FEMA’s Guidelines and Standards Strategy ASFPM Conference May 23, 2012 Overview Current Condition Future Vision Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Future State Results Participate! 2 Drivers of the Program Statutes Regulations Policy / Directive Programlevel Standards Working-Level Standards Guidance Best Practices / Lessons Learned 3 Current State of G&S Container Type of Information • Mandatory Elements • Non-mandatory Elements 4 Current Stats Document Pages Potential Standards Volume 1 170 333 Volume 2 136 499 Volume 3 110 110 App A 77 154 App B 14 50 App C 73 292 App D 178 694 App E 8 16 App F 16 32 App G 32 32 App H 55 115 App I 23 23 App J 60 177 App K 61 122 App L 141 282 App M 95 372 App N 80 80 App O 152 194 TOTAL 1481 5 3577 Future of G&S 6 Goals Improve usability. Create a knowledge base of standards of practice that is intuitive to navigate and use. Adopt a cost effective lifecycle. Develop processes and approaches that reduce the cost of creating, updating and maintaining the knowledge base. Ensure credibility. Ensure that the standards of practice are understandable, reasonable and widely accepted. Engage key stakeholders. Foster continuous improvement. Limit the standards to only what is necessary, such that mapping partners can continuously find efficiencies and allow for a variety of methods to meet the standards such that best practices easily emerge. Promote the exchange of knowledge. Ensure that the standards of practice themselves are communicated effectively and well understood, as is the structure and process for developing the standards of practice. Ensure there is a feedback loop for the standards of practice such that input for the improvement is easy to harvest and react to. Maximize technology. Maximize innovative, yet proven, technology. 7 Objectives 1. Transform the large set of existing volumes and appendices into stand-alone and distinct standards, guidance and best practices 2. Develop a mechanism to maintain and revise standards of practice in a timely and cost-effective manner 3. Develop processes that are simple and streamlined for the development and approval of new standards, guidance and best practices 8 Develop a communication plan to explain new structure and transformation 9 Finalize new stds and guidance documents Align Develop clear definitions for stds, guidance and best practices – identify dependencies Publish Define Perform assessment on usage of existing documents and challenges Finalize Evaluate completeness and functionality of new documents Assessment Develop comprehensive inventory of existing stds and guidance that has been produced for flood risk analysis and mapping Communicate Evaluate & Test Inventory Objectives 1: Transform into standalone documents Align all material within existing documents to defined categories / definitions Publish and communicate new documents 10 Determine best knowledge management/IT solution to support maintenance & support requirements Roadmap Obtain leadership buyin to maintenance strategy and governance System Establish roles, responsibilities and authorities to facilitate maintenance strategy Buy-in Develop an annual maintenance strategy Governance Develop Objectives 2: Develop maintenance strategy Develop routine roadmap for maintenance Develop process for new efforts Governance Create templates, schedules and overall process document Communicate Obtain leadership buy-in to process and governance New Efforts Develop process for capturing best practices Output Buy-in Best Practices Objectives 3: Develop process for new efforts 11 Establish roles, responsibilities and authorities to facilitate new process Develop a communication plan to explain new structure and transformation Future State Container Type of Information Program Standards Working Level Standards Knowledge Sharing Site Guidance Best Practices Feedback loop / routine maintenance 12 Knowledge Sharing Site Vision & Expectations The Knowledge Sharing Site (KSS) will serve as the central location for Risk MAP project delivery methods and information. The KSS will provide a graphical interface to content and will be keyword searchable based on tagging Users/Risk MAP study practitioners will be able to contribute content and share relevant information with colleagues across the Program interactively Expectations: Release 1.0 of the KSS will provide a base level of functionality; the full vision will be built over time, through multiple releases. The KSS will be set up to accept information as it becomes available (e.g., parsed or re-written standards/guidance, best practices). 13 Knowledge Sharing Site (Artist’s Conception) 14 15 G&S Annual Roadmap APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR New updates released in early April ASFPM: Discuss significant changes in the recent release; elicit feedback for next release cycle Prioritize items and work on next release New updates released in late Oct Risk Analysis Workshop: Discuss significant changes in the recent release; elicit feedback for next release cycle Prioritize items and work on next release 16 Results so far G&S Appendix I - Discovery Appendix C – Riverine Engineering Appendix N – Risk Assessment Appendix O – Flood Risk Products Appendix K – FIRM Format Appendix L – FIRM Database Appendix J - FIS Initial Estimate of Standards in Original Documents Initial Consolidation and Compilation of Standards Analysis and SME Review of Standards 23 31 21 296 85 39 80 46 10 194 118 20 124 113 75 282 96 28 185 (in process) (in process) 17 Want to participate? If you want to be involved in any of the following, please talk to me after the session or contact me: • Review of Transformed guidance content • Maintenance of content • Education and Training on the new content or KSS Contact: Mary Jo Mullen MaryJo.Mullen@fema.dhs.gov Or Anna Lee Anna.a.lee@accenture.com 18