File filibuster-empresario power point

Filibusters and Unrest in
• By 1800, Spain’s control over
Texas was weak.
• There were only 3 major Spanish
towns in Texas…Nacogdoches, San
Antonio, and La Bahia.
• Plains Indians controled a majority
of Texas.
US claims to Texas
• In 1803, France sold the
Louisiana territory to the United
• Some people in the United States
claimed that the Louisiana
Territory included parts of Texas.
• Spain fought this claim, but the
matter stayed unsettled for
Rebellion in Mexico
• In 1810, a revolt shook Mexico.
• The rebels wanted freedom from
• The struggle lasted more than
ten years.
• These troubles attracted fortune
seekers from the US to Texas.
Rebellion in Mexico
• Questions about who owned parts
of Texas created a very tempting
• The era of the filibuster had
In the early 1800s, Philip Nolan,
perhaps the most famous filibuster,
came to Texas to catch and sell wild
mustangs. Many others followed
The Spanish were suspicious of many
people, and they thought that all
filibusters were trying to make Texas
part of the U.S.
• In the late 1800s, Philip Nolan
came back to Texas and the
Spanish were waiting.
• The attacked Nolan’s group near
present day Waco and killed him.
Adams –Onis Treaty
• In 1819 the United States dropped all claims to
Texas in the Adams-Onis Treaty.
• This treaty set the border between the US and
Spanish Texas along the Sabine River.
• As part of the treaty, the US agreed that Spain
owned Texas. In return, Spain gave Florida to
the United States.
• The treaty angered some Americans. They did
not think the US had the right to give Texas
Adams –Onis Treaty
One such angry man was Dr.
James Long. He organized a trip
into Texas. In 1819 he pushed
into Texas.
His wife, Jane Long, came with
Long’s army marched into Texas,
took Nacogdoches, and declared
Texas free from Spain.
In 1821 led a group of 52 men in
an attack on La Bahia.
Long captured the presidio, but
Spanish forces surrounded him.
Long was put in jail and later shot.
Jane Long, James’s wife, learned of his
death while living on Point Bolivar near
Galveston. She was left alone with 2
children a and servant. There she gave
birth to a third child—possibly the first
US citizen born in Texas.
Mrs. Long endured severe weather, scarce
food, and the threat of attack from
Native Americans and Spanish soldiers.
At one point she used a small cannon to
frighten away some Karankawa Indians.
Later, Jane traveled to Mexico to
investigate her husband’s death.
She eventually returned to Texas where
she bought land and became a successful
business woman.
Jane Long’s bravery and
independent spirit has
earned her the nickname
“Mother of Texas”.
Mexicans living in New
Spain had been pushing for
Father Miguel Hidalgo
from the town of
Dolores called for
Mexico’s independence
from Spain.
Father Miguel Hidalgo
called for Mexico’s
independence from
On September 16, 1810,
he issued his “Grito de
Dolores” or “Cry of
Father Hidalgo wanted all
people to be treated
equally and put an end to
the power of the
“peninsulares” (upper
Spaniards born in Europe—(peninsulares) Highest Rank
Spaniards born in Americas (criollos) Second Highest Rank
Mixed Spanish and Native American (mestizos) Low Rank
Indians (little chance of leaving poverty) Lowest Rank
Spaniards born in Europe (peninsulares)
Spaniards born in Americas (criollos)
Mixed Spanish and Indian (mestizo)
Draw chart in journal.
New Spain's lower classes rose in great
numbers to join Hidalgo’s revolt.
Many criollos saw this as a lower class revolt.
Criollos refused to support the revolt and
they defeated Hidalgo’s forces.
The Spaniards shot and killed him when one of
his officers betrayed him.
One of Hidalgo’s supporters,
Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara, and a
former U.S. soldier, Augustus
Magee, decided to invade Texas
and free it from Spanish rule.
Their effort became known as the
Gutierrez-Magee Expedition.
They raised an army of 800 and
successfully defeated the Spanish
over a period of a few months.
The expedition members established
an independent state, but could not
agree on how to run the government.
Eventually the larger Spanish army
defeated the Republican army and
restored control over Texas.
Mexico Works for Independence
The revolts of Hidalgo, Magee, Gutierrez, and others
soon faded, but the desire for change remained strong.
Another priest, Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, issued a
declaration of independence.
Morelos won control of large areas
of southern New Spain.
In 1815, forces loyal to the
government captured and
killed Morelos.
Mexico Works for Independence
Agustin de Iturbide was the leader of a conservative
force that fought against all independence revolts.
Now he decided to work with the rebels to gain power.
In 1821 he met with rebel leader Vicente Guerrero and
agreed on the Plan of Iguala.
The plan stated that Mexico would
become an independent nation.
The peninsulares and criollos would be equal.
Also the Catholic Church would keep its power.
Iturbide became the first leader of Mexico.
Mexican Independence
With the Plan of Iguala, Spain had lost control of New
On August 24, 1821, the nation of Mexico was born.
However, the government could not agree on how to
run the country.
Many people were still poor and Mexico
still worried about the United States
trying to take land from them.
The number of Mexicans living in Texas had dropped
during the fight for freedom.
Mexican Independence
With the Plan of Iguala, Spain had lost control of New
On August 24, 1821, the nation of Mexico was born.
The number of Mexicans living in Texas had dropped
during the fight for freedom. The years of fighting
the Spanish had taken its toll.
Only about 2,500 Mexicans remained in Texas and the
land was over run by Indians.
The Spanish wanted more Mexicans in
Texas to protect it from the US taking
it over. But life was harsh.
There were other means of owning a
piece of Spanish Texas besides
In 1820 Moses Austin met with
Governor Martinez of Spain to request
permission to establish a colony in
Moses was given permission to settle
three hundred families in Texas.
The new land grant was the fertile
farmland between the Colorado and
Brazos Rivers.
Moses Austin paved the way for
Anglo American colonization of Texas.
However, he died in 1821, before his
dream to colonize Texas was realized.
His dying wish was
that his son, Stephen,
fulfill his vision to
colonize Texas.
Stephen F. Austin was given permission
to colonize, and thus the first Anglo
Americans came to Texas.
They felt like part of Texas belonged
to them since they had permission to
settle and had purchased land.
Just as Austin was making headway
in establishing his colony, he learned
that Mexico had finally won
independence from Spain.
His land grant was no longer
valid in the new government, so
he traveled to Mexico City and
asked the new government of
Mexico for permission to
It took a year,
but eventually
Austin was given
the title of
An empresario was
someone who arranged
business deals
including the buying
and selling of land.
Stephen F.
Austin’s colony began to flourish.
By 1830, over 200 people lived in
the capital of the colony, San
Felipe de Austin.
The original three
hundred families to
settle in Austin's
colony became known
as the Old Three
Austin’s colony was very successful.
Other businessmen became empresarios
and settled more families on their own
land grants around Austin’s colony.
Let’s review the progression of the
Texas ownership.
We have now seen three flags fly
over Texas, and various individuals
make claims to the land.
First, both Spain and France had claims to
Texas during the years of exploration from
the late 1500’s through the late 1600’s.
Spain had
claims to the
which included
most of Texas.
France had
claims in
East Texas.
Eventually, Spain claimed
most of the Americas
including all of Texas.
France no longer had claims
on America with the sale of
the Louisiana Purchase (1803)
to the US.
Meanwhile, adventurous individuals called
filibusters tried to take parts of Texas and
create independent states.
Philip Nolan
James Long
Empresarios such as Stephen F. Austin were
given land grants to settle Texas.
Eventually, Mexico won independence from
So by 1821, three flags had flown over
Texas- just three more to go!
The Anglo American
colonization of Texas
was well under way.
However, with
colonization came
conflict between the
Mexican government
and the colonists.
What do you think will be sources of
conflict between these two groups?
PRE-AP: In your journal
Create a time line that includes
EVERY date from the notes taken
from the Fillibuster-Empresario
power point