Guide to Scheduling & Preparing for a Gathering

All About In-Home Tastings
In-Home Tasting Party Options
In-Home Tasting ideas
•Couples parties
•Girls night
•Family in town
•Early evening bonfire
•Bridal, baby, showers
•Outdoors on the hosts patio or deck
•Always ask them to invite; friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, church members etc
How to get Invites?
•Don’t ask ‘”Want to Host?” …listen to your prospective hosts and ask the following instead:
– “Tell me about that deck you just added onto your house…wow would I love to sample coffee, tea and wine with your
friends out there!”
– “I saw your post about going to the winery last night …How about next time, we do this at home …why don’t you let
me bring the winery to you? ”
– I saw your post on Starbucks …or being out of coffee, what evening this month can I bring coffees and teas to try to
your house with your friends and family, lets have some fun! “
– “My favorite way to decompress after a bad week is a coffee and tea tasting …how about it?” FREE products for the
WINE restrictions:
•You must live in a ‘green’ state to sell wine.
•Event must be invite only and at someone’s home.
•You may only sample wine at an Hostess event where the guests receive invitations.
– Those invitations may be Facebook event invitations, email, post cards etc but each guest is invited
– Wine may NOT be sampled at an event that is open to the public, such as a vendor show or combined vendor event
where things are posted and open to anyone that would like to stop by and shop.
•You MAY sell wine via catalog at a vendor show or open event.
Tips to Getting a Tasting Booked
During the Gathering!
•Pay attention during the Tasting, did anyone say how much fun this was, ask about host gifts, mention hosting
– IF so follow up and ask them at check out one on one
– Try to get it scheduled during check out
– If not, then follow back up with them after they receive and taste their products.
•Remind at the end of the Gathering all the Free gifts Hostess gets and what they receive if parties are booked
•Ask the current host to explain why she booked? Mention to the guests how easy it is to prepare for a tasting.
Outside of a Gathering!
•Mention on Facebook all the free gifts the hostess received from her tasting to entice others that attended to
•When following up with a potential Hostess to book a tasting don’t ask open-ended questions. Instead ask:
– What days of the week work best for you?
– Then, take those days of the week and check against your calendar. Respond back with: Here are
the dates I have open, which one works best for you!
– We have a promo going on X month, everyone is loving it, I wouldn’t want you to miss out! Here are
the dates I have left, which one would you like.
Business Kit vs Tasting Kit
Business Kits
• A business kit is a registration with American Serenade to conduct in-home tastings and
includes key items to manage your on-going business.
Your business kit comes with your first 2 tasting certificates.
Tasting Kits
• A tasting kit is a one time use kit and is for the sole purpose of having samples during a Hosts
In-home tasting in order to acquire sales orders.
Samples for incentives
• If you would like to order samples to give to prospects you may order your consultant only
samples to give away (wine not available).
Gathering IDs/Tasting Kits
What is a Gathering ID?
A Gathering ID is a unique # provided by A.S. HQ when a consultant submits a formal request to conduct
an In-home tasting.
The purpose of a Gathering ID is two fold:
– To link a host to a particular event or future events for the purpose of Host Rewards.
– Is required for a Tasting kit to be ordered and also tracks the success or failure of that tasting kit.
What is a Tasting Kit?
A Tasting Kit consists of samples to be used during a Gathering (In-Home Tasting) for the Host and her
guests to sample a segment of our products during the formal presentation to entice sales orders.
– It is NOT for personal consumption, gift giving or resale.
– A tasting kit may ONLY be ordered if a In-Home Gathering/Tasting is scheduled.
– (See Consultant Policy document for rules around required $ amount of sales and # of orders
required/kit in order for consultant to not have to pay for kit).
In order for a Gathering ID to be provided by HQ and a Tasting Kit to be ordered a valid Tasting must be
scheduled and Host Name and Date be provided to HQ.
Details of the Kits
•Consultant is always charged the shipping on the kit at the time of order
Coffee Shelf life
– $4.99 (coffee/ tea) & $13.99 (combo w/wine)
4-6 weeks
•You may order multiple kits at the same time if you have multiple tastings scheduled.
– Keep in mind, if they get postponed the shelf life for coffee.
– You are only hurting yourself and your potential customers if you keep your coffee for too long
before the tasting.
Kit cost
•The coffee and tea kit cost is $8
•The combo kit w/wine is $40
•You only have to pay for the kit if you tasting does not hit $150 and required 4 individual orders and have
these submitted within 60 days of the kit shipping.
•Read our consultant policy document to find out more about how kits work.
**Kits are only to be used for a tasting, if we find someone abusing the system we will shut down their ability to
order kits.
What products are included in your kit?
•Coffee & Tea only Gatherings?
– 1 sample non flavor coffee, 1 sample flavor coffee, 2 tea samples
•Combo Gathering – Coffee, tea and wine
– 1 sample of non flavor coffee, 1 sample of flavor coffee, 1 tea sample & 3 bottles of wine (1 sweet, 1
dry white and 1 dry red)
Requesting a Tasting Kit
Each consultant receives 2 tasting certificates with an in-home tasting business kit purchase.
What is required to exchange those certificates for actual tasting kits?
– A scheduled date with a Host
– Submitting a formal request for the tasting kit via
How do I know what products to select for my tasting kit?
– The purpose of the tasting is not to get the exact products that every customer will love in the kit.
– If this is a booking off another host, choose different products.
What you want to get across with our coffees and teas is two things:
– No bitter taste to our coffees or teas
– You actually taste the flavors as described
From there you recommend
– Most of the Single Origins buyers bought what was sampled or what I recommended at check out
based upon what they or their spouse drinks today.
– Most of the flavors are bought based upon what flavors sound good to them, especially after they
find out you actually taste the flavors as described in the coffees.
– Most of the teas are purchased either from what was sampled or tea type or health benefits (always
review health benefits during tasting)
There are many parties where I sell a bag or 2 of what was sampled and end up selling a variety of the rest
of our inventory.
– Make sure you know our inventory. Even if you have not tasted all of it yet know some of the basics
• What are the flavors, what do we recommend based upon what they drink today, what are the
health benefits of the teas. Which teas do we recommend iced as well as hot?
Scheduling & Invites
What invites do we offer??
• Facebook
– Encourage them to use a Facebook event as one of their invites so you may post teasers about
American Serenade
– It also allows you to interact with the hosts guest and find out what they like to drink to help in
selecting your tasting kit.
– Not everyone checks Facebook daily and if they miss the event invite or forget to check the day
of, they may miss the event.
– Email or Flyers
– Post cards (you may purchase under the “consultant only” portion of American Serenade’s website.
Templates of existing invites are available on the training library
Send your Host his/her hostess packet via mail, hand delivery or email and ask them to review ahead of
– If Wine party, the Host will need to have the form signed ahead of time and the consultant needs to
bring that back and keep a copy for future reference.
Remind your Host to gather any outside orders, customers can view website and email you or the host
their orders and you can get them a total.
– Encourage the Host to do this by sending them ahead of their party (at same time as you provide
invites) their Rewards.
Lisa’s Most Important Tasting Tips
Difficulties getting your Host to keep her booking?
– Watch the presentation/video on Day 6
– Follow those steps to keep your host invested and stop the cancellations.
What to say at your Gatherings
– Watch the videos on Day 9
What to give in place of catalogs?
– See the page in your Business Kit
• Invest in folders & sheet protectors and print off all the pages in Day 12 Product/Price Sheets for Folder
• You get them back, save money for reuse and if a customer wants something to take with them with the
website on it, give them a brochure or your business card.
Why are prices not in our brochures?
– Our products are commodities and they can change without notice …we had a price change in May.
Keep the box your tasting glasses came in, great for transport
Don’t leave something at home!
– Print out the check list from the training library and go through it while you are preparing for your tasting
– Use the Scripts!!
Don’t prepare coffees/ teas at home more than 30 min before leaving. Everyone is late to the party!
Open your dry wines as soon as you walk in the hosts them ample time to breathe.
Use a pourer or paper towel when pouring reds at a hosts home! The red always drips, don’t want to leave a stain!
Lisa’s top accessories to bring /demo at a tasting
– Tea Infuser (even if you are not brewing tea, put water in and explain how to use it)
– Kcup Filter
• If you own a keurig, brew one of your coffees for demo through keurig and after they sample and tell you how
much they love it, ask the question “How many of you brew with a keurig?” Then I respond with ‘That coffee
was brewed with my keurig using this ….”.
– Tea Bag filters
• During tea presentation and after they sampled the tea, I always ask who drinks iced tea? Then I discuss how
easy it is to brew with loose leaf tea and show them the bags.
Host Rewards
Must hit $200 for host to receive any of dollar host rewards off her purchase.
Host still pays shipping
The host only receives ½ priced item from their booking reward if:
Their specific party hits $200
The host attends booked party.
The host will fill out requested bag on their order form at the new party and receive it with the Gathering order.
Any bookings MUST be scheduled and submitted when party closes or they will not count for future host rewards.
The booked host must attend the future tasting in order to receive the Booking rewards.
The booked tasting must also hit the minimum $200 in sales.
**All of these rules prevent fraud and gaming as well as they are incentives to grow parties and sales and require those sales to
cover cost. There's a reason we offer great benefits but keep our prices low.
**See the taxes/discount guide for how to apply discounts.
Follow up
Whether you are a virtual rep or an in-home tasting rep, say what you are going to do and do what you are
going to say!
Follow up, people get busy and forget
You have to work to get your first tastings and begin to build up your business
Hard work reaps rewards and passion fuels the fire!