Broadwater School KS4 History USA Quick Quiz: FDR and the 1st New Deal 1. 2. 3. 4. To which political party did FD Roosevelt belong? Democrat What named did the FD in FD Roosevelt stand for? Franklin Delano Of which state was FDR governor before becoming president? New York How did FDR get the New York State legislature to help the unemployed in their state? $20 million help for unemployed 5. Why was FDR elected as president? Depression (the unemployed were desperate for help after 3 years) Unpopularity of Hoover Failure of Hoover’s policies (too little and too late) Hoover’s “rugged individualism” (“prosperity is just around the corner”) Hoover’s treatment of the Bonus Army (his use of force) Prohibition (impact on farmers and increase in crime) FDR’s optimism (show of confidence “I pledge myself to a new deal ...”) FDR’s personality (smile, public affability and inspiring confidence) FDR’s record as Governor of New York State FDR’s belief that it was the duty of the federal government to help the needy 6. What were the key features of the New Deal that FDR offered voters? Creation of jobs Help for the unemployed Federal help for agriculture and industry Protection of workers 7. What “3Rs” were the aims of the New Deal? Relief, Recovery, Reform 8. What was “relief” going t do? Remove poverty, provide food, protect homes 9. What collective name is given to the agencies set up to administer the policies of the New Deal? Alphabet Agencies 10. What name as give to FDR’s radio broadcasts where he explained his policies? Fireside Chats 11. What were the most important aims of the 100 days? Stabilise the banks and financial system (to provide confidence) Relieve poverty (cash help for the unemployed) Give hope (fireside chats, help for the desperate) 12. What did FDR do to stabilise the banks and to provide confidence in the financial system? EBA (Emergency Banking Act) 13. What was done to provide immediate cash help for the unemployed? FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration) 14. What was the name of the Agency that provided jobs for young men working on conservation projects? CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) 15. Which agency awarded a Blue eagle emblem to employers who set fair wages and prices and had good working conditions? NRA (National Recovery Administration) 16. Which agency was set up to provide jobs, irrigation, flood control and electricity in the Tennessee Valley by building dams? TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) 17. Which agency helped farmers by controlling the output of food? AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) 18. Which agency provided jobs through large public works like roads, dams and airports? PWA (Public Works Administration) 19. How did the HOLC (Home Owner’s Loan Corporation) and the Home Owner’s Loan Act help people? Low interest loans for mortgages 20. Which agency gave mortgage help to 20% of farmers? FCA (Farm Credit Administration) 21. Which of FDR’s measures reduced criminality and raised revenue? The Beer Act (ended Prohibition) 22. What were the successes of the TVA? Provided jobs (in one of the poorest areas of the USA) Provided electricity (to seven states, 40,000 square miles) Flood control (to prevent erosion) Stimulate industry (by providing electric power) Improve river navigation (for transport) Recreational areas (lakes) Health and welfare facilities 23. Why was there opposition to the TVA? States rights (Federal Agency in control) Flooded land (as reservoirs filled) Too socialist (too much Federal control) Businessmen (Govt should only govern)