP Academy and her youngest child is enrolled at the Drewicz School. Melissa herself is a product of the public education system. At a young age, Melissa owned her own thriving company at the same time that she was earning an Architecture degree. She graduated from Onondaga Community College in 2007 with a GPA of 3.98. Her commitment to her family directed a career change and she currently works as an advocate for families in need. Many of these families require assistance with school issues, which is an area in which she has hard-won experience. Melissa successfully advocated for her own children’s individualized education plans due to their special education needs. She has a high level of cultural competence--needed in a melting pot like Lynn--in part because she capitalized on scholarships to study in Japan and Spain. Melissa has volunteered with many community organizations, including the Friday Family Support Group (Executive Board), Lynn Parent Advisory Council on Special Education (Secretary, Co-Chair, and Chair), Special Olympics Massachusetts, Cub Scouts (Cubmaster, Camp Staff, Den Leader), and Boy Scouts (Committee Member). In addition, Melissa has volunteered many hours to help families with special education needs to advocate for what their children require. Melissa will bring a parent’s voice to the School Committee and is eager to represent the children and families of Lynn, as well as ensure that they receive the education that they deserve. Richard B. Starbard Rick Starbard, currently serving his second term as a member of the Lynn School Committee, was born in Lynn and graduated from Lynn Tech’s Auto Body program in 1981. In 1983 at the age of nineteen he founded Rick’s Auto Body, now Rick’s Auto Collision, Inc., in Revere. In 1996, as a newly certified vocational instructor, he became a collision repair instructor at LVTI. During his tenure at Lynn Tech, its Auto Collision Program had blossomed into a nationally recognized National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) certified training program. Starbard is the Immediate Past National President of the 10,000+ member Alliance of Automotive Service Providers as well as the Immediate Past President of AASP’s Massachusetts affiliate. He is involved in several local and national industry initiatives. Starbard is a member of the LVTI School Council and the LVTI Advisory Board. He is a member of Board of Directors of the LVTI Alumni Association, the President of the Board of Directors for the Lynn Street Outreach Advocacy (LYSOA), a member of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, Grace United Methodist Church and participates in and sponsors many community endeavors. Two of Rick’s proudest moments came in the past year when he was inducted into the Lynn Tech Hall of Fame and was asked to be the commencement speaker at this year’s LVTI graduation. Starbard’s more than thirty years as a business owner have taught him how to make tough financial decisions in tough economic times. Once he took office following the 2009 election, Starbard became known for speaking out on wasteful spending as well as restoring needed resources to our classrooms. On a daily basis Starbard uses his hard-earned expertise to work directly with the citizens of Lynn, the administration, advisory boards, business community and the alumni associations to study issues such as budget cuts, programs and security. He has been a staunch advocate of accelerating the replacement of many of our aging school buildings. Rick and his wife Lois have been married for 27 years and have two daughters, Jessica a 2009 Lynn English graduate and recent graduate of Northeastern University and Stephanie a 2012 Lynn English graduate currently attending Bridgewater State University. Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. Although born in Washington, DC, I grew up in WV. Early on I learned the value of education when my parents struggled to put me in a private kindergarten back before there was a public one in WV. All through school I always did well, winning various awards. In high school I was chosen to attend programs with other high achieving students from around the country. One, an engineering program at Western Michigan University and the other a National Science Foundation Chemistry Camp at West Virginia Wesleyan College. I chose to go to college at Wesleyan where I was studying chemistry but on the pre-med track. During my freshman year I won the Hyma Award for outstanding achievement in freshman chemistry, Early in my sophomore year I was involved in an automobile accident that left me comatose for eleven days. Through hard work and strong family support I was able to make a remarkable recovery, even taking Outreach courses at Wesleyan through the mail less than four months later, I was back in school full time next fall. I graduated in 1985 with a BA in psychology and a minor in chemistry. After a very brief teaching stint in Louisville, KY, I worked in various capacities at the Elkins Mountain School for seven years. I moved to MA where I worked for DMR for 15 years before I retired on disability. I have two kids in LPS. I have been involved with the School Improvement Council at Ford School where I was also a volunteer librarian for a year. My blog, LYNN SCHOOL WATCH has been around for three years and I am approaching 270,000 views. VOTER INFORMATION: Last day to register to vote in primary—Wednesday, August 31 Primary election—Tuesday, September 20 Last day to register to vote in final election—Wednesday, October 12 Election Day—Tuesday, November 8 Reminder—Voter Registration If you are not registered to vote or need to make changes on your registration, you can do so tonight. Visit the check-in table before you leave! P.O. Box 856 Lynn, MA 01903 781-346-9060