Absolution generates reports dynamically. The

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Apache Lucene.Net™ is a high performance, full-featured text search engine written in C#.NET. More
information on Lucene.NET can be located at http://lucene.apache.org/, distributed under the Apache
Be.HexEditor by Berhard Elbl is located at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/hexbox and distributed
under the MIT license.
DocToText by Silvercoders is located at http://silvercoders.com/en/products/doctotext/ and distributed
under the GNU General Public License v2.
LibPST is part of the Outlook to MBOX converter (ol2mbox) project located at
http://ol2mbox.sourceforge.net/ written by Dave Smith, distributed under the GNU General Public
PDFsharp by empira Software GmbH is located at
http://www.pdfsharp.net/?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 and distributed under the MIT license.
RegDump by Ladislav Nevery is located at http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/24415/How-to-readdump-compare-registry-hives and distributed under the Code Project Open License 1.02.
SharpCompress lead by Adam Hackcock is located at http://sharpcompress.codeplex.com/ and is
distributed under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL).
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Requirements................................................................................................................................................ 6
Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Features ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Collector .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Simple Collection ................................................................................................................................ 13
Advanced Collection ........................................................................................................................... 15
Collection ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Reporter .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Report Title ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Description .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Report Data Source ............................................................................................................................. 37
Fields Included in Report .................................................................................................................... 39
Grouping ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Sorting ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Filter .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Limit Row Count .................................................................................................................................. 39
Remove Duplicate Rows ..................................................................................................................... 40
Reports ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Investigator ............................................................................................................................................. 43
Panel Overview ................................................................................................................................... 45
Opening an Evidence Locker ............................................................................................................... 46
Navigation Panel ................................................................................................................................. 47
Case Manager ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Evidence ID Finder .............................................................................................................................. 52
Database Manager .................................................................................................................................. 53
Registry Privacy Database ................................................................................................................... 55
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Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Searching Regular Expressions............................................................................................................ 55
Web Page Patterns.............................................................................................................................. 55
Report Sources .................................................................................................................................... 55
Modifying Databases .......................................................................................................................... 55
Update Tool ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Appendix A: Report Data Sources .............................................................................................................. 58
Appendix B: Script Language Specification ................................................................................................ 60
Primitives ................................................................................................................................................ 60
Data Types............................................................................................................................................... 60
Variables ................................................................................................................................................. 60
Labels ...................................................................................................................................................... 61
Appendix C: Language Primitives ............................................................................................................... 61
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Absolution is a computer forensics tool that searches files for identifiable patterns and critical
information to help simplify an investigation.
The easiest way to conceptual Absolution is shown in Figure 1, where bulk information readable from
some form of electronic media is processed by Absolution to create a set of indexed, searched, and
categorized data that is human understandable.
Figure 1: Absolution Abstract Machine
Why is this useful? This is the most convenient and comprehensive way of examining a set of data taken
from a computer to determine what parts are important.
Absolution has many processes and investigations that it performs, including finding information about
what a person has been searching for, where a person has been, files that have been tampered or
accessed, web sites that have been browsed, etc. Law Enforcement, Legal Counsel, Detectives,
Corporate Management, Anti-Malware Forensic Teams, Information Technology Management, Security
Professionals, and Compliance Officers need and use tools to conduct these investigations.
Absolution has several useful features:
High Performance
All-In-One Examination
Simple to Use
Open Source
These features make Absolution ideal for improving the speed in which an investigation is performed as
well as reducing the workload required by investigators.
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The Forensics Process encapsulates the
steps required by forensic examiners to
investigate a computer system’s data. The
five steps are creating a forensics plan,
acquiring the evidence in a way that
preserves it, extracting the data from the
evidence, analyzing the evidence, and
reporting on what was discovered.
Absolution focuses on the Analysis and
Reporting phases of the Forensics Process.
Further analysis and reporting are
expected from the investigator, but
Absolution attempts to perform the most
tedious and time consuming tasks
Absolution will use all resources that are
available on the system it runs on to perform the examinations as quickly as possible. Still, the program
requires a significant amount of time to complete for large amounts of data. This is reflected in the
Absolution requires:
Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2013
4 Gigabytes of RAM (8 recommended)
2.0+ GHz 64-bit capable Dual Core Processor (3.0Ghz Quad Core or greater recommended)
10 gigabytes or more of available storage space
Microsoft .NET 4.5
Absolution is distributed using a self-extracting setup package from
http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/absolution. When running the package installer, the Absolution
Setup Wizard will appear:
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When you are ready to install Absolution, click “Next”:
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The GNU General Public License version 3 License distributed with Absolution allows for free distribution
of the source code and the binaries of the program. It also explains that there are no warrantees of any
kind. If you accept the agreement and select “Next”, the program will continue installing.
The information page will provide some basic information about the current release of Absolution.
Typically, it will include what new features have been added in this code branch or release. Select
“Next” to continue installing the software.
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Select the directory that Absolution will be installed to and select “Next” to continue installation.
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Select where you want to have the program shortcuts installed into and select “Next”.
If you want a desktop icon, check the box. If not, uncheck the box. Select “Next” to continue.
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This display shows what changes will be made during the installation. Press “Install” to complete the
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The progress bar shows the installation progress.
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If you wish to review the Quick Welcome or the README, check the boxes. When you press Finish, the
selected documents will be opened.
When the Installation Wizard box closes, Absolution will be done installing.
Absolution consists of several tools that aide in the collection, analysis and reporting of the important
facts collected from an arbitrary set of raw data. Absolution has five primary utilities:
Database Manager
Update Tool
The Absolution Collector performs the indexing of the data, performs analysis, generates reports, and
exfiltrates data. The Collector is started by either using the Simple Collection Wizard or the Advanced
Collection Wizard. The Simple Collection provides a “normal for most users” configuration. The
Advanced Collection allows for collection options to be changed.
Note: Exfiltration is only available with the Advanced Collection option.
The directory that all of the indexes, reports, and exfiltrated data are stored in is called the Evidence
Locker. The Evidence Locker for each run is located in the My Documents/Absolution directory by
Important Concept: Evidence Locker. An Evidence Locker is a directory that contains all of the
results of a collection, including exfiltrated data and reports.
Important Concept: Exfiltration. Copies files of a specific type into a directory in the Evidence
Locker. Typically, files of any given type are bundled with files of other types, arranged in
directories that categorize them. For example, documents may have pictures embedded in
them. For an investigator, having all files of a similar nature collected together speeds the
investigation process.
Simple Collection
The Simple Collection Wizard presents just a single panel of information for the user to adjust and
otherwise selects the standard searching criteria that would be useful for the majority of people needing
or learning Absolution. The Simple Collection Wizard can be activated by selecting Collection from the
Main Menu and then the Simple Collection button.
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The Simple Scan Wizard Dialog box will appear topmost and in the center screen for the user to fill out
the basic information.
XML Output Directory is the location of the Evidence Locker, defaults to My Documents\Absolution on
the primary drive. This usually does not need changing.
Report Identifier is a name to give the report. This can be anything such as “Investigation 12356” or
“Old Infected Computer”. This is for informative reasons only and has no bearing on the results of the
Operator is the name of the person running the report, this can be anyone that you would like or even
an identification number. This is for tracking reasons only and has no bearing on the results of the
Scanning Targets are all the locations that are going to be scanned. By default, all of the potential
targets are listed. Usually, only one target is selected by an investigator. Also, each of the default
listings refer to drives and not directories, so if a directory is preferred to scan rather than a drive, use
the Add Target button to select a directory.
Scan this system / Live Investigation means that the computer being examined is the computer
Absolution is running on. The registry of the running system will be included in the examination. If the
examination is for a device or data removed from a different computer, then you will want to uncheck
this option.
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When you are ready to being, press the “Begin Scan” button.
Advanced Collection
The Advanced Collection Wizard provides a way to select individual features of Absolution to be
included or excluded from the examination. This can increase or decrease the duration of time
necessary to perform the investigation. Although more information could be collected if all the features
are turned on, this is not advised because it could cause the duration of the examination to increase
dramatically, making a day or two of investigation take weeks or months. As a general rule, select what
you need.
The Advanced Collection Wizard can be launched by selecting Collection -> Advanced Collection from
the main menu.
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Once selected, a dialog box containing the Advanced Scan Wizard will appear topmost and on center
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A template is a file that contains the settings from a previous Advanced Collection run. Any time you
want to create a template, you will save the template after using the settings. When you run the
Advanced Collector Wizard again, you can import those settings from this menu. You do not need to
import a template to continue. Press “Forward” when ready.
XML Output Directory is the location of the Evidence Locker, defaults to My Documents\Absolution on
the primary drive. This usually does not need changing.
Report Identifier is a name to give the report. This can be anything such as “Investigation 12356” or
“Old Infected Computer”. This is for informative reasons only and has no bearing on the results of the
Operator is the name of the person running the report, this can be anyone that you would like or even
an identification
Scanning Targets are all the locations that are going to be scanned. By default, all of the potential
targets are listed. Usually, only one target is selected by an investigator. Also, each of the default
listings refer to drives and not directories, so if a directory is preferred to scan rather than a drive, use
the Add Target button to select a directory.
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“Scan this system / Live Investigation” is an option that means that the computer being investigated is
the computer running Absolution. This will enable features that include searching the machine being
currently used, such as the live registry.
Hash Check files is a step used to determine which files on the system are publicly known and not
unique content to this computer system. This was once considered an important step to forensic
investigations but now is optional. The primary reason for this is to reduce searching time on the host
by not including known files in the search.
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Metadata is data which describes information, such as “Title”, “Author”, and “Creation Date” is all
metadata for a Word Processor Document. This step extracts metadata from selected document
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Live Registry Search means that the registry data on the live computer will be searched. Turn this option
off if you are investigating data that came from a different computer. Most forensic investigators will
want this option turned off.
Registry Hive Search will extract data and use information from any Windows hive files found during the
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Keyword search is an important part of tailoring the investigation by looking for known information that
is expected to exist on the system, such as a name, phone number, or whatever else might be crucial.
All keywords can be added from this tab. Keywords can also be a simple regular expression.
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File Exfiltration means that any time a file of a certain type is discovered, it is copied into the evidence
locker. Any category of file that is selected will be copied. Please note, filenames may be altered in the
course of exfiltration. Adjustments to filenames are recorded in the exfiltration log file.
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Absolution comes with a database of regular expressions that can be used for searching. All files will be
searched using the regular expressions that are enabled from this menu. Please be aware, some are
necessary for other investigations to take place, such as the HTML Header regex must be present for the
web page scanner to work.
WARNING: Enabling too many regular expressions will greatly harm performance. You will want to use
only the required regular expressions for the examination in order to optimize examination
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Pressing the Done button will cause the system to immediately start collecting.
The collection is a series of staged examinations and procedures used to narrow down the investigation.
At first, the examination is broad, examining each file and trying to determine basic information about
it. Anything that is identified can be sent to a proper handler in a later stage to attempt to extract more
details from the file, alert on the importance of the file, copy the file, or other appropriate forensics
The collection involves the following steps:
File Scan
Live Registry Scan (Optional)
Browser Scan
Web Page Scan
Registry Hive Scan (Optional)
Metadata Extraction
Building Master Index
Report Generation
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File Scan
The File Scan searches all of the files in all of the targets, as can be seen in the screenshot below.
The following examinations are performed during the File Scan stage:
Identification of Files by extension, magic byte, contents
Decompression of Files for Examination
Search of each file for matching regular expressions
Finding Hash Matches for Files
Live Registry Scan
The Live Registry Scan performs a regular expressions search of all keys accessible in the live registry.
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Browser Scan
The Browser scan attempts to identify any critical files that were used by web browsers to store web
browsing information. This information can be user names, URLs, history, favorites, cookies, and even
web page contents.
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Web Page Content Scan
The contents of web pages contain clues to the nature of the page, for example, it could be a page from
FaceBook or Gmail. The Web Page Content Scan searches for web pages that are from known popular
web sites. Some information can be retrieved from the structure of some of these sites, such as known
contacts, e-mail, etc.
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Registry Hive File Scan
Whenever a Windows Registry Hive is located on the system, it may be possible to enumerate all of the
contents and search them. The Registry Hive File Scan performs a key-by-key examination of all of the
Registry Hive’s contents using the standard searching regular expressions.
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Analysis is a catch-all category for the scripts executed by Absolution’s internal programming language.
The scripts perform a variety of functions such as performing ‘final confirmation’ on file types, looking
for specific registry key entries, and checking system configurations.
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Metadata Extraction
Metadata is data that describes the contents of a file, such as who, what, when, and where. The author
of a file, for example, is metadata. Metadata is highly useful when trying to determine who or when a
file was authored. The metadata extraction phase also indexes both data and metadata.
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In same cases, it is helpful for the examiner to bundle together all files of a specific type for examination,
rather than searching for them in individual directories. The Exfiltrator, if provided instruction to do so,
will copy the files into their individual category folder inside of the evidence locker.
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Build Master Index
The Master Index is useful for navigation although not a forensic examination. All files are cross
referenced with found evidence, such as search matches, and used by the Absolution Investigator for
navigation using a directory tree. This simplifies the examination process.
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Generating Reports
Absolution generates reports dynamically. The Generating Reports phase will attempt to generate all
enabled reports available. These are stored inside of the evidence locker. Both an HTML and XML copy
of the reports are saved.
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Collection Completed
At the end of the investigation, the user is given the options of “View Report” or “Open Investigator”. If
the user selects “View Report”, the default web browser will be launched to the index page of the
report. If “Open Investigator” is selected, the Investigator will be opened using the collected Evidence
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The purpose of the Reporter is to define and generate reports. The reporter can be accessed from the
main menu with options Tools -> Report Center.
The Report Center is navigated by a tree menu of reports located on the left side of the screen. The
details of each report are visible on the right side of the screen. Information is not saved until the user
specifies that they wish to save the data. If the user navigates away from a screen with changed data,
they will be prompted to save or discard the changes.
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When a report is selected in the report menu, the details of the report and the options selected appear
on the right. A description of each of the options is as follows:
Report Title
This is a short, single line description of the title of the report. All reports must have a title.
This is a longer description of the report. Good information to include would be what information is
collected, any standards the report references, and why it may be important.
Report Data Source
This selects where the information included in the report comes from inside of the Evidence Locker.
Key Concept: Report Data Source. All information collected by Absolution is stored in XML files
located inside of the evidence locker. The filenames of these files and the data within them are
Report Data Sources. For example, “File Data” is the Report Data Source for all file information
collected during the investigation.
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Select the data source that you would like to use for your report. If you want to define a new source,
select the Define New Source button.
Generally speaking, you won’t need to define a new data source unless you are actively developing for
Absolution. A new Data Source requires a name, short description, file name, and an example of the
output for the autoschema. This assumes that the person creating the new data source has already
seen output from their mod to Absolution and simply wants to import the data structure for the report.
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Names- A name must include a * (asterisk) at a point to determine its iteration value. The iteration may
increase on a data source if you perform multiple collections on the same set of data. An example
would be “My Data Source.*.xml” Typically, the * goes between two periods and the xml extension.
A name may also include a # value if more than one file makes up the data source. This is typical with
search data and file data. For example: “File_Data-#.*.xml” would appears as “File_Data-1.1.xml”,
“File_Data-2.1.xml”, “File_Data-3.1.xml”, etc.
Fields Included in Report
These are the fields that will be included in the report as a table column. They will appear in order of
how they are selected.
Bundles results of all matches for a single column result. For Example:
There can be up to three levels of grouping, and yes we know a tomato is a fruit.
Sorting will sort data in each of the selected columns. Please note, the sorting order is first to last in
order of how they appear in the Sorting selection.
Filter allows for the setting of criteria of what to include or not include in the report. For example, if you
want only files to appear that have the confirmed value of “.JPG” then you would add a filter that
specifies that the CONFIRM field must be .JPG to be included in the report.
Limit Row Count
The row limit will print only a fixed number of items in order of how they would appear in the report.
This is best for “Top 10” lists and such.
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Remove Duplicate Rows
Check this box if you want to ensure that any rows that are duplicates of any other rows are not
included. This is show unique entries in a particular field.
Reports are in HTML format and have different types:
Generated Reports
Failed Reports
Collection Log
Report Index
The Report Index is a general report that provides hyperlinks to all the reports generated for the
collection, they are located inside of the Evidence Locker.
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Generated Reports
All Generated Reports are tubular in structure and appear as an individual HTML file as well as a data set
in XML.
Failed Reports Report
The Failed Reports Report shows all reports that were not shown in the Index. This is usually because no
data was available, but there may be other reasons.
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Investigation Log Report
The Investigation Log is an HTML conversion of a flat text file used to hold the error messages generated
by Absolution during the collection.
Important Concept: Logging Errors. Absolution expects to encounter errors and be talkative,
rather than expects to be error free or silent about some event failing. Investigations of raw
data are going to encounter types of files that misbehave, are broken, or look like different
kinds of data. Absolution is designed to “fail noisy”, and let the investigator examine the error
logs for potential areas of concern.
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The Absolution Investigator is a set of tools useful to help search an Evidence Locker for relevant details.
A standard collection may generate an Evidence Locker containing gigabytes of results, still far too much
for an investigator to use by reading the raw output.
The Investigation Tool can be launched from the Absolution main menu by selecting Tools ->
Investigation Tool.
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An empty Investigator screen will appear. If the Investigator does not currently have an active Evidence
Locker selected, it will have a very limited number of options. Before selecting an Evidence Locker, the
manual will describe the components of the Investigator briefly.
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Panel Overview
The Investigator consists of three main panels, each working in conjunction with each other:
Navigation Panel
Display Panel
Case Panel
The Investigator panels are arranged by workflow, so information at the far LEFT panel refers to larger
quantities of general data. The MIDDLE panel has the information narrowed down to a specific entry,
table, or display item. The far RIGHT panel contains information that was dragged-and-dropped from
the middle panel that the examiner considers important.
The Display Panel may have a single display panel or a SPLIT SCREEN panel. The split screen panel will
consist of the Data Table and the Record Table. The Data Table shows the data selected from the raw
data as if it were in a spreadsheet. The Record Table is used to show the details of any row selected
from the Data Table.
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The panels can be hidden by using options under the View menu:
Opening an Evidence Locker
If an evidence locker is available, it can be opened by selecting File -> Open Locker. A dialog box will
appear that contains all available Evidence Lockers that can be used by the Investigator. Double clicking
any locker or selecting the locker and then selecting the OK button will open the locker.
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Navigation Panel
The Navigation Panel is a set of tabs that each reference a high level view of the data in the Evidence
The navigation tabs are:
Master Index
Raw Data
Search Tab
The Search Tab allows for simple search terms to be used to locate critical information that has been
collected from documents and metadata. The user types the terms they want to search for in the text
box at the top of the tab and press the search button (looks like a magnifying glass) to the right of the
text box.
The results will appear in the table beneath the text box. The ranking of the search will appear on the
leftmost column with the score for the search in the column directly to the right. Selecting any of the
items will display the information where the data was found in the Display Panel. Search terms will be
highlighted by color.
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Timeline Tab
The Timeline Tab displays a UTC time-based index of collected data based on timestamps. The
information is displayed directly to the Record Panel.
Please note: Absolution’s ability to properly construct a timeline is based on accuracy of the time data it
collects. It doesn’t necessary have any awareness of time zones when processing data, the investigator
will need to account for the possibility that the times are inaccurate.
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Master Index
The Master Index is a useful tool for visualizing where important information was discovered in the file
system being examined. The navigation tool looks like a directory tree, although any files that have
matches or connections to other evidence can be expanded to see references to collected evidence.
This is helpful if a single piece of evidence was noticed for a file, but there may be more evidence that
could be difficult to connect to that file that wasn’t present on the report/index/search that originally
found it. The Master Index ties together discovered evidence and specific files.
The Master Index only displays evidence in the Record Table.
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All data generated by the Reporting system is stored in XML format that can be used by the Investigator.
This panel provides shortcuts to the files. Selecting any of the items in the list will cause the table to be
viewed in the Data Table.
Although limited, report data is an excellent place to start an investigation if the examiner is looking for
general information and trying to determine if anything is amiss.
Please note, any report that does not contain an EvidenceId field cannot have the data dragged-anddropped into the Case Manager in the Case Panel.
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Raw Data
The Absolution Collector generates data in a form referred to as Raw Data, which means that it’s
collected as the program progresses and left in the Evidence Locker in this unprocessed state. For
example, all search matches are contained in the FileSearchMatches files; however, a report may select
only the only the entries that refer to HTML documents.
The Raw Data is complete, and therefore of great value to forensic examiners. Information may be
present that does not appear in a report.
Please note: Raw data should be associated with a Data Source, although not always. If a forensic
examiner creates their own scripts to store data but does not define a data source, the new data files
will still appear in the raw data.
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Case Manager
Evidence ID Finder
All Evidence is tagged with a unique ID number which may be referenced by one or more entries within
the Evidence Locker. The Evidence ID Finder can locate all instances of a particular Evidence ID number
within all Data Sources. The Evidence ID Finder can be launched by selecting Tools -> Evidence ID Finder
from the main menu.
Important Concept: Evidence ID Numbers. All records collected by Absolution are tagged with
a unique identifier called the Evidence ID number.
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Database Manager
The Database Manager is a special tool used to manage the contents of the XML databases included
with Absolution. Generally speaking, a regular user would not need to modify the databases but there
are some activities such as adding new regular expressions for searching where modifying the databases
are useful.
Because the data stored in Absolution isn’t a traditional database, rather a text file structured in XML,
manipulation of the data inside can be a bit challenging. This is the reason why the Database Manager
The Database Manager can be accessed from the main menu by selecting Tools -> Database Manager.
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By default, the Database Manager provides a list of databases that are standard for Absolution.
Activating any item in the list will pull up that database. The File menu will allow the opening of any
other type of XML file located on the system.
The databases distributed by default are:
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Registry Privacy Database
Searching Regular Expressions
Web Page Patterns
Report Sources
Registry Privacy Database
The Registry Privacy Database contains information about select keys that, if they exist and can be
accessed, contain security or privacy critical information.
The Configuration Database is a general data store for Absolution’s configuration.
Searching Regular Expressions
This Searching Database contains regular expressions that are used to search all of the files on the
collection target.
Web Page Patterns
The Web Page Patterns database contains regular expressions used to identify specific kinds of web
Report Sources
The Report Sources database contains the current set of Report Sources for use by the Reporting
System. Report Sources are files that contain data obtained during the collection.
Modifying Databases
A database may be modified by clicking in any cell and changing the contents. A cell must be exited in
order for the contents to be changed. When finished, the user must select File -> Save from the main
menu in order to write the file.
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Update Tool
Absolution contains an update tool that will be able to update “soft code” and databases, such as scripts
and the standard database set, with the most recent versions. To perform an update, select Help ->
Check for Updates.
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Absolution will contact one of the update sites, typically http://absolution.sourceforge.net/ , and
request a copy of latest manifests to determine if an update is required. If so, it will begin the process of
downloading all of the needed updates.
As part of the Update process, Absolution will download the current NSRL hash database (this can be
larger than a gigabyte of data.) A progress bar will show the state of the download. The download has
resume support if the user wishes to cancel the download.
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Appendix A: Report Data Sources
Critical Events
Exfiltrated Files
File Data
File Search Matches
Hardware and Performance
Hash Matches
Hive Scan Matches
HTML File List
Identified Web Pages
Interesting Facts
Most Recently Used
Operating System
Partition Information
Password Search
Registry Access Denied
Collected cookies from all
identified web browsers.
Log Entries.*.xml
Critical Events as identified
from log and event files.
Exfiltration List.*.xml
List of all Exfiltrated Files and
their new filenames.
Information about all files
discovered during the
All search matches found in
Hardware and Performance.*.xml
Hardware and performance
All files that have been
successfully hash matched.
HiveFileRegistryScanMatches.*.xml All search matches for keys
found in hive files.
All files that contain HTML
All web pages that have been
identified as being associated
with a particular web site.
Out-of-band information that
highlights an interesting fact
the investigator will probably
want to know about.
Extracted metadata from
documents, images, e-mail,
multimedia, etc.
Recently Used.*.xml
Most Recently Used lists
collected from files or registry
key entries.
System Information.*.xml
Information that could be about
the operating system that
produced these files or running
on the system doing the
collection (if scanning itself.)
Information about the partition
of the drive being searched (if a
full drive is selected.)
Password References.*.xml
Any password reference on the
All registry keys that rejected
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Registry Scan Matches
Search Engines
Search Engines.*.xml
Security Account Manager
URL Summary
URL Summary.*.xml
being examined.
All search matches that were
discovered in live registry keys
(if scanning itself.)
All URL entries that pertain to
search engines.
If a SAM file is encountered
during the investigation, this file
contains information extracted
from the SAM file.
A summary of all URLs
discovered on the system from
any source.
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Appendix B: Script Language Specification
Absolution uses a primitive based language that has a structure similar to BASIC or Assembler language
for those that know either of these languages. It was not meant to be robust, simply good enough for
performing investigations within a sandbox. The primary design goal of this language is to prevent the
data being examined from controlling the execution of Absolution (i.e., compromising the host) during
the collection phase.
Each line may consist of either a comment or a single command. Comments always begin with the hash
(#) symbol.
Comment Example:
# This is a comment
Command Example:
Log “Log is this command”
Commands can:
A single word or string of characters without whitespace
May have any amount of whitespace before them
May have zero or more arguments
Data Types
The basic data types are:
List of Strings
Important Concept: Dynamic. This is a special structure that is a tree node made of strings and
other dynamics. It looks like the standard allowable XML data structure, except represented as
an internal data object. This may sound confusing at first, but the idea is that this allows for
interaction with XML data.
All variables in the language are pre-named and predefined. The programmer cannot create any more
than what are defined. This is intentionally limiting, although there should be more than enough to be
able to create a full featured examination.
Variable Type
Internal Variable Names
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A, B, C, D, Result, Comparator
W, X, Y, Z
Query1, Query2, Query3, Query4, dyn1, dyn2,
dyn3, dyn4
List1, list2, list3, list4
Lists of Strings
A single string followed by a “:” forms a label. A label can be used by the GOTO command to jump to
that section of code.
Appendix C: Language Primitives
Adds numbers, adds a string to a
list, or adds a property to a
dynamic value.
Appends a string to a list.
Returns the character in a string
located at a number value
Clears all variables and flags
Compare any any
Compares two variables
Concat string string
Contant string constant
Contains string string
Copy any any
Count list
Count dynamic
Count string
Divide value value value
Concatenates two or more
strings together.
Copies the value of a constant to
a specified string.
Sets the comparator to true if
string is in string.
Copies values from one variable
to another.
Counts the number of items in
the specified variable.
Add int int
Add list string
Add dynamic string string
Append list string
Charat string string value
Divide puts the resulting number
in value from value divided by
Marks the end of the for loop.
Marks the end of the if
Declares the end of a section, so
any errors in the previous code
will jump to this point.
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Exists string
FindNode dynamic string
FindNode dynamic value
Filenamer string string
Goto label
If true or if false
Instring string string
IsLetter string
IsNumber string
IsSymbol string
IsWhiteSpace string
Load dynamic string
Log string string
Multiple value value
Replace string string string
Ro13 string string
Run string
Run string
Save dynamic string
Set any any
Marks the end of the while loop.
Checks for the existence of the
file contained in string.
Finds a node in a dynamic query
matching the string or array
Acquires a generalized filename
and puts it in string from the
reference string.
For loop
Jumps to a user defined label.
Execute code depending on the
state of the comparator.
Sets comparator to true if string
is inside of string.
If the first letter in string is a
letter, set comparator to true.
If the first letter in a string is a
number, set comparator to true.
If the first letter in a string is a
symbol, set comparator to true.
If the first letter in a string is
whitespace, set comparator to
Loads a dynamic with XML data
from filename located in in
Records a log entries with the
contents of string with
subsystem name string
Multiplies first value by second
Replaces occurrences of string in
string with string
Performs a ROT13 command on
the specified string.
Runs a specified script with the
provided filename.
If the comparator is set to true,
run the program.
Saves dynamic (query) into a
specified filename.
Sets a variable to a specified
Dumps the interpreter state to
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Sort list
Split list string string
Status string
Substring string string value
Substring string string value
Subtract value value
UrlDetails dynamic string
the log file.
Sorts elements in a list
Splits a string into a list of string
by separator string.
Changes the display status label
to the specified string.
Stops execution of the current
Extracts a substring of a string
starting at value or between
value and value.
Subtracts second value from first
Extracts details from a URL
contained in string.
Repeats as long as comparator is
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