49.1: Nervous systems consist of circuits of neurons - APBio10-11

Hey… you’re making
me nervous.
The Nervous System and Muscles
48 Overview
Neurons: the nerve cells that transfer information within the body
o Long-distance electrical signals
o Short-distance chemical signals
o Transfer sensory info, control heart rate, coordinate hand and eye movement (what
hand-eye coordination…?), record memories, generate dreams
o Brain: groups of neurons
o Ganglia: simple clusters of neurons
48.1: Neuron organization and structure reflect function in
information transfer
Introduction to Information Processing
Sensory neurons: transmit information form eyes and other sensors that detect external
stimuli/internal conditions
o Sent to processing centers in
the brain/ganglia
o Processing sensors interpret the
sensory input (integrate)
 Interneurons: make
only local connections,
vast majority of neurons
in the brain
 Nerves: neurons that
extend out of the
processing centers in
bundles and generate
output by triggering
muscle/gland activity,
basis of motor output
 Motor neurons: transmit signals to muscle cells
Central Nervous System (CNS): includes brain and longitudinal nerve cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): neurons that carry info in/out of the CNS
Neuron Structure and Function
Cell body: location of the neuron’s organelles, including the nucleus
Dendrites: highly branched extensions that receive signals from other neurons
Axon: extension that transmits signals to other cells, often much longer than dendrites
Axon hillock: cone-shaped region of an axon where it joins the cell body, usually the region where
the signals travel down the axon are generate
Synapse: branched end of an axon that transmits info to another cell at a junction
Synaptic terminal: part of each axon branch that forms the junction
Neurotransmitters: chemical messengers that pass info from the transmitting neuron to the cell
Presynaptic cell: transmitting neuron
Postsynaptic cell: neuron, muscle, gland that receives that signal
Glia: supporting glial cells that insulate the axons of neurons and regulate the extracellular fluid
surrounding the neurons
48.2: Iron pumps and ion channels maintain the resti ng
potential of a neuron
Membrane potential: difference in electric charge across their plasma membrane
Resting potential: membrane potential of a resting neuron, negative relative to the outside
Formation of the Resting Potential
Potassium ions (K+) and sodium ions (Na+) are important, each have a concentration gradient
across the plasma membrane of the neuron
o Mammals:
 K+ = 140 mM inside, 5mM outside
 Na+ = 15mM inside, 150 mM outside
o Maintained by sodium-potassium pumps in the plasma membrane, use ATP energy to
actively transport Na+ out and K+ in
Concentrations represent potential energy
o Ion channels: pores formed by clusters of specialized proteins that span the membrane,
allow ions to diffuse back and forth – carry with them units of electric charge
 Any resulting net movement will generate a voltage across the membrane
Selective permeability: allow only certain ions to pass
o Diffusion of K+ through open potassium channels forms resting potential
 [K+] high inside cell, chemical concentration gradient favors outflow of K+
 K+ channels only allow K+ to pass, Cl- can’t accompany K+ across the membrane
 Outflow of K+ leads to an excess of negative charge inside the cell—negative
charge = membrane potential
o No backup?
 Electric potential: excess negative charges inside the cell opposes flow of
additional K+ ions out of the cell
Modeling of the Resting Potential
Net flow of K+ out proceeds until chemical and electrical forces are in balance
Equilibrium potential (Eion): magnitude of the membrane voltage at equilibrium for a particular
o Calculated using Nernst equation
o Eion = 62 mV (log [ion]outside / [ion]inside)
Because neither K+ nor Na+ is at equilibrium, each ion has a net flow across the membrane.
Resting potential remains steady—K+ and Na+ currents are equal and opposite
48.3: Action potentials are the signals conducted by axons
What the hell does any of this mean?
Gated ion channels: Ion channels that open/close in response to stimuli- basis of almost all
electrical signaling in the nervous system – open/close alters membrane’s permeability to
particular ions, which alters membrane potential
Hyperpolarization: increase in magnitude of membrane potential, results from any stimulus that
increases either the outflow of + ions or inflow of – ions
Depolarization: reduction of magnitude of membrane potential, often involved gated sodium
Graded potentials: hyperpolarization, depolarization- magnitude of change in membrane
potential varies with strength of stimulus
Production of Action Potentials
Voltage-gated ion channels: gated ion channels that open/close in response to change in
membrane potential
Action potential: massive change in membrane voltage, result of rapid opening of all voltagegated sodium channels – nerve impulses that carry info along axon
Threshold: specific voltage at which action potentials occur – depolarization increases to this
o All-or-nothing: response—reflects the fact that depolarization opens voltage-gated
sodium channel – like a trigger of a gun
Generation of Action Potentials: A Closer Look (Fuck you I will not take a
closer look)
Action potentials are extremely brief, many of them can happen a second, frequency can vary in
response to input – signal strength
Voltage-gated channels shape action potential
1: resting potential, most voltage-gated sodium channels are closed
2: stimulus depolarizes membrane, some sodium channels open, allowing Na+ to diffuse 
further depolarization – open more channels
3: positive-feedback cycle brings membrane close to ENa—crossed threshold
4: prevent membrane potential from reaching Ena – voltage-gated sodium channels inactive soon
after opening, voltage-gated potassium channels opening (falling phase)
5: Undershoot: membrane permeability is closer to EK than resting potential—potassium gates
close—membrane potential returns to resting potential
Refractory period: downtime following action potential when a second action potential cannot
be initiated – sets limit on max freq at which action periods can be generated
Conduction of Action Potentials
Action potential functions as long-distance signal my regenerating itself as it travels from the cell
body to synaptic terminals
Conduction Speed
Axon diameter—wider axons conduct action potential more rapidly than narrow ones because
resistance to electrical flow is inversely proportional to cross-section already of a conductor
Myelin sheath: layer of electrical insulation that surrounds vertebrate axons, allows thinner
vertebrate axons to be just as fast
o Oligodendrocytes: in CNS
o Schwann Cells: in PNS
o Insulation- has same effect as increasing axon diameter- depolarization current
associated with action potential to spread farther along interior of axon – space
o Nodes of Ranvier: gaps in myelin sheath, in contact with extracellular fluid – action
potentials are not generated here
o Salutatory conduction: action potential at a node travels to the next node, where it
depolarizes the membrane and regens the action potential – action potential ppears to
jump along axon from node to node
48.4: Neurons communicate with other cells at synapses
Electrical synapses: contain gap junctions, allow electrical current to flow directly from one
neuron to another – synchronize activity of neurons responsible for rapid, unvarying behaviors
Chemical synapses: involve release of chemical neurotransmitter by presynaptic neuron
o Synaptic vesicles: membrane-bound compartments containing neurotransmitter, reaches
the terminal membrane and fuses with it
o Synaptic cleft: narrow gap that separates the presynaptic neuron from the postsynaptic
o Information is more readily regulated at chemical synapses than at electrical synapses –
factors can alter responsiveness of the postsynaptic cell
Action potential depolarizes plasma membrane of synaptic terminal
Opens calcium channel in membrane
Elevated Ca+ concentration causes synaptic vesicles to fuse with presynaptic membrane
Vesicles release neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft
Neurotransmitter binds to receptor
Neurotransmitter released from receptors, channels close
Generation of Postsynaptic Potentials
Ligand-gated ion channels: channels capable of binding to the neurotransmitter, clustered in
membrane of postsynaptic cell, directly opposite the synaptic terminal
Postsynaptic potential: change in membrane potential of postsynaptic cell
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs): depolarization that bring membrane potential closer
toward thresholds, neurotransmitter binds to channels open to both K+ and Na+
Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs): hyperpolarization, postsynaptic membrane
hyperpolarizes when the neurotransmitter binds to channels selectively permeable to K+ or Cl-
Summation of Postsynaptic Potentials
Postsynaptic potentials are graded, magnitude varies with number of factors, including amount
of neurotransmitter released by postsynaptic neuron – do not regenerate as they spread along
the membrane (become smaller w/ distance from synapse)
Temporal summation: EPSPs occur at single synapse before the membrane potential returns to
resting potential– EPSPs add together
Spatial summation: EPSPs produced nearly simultaneously by different synapses and add
EPSPs can depolarize the membrane at the axon hillock to the threshold, causing postsynaptic
neuron to produce action potential
o Also applies to IPSPs
Whenever membrane potential at axon hillock reaches threshold, action potential is generated
and travels along axon to synaptic terminals – refractory period, neuron may produce another
membrane potential
Modulated Synaptic Transmission (I have no idea what’s going on right now)
There are synapses in which the receptor for the neurotransmitter is not part of an ion channel –
binding of neurotransmitter to its receptor in postsynaptic cell activates signal transduction
pathway involving second messenger
o Slower onset, but last longer
o Second messenger modulate responsiveness of postsynaptic neurons to inputs in diverse
ways, altering number of open K+ channels
o cAMP as second messenger – binding of neurotransmitter molecule to a single receptor
can open/close many channels
Over 100 neurotransmitters
Most common in vertebrates/invertebrates
Except in heart, vertebrate neurons that form a synapse with muscle cells release acetylcholine as
an excitatory transmitter
Binds to receptors on ligand-gated channels on muscle cell, producing EPSP
Nicotine binds to the same receptors – physiological/psychological stimulate result from affinity
to acetylcholine receptors
Inhibit presynaptic release of acetylcholine – botulism: muscles required from breathing fail to
contract because acetylcholine release is blocked
o Botox- minimize wrinkles by immobilizing facial muscles
Regulation of heart: inhibitory effects
Biogenic Amines
Neurotransmitters derived from amino acids
o Serotonin- synthesized from tryptophan
o Dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine (both neurotransmitters and hormones)
Involved in modulating synaptic transmission
o Dopamine and serotonin – sleep, mood, attention, learning
Parkinson’s = lack of dopamine, depression – lack of biogenic amines (Prozac)
Amino Acids
Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) glutamate
GABA – inhibitory synapses in brain, produces IPSP by increasing permeability of
postsynaptic membrane
Glutamate – always excitatory
Glycine – acts at inhibitory synapses, lie outside the brain
Relatively short chains of amino acids, operate via signal transduction pathways – produced by
cleavage of much larger protein precursors
Substance P : excitatory neurotransmitter = pain
Endorphins: natural pain decreaser
NO (ED) - Not stored in cytoplasmic vesicles, but is synthesized on demand
49.1: Nervous systems consist of circuits of neurons and
supporting cells
Cnidarians – nerve net: series of interconnected nerve cells which controls the contraction and
expansion of the Gastrovascular cavity
More complex animals- nerves: axons of multiple nerve cells bundled together, channel and
organize information flow along specific routes through the nervous system
Bilaterally symmetrical bodies – even more specialized nervous systems – cephalization
o Clustering of sensory neurons and interneurons at anterior end
o Nerve cords extending toward posterior end connect structures with nerves elsewhere
o Behavior of segmented worms regulated by more complicated brains and by ventral
nerve cords containing ganglia
Nervous system organization correlates with lifestyle (cephalization = more specialized =
complete tasks)
Vertebrates: brain and spinal cord form CNS, nerves and ganglia comprise PNS
Organization of the Vertebrate Nervous System
Brain: integrative power that underlies complex behavior of vertebrates
o Gray matter: consists of neuron cell bodies, dendrites and unmyelinated axons
o White matter: consists of bundled axons that have myelin sheaths, give axons a whitish
Spinal cord: conveys info to and from brain,
generates basic patterns of locomotion
o Runs dorsal side of body
o Has ganglia just outside the spinal cord
o Derived from dorsal embryonic nerve
cord (hollow)
 Central canal – hollow cavity of
embryonic nerve cord is
transformed into this and the
ventricles of the brain
 Cerebrospinal fluid: four
ventricles and central canal fills
with this, formed by filtration of
arterial blood in the brain –
circulates slowly through the
central canal and ventricles,
then drains into veins –
cushions the brain/spinal cord
o Acts independently of brain, produces
reflexes- body’s automatic responses to
certain stimuli
o Protect body by triggering rapid, involuntary response to particular stimulus
Sensory neurons
convey info to
spinal cord
1. Reflex is
initiated by
tapping the
connected to
Sensors detect a
sudden stretch in
Motor neurons
convey signals to
quads, leg jerks
Sensory neurons
communicate with
Interneurons inhibit
motor neurons that
lead to hamstring
muscle- prevents
contraction of
Glia in the CNS
Glia present throughout vertebrate and spinal cord fall into many categories
o Ependymal cells line ventricles and have cilia that promote circulation of the
cerebrospinal fluid
o Microglia protect nervous system from invading microorganisms
o Oligodendrocytes function in axon myelination
o Astrocytes: diverse set of functions
 Provide structural support for neurons
 Regulate extracellular concentrations of ions/neurotransmitters
 Respond to activity in neighboring neurons by facilitating info transfer at
synapses, release neurotransmitters
 Cause nearby blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow to area
 Blood-brain barrier: restricts passage of most substances into CNS – permits
tight junctions – tight control of EC chemical environment of brain/SC
o Radial glia: development of nervous system- form tracks along newly formed neurons
that migrate from neural tube – ac at stem cells
Peripheral Nervous System
Afferent – toward; efferent – away
Cranial nerves: connect brain with locations mostly in organs of the head and upper body
o Afferent only: olfactory nerves
Spinal nerves: run between spinal cord and parts of the body below the head
Both types contain both efferent and afferent neurons
Motor system: neurons that carry signals to skeletal muscles in response to external stimuli
Autonomic nervous system: regulates internal environment by controlling smooth and cardiac
muscles and organs of the digestive, cardiovascular, excretory and endocrine systems –
o Sympathetic division: corresponds to arousal/energy generation – fight/flight response
o Parasympathetic division: promote calming and return to self-maintenance functions –
rest/digest response (lowers heart rate, enhances digestion)
Enteric division: consists of networks of neurons in digestive tract, pancreas and
gallbladder – control secretion, control smooth muscles that produce peristalsis
Motor system and autonomic nervous systems cooperate in maintaining homeostasis
50.5: Physical interaction of
protein filaments is required for
muscle function
Muscle cell function relies on microfilaments, actin
components of the cytoskeleton
o Powered by chemical energy, brings
about contraction (muscle extension
occurs only passively
Vertebrate Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle: attached to and responsible for
movement of bones, characterized by hierarchy of
smaller and smaller units
o Most consist of bundle of long fiber that
run || to length of the muscle
o Each fiber is a single cell w/ multiple nuclei
o Formed by fusion of many embryonic cells
o Fiber contains bundle of smaller
myofibrils, arranged longitudinally
o Myofibrils composed of thin filaments
and thick filaments
 Thin: two strands of actin and two
strands of regulatory protein
coiled around each other
 Thick: staggered arrays of myosin
o Skeletal muscle is striated muscle
because the regular arrangement of
filaments creates a pattern of light/dark
 Repeating unit = sarcomere –
basic contractile unit of muscle
 Arrangement of sarcomere is
responsible for how the muscle
The Sliding-Filament Model of Muscle Contraction
Sliding-filament model: neither
thin/thick filaments change in length
when sarcomere shortens – the two
slide past each other longitudinally,
increasing overlap of thin/thick
o Based on interaction
between myosin and actin
Myosin has a long tail region and a globular head region, tail adheres to the tails
of other myosin molecules that form the thick filament – head is center of of
bioenergetics reactions (ATP hydrolysis)
Energy needed for repetitive contractions is stored in creatine phosphate and
 Creatine phosphate can transfer phosphate group to ADP to synthesize
additional ATP
 Glycogen is broken down to glucose, which can be used to generate ATP
by aerobic respiration/glycolysis
The Role of Calcium and Regulatory Proteins
Tropomyosin: regulatory protein
Troponin complex: set of addition regulatory proteins
Both are bound to actin strands of thin filaments
At rest, tropomyosin covers myosin-biding sites along thin filaments, preventing actin/myosin
from interaction
Presence of Ca2+ causes myosin-binding sites to be exposed
This is caused by motor neurons triggering
release of Ca2+
o Transverse (T) tubules: infoldings of the
plasma membrane, make contact with the
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), specialized ER
– spread of action potential along T tubules
triggers change in SR, opening Ca2+
o When motor neuron input stops, muscle cell
relaxes – filaments slide back into starting
position, Ca2+ pumped back into the cytosol
Diseases that fuck with this process: Lou Gehrig’s
disease, Myasthenia gravis
Nervous Control of Muscle Tension
2 mechanisms by which nervous system produces graded contractions: varying # muscle fibers
that contract, varying rate at which muscle fibers are stimulated
Motor unit: consists of single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls
o When motor neuron produces an action potential, all the muscle fibers in its motor unit
contracts as a group
o Strength of contraction depends on how many muscle fibers the motor neuron controls
o Recruitment: of motor neurons, control of more muscle when more motor neurons are
 tetanus: smooth, sustained contraction –
when muscle fiber can’t relax between stimuli
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Oxidative and Glycolytic Fibers
 Oxidative: Rely mostly on aerobic
respiration, have many mitochondria, rich blood
supply, large amount of myoglobin (stores
 Glycolytic: rely on glycolysis, fatigue much
more readily
Fast/Slow-Twitch Fibers
 Fast-Twitch: develop tension 2-3 times
faster, used for brief-rapid-powerful contractions
 Slow-twitch: found in muscles that
maintain posture, sustain long contractions – less
SR and pumps Ca2+ more slowly
 Slow-twitch are all oxidative, Fast-twitch
can be either
 Most skeletal muscles contain both types
Other Types of Muscle
Cardiac muscle: found only in the heart – have ion channels in plasma membrane that causes
rhythmic depolarization – electrical and membrane properties are different
o Intercalated disks: plasma membranes of adjacent cardiac muscle cells interlock here,
where gap junctions provide direct electric coupling between the cells
Smooth muscle: walls of hollow organs – lack striations because actin/myosin are not regularly
arrayed along the length of the cell –thick filaments scattered throughout cytoplasm, thin
filaments attached to structures called dense bodies – contract and relax more slowly than
striated muscles
49.2: The vertebrate brain is regionally specialized
Embryonic: Forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain
Adult: cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, midbrain, pons, medulla
Functions in homeostasis, coordination of movement, conduction of info to/from higher brain
Sometimes called lower brain, forms a stalk with cap-like swellings at anterior end of spinal cord
Includes pons, medulla oblongata, midbrain
Transfer of info between PNS and midbrain/forebrain = one of the most important functions of
the medulla and pons
o All axons carrying sensory info to/motor functions from high brain regions pass through
the brain stem
o Coordinate large-scale body movements
Midbrain – contains centers for receiving and integrating sensory info, sends coded sensory info
to forebrain
Arousal and Sleep (or I mean, just talk about sleep, that’s cool too)
Reticular formation: diffuse network of neurons in the core of the brainstem, determines which
incoming info reaches cerebral cortex = regulated by melatonin
Please tell me what sleep is
Coordinates movement and balance
Thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
Thalamus, hypothalamus act as relay stations for info flow in the body
Thalamus – main input center for sensory information going to the cerebrum
Hypothalamus: controls homeostasis – body’s thermostat, regulates thirst, hunger- source of
posterior pituitary hormones, release of hormones
Biological clock and regulation by hypothalamus
Biological clock: molecular mechanism that directs periodic gene expression and cellular activity
– synchronized to light and dark- lol sleep
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): group of neurons that coordinate circadian rhythms
Divided into left/right cerebral hemispheres- covered in gray matter and internal white matter
Extensive in mammals, controls perception, voluntary movement and learning
Corpus callosum: thick band of axons that enables right/left cerebral cortices to communicate
Evolution of Cognition in Vertebrates
Insert Your Inner Fish
49.3: The cerebral cortex controls voluntary movement and
cognitive functions
Information Processing in the Cerebral Cortex
Somatosensory receptors: provide info about touch/pain/temperature/position
Path of information: comes into cortex-> thalamus->primary sensory areas within brain lobes
o Thalamus directs different types of input to distinct locations
Integrated sensory info passes to the frontal association area, which helps plan actions and
Language and Speech
Linked to a large network of brain regions: visual + listening+ hearing + meaning + words with
concepts + what?!
Lateralization of Cortical Function
Lateralization: establishes in differences in hemisphere function in humans
o Relates to handedness
o Usually two hemispheres work together all peachy-like, sometimes things get mixed up
and only one half of the brain works
Emotions (I just have a lot of feelings.)
Involves many regions of the brain
o Limbic system- amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus
o Emotions stored as memories = amygdala – temporal lobe
o Prefrontal cortex = emotional experience = temperament and decision making
Neuronal activity correlates with conscious experiences
Emergent property of brain = recruits activities in many areas of the cerebral cortex – scanning
mechanism = integrating widespread activity into a unified conscious movement