HHS Nurse Mentoring Program Objectives

Sharing the Journey in Nursing
Partners in Nursing Practice
Designing Career Maps for Nurses in Transition
Elizabeth Campbell, MSN, RN
Thomas Gunning, BFA, ASN, RN
Ann Marchewka, PhD, RN
The Power of Context …
• Future Nurse Initiative
– Examine nursing workforce capacity to meet demand
– Include change in public policy at local, state and national level
• Carnegie Report
– Examine nursing education’s capacity to meet demand
– Address the structural / program inadequacies
• Affordable Care Act
– Demand for 32 million
– Design for Supply “Shortage”
• IOM Report
– Enhanced and Reconceptualized Role / Education
– Examine Innovative Solutions
Applying Evidence in Practice …
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do”
- Goethe
The Value of Mentoring
• Mentoring provides
– Retention by means of a personal relationship
– Staff development and career guidance
– Job satisfaction, decreased horizontal violence
and a healthy workplace environment
– The opportunity for a seasoned nurse to pass
the torch in career development
Pathways to
Success for New Graduates
• Supportive preceptorship and clinical skills
• Acceptance into the social network
• Orientation sets the stage, and mentoring should
foster inclusion into the social network
• The more people you know…more inclusion into
the work community and the greater probability
of retention
• Support for stress in the workplace
Mentoring the
Nurse in Transition
• Mentoring a colleague in transition provides:
Professional and personal challenges
Chance to development leadership and teaching skills
Shared expertise
Opportunities for reflective practice
Opportunities to update practice with new technology,
knowledge and skills
– Creativity in thought
– Adaptation theory applied in the changing face of
nursing and navigating the twists and turns of a career
Desired Outcomes of Mentoring
Recruitment of quality candidates
Retention of talent
Increase in professional competency
Reduction in turnover and orientation costs
Cost-effective staff development
Decreased horizontal violence or.. “nurses eating
their young”
• Job satisfaction produces patient satisfaction
and quality care
Mentors v. Preceptors
• Older than learner
• Possesses wisdom
and experience
• Career networking
• Facilitator
• Guide
• Advisor
• Role model
• Willingness to teach and
learn skills
• Experience
• Competent practitioner
• Teaching and support
• Orientation and
• Role model
Mentor v. Preceptor
Learner Outcomes
• Self-actualization
• Guide to establish own
place in the profession
• Enhanced problemsolving
• Generativity v. Stagnation
• Personal satisfaction in
sharing knowledge
• Bridge theory to practice
• Achievement of planned
learning outcomes
• Skills and knowledge
• Anxiety reduction
• Professional role
enhancement (self)
Mentors v. Preceptors
• Chosen
• May have no formal
• Life, education, work
• Type of relationship:
close, personal friendship
• Not an evaluator
• Selected
• Assigned to learner
• Prepared for role
• Competent practitioner
• Support needed from
peers, educators,
• Functional not intimate
• May evaluate
How Can a Mentor Help?
Shifting Context (envision a positive outcome)
Identifying Feelings
Productive confrontation (critique of behaviors)
Providing appropriate information /solutions
Delegating authority
Encouraging exploration of options (thinking
outside the box)
Tools of Mentoring
• Sharing… knowledge and experience
Giving the Big Picture
Sharing messages
• Challenging
– Asking questions
– Asking for plans
– Asking for decisions and ideas
Mentoring at Hallmark
• Purpose:
– To provide the newer nurse within our health care
system with a seasoned colleague who can provide
emotional support and professional guidance in
making career choices and transitioning to the
professional role
– To provide a vehicle for retention of talent within the
– To create a network of professional relationships and
supports that optimize a welcoming and receptive
culture at HHS
Designing Our Questionnaires
• New Graduates in the Class of 2007
– Many second, third and more careers
– Some prior mentorship exposure
– Interest and expectation of the support that
could be provided
– Call to arms to design a program, rather than
purchase one off the shelf
What Should the Program Look Like?
• Discussion at new graduate internship
• Focus groups
• Marketing materials
• Literature Review
• Work-group to devise materials
The Questionnaires
• For the mentor and mentee
Strengths and weaknesses
Career goals
Expectations of the program
Personal hobbies and interests
Past careers, past experiences if any with
– Commitment level and meeting schedule
The Matching Process
• Reviewing the questionnaires
• Allowing a mentee to pick a mentor if
• Some ground rules
– The developmental plan
– On or off the unit matches
– “No-fault divorce” clause
Objectives of Each Mentor Pair
• To facilitate the professional development of new
nurses and ease their transition into practice
• To foster a supportive, caring environment that
encourages professional growth and guidance
• To provide the seasoned nurse with an
opportunity to contribute to the growth of a
colleague (Generativity v. Stagnation)
• To provide a supportive environment within the
Hallmark community and a healthy workplace
environment for nursing
Expectations of Each Mentor Pair
• Attend program orientation
• Complete questionnaires for matching according
to common interests, personality and style
• Together, establish a development plan for the
newer nurse
• Mentors should encourage the networking of
their colleague in order to facilitate career
• Maintain contact on a mutually agreed upon basis
• Complete evaluation tools as requested
Creating a Mentoring Agreement
• Objectives for a mutual effort
Tentative and subject to change
Defines how the pair works together
Sets a tone, and expectations for achievement
Mutual and agreeable to both parties
Suggest written format, even if informal, to
revisit progress towards goals
Key Points of the Agreement
• Frequency of meetings
• Frequency of self-evaluation of progress
• Frequency of contact with the coordinator as a
• Attendance at meetings if scheduled
• Seeking out educational programs to attend
• Crafting a developmental plan
• Problem-solving strategies
What Does an
Agreement Look Like?
• List your expectations
• List how often, when and where you will meet
• Modes of communication; phone, face to face or
• Potential obstacles to meeting: schedules, family
lives, etc.
• Some discussion about how to give and receive
constructive feedback
• Reminders about confidentiality
• Other players, and other concerns
Sample Focuses
In a Newer Nurse’s Plan
Time management and organizational skills
Conflict management with co-workers
Teambuilding and communications skills
Clinical skill development (not necessarily by the mentor)
Confidence building bother personally and professionally
Exposure to cross-training or observational experiences
Brainstorming about continued educational plans
Leadership skills
Settling into the organization and the larger nsg
Focuses of the
Seasoned Nurse as a Mentee
• Where do I go from here?
• How do I get there? (Roadmap)
• Letting go of the familiar and embracing a new
role, fear of change
• Educational avenues
• Developing as a professional in organizations and
• What even are my options?
• Analyzing strengths and weaknesses
• Developing leadership skills
Framework of Mentoring
• Synergy Model
– Matching competencies of staff to care delivery and
matching competencies of colleagues in professional
• Benner’s Novice to Expert model
– Focus and philosophical framework of our preceptor
and professional development program
• Generativity v. Stagnation (Erickson)
– Seasoned nurse sees the value in passing the torch,
and learning new skills in the process to remain
actively engaged in his/her own career development
Getting Started
• Do staff want to be mentored?
• Do staff want to mentor?
• What is the view of new graduate support
and support for nurses in transition?
• Administrative support
• Budget (or lack thereof…)
• Inviting staff to join the merry band
• The mentored should want to mentor
• The mentored should invite their friends
• Structure vs. non-structure and a place for
• Building a cohort
• Planning an educational schedule to
introduce new ideas
• Benner, P. (1984). From Novice to Expert.
Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice.
Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley.
• Campbell, E., Gunning, T. “ Sharing the Journey ©
Hallmark Health Nurse Mentorship Program, 2008,
unpublished materials.
• Erickson, E.H. (1963). Childhood and Society.
• New York, NY: Norton.
• National League for Nursing.(2006) Mentoring of nurse
faculty. Position statement. New York: NLN. Available at:
• Scott, E. and Smith, S. Group Mentoring: a Transition to
Work Strategy (2008), Journal for Nurses in Staff
Development . 24 (5), 232-238.
• Shea, G. (2002) Mentoring: How to Develop Successful
Mentor Behaviors. New York, NY. Skillsoft Corp.
• Vance, C., & Olson, R.K.,(1998) The Mentor Connection in
Nursing. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
• Younge, O., Billay, D., Myrick, F., Luhanga, F.
“Preceptorship and Mentorship: Not Merely
a Matter of Semantics”,(2007) International
Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 4
(1), 1-13.