Review Facts and ideas Chapter 4

1. On the job, which form of communication do employees engage in most? Least?
The communication that most employees engage in is informal communication, the least amount of
communication done is by formal speech.
2. How is sympathetic listening different from critical and creative listening?
Sympathetic listening is the ability to perceive from another person’s point of view and to sense
what the person is feeling. Critical listening is the ability to differentiate facts from opinions.
Creative listening means listening with your mind open to new ideas.
3. List four ways informal speaking is used on the job.
To make contact with others, Exchange information, Influence others, and solve problems.
4. List three purposes of formal speeches.
To inform, To entertain, To persuade.
5. List three things you can do about stage fright.
Build your confidence, be well prepared, practice public speaking.
6. Distinguish among horizontal, upward, and downward communication.
Horizontal communication is communication among co-workers of equal rank.
Upward communication is the communication flow from lower ranks to higher ranks.
Downward communication is communication that flows from higher positions to lower
7. Describe some advantages of e-mail as a business communication tool. Describe two
Its fast, its cheap, and can be sent to multiple recipients. People tend to overuse email. People tend to
send unnecessary emails. E-mails are not private.
8. What is meant by good human relations?
Human relations is getting along with others.
9. List five techniques for maintaining effective human relations.
Accept differences, treats others as individuals, empathize with others, praise others, focus on
problems( not people), accept responsibility, avoid dogmatic statements.
10. What is Voluntary absence syndrome?
Warn that these patterns can lead to serious emotional imbalance and disturbance in the
absentees’ lives.
11. What are some effects of absenteeism on the absentee? On other employees? On the business?
Lost of revenue, more work for co-workers, Health care payments.
12. List in order from bottom to top Maslow’s five levels of needs.
Food, clothing, and shelter-safety and security-love and belonging-self-esteem-self-actualization
13. List three hygiene factors and three potential motivators in a job.
Pay, fringe benefits, and the workplace environment
Challenging work, responsibility, recognition, achievement, and personal growth
14. What are three results of job satisfaction?
Increased productivity, self-esteem and self-actualization, rewards and opportunities