
Missiological Basis of the Bible
Worldview: Global Missions
- Since AD 30
Syrian Refugees
The Syrian Civil War (Arabic:
‫ )الحرب األهلية السورية‬is an
ongoing armed conflict taking
place in Syria. The unrest
began in the early spring of
2011 within the context of Arab
Spring protests, with
nationwide protests against
President Bashar al-Assad's
government, whose forces
responded with violent
crackdowns. The conflict
gradually morphed from
prominent protests to an armed
rebellion after months of
military sieges.
IAlmost 4 million people have
fled Syria since the start of the
conflict, most of them women
and children. It is one of the
largest refugee exoduses in
recent history. Neighbouring
countries have borne the brunt
of the refugee crisis, with
Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey
struggling to accommodate the
flood of new arrivals. The
exodus accelerated
dramatically in 2013, as
conditions in Syria
ISIS controls 50% of Syria
The History & Law
Genesis 12:1-3
The Call of Abraham
Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from
your country and your kindred and your
father's house to the land that I will show
you. 2 And I will make of you a great
nation, and I will bless you and make
your name great, so that you will be a
blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless
you, and him who dishonors you I will
curse, and in you all the families of the
earth shall be blessed.
The Prophets
Micah 4:1-2
Call the people back to God
1. It shall come to pass in the latter days
that the mountain of the house of the LORD
shall be established as the highest of the mountains,
and it shall be lifted up above the hills;
and peoples shall flow to it,
and many nations shall come, and say:
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
to the house of the God of Jacob,
that he may teach us his ways
and that we may walk in his paths.”
For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
The Writings ( not Law or Prophets)
Psalm 22:27-28
Books of Prayer, Praise and Wisdom
27 All the ends of the earth shall
and turn to the LORD,
and all the families of the nations
shall worship before you.
28 For kingship belongs to the LORD,
and he rules over the nations.
Old Testament Summary
God’s Redemptive Plan
God chose for this plan to move
through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and
the nation of Israel, but he did so for
the sake of the nations.
God’s Theme – Come and see the
works of the Lord.
The O.T. vision of the Messiah was
that of a savior of all of the nations.
The Intertestamental Period
400 years of silence
400 years from the death of the last prophet to the
birth of John the Baptist.
God’s nation was scattered (Disapora) during this
time. He preserved them through the centuries.
This is also known as the Second Temple Period –
Judaism centered around the temple rebuilt by
Nehemiah during the height of the Babylon empire.
Matthew 23:15 – proselytize
The Gospels - A Global Perspective
Arrival of Jesus
The Gospel of Matthew – Jewish feel – genealogy –
and extensive O.T. quotations.
The Gospel of Mark - Eschatological promise ( Ends
Times) Calling of people ( Follow Me)
The Gospel of Luke - Connected as savior for the
nations. This includes salvation for the Gentiles.
The Gospel of John - The Lamb of God that takes
away the sin of the world. Nicodemus – Samaritan
Woman ( John 20:21- 23)
The story of the Gospels – Life – Death and
Resurrection of Christ is the turning point for the
ACTS - A Global Perspective
The Amazing Race
The book of Acts is the story of the expansion of the
Ch 1 – Great Commission
Ch 2 – Pentecost
Ch 8 - Non Jewish converts
Ch 9 - Conversion of Saul
Ch 11 – Antioch founded
Ch 13 – Paul’s first missionary journey
When Acts begins the church was able to fit into one
room. When the book of Acts concludes the reach of
the church expanded to Rome ( the world capital).
Ancient Rome: World Capital
The Epistles
The Letters
Paul was a missionary, and the letters of Paul were
part of his missionary strategy. Paul seldom stayed
long in a city because of opposition and persecution.
When people came to faith, he established churches
and appointed elders. When he left, he did not
abandon those churches. He stayed in touch via
His letters demonstrate the need new believers have
for on going discipleship.
Letters contained in the N.T. not written by Paul:
Hebrews, James 1& 2 Peter, John & Revelations
The foretelling of the end.
The Bible closes with a dramatic picture of how the
history of the world will end. This is consistent with
the worldview of the entire Biblical revelation. History
is not aimless. It has a beginning (creation) – a
purpose ( the display of God’s glory in judgment and
redemption) – and it has a destination – the
restoration of all things in the new heavens and new
The point and plotline of this present time between
the first and second comings of Jesus is the
advancement of the gospel to every people group
and nation,