Conceptual Illustration Worksheet

Name: ___________________ Illustration & Design – Mr. Vedder
Conceptual Illustration Worksheet
1. Analyze this image. Describe what you believe this artist was trying to
2. Identify a song lyric that is currently important to you. Explain why it is you
feel connected to this song.
3. Closely examine your thumbnail sketches from yesterday. Write a four
sentence self critique explaining the strengths, weaknesses, and future
plans for your final composition. Use the following words in your critique:
juxtaposition, foreground, middle ground, background, and conceptual
4. Define juxtaposition. Explain how you have incorporated its use in your
conceptual song illustration. Then explain why using juxtaposition is
beneficial for rendering your conceptual song illustration.
5. Explain why it is important to draw lightly when drawing the idea for your
conceptual song illustration on the final paper.
6. Make an inference! What is watercolor? How do you change the value of
a color when using watercolors?
7. Define the difference between the wet on wet and wet on dry techniques
for painting with watercolor. Give an example for when you would use
8. List two ways you can achieve texture in your conceptual song illustration
when using watercolor.
9. Explain why utilizing shadows and highlights are important to your
conceptual song illustration, even if it is surreal.
10. List five facts you learned while working on this project.