Wisconsin Naturopathic Physicians Association Fundraising Education Day October 2007 Fundraising Challenge Long-Range Needs The answer to the challenge of the longrange nature of our funding need is: Relationship Relationship Establishes: 1. Belief in our organization 2. Open communication 3. Passion Donors will give because: 1. It makes them feel good 2. They are passionate about the cause Requires Relationship Methods to Develop Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Corporate Case Events Recognition Demonstration of Mission Repetition of Contact Corporate Case Goals • Develop the rationale of why that organization should stand behind us with funding/support. • Demonstrate why ND Med is necessary in our state. Identify the benefits which match the passions of that organization. 2-3 page printed media device presented to the potential donor during an in-person meeting preferably with 2 members. No ‘Ask’ at this meeting, strictly educational. But then follow-up, again in-person, clarify questions. Corporate Case Contents • Vision • Progress – where we’ve been, where we are & where we’re going • Benefits of supporting us – ie: licensure = access • Licensure timeline • Pros & Cons – honestly state some of our challenges • Power/People Behind Effort • Testimonials – maybe with pictures • Overall plan in 5 years – bigger than licensure • How we plan to achieve it • Visually pleasing – bullets, space, phrases, pictures, color Methods to Develop Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Corporate Case Events Recognition Demonstration of Mission Repetition of Contact Events ** Key to success = Attendance ** 1. Educational Events • Possibly can tap into NPAC & INM assistance 2. Friend-Raising • Goal is increasing awareness * alerting to benefits Methods to Develop Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Corporate Case Events Recognition Demonstration of Mission Repetition of Contact Recognition & Demonstration How will we provide recognition? • • Newsletter Website How will we demonstrate benefits? • • • • • Testimonials Know & tell how much funding goes toward our cause and how much to administration Employee wellness / cost containment Family impacts Shared referrals (ie: Burt’s Bees products) Methods to Develop Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Corporate Case Events Recognition Demonstration of Mission Repetition of Contact Repetition of Contact Issue #1: If draw out our process too long, will lose them. Solutions: • • • Frequent contact – goal is 8 times/year. Make sure contact brings value (ie: info about a benefit) Aim for only 1 ‘Ask’ out of those 8 contacts. Issue #2: If only about licensure, will lose them after completing the licensure process. Solutions: • • • Keep the focus on our Mission / our cause. Maintain the expectation that this is a long-term relationship. Clear and updated Benefits to continuing the support. Ideal Contributor 1. Corporate 2. Individual 3. Member Corporate Donor Spec Sheet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Executives Board / Officers Financials / Net Worth Mission / Vision of organization Relationships Target Market Recent Events affecting the organization 8. Correspondence with us – Progress Identifies the corporate Passion - Which Builds Report Relationship Corporate Donor Relationships 1. What’s their passion? 2. What Boards do the Executives/Officers serve on? 3. Who else do they give to? 4. Is there a theme? 5. Does it match with our mission? Identifies the corporate Passion - Which Builds Relationship Corporate Donor Brainstorm The solution to our stated challenge of repeatedly ‘Asking’ from the same pockets. Identify other Corporations with which we have Relationships andHealth shared Mission. CSA state organization Food stores Ginseng growers Cooperatives Organic farmers Compounding Pharmacies Gluten-free beer company (Milw) TREK bikes (Whitewater) Organic Valley Farms (SW WI) Montessori schools WI Green built homes assoc. (Mad) Kettle Foods (Beloit) Green Autos (Janesville, Mad) Silent Sports Magazine DNR Individual Donor Brainstorm Benefit: Licensure = Access to ND as primary care provider with full scope of practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Give them recognition Life changing experiences with ND Med Employee participation Dinner party – come tell your story “VIP” top 5 patient program Be upfront that will be ‘Asking’ Most important testimonial: My insurance doesn’t cover anything anymore so I’m going to pay for what I want. Build Relationship Member Contributors 1. Active in association business 2. Are we putting our own money where our mouth is? 3. How is each member demonstrating our mission? (practice, volunteer, committees, conscious parenting, living green) 4. How is association demonstrating our mission? (projects, educational tools, Access to Natural Medicine is the Mission) Requires Relationship Today’s Take Home Building Block Architect Timeline Corporate Case Draft Karen & Jill Dec 1, 07 Newsletter Draft Crystal & Shelly Dec 1, 07 Individual Meeting – ITI Aaron & Mihal Feb 07 Individual Meeting – SP Jill & Holly Feb 07 Edit & Review of Newsletter & Corporate Case All + Allison’s sister + Mihal’s brother Dec 1, 07 Today’s Contributors • Our thanks to Gary Smith, our esteemed facilitator, assisted by: • Allison Becker, ND, LAc • Mihal Davis, ND, LAc • Jill Evenson, ND • Sara Fleming, ND • Nancy Gutknecht, ND • Aaron Henkel, ND • Holly Krook, ND • Karen Kunkler, ND • Crystal Urban, ND