wirksheets BIO X

[ SA – I ]
Q1: what is the mode of nutrition in fungi ? [1]
ANS: Fungi have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.---1
Q2:Write the functions of the liver& pancreas ?[2]
ANS: FUNCTION OF LIVER: Liver secretes bile which contains bile
pigments & bile salts. The bile is stored in the gall bladder & secreted
into the duodonum through common duct .----1
FUNCTIONS OF PANCREAS: The pancreas is both endocrine & exocrine
gland. The region secretes sodium bicarbonate and many digestive
enzymes. The endocrine region of pancreas secrete hormones like
insulin & glucagon.----1
Q3: “RESPIRATION “ is a vital function of the body . justify?[3]
ANS: We know that the respiration involves catabolism or oxidative
break down of digested food to release energy in the form of ATP----1
This energy is required to carry out all the vital biochemical activities of
the body such as beating of heart ,function of brain
,movement,Reproduction & almost all the function of the organism.
Thus ,respiration is a vital function of the body .-----2
Q4: Name the largest artery in our body ? [1]
ANS: Aorta-----1
Q5: Name the part of the body responsible for excretion in the
1: amoeba
2: earthworm?
ANS: 1: AMOEBA: cell membrane & contractile vacuole .---1/2
EARTHWORM : Nephridia ----1/2
Q6: What is “ translocation “ ? why is it essential for plants? Where in
plants are the following synthesised ?[2]
[1] Sugar [2] Hormones
ANS: TRANSLOCATION : Transport of organic nutreints prepare in the
leaves to other parts of the plants is known as translocation.----1/2
TRANSLOCATION IS NECESSARY : For plants in oder to supply food
materials to all parts of the plants . Non green cells which do not
synthesise food get organic nutrients by the process of translocation.
The food is oxidised to release energy which is needed by all parts of
the plants to do their activities:----1/2
Sugar:-sugar are synthesised in green leaves. ---1/2
Hormones :- Hormones aren synthesised in meristemetic cells of stem
tips & root tips . ---1/2