F1-12 CM Christian Reformed Home Missions (CRHM) Annual Review - Campus Ministry Ministry Year 20__/20___ Date: ___________________ Ministry Name (include University Name) _______________________________________________________ City, State/Province _____________________________________ Classis _________________________ Campus Minister ____________________________________ HMRL/EL_______________________________ Coach and/or Mentor _______________________________________________________________________ Due: May 15 to Regional or Ethnic Leader Please complete report and submit to your Home Missions Regional Leader or Ethnic Leader (HMRL/HMEL). Where applicable, send copy of the report to your campus ministry committee, secretary of your Classical Home Missions Committee, and the Home Missions Catalytic Leader for Campus Ministry, Mark Wallace. Keep a copy of the report for your own records. Include F1-16CM form OR a current financial statement which must also show your current budget Forms: CRHM Ministry Guidelines Section I: Your stories are the answers to the prayers and offerings of the many congregations which support Home Missions – Thanks for sharing them with us! Please describe briefly the heart of your ministry vision: Ministry Development Guidelines CAMPUS MINISTRY ANNUAL REVIEW – January 2014 Edition (c) 2011Christian Reformed Home Missions. All Rights Reserved. F1-12 CM Please describe the most strategic ways in which this partnership grant has helped this ministry engage the educational institution, the church, and the broader community with the gift and call of the gospel. (Please attach a newsletter, short story or prayer letter). Telling the Stories: Please note: Stories may be published in Christian Reformed Home Missions Publications. You will be contacted for permission. However, if you do not wish these stories to be reprinted please indicate so clearly. We are looking for stories that demonstrate ways in which the goals of Christian Reformed Campus ministry have been pursued and born fruit. Please share stories about specific students, faculty and staff, as well as events and projects that taken place this year as you “pursue the vision”. You may already have told these stories in reports to Classis, in newsletters or prayer letters. Please feel free to use them again here, as long as they are from the current school year. 1. Tell us how you have seen and celebrated God’s grace on campus this year. Ministry Development Guidelines CAMPUS MINISTRY ANNUAL REVIEW – January 2014 Edition (c) 2011Christian Reformed Home Missions. All Rights Reserved. F1-12 CM 2. How have students, staff and faculty gathered this year in fellowship and witness to the life and work of Jesus Christ? 3. Tell us about how you have seen the Reformed world and life view promoted on campus, and how that has enabled someone(s) to love and serve God in their vocation. Ministry Development Guidelines CAMPUS MINISTRY ANNUAL REVIEW – January 2014 Edition (c) 2011Christian Reformed Home Missions. All Rights Reserved. F1-12 CM 4. What has happened on campus this year that demonstrates engagement with the mind and spirit of this age with the redemptive good news of the gospel? 5. In what ways have you been able to partner with local churches, Classes, and other ministries in the church (World Missions, CRWRC) or other initiatives (such as social justice)? 6. How can Home Missions work with you to make your ministry better? Ministry Development Guidelines CAMPUS MINISTRY ANNUAL REVIEW – January 2014 Edition (c) 2011Christian Reformed Home Missions. All Rights Reserved. F1-12 CM Section II Please list program events (eg. Bible Studies, worship, suppers, lectures, discussion groups, etc.) and other pastoral activities (counseling, visitation, preaching, teaching in local churches, etc.) Events and activities this semester Occurring how often? (daily, weekly, monthly) # of persons involved _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ _________________________________________ _________________ _______ This report completed by: _______________________________ Date ____________ Due: May 15 to Regional or Ethnic Leader Please complete report and submit to your Home Missions Regional Leader or Ethnic Leader (HMRL/HMEL). Where applicable, send copy of the report to your campus ministry committee, secretary of your Classical Home Missions Committee, and the Home Missions Catalytic Leader for Campus Ministry, Mark Wallace. Keep a copy of the report for your own records. Include F1-16CM form OR a current financial statement which must also show your current budget Forms: CRHM Ministry Guidelines Ministry Development Guidelines CAMPUS MINISTRY ANNUAL REVIEW – January 2014 Edition (c) 2011Christian Reformed Home Missions. All Rights Reserved.