Series of lectures “Telecommunication networks” Lecture#10 Concluding session, part II Instructor: Prof. Nikolay Sokolov, e-mail: The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications New problems concerning throughput Last century: We had to have 3.4 kHz for telephony (F1), 15 kHz for sound broadcasting (F2), and 8 MHz for TV broadcasting (F3). So, total bandwidth with N1 channels for telephony, N2 channels kHz for sound broadcasting, and N3 channels for TV broadcasting can be calculated by the following formula: N1xF1+ N2xF2+ N3xF3. Current century: We have to have 64 kbit/s for telephony (B1), from 64 kbit/s to 2 Mbit/s sound broadcasting (B2), from 2 Mbit/s to 30 Mbit/s for TV broadcasting (B3), and from from 2 Mbit/s to 100 Mbit/s for data transmission (B4). Definitions related to QoS In the Recommendation E.800 and in a number of other ITU-T documents several similar definitions of the term "Quality of service" are formulated: •1. Totality of characteristics of a telecommunications service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied of the user of the service (E.800). •2. The collective effect of service performance which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of a service. It is characterised by the combined aspects of performance factors applicable to all services, such as; - Service operability performance; - Service accessibility performance; - Service retain ability performance; - Service integrity performance; and - Other factors specific to each service (Q.1741). •3. The collective effect of service performances which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of the service (Y.101). •4. The collective effect of service performance which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of a service. It is characterized by the combined aspects of performance factors applicable to all services, such as bandwidth, latency, jitter, traffic loss, etc (Q.1703). Recommendation ITU-T E.800 (1) Recommendation ITU-T E.800 (2) Recommendation ITU-T E.800 (3) Recommendation ITU-T E.800 (4) Quality of service in PSTN PSTN Provider A Provider B Provider C Loss probability, mean delay, noise, etc. Loss probability, mean delay, noise, etc. Loss probability, mean delay, noise, etc. Problem of the transition to NGN PSTN Operators should find viable strategy of the transition to NGN, which provides protection of investments in circuitswitched technology. Source: B. Jacobs. Economics of NGN deployment scenarios: discussions of migration strategies for voice carriers. – It is necessary to combine PSTN’s quality of service and IP technologies’ economic efficiency! QoS aspect: time irreversibility Speech quality impairment compensation in networks with circuit switching: Elaboration of the new speech signal processing algorithms; Signal amplification (when necessary). Speech quality impairment compensation in IP networks under condition of the excessive packet transfer delay: Impossible in principle!!! Forecast (XV century) Leonardo da Vinci “The time will come when people from the most distant countries will speak to one another and answer one another”. “Inaccurate” Predictions “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us” Western Union internal memo, 1876 “I think there is a world market for maybe 5 computers” Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943 “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home ” Ken Olson, President, Chairman & Founder Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977 “640K ought to be enough memory for anybody” Bill Gates, Microsoft, 1981 Conclusion: “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future“. (Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.). Two examples of trend extrapolations Extrapolation of Trends F2(t) Trends for functions F1(t), F2(t) F1(t) Time tr t0 tf Forecasting of the future and the past Behavior of the investigated process for three ensembles F(t) Year 0 1 2 3 {X1} 4 5 6 7 8 {X2} 9 10 11 12 {X3} 13 Forecasting related to access networks Number of households, millions 40,0 30,0 Narrow band lines 60% 20,0 10,0 Only mobile 20% Only broadband Year 0,0 2002 2007 2012 Jipp curve (1) Jipp curve is a term for a graph plotting the number (density) of telephones against wealth as measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. The Jipp curve shows across countries that teledensity increases with an increase in wealth or economic development (positive correlation), especially beyond a certain income. In other words, a country's telephone penetration is proportional to its population's buying power. The relationship is sometimes also termed Jipp Law or Jipp's Law. The Jipp curve has been called "probably the most familiar diagram in the economics of telecommunications". The curve is named after A. Jipp, who was one of the first researchers to publish about the relationship in 1963. The number of telephones was traditionally measured by the number of landlines, but more recently, mobile phones have been used for the graphs as well. It has even been argued that the Jipp curve (or rather its measures) should be adjusted for countries where mobile phones are more common that landlines, namely for developing countries in Africa. Jipp curve (2) Jipp curve (3) Classifications of clients (1) Income share Portion of clients Х1% 20% Portion of clients 100% Х2% Х3% Laggards Late majority 20% 20% Х4% Early majority 20% Х5% 20% Early adopters Innovators Time a) Ranking of clients by the level of income b) Ranking of clients by the time of the service using Classifications of clients (2) Source: Telcordia Technologies NGN as economical solution Increase of communication Operator’s revenues is possible by solving of two important problems. Firstly, independently or with assistance of services Providers, it is expedient to take over another niche, implicitly related to telecommunications business. The cases in point are information services which, in the long run will provide increase of Operators’ revenues. Secondly, revenues increase can be achieved when minimizing expenses. In this instance the matter concerns optimal ways of infocommunication system development and perfecting of maintenance processes. Efficiency of these processes determines, to a great extent, the level of Operational expenses on the system management. NGN concept – from the economic point of view can be considered as fulfilment of new requirements of potential clients at the expense of comparatively slight increase of CAPEX with essential decrease of OPEX. Net present value (NPV) This index allows finding the correlation between investments and future income. Cash Flow on the input CFin (t ) is directed towards network modernization, which can be considered an investment project. As a result, output flow CFout (t ) is generated. CFin(t) Network modernization (Investment process) CFout(t) Examples of sensitivity analysis NPV NPV x xMIN x0 xMAX y yMIN y0 yMAX Example of NPV (1) NPV(t) Payback period Network implementation Network creation modernization t Example of NPV (2) Source: ITU Typical network planning tasks Network planning processes Three kinds of planning Technical, business and operational plans Change of the network structure during the time period District 1 CO4 CO1 CO1 District 2 Time CO2 T1 CO3 District 3 T2 CO2 CO6 CO3 CO5 Two variants of operating network structure modification District 1 CO1 District 1 CO1 Th am es e or k w t ne District 2 CO2 e tur c u str CO3 District 3 District 2 CO2 District 3 etw or k District 1 str uct ur e CO1 District 2 CO2 CO4 District 4 CO3 Ne wn CO3 District 3 CO5 5 ict r t s Di Access network modernization Distribution cables Distribution cables Distribution cabinets X1 Lin inets b a c een w t e b e Ma in cab les X2 Main distribution frame Classification of the queueing models (1) In 1961 D.G. Kendall introduced the following notation for queueing models " A / B / n ". Symbol A denotes arrival process, symbol B denotes service (holding) time distribution, and n indicates a number of servers. For a complete specification of a queueing system more information is required. For these reason Kendall's notation was extended: (14.1) A/ B / n / K / S / X , where: K is total capacity of the system, alternatively only the number of waiting positions, S is number of customers, X is queueing discipline. In the first position of classification (14.1) symbol M is used most often. This means, that incoming flow is a Poisson process. For more complicated models symbols GI (general independent time interval, renewal arrival process) and G (general, arbitrary distribution of time interval, may include correlation) are used. Classification of the queueing models (2) In the second position one of the following symbols is usually used: M (exponential distribution of service time), D (constant service time), Ek (Erlang-k distribution of service time), H n (Hyper-exponential of order n distribution of service time), G (arbitrary distribution of service time). Occasionally other symbols occur. In a queueing system, demands can be served according to many different principles. Usually applied disciplines are as follows: FCFS: first come – first served (it is also denoted as FIFO: first in – first out), LCFS: last come – first served, SIRO: service in random order, SJF: shortest job first. Classification of the queueing models (3) In some cases, demands are divided into N priority classes. There is difference of principle between two kinds of priorities: non-preemptive and preemptive. For the first discipline a new arriving demand with higher priority than a demand being served waits until a server becomes idle (and all demands with highest priority have been served). This discipline is also called HOL: head-of-the-line. When using second discipline a demand being served having lower priority than new arriving demand is interrupted. Usually three types of serving the interrupted call are discriminated: 1. preemptive, resume (the service is continued from where it was interrupted), 2. preemptive, without re-sampling (the service restarts from the beginning with the same service time), 3. preemptive, with re-sampling (the service restarts again with a new service time). Main algorithm of the forecasting Problem statement Usage of the forecast Information gathering Decision making Choice of methodology Analysis of the results Forecasting Possible approaches Another classification: •objective methods (QUANTITATIVE FORECASTING METHODS) •subjective methods (QUALITATIVE FORECASTING METHODS) •combined methods Considered objects Network and its attributes Services and corresponding traffic (some parameters) QoS (including dependability) Capacity of the trunks Throughput of the switches Forecasting and time Main attributes QoS parameters Services and traffic Throughput and capacity Short-term forecast Medium-term forecast Long-term forecast Forecasting and lifetime Lifetime of the switching equipment Lifetime of the access network Lifetime of the terminals Post-NGN time Methods of the forecasting (1) Genius forecasting – This method is based on a combination of intuition, insight, and luck. Psychics and crystal ball readers are the most extreme case of genius forecasting. Their forecasts are based exclusively on intuition. Science fiction writers have sometimes described new technologies with uncanny accuracy. There are many examples where men and women have been remarkable successful at predicting the future. There are also many examples of wrong forecasts. The weakness in genius forecasting is that its impossible to recognize a good forecast until the forecast has come to pass. Some psychic individuals are capable of producing consistently accurate forecasts. Mainstream science generally ignores this fact because the implications are simply too difficult to accept. Our current understanding of reality is not adequate to explain this phenomena. Methods of the forecasting (2a) Trend extrapolation – These methods examine trends and cycles in historical data, and then use mathematical techniques to extrapolate to the future. The assumption of all these techniques is that the forces responsible for creating the past, will continue to operate in the future. This is often a valid assumption when forecasting short term horizons, but it falls short when creating medium and long term forecasts. The further out we attempt to forecast, the less certain we become of the forecast. There are many mathematical models for forecasting trends and cycles. Choosing an appropriate model for a particular forecasting application depends on the historical data. The study of the historical data is called exploratory data analysis. Its purpose is to identify the trends and cycles in the data so that appropriate model can be chosen. Methods of the forecasting (2b) The most common mathematical models involve various forms of weighted smoothing methods. Another type of model is known as decomposition. This technique mathematically separates the historical data into trend, seasonal and random components. A process known as a "turning point analysis" is used to produce forecasts. ARIMA models such as adaptive filtering and Box-Jenkins analysis constitute a third class of mathematical model, while simple linear regression and curve fitting is a fourth. The common feature of these mathematical models is that historical data is the only criteria for producing a forecast. One might think then, that if two people use the same model on the same data that the forecasts will also be the same, but this is not necessarily the case. Mathematical models involve smoothing constants, coefficients and other parameters that must decided by the forecaster. To a large degree, the choice of these parameters determines the forecast. Methods of the forecasting (3a) Consensus methods – Forecasting complex systems often involves seeking expert opinions from more than one person. Each is an expert in his own discipline, and it is through the synthesis of these opinions that a final forecast is obtained. One method of arriving at a consensus forecast would be to put all the experts in a room and let them "argue it out". This method falls short because the situation is often controlled by those individuals that have the best group interaction and persuasion skills. Methods of the forecasting (3b) A better method is known as the Delphi technique. This method seeks to rectify the problems of face-to-face confrontation in the group, so the responses and respondents remain anonymous. The classical technique proceeds in well-defined sequence. In the first round, the participants are asked to write their predictions. Their responses are collated and a copy is given to each of the participants. The participants are asked to comment on extreme views and to defend or modify their original opinion based on what the other participants have written. Again, the answers are collated and fed back to the participants. In the final round, participants are asked to reassess their original opinion in view of those presented by other participants. The Delphi method general produces a rapid narrowing of opinions. It provides more accurate forecasts than group discussions. Furthermore, a face-to-face discussion following the application of the Delphi method generally degrades accuracy. Methods of the forecasting (4) Simulation methods – Simulation methods involve using analogs to model complex systems. These analogs can take on several forms. A mechanical analog might be a wind tunnel for modeling aircraft performance. An equation to predict an economic measure would be a mathematical analog. A metaphorical analog could involve using the growth of a bacteria colony to describe human population growth. Game analogs are used where the interactions of the players are symbolic of social interactions. Mathematical analogs are of particular importance to futures research. They have been extremely successful in many forecasting applications, especially in the physical sciences. In the social sciences however, their accuracy is somewhat diminished. The extraordinary complexity of social systems makes it difficult to include all the relevant factors in any model. Methods of the forecasting (5) Scenario – The scenario is a narrative forecast that describes a potential course of events. Like the cross-impact matrix method, it recognizes the interrelationships of system components. The scenario describes the impact on the other components and the system as a whole. It is a "script" for defining the particulars of an uncertain future. Scenarios consider events such as new technology, population shifts, and changing consumer preferences. Scenarios are written as long-term predictions of the future. A most likely scenario is usually written, along with at least one optimistic and one pessimistic scenario. The primary purpose of a scenario is to provoke thinking of decision makers who can then posture themselves for the fulfillment of the scenario(s). The three scenarios force decision makers to ask: 1) Can we survive the pessimistic scenario, 2) Are we happy with the most likely scenario, and 3) Are we ready to take advantage of the optimistic scenario? Methods of the forecasting (6) Decision trees – Decision trees originally evolved as graphical devices to help illustrate the structural relationships between alternative choices. These trees were originally presented as a series of yes/no (dichotomous) choices. As our understanding of feedback loops improved, decision trees became more complex. Their structure became the foundation of computer flow charts. Computer technology has made it possible create very complex decision trees consisting of many subsystems and feedback loops. Decisions are no longer limited to dichotomies; they now involve assigning probabilities to the likelihood of any particular path. Decision theory is based on the concept that an expected value of a discrete variable can be calculated as the average value for that variable. The expected value is especially useful for decision makers because it represents the most likely value based on the probabilities of the distribution function. Methods of the forecasting (7) Combining Forecasts It seems clear that no forecasting technique is appropriate for all situations. There is substantial evidence to demonstrate that combining individual forecasts produces gains in forecasting accuracy. There is also evidence that adding quantitative forecasts to qualitative forecasts reduces accuracy. Research has not yet revealed the conditions or methods for the optimal combinations of forecasts. Judgmental forecasting usually involves combining forecasts from more than one source. Informed forecasting begins with a set of key assumptions and then uses a combination of historical data and expert opinions. Involved forecasting seeks the opinions of all those directly affected by the forecast (e.g., the sales force would be included in the forecasting process). These techniques generally produce higher quality forecasts than can be attained from a single source. Combining forecasts provides us with a way to compensate for deficiencies in a forecasting technique. By selecting complementary methods, the shortcomings of one technique can be offset by the advantages of another. Example of Delphi technique The question is: how many Y-terminals will be installed up to 2000 year? 1. Ten experts sent the following estimations: 1 million (5 opinions), 1.2 million (3 opinions), 1.4 million (2 opinions). 2. Mean value is N (1) 1.0 5 1.2 3 1.4 2 1.14 10 (1.0 1.14)2 5 (1.2 1.14) 2 3 (1.4 1.14) 2 2 0.0244 3. Variance is σ 10 2 σ 4. Coefficient of variation is k (1) 0.137 N Conclusion: forecast is stable. Dependability Strictly speaking, dependability should be considered as one of quality aspects. Nevertheless, some specialists consider dependability as an independent term that has the same status as the quality. The dependability is the property of an object to retain, in a course of time, within specified limits values of all parameters, which characterize capability to perform required functions in predetermined for that object regimes and conditions of application, technical maintenance, repairs, storage and transportation. It is obvious, that there is no sense in speaking about object’s dependability during the time periods, when it is withdrawn from operation for execution of scheduled inspections, modernization and other procedures. Dependability vs cost Dependability and type of service Statistics of the dependability Intensity of failures λ(t) Gradual Failures (wear-out region) Sudden failures (infant mortality region) λ(t) ≈ const (steady-state region) t t1 t2 Dependability of the access network Noise 48% 12% 24% Break of the subscriber line Source: ISO 16% Absence of call request signal or ring signal Signal about overloading Reservation of infocommunication system on the level of access network Base station Wireless access PC Core Network Wireline access Examples of dependability analysis A=? A=? A=p+p2–p3 A=2p5–5p4+2p3+2p2 If p=0.999, then A=0.999998001 If p=0.999, then A=0.999997998 If p=0.9, then A=0.981 If p=0.9, then A=0.978 Comparison of the scenarios Criterion I Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Criterion V Criterion II Criterion VI Criterion III Network modernisation Investigation Elaboration of the main solutions Technical maintenance Implementation of the concept Production of equipment New concept Modernisation Network planning Network planning and data mining Operational system development (e.g. network) ? Information from feedback loops (e.g. statistics) Forecasting (e.g. number of users) Data mining Concluding session, part II Questions? Instructor: Prof. Nikolay Sokolov, e-mail: