ePortfolio Adopted as Capstone Project Presentation

ePortfolio adopted
as a capstone
Kapì olani Community College
ADN Nursing Program
Patricia Taylor MSN ED
What is an ePortfolio?
A portfolio is a meaningful collection of
An electronic portfolio (ePortfolio)
stores and displays that meaningful
collection electronically
Why would you use an ePortfolio?
 To develop critical thinking skills
 To enhance knowledge related to course
 Provide for independent student development
 Provide for collaborative approach to
 To provide an organized approach to
data collection
Types of ePortfolios
The KCC Nursing Program capstone
project combines all of these
 like an artist’s
 a collection of one’s
best work for the
purpose of
showcasing one’s
 highlights one’s
gradual progress
over a specific period
of time
demonstrates one’s mastery
of a specific process
It includes evidence of
understanding and mastery
of various elements or steps
of process
demonstrates one’s mastery
of a specific set of predetermined
 competencies
 outcomes
 objectives
 goals
 illustrates or celebrates ones’s relationship
with something specific
 relationship often explored from
its beginning to the present
Collect what?
 Nursing philosophy, Community experiences
 Group Activities. Projects and Oral Presentations
 Journaling of Clinical Experience
 Case Studies
 Reflections
 Clinical Reasoning
 Where students did clinical hours
 Multimedia Modules/projects
 Cover letter & Resume
Archiving the collection
What is a Digital archive?
This is a file repository connected to the
portfolio. Students upload potential work
that the will select from later.
Reflect about what?
 Pre-Nursing Experience
 Experience Within the Discipline of Nursing
 Lived Experiences on campus and off
 Changing world view
 Applied learning to clinical sites
Select what?
 students apprised of portfolio’s specific
 students asked to apply that knowledge
in the selection of which artifacts to
include in the portfolio
What is the meaning derived from
choosing that artifact?
 gives students/faculty/administrators the chance to
interact with their peers over ePortolio process, decisions,
 student/faculty/administrator connects to prior
learning/professional development
 increases interaction between instructor and student
 gives students/faculty/administrator the chance to
consider the ultimate audience of the ePortfolio
Present how?
Student have the opportunity to select variety of
medium which:
• Uses creativity to represent self
• Represents and his/her educational experience
• Showcases accomplishments and best school
work to faculty, peer, family and friends
Why ePortfolio for nursing?
 Professional practice of socialization
 A digital format, which is versatile, portable, and visible.
 Smooth the transition from college to work and
advanced education.
 A teaching/learning tool that is part of a growing trend
in higher education.
 Applies adult learning principles
How will this help students learn?
• Examine and reflect on learning and career
• Visualize academic growth and development
over time
• Think about learning in a broad context of
family, career, culture and experience.
Why would my students want one?
Students will own their web page.
It is a personal expression of their learning that can be
used to obtain employment
Personal satisfaction of obtaining learning goals
A record of personal growth
A creative endeavour that can be published, linked to
facebook, and other social sites.
It can be used as a digital resume
What do my students have to do?
"What we want to do is help learners not only be
much more aware of their own skills and
competencies as they relate to standards or a
rubric, but also to be able to reflect and write on
An ePortfolio should be more of a conversation
about learning than a one-way presentation
about learning.”
Barrett, H. & Garrett, N. (2009)
How will this help with assessment?
 Students will select their best artifacts that reflect that
they learned the program concepts.
 Through this process, the faculty can assess areas where
students need more direction, or more opportunity to
learn the 9 program competencies
 The student’s choices for artifacts can be assessed for
relevance to the students learning
How will this help accreditation?
To assess and promote the following themes:
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Critical Thinking
Quantitative Reasoning
Provide for examples of student learning
KCC Nursing Program implementation
① Decision for using ePortfolio
② Decide on Type of ePortfolio and type of
③ Nurture an ePortfolio Champion
AAEEBL Conference (national or regional)
Technology support – CELTT
Faculty support group
Support from administration
KCC Nursing Program implementation
③ Champion for program chosen
• ePortfolio education to faculty for
creating a website in Weebly
creating a website in Google apps for students
google sites for kccnurse
creating a Laulima ePortfolio program site
ePortfolio education and support to students
④ Program leveling
Grade credit given
Students will not get
credit for ePortfolio for
more than one class
per semester
Grade credit given
Grade credit given
Students will not get
credit for ePortfolio for
more than one class
per semester.
ePortfolio presented
as a capstone project
and graded
Create files in artifact
file on Google sites
Create ePortfolio site
with required tabs.
Organize & file the
artifacts listed on course
assignment sheet on
File artifacts listed on
course assignment
sheet on Google
File artifacts listed on
course assignment
sheet on Google
File artifacts listed on
course assignment
sheet on Google
Generate the personal
File artifacts listed on
course assignment
sheet on Google
File artifacts listed on
course assignment
sheet on Google
Generate a professional
picture on the welcome
Identify Nursing
Philosophy statements
File Learning to Learn
Review Nursing
Philosophy artifacts,
refine as needed
Develop the nursing
goals statement
Clarify the statement
and post
Summarize, Analyze &
refine the statement and
Complete resume tab.
Develop the clinical
Experience tab
Complete the clinical
experience tab
Generate the
Certifications tab
Complete the tab.
File community service
File community service
File community service
Plan the Community
Service Tab
Finalize the community
Service Tab
File Life long learning
File Life long learning
File Life long learning
File Life long learning
Generate the Life-Long
Learning experiences
⑤ Decision for artifacts to include in the ePortfolio
⑥ Rubric for completion
⑦ Grading for work in progress throughout program
Completion of each area
5 points
3 points
0 points
Personal introduction
Warm welcome provides
an short explanation about
the ePortfolio
Welcome is abstract and does
not provide an overall view of
the purpose of the ePortfolio.
The introduction is not
welcoming and has errors in
syntax and purpose
Professional Picture
Picture presents a
professional view of a
nursing professional
Philosophy is presented as
a personal statement of
attributes important to the
nursing profession
Goals are clear and well
stated with targeted
actions steps
Picture is inappropriate in
background, view, dress or
body language
Philosophy is presented as a
personal statement but does
not have a personal touch
No picture
Welcome 20 points total
Nursing Philosophy
Professional Goals
Philosophy is missing or is
not well articulated. Has
grammatical & spelling errors
Goals are stated but do not
Goals are missing, or not
seem to give a direction for the stated as goals
Your Points
How do faculty adapt their teaching?
 Incorporate assignments that showcase learning
based on the SLO’s
 Give assignments that are not HIPAA protected.
 Give students opportunities to do group work that
may include use of creative media.
 Use reflective learning techniques.
Examples of Student Work in other colleges
LaGuadia Community College
• http://www.eportfolio.lagcc.cuny.edu/gallery/
• http://www.eportfolio.lagcc.cuny.edu/scholars/fa12.html
• http://www.eportfolio.lagcc.cuny.edu/gallery/programs_nursing_rn.htm
University of Oregon
• http://aaablogs.uoregon.edu/aad/students/students-class-of-2013/
Virginia Tech University
• http://eportfolio.vt.edu/gallery/Gallery_Presentation/learninggallery.html
Clemson Gallery
• http://www.clemson.edu/academics/programs/eportfolio/gallery.html
• http://www.weebly.com/weebly/userHome.php
More resources
Explaining ePortfolio to students using video
Information about ePortfolio (AAEEBL)
An Overview of ePortfolios Lorenzo, G Ittelson< J. (2005)
Barrett, H. & Garrett, N. (2009) Online personal learning environments: Structuring electronic
portfolios for lifelong and life wide learning. On the Horizon (17)2, pp. 142-152.
Donaldson, J. (Nov 2012). Digital portfolios in the age of the read/write web. Educause review
online. http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/digital-portfolios-age-readwrite-web
Kenneth W. Dion, K. D. & Smolenski, M. (2008). Why you need an electronic professional portfolio.
American Nurse Today (3)9.
Light, P., Chen, H., & Ittelson, J. (2012). Documenting learning with ePortfolios; A guide for college
instructors. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Nguyen, C.F. (2013) The ePortfolio as a living portal: A medium for student learning, identity, and
assessment. International Journal of ePortfolio 2013,(3) 2, pp.135-148.
http://www.theijep.com ISSN 2157-622X
Rafeldt, L., Freeman, E., Scrivano N., & Himmel, D. (2007). Choosing ePortfolios in Nursing and
Allied Health: Why? and What We Have learned! Tunxis Community College
Thomas-Connor, I. (2007). Integrating e-Portfolio in the nursing programs: A work In progress.
Laguardia Community College, University of New York.
Wassef, M. E., Riza, I., Maciag, T., Worden, C., Delaney, A. (2012). Implementing a competency
based electronic portfolio in a graduate nursing program. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 30:5