Growth requirements of bacteria& growth curve Mrs. Dalia Kamal Eldien Msc in Microbiology Lecture NO: 4 Questions for revision the previous lecture What is the different between bacteria& blue green algae? Name the types of bacteria according to morphological classification Write the principle of Gram stain Objectives At the end of this lecture, the student should know:Growth requirements Bacterial growth curve Cultivation of bacteria Theory of bacteria growth& multiplication Factors affect bacterial growth (growth Requirements) Many factors affect the bacteria to grow and multiply, include: Nutrition Temperature Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Moisture and Drying Light Osmotic Effect Nutrition Bacteria like all living cells, require energy and nutrients to build proteins and structural membranes For growth and multiplication of bacteria, the minimum nutritional requirement is water, a source of carbon, source of nitrogen and some inorganic salts Carbon, nitrogen and water are used in highest quantities Some bacteria require certain organic compounds in minute quantities (vitamines) Temperature Bacteria can be classified on the basis of temperature Thermophilic: high-temperature-loving microorganism, with growth optima above45°C Mesophilic: a microorganism, that lives at moderate temperature grow best at 30-37°C temperatures. many pathogens fall in this category. Psychrophilic; Cold-temperature-loving, tolerant microorganism, grow blew20°C. Oxygen Differences in the effect of oxygen on bacterial growth provide a further way of classifying bacteria: Aerobes: which require free oxygen to grow Anaerobes: which are unable to grow in free oxygen Facultative anaerobes: which can grow in conditions in which oxygen is present or absent Microaerophiles: which grow best in conditions of reduced oxygen concentration. Carbon Dioxide All bacteria require small amounts of carbon dioxide for growth. This requirement is usually met by the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. Some bacteria like Brucella abortus require much higher levels of carbon dioxide. Moisture& drying Water is an essential ingredient of bacterial protoplasm and hence drying is lethal to cells. The effect of drying varies in different species. Growth& multiplication of bacteria Bacteria divide by binary fission and cell divides to form two daughter cells. Nuclear division precedes cell division and therefore, in a growing population, many cells having two nuclear bodies can be seen. Bacterial growth may be considered as two levels, increase in the size of individual cells and increase in number of cells. Bacterial growth curve No growth will occur without the presence of at least one viable cell When bacteria is grown in a suitable liquid medium and incubated its growth follows a definite process. After inoculation and plotted in relation to time, a growth curve is obtained. Fluid media Growth curve The curve shows the following phase : Lag phase: adaptation of bacteria to environment Log phase: microorganisms are growing and dividing at the maximal rate Stationary phase: number of new equal to number of death Decline phase: In this phase there is progressive death of cells Bacterial curve Cultivation of bacteria The study of microorganisms requires techniques for isolating cells from natural sources and growing them in the laboratory . Thus, development of synthetic culture media and culture techniques have played important roles in the advancement of this field. Microbiologists use bacterial culture media for many purposes and applications. How to culture bacteria in the lab How to culture bacteria in the lab Solid media Bacteria grow on media plate Bacteria grow on media plate