Access Project 6

Office 2003
Advanced Concepts and
Access Project 6
Switchboards, PivotTables,
and PivotCharts
• Create, add actions to, run, copy, and
modify macros
• Create a switchboard and switchboard
• Modify switchboard pages
• Use a switchboard
• Import data and create a query
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Create a PivotTable
Change properties in a PivotTable
Use a PivotTable
Create a PivotChart and add a legend
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
• Change the chart type and organization of
a PivotChart
• Remove drop areas in a PivotChart
• Assign axis titles and a chart title in a
• Use a PivotChart
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Opening a Database
• Start Microsoft Office Access and open the
Ashton James College database, which
should be stored in the Data folder on your
C: drive
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Macro
• Click the Macros
• Click the New button
• Maximize the window
by double-clicking its
title bar
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Adding Actions to a Macro
• Click the box arrow in the first row of the
Action column to display a list of available
• Scroll down until Echo appears
• Click Echo
• Press the F6 key to move to the Action
Arguments for the Echo action
• Click the Echo On box arrow
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Adding Actions to a Macro
• Click No
• Press the F6 key to move back to Echo in the
Action column, and then press the TAB key
• Type Turn echo off to avoid screen
flicker in the Comment column, and then
press the TAB key
• Select Hourglass as the action in the second row
• Press the TAB key and then type Turn on
hourglass as the comment in the second row
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Adding Actions to a Macro
• Press the TAB key and then select OpenForm
as the third action
• Press the F6 key to move to the Action
Arguments, and then click the Form Name box
• Click Client Update Form, press the F6 key,
press the TAB key, and then type Open Client
Update Form as the comment
• Select Hourglass as the fourth action
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Adding Actions to a Macro
• Change the Hourglas On argument to No, and
then type Turn off hourglass as the
• Select Echo as the fifth action and then type
Turn echo on as the comment
• Click the Close Window button to close the
macro, click the Yes button to save the macro,
type Open Client Update Form as the
name of the macro
• Click the OK button
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Adding Actions to a Macro
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Running a Macro
• Right-click the Open Client Update Form
macro and then click Run on the shortcut
• Click the Close Window button on the
Client Update Form window title bar
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Modifying a Macro
• Right-click the Open Client Update Form macro
• Click Design View
• If the Macro Name column appears, click the
macro Names button on the Macro Design
toolbar to remove the Macro Name column
• If the Condition column appears, click the
Conditions button on the Macro Design toolbar
to remove the Condition column
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Modifying a Macro
• Click the row selector on the row containing the
OpenForm action to select the row, and then
press the INSERT key to insert a new row
• Click the Action column arrow on the new row,
select Maximize as the action, and then type
Maximize the window as the comment
• Click the Close Window button, and then click
the Yes button to save the changes
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Modifying a Macro
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Copying and Pasting a Macro
• Ensure the Macros object is selected, and rightclick the Open Client Update Form macro
• Click Copy to copy the macro to the clipboard
• Right-click any open area of the Database
• Click Paste, type Open Trainer Master
Form in the Macro Name text box in the Paste
As dialog box
• Click the OK button
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Copying and Pasting a Macro
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Switchboard
• With the Database
window appearing,
click Tools on the
menu bar, and point
to Database Utilities
on the Tools menu
• Click Switchboard
• Click the Yes button
to create a new
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating Switchboard Pages
• Click the New button in the Switchboard
Manager dialog box
• Type View Form as the name of the new
switchboard page
• Click the OK button to create the View
Form switchboard page
• Use the same technique to create the
View Table, View Report, and Print Report
switchboard pages
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating Switchboard Pages
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Modifying the
Main Switchboard Page
• With the main Switchboard (Default) page selected, click
the Edit button
• Click the New button, type View Form as the text, and
then click the Switchboard box arrow
• Click View Form and then click the OK button to add the
item to the switchboard
• Using the technique illustrated in the previous two steps,
add the View Table, View Report, and Print Report items
to the Main Switchboard page. In each case, the
command is Go to Switchboard. The names of the
switchboards are the sam as the name of the items. For
example, the switchboard for the View Table item is
called View Table
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Modifying the
Main Switchboard Page
• Click the New button, type Exit Application as
the text, and click the Command box arrow
• Click Exit Application and then click the OK
button to add the item to the switchboard
• Click the Close button in the Edit Switchboard
Page dialog box to indicate you have finished
editing the Main Switchboard page
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Modifying the
Main Switchboard Page
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Opening a Switchboard
• Click the Forms
object and then rightclick Switchboard
• Click Open
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Importing Data
• Create a new table, following the instructions on
page AC 341
• With the Ashton James College database open,
click File on the menu bar, point to Get External
Data, and then click Import
• Click the Files of type box arrow in the Import
dialog box and then click Text Files. Select the
location of the files to be imported. Make sure
the Course text file is selected. Click the Import
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Importing Data
• Make sure the Delimited option button is
selected and click the Next button. Click First
Row Contains Field Names check box and then
click the Next button again
• Click the In an Existing Table option button and
select the Course table from the list. Click the
Next button, click the Finish button, and then
click OK
• Repeat the previous four steps to import the
Course Offerings text file
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Query
• Follow the instructions at the bottom of page AC
346 to relate the appropriate tables
• Click Tables on the Objects bar, and then click
• Click the New Object button arrow on the
Database toolbar
• Click Query
• Be sure Design View is selected, and then click
the OK button
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Query
• Be sure the Query1 : Select Query window is maximized
• Resize the upper and lower panes and the Trainer field
list so all the fields in the Trainer table appear
• Right-click any open area in the upper pane, click Show
Table on the shortcut menu, click the Client table, click
the Add button click the Course Offerings table, click the
Add button, and then click Close button in the Show
Table dialog box
• Resize the Client and Course Offering field lists so all the
fields appear
• Double-click the Trainer Number field from the Trainer
table and the Client Number field from the Client table
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Query
• Double-click the Course Number and
Hours Spent fields from the Course
Offerings table
• Right-click the Field row in the first open
• Click Zoom on the shortcut menu, type
Hours Remaining:[Total Hours][Hours Spent] in the Zoom dialog box
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Query
• Click the OK button, click the Run button
on the Query Design toolbar to ensure
your results are correct, and then click the
Close Window button for the window
containing the query results
• Click the Yes button, type Trainers and
Course Offerings as the name of the
query, and then click the OK button
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a Query
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a PivotTable
• Click Queries on the Objects bar, right-click the
Trainers and Course Offerings query, and then
click Open on the shortcut menu
• Click the View button arrow
• Click PivotTable View
• If the PivotTable Field List does not appear, click
the Field List button on the PivotTable toolbar to
display the field list
• Click Course Number in the field list, and then
ensure Row Area appears next to the Add to
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a PivotTable
• Click the Add to button to add the Course Number field
to the Row area
• Click the Trainer number field and then click the arrow to
display the list of available areas
• Click Column Area and then click the Add to button to
add the Trainer Number field to the Column area
• Click Hours Spent, click the arrow to display the list of
available areas, click Data Area, and then click the Add
to button to add the Hours Spent field to the Data area
• Use the same technique to add the Hours Remaining
field to the Data area. Close the PivotTable Field List by
clicking its Close button
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a PivotTable
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Changing Properties
in a PivotTable
• Right-click the Sum of Hours Spent box, and
then click Properties on the shortcut menu
• Click the Captions tab in the property sheet
• Delete the current entry in the Caption property
box, type Spent as the new value for the
Caption property, and then close the property
• Use the same technique to change the caption
for the Sum of Hours Remaining box to
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Changing Properties
in a PivotTable
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Using a PivotTable
• If necessary, click Queries on the Objects bar,
right-click the Trainers and Course Offerings
query, and then click Open on the shortcut menu
• Click the View button arrow and then click
PivotTable View
• Click the plus sign (+) under trainer number 42
• Click the minus sign (-) under trainer number 42
to again display data for trainer number 42
• Click the Trainer Number arrow
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Using a PivotTable
• Click the Check box for trainer number 42 to
remove the check mark, and then click the OK
• Click the Trainer Number arrow, click the All
check box to display all trainer numbers, and
then click the OK button
• Click the Field List button to display the
PivotTable Field List. Click Client Number, click
the arrow to display a list of available areas, click
Filter Area, and then click the Add to button to
add the Client Number field to the Filter area
• Click the Client Number arrow
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Using a PivotTable
• Click the check boxes in front of clients BS27 and CP27
to remove the check marks, and then click the OK button
• Click the Client Number arrow, click the All check box,
and then click the OK button to display data for all clients
• Drag the Trainer Number field from the Column area to
the Row area, and then drag Course Number field from
the Row area to the Column area
• Click the Close Window button for the window containing
the PivotTable
• Click the No button when asked if you want to save your
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Using a PivotTable
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a PivotChart
and Adding a Legend
• If necessary, click Queries on the Objects
bar, right-click the Trainers and Course
Offerings query, and then click Open on
the shortcut menu
• Click the View button arrow, and then click
PivotChart View
• If the Chart Field List appears, close the
field list by clicking its Close button
• Click the Show Legend button
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Creating a PivotChart
and Adding a Legend
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Changing the Chart Type
• If the Chart Type button is
dimmed, click the
• Click the Chart Type
button on the PivotChart
toolbar, and then, if
necessary, click the Type
• Click the 3D Stacked
Column type, and then
close the Properties
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Changing PivotChart Organization
• Click the By Row/By
Column button on the
PivotChart toolbar
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Assigning Axis Titles
• Right-click the axis title to the left of the
chart, and then click Properties on the
shortcut menu
• Click the Format tab in the Properties
window, and then click the Caption box
• Use the BACKSPACE or DELETE key to
delete the old caption
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Assigning Axis Titles
• Type Hours as the
new caption
• Close the property
sheet to complete the
change of the axis
• Use the same
technique to change
the other axis title to
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Removing Drop Areas
• Click View on the
menu bar
• Click Drop Areas on
the View menu
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Using a PivotChart
• Click Queries on the Objects bar, right-click the
Trainers and Course Offerings query, and then
click Open on the shortcut menu
• Click the View button arrow, and then click
PivotChart View. Click View on the menu bar
• Click Drop Areas on the View menu, and then
click the Trainer Number arrow
• Click the check box for trainer number 42 to
remove the check mark, and then click the OK
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Using a PivotChart
• Click the Close
Window button for the
window containing the
• Click the No button
when asked if you
want to save your
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
• Create, add actions to, run, copy, and
modify macros
• Create a switchboard and switchboard
• Modify switchboard pages
• Use a switchboard
• Import data and create a query
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Create a PivotTable
Change properties in a PivotTable
Use a PivotTable
Create a PivotChart and add a legend
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
• Change the chart type and organization of
a PivotChart
• Remove drop areas in a PivotChart
• Assign axis titles and a chart title in a
• Use a PivotChart
Access Project 6: Switchboards, PivotTables, and PivotCharts
Office 2003
Advanced Concepts and
Access Project 6