PERSUASIVE ESSAY This part of the exam tests your writing ability in an essay format based on information from 3 different sources: 1. a printed text (you will have 6 minutes to read the source) 2. a chart or graphic 3. an audio source (you will hear the audio twice) You will need to synthesize the information from three different sources and write a persuasive essay using these three sources to illustrate your point of view. You have 40 minutes to write your essay, STRATEGIES A. Pre-writing Read the topic of the essay - make sure you understand exactly what the instructions are asking you to do. Read and listen to the sources using a graphic organizer to summarize main ideas (or you can also highlight the main ideas of the printed text) – record key words – key ideas. Think of the point of view you have on the topic. Choose your writing strategies: discussion? Comparison? Contrast? Others Outline how you want to organize your essay. B. Writing Write an introduction with a thesis statement that responds to the prompt. Concentrate on adapting the ideas you have read or heard to the prompt. Compare and contrast ideas if necessary. Integrate meaningful references from all the sources Quote only what is necessary to support your point of view. Use quotation mark if you quote directly. Organization is important: Your essay should have 4 or 5 paragraphs starting with 1. An introduction 2. 2 or 3 paragraphs to develop your point of view with supporting arguments and reference to the sources. 3. A logical conclusion. AVOID MERELY PARAPRASING OR REPEATING THE CONTENT OF THREE SOURCES. C. Post – writing / Editing / Review you work for Use of transition words Have you used complex structures in o Subjunctive o SI sentences o Pronouns (personnel or relative) o en + participle present o Correct use of Passé compose versus Imparfait Verify conjugation and make sure you have the appropriate tense. Other structures: o Agreement subject –verb - Agreement of adjectives and nouns o Correct accent marks ***Use the pronoun subject “ON” (never TU, and avoid JE). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________QUELQUES BONS TUYAUX A. MOTS DE TRANSITION - Regardez la liste des mots de transition et relevez les mots que vous pouvez utilisez pour : Introduire et mettre dans l’ordre plusieurs idées _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclure _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contraster et Comparez _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Exprimez votre opinion _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ B. EXPRESSION DE CITATION (exemple amitié) 1. Comme Montaigne l’a écrit / dit/ démontré/ expliqué/ relevé dans son essai/ dans son article/ blog/ dans les nouvelles /, l’amitié est ……….. 2. En regardant la liste, le tableau, les réactions, le diagramme …, on peut voir que (source # 2) 3. Selon/ d’ après Montaigne / Montaigne, l’amitié joue …. 4. On ne peut pas oublier/ n’oublions pas la leçon du renard. En effet, ……