John 1:19-51 Getting to Know Jesus

John 1:19-51
Getting to Know Jesus
Vs. 19-28 – Who John the Baptist is not. Who and What he is.
“What do you say about yourself?”
A witness – does what?
Isaiah 40:3 – What does John fulfill?
What is he really calling people to do?
John’s baptism makes us ready to stand before God in judgment.
Jesus’ baptism makes us ready to live before God in life and eternity.
Vs. 28 – the story begins at Bethany. When we get to the raising of Lazarus it will come full circle
back to Bethany.
Vs. 29-34 – Who is this Jesus?
“Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” What does this refer to?
Look = SEE. See = Understand, Know, Connect to. Consider how many times “Seeing” and
“Understanding” or “Knowing” someone will come up through this chapter and John’s gospel.
NOTE how Jesus “Sees”, “Knows” and “Understands” everyone else before even meeting them.
And now he wants them to see, know and understand him as well.
Vs. 18 – Jesus came to make God known.
Vs. 31 – John came to make Jesus known – to reveal him to all of Israel.
Vs. 33 – Note that Jesus both has the Holy Spirit and He alone bestows the Holy Spirit on us.
Vs. 35-51 – The Disciples Meet this Jesus face to face. The Introductions
Vs. 38 – “What do you want?”
– Contemplate that question for yourself and jot down a few thoughts.
Vs. 39 – Note Jesus’ answer to their question: “Come and you will see.”
You have to follow him to see.
Come – the invitation to get to know him more
You will “SEE” – you will understand him, and who he makes you to be.
Notice how the apostle John never names himself in the entire gospel. He is one of the first two
disciples who leave John the Baptist and follow Jesus. Only Andrew is named though.
KEY: As soon as these first disciples follow Jesus what begins to happen?
How do Andrew and Philip identify this Jesus they have met and begun to “Know”?
What do those titles mean?
Vs. 42 – Jesus changes Simon’s name to Cephas (we know him as Peter). What does this indicate
that Jesus will do for those people whom he meets, those who come to “Know” him?
Vs. 43 – Jesus does not call on Philip to believe in him. What does he call him to do?
He calls us to do the same. What does this mean for all of us?
Vs. 45 – Before Philip left with Jesus what did he do? What does this mean for us?
Vs. 46 – What do you make of Nathanael’s question?
And what do you make of Philip’s answer?
Vs. 48 – “How do you know me?” How does Jesus really know each of us?
Vs. 49 – What do these titles mean?
Rabbi –
Son of God –
King of Israel –
Vs. 50-51 – “You” becomes plural. Who is he speaking to?
Compare to Genesis 28:12 – Jacob’s Ladder – What is Jesus claiming about himself?
Jacob named the place “Bethel” which means “House of God.” Jesus is this place. He incarnates
Jacob’s vision – the point of connection between heaven and earth, the one who is the only Way
to heaven. Nathanael will see, know, understand for himself that Jesus is the incarnation of God.