Who are accountants, anyway? Barbara Clemenson, CPA, CFRE Who are accountants? Who are accountants and CPAs? What is the difference between accountants and auditors? What should I remember when I’m dealing with accountants? Clemenson - Who are accountants? 2 Who are accountants? Accountants are sometimes referred to in a derogative way as “bean counters.” Can anyone guess why? Clemenson - Who are accountants? 3 Who are accountants? Beans were the first mobile form of currency. Hence, those who kept track of the “beans” (i.e. money) were “bean counters.” Some businesses have even turned the term to their advantage: Clemenson - Who are accountants? 4 Clemenson - Who are accountants? 5 Who would want to become an accountant, anyway? These are generalizations and are NOT true of all accountants! Numbers thinkers more than idea people Detailed oriented people more than broad visionaries People who like things to fit, work. More binary [“double-entry”] than creative. Task-oriented more than people-oriented. More risk-adverse people than risk-taking people. Clemenson - Who are accountants? 6 Who are CPAs? CPA stands for “Certified Public Accountant.” “Certified” means that we are licensed by the state in which we work. Each state has slightly different qualifications for CPAs. “Public” means that although we might work for an accounting firm or for a company, our primary responsibility is to the public – to make sure the public has good financial information. “Accountant” is who we are and what we Clemenson 7 do. - Who are accountants? Who are CPAs? In the State of Ohio, only CPAs can call themselves accountants or hold themselves out to the public as providing accounting services. Non CPAs cannot legally use those terms. Clemenson - Who are accountants? 8 Who are CPAs? How do you become a CPA? In Ohio CPAs need: Training in Accounting 150 credit hours of college A degree To pass the CPA Exam And to have two years of experience To pass the ethics exam. Every 3 years they need 120 hours of CPE / Continuing Professional Education in order to be recertified and keep their license active. Clemenson - Who are accountants? 9 What is the difference between an accountant and an auditor? An auditor works for a CPA firm and conducts independent audits of other organizations. A “CPA in Industry” works for a company and does not audit other organizations. Clemenson - Who are accountants? 10 What should I remember when dealing with an accountant? CEO and Accountants/CFOs are different: In Personality In Perspective In Training In Language and Communication Clemenson - Who are accountants? 11 Personalities of Administration CEOs Personality Perspective Training Language & Communication Accountants Risk-takers Conservative/Risk-adverse Imaginative--Thinking outside of the Box Determinative--Thinking within established parameters Impulsive Deliberate People-oriented/Outgoing Conceptual: The Forest Task-oriented/Private Details: The Trees Future-Oriented Past-Oriented Why?: Causal What?: Results Qualitative Management-People Ideas/Words Quantitative Accounting-Finances Numbers/Graphs Verbal Written Clemenson - Who are accountants? 12 Learning to Communicate We are both responsible to learn each other’s language, understand each other’s perspective, and anticipate each other’s information needs CEOs Tell your Accountant what information you need Tell your Accountant what is happening so he/she can anticipate needs of which you are not aware Clemenson - Who are accountants? Accountant Forget GAAP and organize your financial information in whatever way it makes sense to your Executive Director Listen to your Executive Director’s ideas and help him/her quantify and codify them so they are easy to understand and communicate Anticipate your Executive Director’s needs and point out potential risks 13 What CEOs want in CFOs CFO Magazine, July 1999 Most Important Skills & Qualities Multitasking Required-CFO Important in: Financial expertise Personal integrity Communication skills Strategic vision Industry expertise Business development Human resources Information tech. Reengineering Marketing/Sales Integrity, Objectivity, Confidentiality: CFOs are most CEOs’ main professional confidant and often influence their thinking Clemenson - Who are accountants? 14 What should I remember when dealing with an accountant? Be patient Be gentle Be encouraging Give them time to think things through and make up their mind Clemenson - Who are accountants? 15 Why wouldn’t anyone want to become an accountant? Clemenson - Who are accountants? 16