Completion of the study guide is required. Questions must be

Mrs. Prado’s Classes
Due on Monday May 11th
This guide should be used to help you prepare for the exam. The exam has: multiple choice, using maps,
using tables, using graphs, using primary/secondary sources, and constructed response. Know the
definition of the terms given on the study guide.
Completion of the study guide is required. Questions must be answered on a separate
piece of paper. A grade will be given for completion of study.
Jacksonian Democracy - pages 49 – 57 of Interactive Notebook
1. What were Jackson’s nicknames? King Veto and Old Hickory
2. What was the Kitchen Cabinet? Jackson’s unofficial cabinet filled with friends
3. Explain how the spoils system worked. Jackson fired government workers and filled jobs with friends
Define civil servants. government workers
4. What is a tariff? tax on imports
Which part of the US liked the tariff? Why? North liked tariff because it protected US industry.
Which part of the US disliked the tariff? Why? South disliked tariff because it traded with Europe more so
foreign goods would be more expensive.
5. What are the two parts of the Nullification Act? South Carolina would not pay illegal tariff and SC threaten
to leave Union
6. What did the Force Bill state? President could use force to enforce acts of Congress.
7. Why did Jackson hate the Bank of the US? It made rich richer and was run by private bankers.
8. How did Jackson kill the bank of the US? Vetoed recharter and took federal money out of Bank of US.
9. Where was federal government money put once it was removed from the Bank of the US? pet banks
10. What did the Indian Removal Act state? Federal government could pay tribes to move West.
11. Which tribe was forced to move West? What was the journey called? Cherokee journey called Trail of Tears
Westward Expansion & The Growing Nation - pages 58 – 67 of Interactive Notebook
1. Manifest Destiny (define) – belief US should spread to Pacific Ocean
2. What does cession mean? - to give up land
3. What are the three terms of the Adams – Onis Treaty?
- Spain gave up Florida.
- US gave up claims to Texas.
- Border was set between US and Spanish land in the west.
4. Who was the dictator of Mexico? Santa Anna
5. Who was fighting at the Alamo? Texans and Mexicans Which side wins the Alamo? Mexicans
6. What does annex mean? to add
7. Texas was a slave state when it entered the Union.
8. What two nations agreed to joint occupation of Oregon Country? US and Britain
9. Where is the border between US and Canada settled at in the Oregon Country? 49 degrees (parallel)
10. Who was president during the Mexican American War? James Polk
11. California was called the Bear Flag Republic.
12. Terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- The Rio Grande was the border between US and Mexico.
- Mexico gave to the US the Mexican Cession ( California and New Mexico)
- US paid Mexico $15 million
13. How much did the US pay for the Gadsden Purchase? $10 million
What did the US gain from the purchase? a strip of land in New Mexico and Arizona used for a railroad
Dividing a Nation – pages 68-77 of Interactive Notebook
1. Terms of Missouri Compromise –
► Missouri would enter Union as a slave state.
► Maine would enter Union as a free state.
► Slavery would be banned in the Missouri Territory north of the 36 degrees 30 minutes parallel.
What was required by the Fugitive Slave Law? required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves
2. Terms of Compromise of 1850
► California would enter Union as a free state.
► The territories of New Mexico & Utah were open to slavery.
► Slave trade, but not slavery itself, would be abolished in Washington, D.C.
► Stronger Fugitive Slave Law was included that required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves.
4. Fredrick Douglas – former slave turned abolitionist
Harriett Tubman – conductor on Underground Railroad
4. Author and description of Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe – a book which turned many
northerners against slavery
5. Terms of Kansas - Nebraska Act
► 1. repealed the Missouri Compromise
► 2. Land remaining in the Missouri Territory was divided into the territories of Kansas and Nebraska
► 3. in the territories the people would determine the status of slavery through popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty - following the will of the people
6.. Dred Scott Case - Scott sued for his freedom because he had once lived on free soil.
► Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in territories.
► In effect, the decision meant that the Constitution protected slavery.
► Decision favored slavery!
7. What was the stand taken by the Republican Party on slavery? - vowed to end slavery in territories
8. What was the first state to secede from the Union? – South Carolina
9. Southern States formed the Confederate States of America and elected Jefferson Davis President.
10. Lincoln called secession illegal in his Inagural Address.
The Civil War – pages 78-89 of Interactive Notebook
1. Where did fighting start in the Civil War? Fort Sumter, South Carolina
2. Where was the Confederate capital? – Richmond, Virginia
3. border states – define term – slave states that remained in Union
4. Which side did West Virginia join? Union
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of North and South - study handout page 84 there are several
6.. What was the main goal of the North at the start of war? The main goal of the North was to win the war and
bring the South back into the Union.
7. What was the goal of the South? The main goal for the South was to win recognition as an independent
nation and preserve Southern way of life.
8. First major battle took place where? Bull Run
What did both sides realizes after this battle? It was going to be a long hard war.
9. Leader of Confederate forces – Lee, Leader of Union forces – Grant
10. Bloodiest day of war took place where? Battle of Antietam
11. Who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation? It declared all slaves in Confederate states were free.
It did not actually free any slaves immediately.
12. What did the Gettysburg Address do? - Helped Americans focus on a positive outcome for the war.
13. What was meant by “total war” against the South? Union soldiers marched through the South destroying
14. Where did Lee surrender? – Appomattox Court House, Virginia
The Reconstruction Era – pages 90 – end of Interactive Notebook
1. What does term Reconstruction refer to? - refers to the period in which the South was rebuilt after the Civil
2. What did Lincoln want for Reconstruction? - Lincoln wanted to give generous terms to the South to
encourage an orderly restoration of the Union.
3. What did Radical Republicans want? – to punish the South
4. Who assassinated Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth
5. Who became president when Lincoln died? Andrew Johnson
6. 13th Amendment – abolished slavery
7. black codes - laws that took civil rights away from African Americans
8. 14th Amendment – equal rights amendment – granted citizenship to African Americans
9. 15th Amendment – gave African American men the right to vote
10. KKK – Ku Klux Klan used terror to keep African Americans from voting
11. How were African Americans kept from voting? – poll tax and literacy tests
12. What did Jim Crow laws establish? – segregation in all aspects of life
13. What did the Supreme Court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson? separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites
were legal