AP European History Summer Assignment 2014-2015 Welcome to AP European History! AP European History is a challenging course that is designed to be the equivalent of a freshman college course in a high school setting. It is a year-long survey of European history from the Renaissance to the present. I have prepared a few assignments for you to do over the summer so that you can be more prepared for the class when it starts in August. Please read the directions carefully and ensure that everything is done by the first day of class. All assignments must be written out in pen (blue or black). Any assignment turned in typed or written in pencil will not be graded. You will need to have computer access for most of these assignments. If you do not have computer access, please see me ASAP. I am in room 221. The summer assignments are due on THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS. Turning in these assignments late or failure to do these assignments will mean starting the school year with lower grades or ZERO’S right out of the gate in AP European History. Do not wait until the last minute to complete these assignments. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression!!! If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I will be out of the country for part of the summer, but will check my email when possible. Assignment #1 Guided Reading Questions There are three PDF files on my website (www.mikulecism.com) that come from one of your textbooks. Read each one in the order they appear on the site. As you read each chapter, you should be answering the questions as well. To do so, write the question out and highlight them in yellow. The responses should be detailed. By answering these questions, you are basically taking notes on the readings! I am planning to have a reading quiz on this reading on the first day of class. Middle Ages (Chapter 11) Famine and Black Death 1. Prior to the Black Plague, analyze what was causing famine and depopulation? 2. Prior to the Black Plague, evaluate how life was for the average European peasant. 3. Give an overview of how the Black Plague affected European population. 4. What is the prime, real cause for the Black Plague? What were the popular beliefs for what was causing the plague? 5. How did the general population react to the plague? Economic Dislocation 1. Describe the 3 divisions of the Old Regime (society). Explain this and any troubles they were having, especially in the cities. War and Political Instability 1. What were the causes of the events and outcomes of the 100 Years War? Summarize it in your own words. 2. What challenges did the monarch have to deal with post 100 Years War? (England, France, Holy Roman Empire[HRE], and City-States of Italy) 3. Evaluate the deep military, economic and political consequences of the introduction and use of cannons and gunpowder. 4. What major problems did European states face in the 14 th century? How are these problems evident in the history of England, France and Holy Roman Empire (HRE)? 5. Discuss the causes and consequences of the failure of Germany and Italy to develop strong centralized governments. Decline of the Church 1. Why was the church’s authority and prestige declining in the 14 th century? 2. Give an overview of what was the Great Schism. How did it affect the church’s political power? 3. Evaluate the importance of the following people in society and literature. a. Dante d. Chaucer b. Petrarch e. Pizan c. Boccaccio Urban Life 1. Differentiate life in the urban areas as compared to life pre-Black Plague. Incorporate family life, sixe, gender roles, and children’s roles in the new life. Renaissance (Chapter 12) Renaissance 1. Evaluate how the Renaissance and the Middle Ages differed. 2. Evaluate all political, economic, and social changes brought on by the Renaissance. Be detailed, especially for the social aspects of them. This might be lengthy!!! Italian States 3. Why was the Italian Peninsula fragmented, and what were some of the effects of this fragmentation? 4. Evaluate the effects of humanism and its effects on philosophy, education, politics, and history. 5. How did Gutenberg’s invention help spread Renaissance ideas? 6. Differentiate (in detail) between the Italian and Northern Renaissance Art movements. 7. Briefly give an overview of the ‘New Monarchs’ of the Renaissance for the following areas. a. France d. HRE (Holy Roman Empire) b. England e. Eastern Europe c. Spain f. Ottomans 8. How did the Popes of the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) react to the Renaissance? 9. What were the overall problems people had with the church during the Renaissance? Exploration (Chapter 14) On the Brink of a New World 1. Evaluate the motives and means of exploration. 2. Differentiate Spanish and Portuguese goals and actions when it comes to 1400-1500s exploration. 3. Just read the ‘Spanish Empire’ and ‘New Rivals until ‘The West in Southeast Asia’ section…no major questions or info needed on it (p.420-429). 4. Why was the Dutch Republic so successful in establishing a profitable overseas empire, given their small population and lack of resources? 5. How did exploration and colonization differ in Asia, Latin America and North America? 6. How might all their colonies in the Americas and Asia affect state relations in Europe? Impact of European Expansion 1. What correlation is there between overseas expansion and economic, social, and political development in Europe? 2. Evaluate the importance of the Columbian Exchange. Toward a World Economy 1. Analyze the effects of colonization on the economies of Europe. 2. Compare mercantilism to capitalism. Assignment #2 –People & Terms Dictionary You will start creating a running "dictionary" of important people and terms throughout European History. This dictionary will be useful when preparing for your exams. (Rather than re-reading the entire text!) The words for these chapters are located below. Follow the directions carefully. The People & Terms are graded for completion, accuracy, neatness, and proper explanation of significance. Directions: 1. Using 2-columns, explain the definition AND significance of each person/term listed using no more than 3 sentences or bullet points. I am not looking for simply a definition, but an EXPLANATION as to WHY it is important to our current study 2. DO NOT use any resources other than the reading passages, then if you need additional sources, then use them. This will ensure you are explaining the AP Euro significance of the term. 3. Number EACH entry. 4. Include the page number(s) or source of where you found your information. 5. Try to incorporate other people and terms, draw connections between them to demonstrate a complete understanding of the subject. 6. Use phrases like: ‘This is significant because...’ or ‘significance: ’ 7. Answer the WHY question over and over to drill down to significance. Christopher Columbus discovered the "New World" by sailing the ocean blue in 1492. He treated the natives badly, Columbus stole their gold, and left hard feelings for all. He also introduced religion and imposed his beliefs on natives and changed the world. (p. 342)***Does not explain significance of his discovery. Columbus was motivated by Gold, God, and Glory upon setting out to discover a shorter trade route to the East Indies by sailing westward. Significance: his discovery of gold made Europe wealthy, laid the foundation Columbus for Mercantilism, created an economic race for colonies supported by slavery and brought diseases that wiped out native populations. (p. 342). Pico Della Mirandolla Chapter 11 Middle Ages Chapter 12 Renaissance Avignon Papacy Brunelleschi's Dome Renaissance Conciliar Movement Civic Humanism Secularism Decameron Hanseatic League Chapter 14 Exploration Flagellants Isabelle d'Este Asiento Gabelle Johannas Gutenberg Bartholomew Diaz Giotto liberal studies Joint Stock Company Jacquerie Lorenzo Bruni Magellan Mysticism Lorenzo De Medici Mercantilism Pogroms Lorenzo Valla Price Revolution Taille l'uomo universale Prince Henry the Navigator Unan Sanctam Medici Family Treaty of Tordesillas Vernacular Peace of Lodi Triangular Trade Petrarch Vasco De Gama Assignment # 3- Mapping Europe Using the blank map found on my website, create a map of modern day Europe with all the current countries identified, along with their capitals (can be listed on the bottom of the map instead of being placed on the map) and major bodies of water. Color the map using colored pencils to help differentiate the countries. This map should be placed on the cover of your binder so it can be referenced throughout the year. Assignment #4- Contact information & my website Familiarize my website. I am currently redoing parts of it, but it will contain a plethora of information that will help you throughout the course. Each unit has a separate folder with power points, extra notes, visuals, etc. that will enhance what you have read and learn in class. Bookmark it for later use…if you want, make it your homepage! Once you get your schedule, email me at mr.mikulec.ib@gmail.com with your name in the subject line. Within the email, place the following… Block number Your email address (that you actually check) Your parents email address(s) Parents phone number Any information I need to know about you (Ex. Such as you need to sit closer to the front, you have issues with writing or reading, etc) Assignment #5- Buy an AP Euro Review Book & Class Supplies (not a grade) To enhance your learning, as well as to help you throughout the year, I STRONGLY ADVISE that you purchase at least one review book for this course. Most books stores have many different review guides for you to choose from. I have some that I STRONGLY RECOMMEND. You do not need to bring these to class, but should be used daily. I have some of these review books in my classroom that can be checked out on a daily basis to be used during your JA’s. AP Achiever for European History by Chris Freiler ( ISBN: 978-0-07-325672-6 ) This book can only be bought on the internet. This review book is one of the best ones out there and highly recommended by former AP Euro students. REA AP European History Test Prep Book This book is detailed, like a textbook, but easier to read. It can be located at most bookstores. AP European Crash Course by Larry Krieger This book gives general overviews of everything you need to know for each unit, without many details. This is a book that will be very helpful throughout the course, as you get closer to the AP exam. I currently have around 100 that can be checked out to be used for the entire year, but must be returned at the end of the year. ******* I have about 100 Crash Course books that can be checked out for the year. ******* AP European History All Access This book is a combination of the Crash Course and REA E.H. Test Prep Book mentioned above. Besides combining both books, it also gives access to review material on line as well as an app for phone usage. Class Supplies- 2-inch binder that is solely dedicated for this class with 3 dividers. College rule paper Pens (blue or black only) Pack of highlighters (green, yellow, blue, and pink…these colors only!)