Slide 1 - Calvary Chapel San Ramon

Matthew 26:1-56
Blood, Sweat, and Fears
Sunday = Jesus arrived in Jerusalem
Crowds cheered
He spoke a lot of hard hitting truth during the next 3 days
Thursday evening = Jesus arrested
During the Thursday night He was tried 6 times
3 times under Jewish jurisdiction
3 times under Roman jurisdiction
The arrest and trial may seem quick but...
...the discontent had been brewing since Ch. 9
He “blasphemed” by telling the paralytic his sins were
forgiven (Ch. 9)
He healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath
(Ch. 12)
Due to this, the Pharisees plotted to kill him (vs.14)
Then they [religious leaders] sent many groups out to
try and trip Jesus up and incriminate himself
Then, when their many plans had failed, Jesus entered
Jerusalem to the cheers of the people (Ch. 21)
So they gathered in the palace of the High Priest!!!
To plot some sly way to arrest and kill Jesus (vs. 4)
They had no legitimate reason.
He hadn’t incriminated himself
He’s only caused them embarrassment with The Truth
They would arrest Him through deceit and trickery
None of this came as a surprise to Jesus!
Remember Ch. 16:21
Not only did Jesus foretell His death...but the role of the
religious leaders in it
Who was at the Palace of Caiaphas, the High Priest?
The Sanhedrin Council
72 Jewish leaders - the highest internal authority
allowed by Rome
They could hold civil and criminal trials but not sentence
anybody to death...that was for the Romans to decide
...with 1 exception!
The violation of the sacredness of the Temple
...and they tried that one in vs. 61 (and succeeded
against Stephen in Acts 7:54)
24 hours before His crucifixion Jesus was in Bethany
He was anointed with very expensive perfume by a woman
Jesus calls this “a beautiful thing” (vs. 10)
Jesus shows us that He is in control as He describes this
as preparation for his burial
Around this time, Judas was negotiating a price with the
Sanhedrin Council - 30 pieces of silver!
Judas was not an obvious villain...he was made treasurer!
When Jesus spoke of the betrayer, they didn’t all just turn
and look at Judas
Judas learned to cover his heart well
The last supper was at a friends home
This is where Jesus initiated what we celebrate as
Following that they went to The Mount of Olives where
Jesus described his betrayal AND that they would all
dessert him.
Peter had a thing or two to say about that
• did all the others!
On the Mount of Olives is the Garden of Gethsemane
Here he took three (Peter, James, and John) with Him
Jesus was sorrowful and troubled (vs. 37)
Not just the thought of physical death, but 2 Cor. 5:21
explains why He was feeling this way
He was to become sin!
3 times Jesus prayed that the cup would be taken from
Jesus went willingly to the cross, but He did not go lightheartedly
Jesus would die because it was His Fathers will
“...not as I will, but as you will.”
Then along comes Judas
...with a kiss!
...and a mob!
Cue Peter to the rescue
Cutting off a servants’ ear
Jesus had a word with Peter
He assured him that He had it covered if He needed it
...with 12 legions of angels!!!
vs. 56 this all took place as God said it would
At which point, all the disciples fled!