Message Templates

Mobile Payments & Alert Communications:
Changing Your Bottom Line
Art Coutcher
Utility Sales Manager
direct: 1-602-443-5959
 Harness the value of Text Messages as your vital
new communications channel
 Change your bottom line with mobile payments
 Migrate to a GREEN biller
Raise your hand if…..
 You have a cell phone with you today
 You have a smart phone
 You checked your phone within 15 minutes of
waking up this morning
 You have a unlimited text plan
 You have sent a text message today
 You have paid a bill in the last three months on
your phone
Interesting Cellular Facts
 87% of the world’s population has a cell phone (5.9B)
 2010 – 26% of households do not have a “hardwired”
home phone
 51% of people have a smart phone in the U.S. today
 The average age of a “texter” is 39 years old
 77% of people are on unlimited text plans
 More Google searches are done on phones than
American Adults
 More American
adults texting in 2012
 Teens – 87% use
phones for texting
 Harness this channel
 Improve customer
*Pew: Americans and Text Messaging
Mobile Payments Trends
Mobile Payments Trends
Even More Reasons
Evaluating eAdoption Progress
e-Adoption Timeline
The Real Question:
How to achieve an eAdoption rate beyond the
industry average of 10-12%?
Focus Area 1: Bill Design
Focus Area 3: Customer Usability
How do I enroll in eBilling?
How will I know when to pay
if I go paperless?
Can I view my past bills
Can I view and pay multiple
bills at the same time?
Can I use my smartphone to
Focus Area 2: Biller Practices
Email Update
After updating Terms and Conditions on website, send
email update to current customer base…
Add Compliance guidelines to your
Website & Agreements
MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) Requirements
 Your wireless policy must contain the minimum
 STOP instructions in BOLD Lettering
 HELP instructions in BOLD Lettering
 Frequency (you will receive messages about your account)
 Customer Service Contact Information
 Msg & Data Rates May Apply
 Terms & Conditions on Agreements and Website
include your completed Wireless Policy.
Proper Opt-In:
Account activation combined
with verified cell # and
possession of device.
Proper Opt-Out:
Message templates
include HELP command to
return to customer service
and STOP instructions
Getting Started with the 4 Cs
Collect Permission – Properly obtain
customer consent for text message
Comply – Follow the MMA (Mobile
Marketing Association) Best Practices
Confirm – Verify customer cell phone
number and possession of device
Communicate – Manage SMS
strategy through automated triggers
that deliver predetermined messages
Message Templates
 Message flow foundation is your custom message
template library
 Proper structure and key language requirements
 higher response rates
 Proper structure
» Source (i.e. company name) of the message first
» Offer or primary info should
» Method of redemption or contact info
» Help option
Example (CoServ):
This is a courtesy reminder your payment is due in 5 days. Questions? Call
888.555.1212. Reply HELP for help.
Message Templates
Build a message library
around your business
 Activation
 Approval/Next Steps
 Welcome/Confirmation
 EFT Confirmation
 Pending
Your account is
approved for activation
on or around
4/11/2012. For
questions contact 800555-1212.
Reply HELP for help
Message Templates
Welcome Verification message confirms the number is
still active…
 Welcome Message Templates:
 CoServ: As a customer benefit, we provide account
updates & outage alerts by text. For more information
call 888-555-1212 or reply HELP for help
 CoServ: Thank you for your business. Please click on the
link to LIKE us on FACEBOOK, For outstanding cust svc
call 888-555-1212. Pls save our # in your phone for
future use. Reply HELP for help
(company name)
1. Customer receives
message template
with HELP option.
2. If customer replies
HELP then receives
reply with STOP
3. Customer replies
STOP, receives reply with
Courtesy reminder:
Your payment is due
in 5 days. Thank you
for your business. For
questions call 800555-1212
Msg&Data Rates May
Apply For customer
service call 800-5581212
You have opted out.
You will not receive
additional messages.
Reply HELP for help
Call our 24hr Opt Out
Line @ 877-111-1111
Reply STOP to Opt
Out /mobile
For questions call 800558-1212
Message Templates
Build a message library
around your business
Account Management
5 day reminder
1 day reminder
Returned payment
Payment request
Payment confirmation
Loyalty point balance update
This is your courtesy
reminder you have a
payment due in 5 days.
For questions call
Reply HELP for help
Common Use Billing Reminders
Payment Reminder Templates:
 CoServ: Billing Statement available @ Pmt should be made by the <Due
Date> to avoid late fee of 1% added to your acct. Reply
HELP 4help
 CoServ courtesy reminder: Your payment is due in 3
days. Questions ? Reply by text or call 888.555.1212
Thank you for your business! Reply HELP for help
Common Use Billing Reminders
Payment Reminder Templates (continued):
 CoServ courtesy reminder: Your payment is due today.
Questions? Reply by text or call 888-555-1212. Thank
you for your business! Reply HELP for help
 CoServ pmt reminder: Your payment is due March 5th
Reply by text or call 888.555.1212 to speak w/cust svc.
Thank you. Reply HELP for help
Re-market to your best customers with an incentive to
use your product again.
 Highest rates of return by re-marketing to your
preferred customers
 Stimulate new business from current customers –
best $ spent
 Marketing Campaign Templates:
 CoServ Referral Program: Get a $200 credit towards ur account
when u refer a friend. Have them call 888-555-1212 & mention ur
name & acct # to get $200. Reply HELP for help.
Mobile Payment Trends
 AITE Group predicts bills
paid online will increase
by 18% by 2013
 The number of bills paid
with a mobile device is
set to grow by a huge
377% across the same
TO: 58789
FROM: 58789
Thank you. Your
payment has been
processed. Your
confirmation # is
Text Notification
Billers leverage technology to
reduce costs associated with
consumer contact, including
 recurring and/or post date
check reminder notices
 time sensitive notices
 outage and repair notification
 coupons and appointment
Text Notification & Payment
Text “Textpay” to 75935
Text Notification & Payment
direct: (602) 443-5959