Strategies Persuasive Essay - francaisap-jbhs

This part of the exam tests your writing ability in an essay format based on information
from 3 different sources:
1. a printed text (you will have 6 minutes to read the source)
2. a chart or graphic
3. an audio source (you will hear the audio twice)
You will need to synthesize the information from three different sources and write a
persuasive essay using these three sources to illustrate your point of view.
You have 40 minutes to write your essay,
A. Pre-writing
 Read the topic of the essay - make sure you understand exactly what the
instructions are asking you to do.
 Read and listen to the sources using a graphic organizer to summarize main ideas
(or you can also highlight the main ideas of the printed text) – record key words –
key ideas.
 Think of the point of view you have on the topic.
 Choose your writing strategies: discussion? Comparison? Contrast? Others
 Outline how you want to organize your essay.
B. Writing
 Write an introduction with a thesis statement that responds to the prompt.
 Concentrate on adapting the ideas you have read or heard to the prompt.
Compare and contrast ideas if necessary.
 Integrate meaningful references from all the sources
 Quote only what is necessary to support your point of view. Use quotation mark if
you quote directly.
 Organization is important: Your essay should have 4 or 5 paragraphs starting
1. An introduction
2. 2 or 3 paragraphs to develop your point of view with supporting
arguments and reference to the sources.
3. A logical conclusion.
C. Post – writing / Editing / Review you work for
 Use of transition words
Have you used complex structures in
o Subjunctive
o SI sentences
o Pronouns (personnel or relative)
o en + participle present
o Correct use of Passé compose versus Imparfait
Verify conjugation and make sure you have the appropriate tense.
 Other structures:
o Agreement subject –verb - Agreement of adjectives and nouns
o Correct accent marks
***Use the pronoun subject “ON” (never TU, and avoid JE).
____________________________________________________________________________________________________QUELQUES BONS TUYAUX
A. MOTS DE TRANSITION - Regardez la liste des mots de transition et relevez les mots
que vous pouvez utilisez pour :
 Introduire et mettre dans l’ordre plusieurs idées
 Conclure
 Contraster et Comparez
 Exprimez votre opinion
B. EXPRESSION DE CITATION (exemple amitié)
1. Comme Montaigne l’a écrit / dit/ démontré/ expliqué/ relevé dans son essai/
dans son article/ blog/ dans les nouvelles /, l’amitié est ………..
2. En regardant la liste, le tableau, les réactions, le diagramme …, on peut voir
que (source # 2)
3. Selon/ d’ après Montaigne / Montaigne, l’amitié joue ….
4. On ne peut pas oublier/ n’oublions pas la leçon du renard. En effet, ……