2013 UW Case Challenge Case Challenge Kickoff April 12, 2013 About Deloitte 2 Overview of Deloitte Consulting Deloitte Consulting is in a “Category of One” in the market – we help our clients develop strategies and execute them successfully across three main service areas: Strategy & Operations, Human Capital, and Technology: Audit and Enterprise Risk Services (AERS) Strategy & Operations Consulting Financial Advisory Services (FAS) Human Capital Tax Technology While analysts are aligned to a specific service area, Deloitte Consulting engagements often utilize consultants from all three service areas working and collaborating together 3 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. What are the different types of Deloitte consultants? Yes, we’re all management consultants, but we’re each aligned with a specific “service area.” Think about what area most interests you, and where you’ll be best positioned to make an impact. Strategy & Operations Human Capital Technology Bring deep industry experience, rigorous analytical capabilities and a pragmatic mindset to our clients’ most complex business problems Align our client’s people issues with their business strategy through industry expertise, HR service delivery, talent, culture, change, leadership, and rewards strategies Adopt an intense industry focus and apply technology based innovation to business challenges, while backed by worldwide resources and deep strategic alliances Service Lines Strategy Finance Actuarial Risk & Analytics M&A and Restructuring Supply Chain and Manufacturing Operations Service Operations Business Model Transformation General Management Technology Strategy & Architecture Information Management HR Transformation SAP Organization & Talent Oracle Emerging Solutions Total Rewards Systems Integration Learning and development, cross-industry exposure, and eminence and practice development are common attributes across each of Deloitte’s service areas 4 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Imagine yourself as an S&O Business Analyst You may be a good BA candidate if… You seek the opportunity to develop and sharpen your analytical and business skills, focusing on Strategy, Finance, Operations, and M&A (or a mix of each) You aim to tackle a diverse set of challenges, in different roles, industries and service lines Your career plans include attending a top business school You’re interested in early leadership opportunities - both industry/function and community oriented You seek a program with a strong, centralized structure Strategy M&A Supply Chain Projects Help senior executives develop and implement a strategy to significantly improve the performance of their company Execute a multi-billion dollar merger and acquisition deal, combining the operations of two Fortune 500 companies Streamline the supply chain of a global manufacturing company, helping them achieve an aggressive margin target Roles What our BAs have done and what you might do… Lead the development of a 40 page analysis of key performance improvement recommendations Create a financial model to track synergies in an M&A integration Interview client leaders and facilitate workshops to help identify principal cost inputs BA Program Highlights: 5 Rotational Program Externship GSAP Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Imagine yourself as a Human Capital Analyst You may be a good HCA candidate if… You want to help our clients generate top and bottom-line value by focusing on the one asset that impacts every single organization – its people You want a structured and comprehensive program that enhances your effectiveness and satisfaction as a new consultant You seek to work in a closely knit community and build relationships with practitioners in Human Capital as well as other Deloitte areas HR Org & Talent Total Rewards Projects Focus on maximizing the effectiveness of HR functions for a company experiencing high turnover Help an organization determine how to re-align their workforce after a merger Evaluate executive pay in a public company facing external scrutiny Roles What our HCAs have done and what you might do… Define current policies, procedures and processes to be used in online HR tool Train clients to use a new business process or function Perform statistical analysis for a payroll software implementation New! HCA Program Highlights: 6 Rotational Program HCADP Industry Reputation Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Imagine yourself as a Business Technology Analyst You may be a good BTA candidate if… You would like to dive right in as a pivotal member of a technology service delivery team You want to help industry leading companies learn new technologies and transform their businesses You like having choices – including the option to enjoy a continuous career path within the firm or to pursue a Masters or MBA along the way You enjoy building expertise in applications and tools that help businesses function, communicate, and process information more effectively Tech Implementation SAP / Oracle Tech Architecture Projects Design and implement transportation, sales order and accounting modules for a global media company Advise a Fortune 500 client on selecting, implementing, operating, and extracting benefits from a new type of SAP or Oracle product Help a leading financial services firm build and implement technology applications that address key business challenges and opportunities Roles What our BTAs have done and what you might do… Track deliverables and project budgeting, and facilitate communications and meetings Conduct a gap analysis on client’s business requirements and map them to a specific system capability Working with developers in India to streamline a client’s management reports BTA Program Highlights: 7 Industry Focus Tech Alliances Long-term Projects Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Case Challenge Intro 8 Deloitte PowerPoint timesaver – March 2011 Welcome to the 2013 UW Case Challenge 6th Annual Case Challenge 100+ students from across UW 20+ Deloitte practitioners Multiple UW faculty members …An exciting opportunity to experience Deloitte 9 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Case Challenge Experience Collaborating with a group to share perspectives, find solutions, and develop work product Working in a Team Case Challenge Telling a logical, convincing story to inspire action 10 Communicating and Presenting Recommendations Conducting Analysis and Creating Insights Navigating complexity and uncertainty to generate clear, meaningful insights Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Meet the Engagement Partner… 11 Deloitte PowerPoint timesaver – March 2011 The Case Challenge The Situation Deloitte is approached by the leadership of the Bertelli Foundation – a non-profit organization, well known for its efforts in making healthcare services accessible to vulnerable populations. Our team is asked to help the Foundation define its strategy for entering the education space The Challenge Analyze the US and/or international education market, evaluate various opportunities, and make recommendations on where the Foundation should focus its efforts, considering current resources and capabilities Case Description Tools Provides case context, background information, and the description of the ask Supporting Materials Selected email correspondence and Deloitte research reports to provide additional context and inform preliminary hypotheses Team Research Articles, reports, and other publicly available information that can be used to generate and support recommendations (please remember to provide sources) Note: The case requires external research on the US and/or international education industry. Any publicly available information from a reputable source is acceptable to use in the case 12 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The Case Challenge Response Prepare a 15-minute presentation (up to 10 slides) that communicates the following: 1 Education Market Assessment Analysis of the market needs and existing players, definition, and evaluation of entry opportunities Market Entry Recommendation Description of the recommended opportunity and a rationale for its selection, considering organizational capabilities and resources of the Bertelli Foundation 2 3 Enabling Technology Technology infrastructure and tools that can support the market entry and drive the success of the new program, considering resource constraints of the Foundation Implementation Roadmap Major steps that Bertelli Foundation should take to roll out the new program, as well as the organizational change management approach required for implementation 4 13 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Case Challenge Best Practices 14 Deloitte PowerPoint timesaver – March 2011 The 3 pillars of great case presentations Pillar 1 Effective Storytelling Storytelling is the craft of engaging your audience, holding its attention, and communicating your message efficiently and effectively 15 Pillar 2 Visualizing Information To communicate your ideas and data effectively, you first must articulate the conclusions you want your audience to adopt Pillar 3 Addressing the 6W’s A deck should address critical information and should mimic journalisms 6W method of conveying critical elements of the story Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Pillar 1 Effective Storytelling Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Storytelling fundamentals are essential to the messages we convey to our clients. Consumer Sales will Drive The Market in 2014 An “opinion, fact, and conclusion” approach should be used when the audience is a single, senior executive (e.g., a discussion document for a CEO) Consumer sales are growing in your industry Deloitte Consulting LLP April 2013 Competitor A is growing Competitor B has identified a strategy Competitor C has not looked at this segment You must harness consumer sales to compete Make sure that your deck does the following: – Keeps it simple – Tells a story • Increase online sales capabilities • Re-direct B-to-B sales force to consumer segment • Incent sales team to grow segment business Sales force re-alignment is the most cost-effective path to change – Proposes a solution 16 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Pillar 1 Visualizing Information Pillar 2 Pillar 3 To communicate your ideas and data effectively, you first must articulate the conclusions you want your audience to adopt. Picking the right tool A 80% Which chart better illustrates the relationship? 60% 40% VS 20% 0% A B C B C Highlighting what’s important VS How can you use color to emphasize your message? VS What information is extraneous or duplicative? Keeping it simple 17 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Addressing the 6 W’s Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 3 A deck should address critical information and should mimic journalisms 6W method of conveying critical elements of the story. 18 Who Determine the needs and goals of your audience; who are you speaking to? What Define the message of the presentation; what do you want your audience to remember? When Provide context for your presentation; why is this important now? Where Consider how your presentation will be read or reviewed Why Tell the reader why your content is important to them How Tell your reader how you have arrived at your conclusions Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The elements of a strong slide The PowerPoint decks we create are a common storytelling medium. A slide is simply a canvas for each piece of the story you want to tell. Deloitte hashas developed a comprehensive approach for developing a Deloitte developed a comprehensive approach for Resource Management strategy developing a Resource Management strategy Headlines should grab the reader’s attention and compel further reading Resource Management strategy oneresources that will enable resources be AAResource Management strategy is one that will is enable to be allocated efficiently andtoincrease productivity the company and increase productivity for the company allocatedforefficiently Objective The objective is to define and implement ways of managing staff that are adaptable in a complex, changing environment. The outcome of this approach is a strategy supported by a set of enhanced processes and tools that will enable the organization to better anticipate and adapt to resource demand fluctuation Key Questions Addressed The strapline should pull the reader in by synthesizing the underlying story Major Components What are the core competencies we need in our IT organizations? Identifying common technology roles within the enterprise How do we avoid the hire/fire cycles? Classifying strategic versus tactical roles, and identifying the critical skills required for each How do we build future IT leaders organically? What roles/experiences grow future leaders? Defining the target ratios of employees to consultants by role How do we deploy our resources optimally, while retaining closeness to business? Addressing location considerations for each role How do we ensure mobility of technology resources? Optimizing the mix of in-house, near-shore and offshore capabilities and capacities How do we retain organizational knowledge? Aligning career/training paths with resource strategy Any supplements to the text should support and be additive to the overarching story Where should we locate our resources to cost-effectively meet global demands? Key questions and major components need to be considered to implement a Resource Management strategy. . The kicker box should highlight the conclusion from the information above -- 55- - The storybox should frame the content and hold the reader’s attention as he or she progresses through the story NOTE: Not every slide must fit this layout. Use these elements where appropriate / at your discretion. 19 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Parting thoughts… 1 Don’t let the data overwhelm you There is a lot of data available, and you can spend your entire time parsing through data until you find the “perfect” set of facts. Allow the data to guide you, but at some point you’ll need to take a stance and build your own point of view. 2 Understand your audience As you walk through the many directions of the case, it’s easy to lose sight of what your client has asked of you. Make sure you take time to step back and re-direct your team’s focus on the core question at hand. 3 Have fun! 20 This is a chance to put your experience and your core knowledge to work. Enjoy the challenge and let your passion drive you. Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Logistics and Evaluation Criteria 21 Deloitte PowerPoint timesaver – March 2011 Evaluation Process Deliverables Judges Round 1: 28 teams Evaluation Criteria Format 30% Presentation Materials Deloitte selection committee Content (70%) Semifinalist Round: 9 teams 15 min presentation 10 min Q&A Panel of judges, including Deloitte practitioners Format (15%) 3 teams Q&A Responses (15%) 15 min presentation 5 min Q&A Panel of judges, including Deloitte practitioners and UW faculty Delivery (30%) Final Event: May 4 Finalist Round: Content (40%) Winner 22 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Evaluation Criteria Captures the audience’s attention and makes points memorable Content Examines issues from multiple angles Appropriate and persuasive analysis Authoritative evidence to support and enhance key ideas Logical sequence Format Clear, thematic key message throughout the deliverable Text and visuals on the slide together develop and nuance a single key idea Balanced, uncluttered layout that does not distract from the important messages Semifinalist/Finalist rounds only Enthusiastic, confident, and professional tone Delivery Knowledge of deliverable content and key recommendations Smooth transitions Great executive presence Clear, concise, and confident answers Q&A Responses 23 Appropriate back-up data to support answers Demonstrated respect for team members Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The Grand Prize… 24 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. = Participants prepare case response Logistics for the Week Fri 4/12 Sat 4/13 Sun 4/14 Mon 4/15 Friday 4/12 3:00 PM Kick-off Event = Deadline = Event / communication Tues 4/16 Wed 4/17 Thurs 4/18 Fri 4/19 Final Event (Paccar Hall)* 9:00AM – Semifinalist Presentations 11:30PM – Lunch 1:30PM – Finalist Presentations 3:00PM – Winner Announced Monday 4/15 8:00 PM Answers to teams’ questions about the Case Challenge are posted on the website www.2013uwcc.com Thurs 4/18 5:00PM Semifinalist teams selected and notified Key Deadlines Sunday 4/14 10:00 PM Deadline for teams to submit questions to uwcasechallenge@deloitte.com Wed 4/17 5:00PM Deadline to submit case recommendations to uwcasechallenge@deloitte.com * Additional logistics details will be distributed to semifinalist teams on Thursday 4/18 25 Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. A Few Rules of the Road… 1 Participants are not allowed to solicit or accept any input, guidance, research, or advice from anyone not on their team. This includes professors, Deloitte alumni, industry analysts or experts, employees of the subject companies, faculty, staff, other students or school alumni. 2 Teams may use any/all publicly available information including any databases accessed through the school library. Teams may also consult industry and analyst reports, trade magazines, and other publications beyond those provided in the data pack. All sources used as a part of the team’s analysis must be properly cited. 3 Teams must use the PowerPoint template included on the website to create their presentations and submit the presentation as PPT or PDF files. 4 Please limit your presentation to 10 slides, not including the title and appendix slides 5 All presentation materials must be submitted via email to uwcasechallenge@deloitte.com by 5:00pm PDT on Wednesday, April 17. Teams failing to submit their materials by the designated time will be disqualified from the competition. 6 Please title the subject of the email 2013 UW Case Competition – “Team Name”. Please use the naming convention “TeamName_CaseSolution.pptx” for your recommendations file. Also, Team member names should be clearly indicated on the cover page of the presentation. 7 Presentations cannot be altered in any way after their submission. 8 All team members must be present for their team’s presentation. Every team member must deliver a part of the team presentation. Each team will decide how to allocate the different parts of its presentation to team members. 9 The dress code for both the Semifinalist and Finalist Round presentations is business formal. 10 26 The computer-projection technology available at the venues will be used for team presentations. In case of technology failure, however, teams must be ready to present using their printed slides. Please have at least 4 printed copies on hand for your presentation. Copyright © 2012 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Questions? 27 Deloitte PowerPoint timesaver – March 2011