DVD Cover Development Diary

Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
DVD Cover Development Diary
Firstly I had to ensure that my measurements for a DVD cover were a correct size to
ensure that my DVD cover looked as realistic and professional as it could, therefore I
used the internet to find out what people advised as the measurements for a DVD cover
when using PhotoShop, the width was 27.31 and the height was 19.05. I began on a
blank white canvas and then, using the line tool, separated my DVD cover into sections,
front cover, back cover and spine.
I then began creating my Final DVD cover. I wanted to keep the colour scheme that I
had made when designing my mock ups, these colours being orange and yellow set into
a gradient. I chose these colours for two reasons, firstly, the I felt that the connotations
of these two colours were very positive, they are both happy and cheerful colours, which
suggest that the TV show itself is happy and positive. The colours are also eye catching
and I know will catch the attention of my consumers. A final point about my choice of
colour is my target audience which is both girls and boys therefore I didn’t to use
colours which aimed to one gender over the other, which although is very stereotypical, I
felt that I wanted to keep my colours neutral.
To create my background I firstly selected the colour
yellow and inserted a rectangle using the rectangle
tool, I then covered my entire canvas, I ensured that
you could still see the guidlines I had created for my
different sections of the Cover by putting the layer of
the rectangle underneath the other layers I had
I then had to insert my
gradient, I chose to you a gradient because I felt it made my
DVD cover stand out and gave it character. To insert a gradient
I had to use the fx tool which is located in the layers box, where
I then chose Gradient Overlay.
When the gradient tool was
selected I had was presented
with a Layer Style box, where I
could select the gradient pattern
that I wanted, or I could create
my own. I chose a pre made
yellow and orange gradient and
then used the angle setting
which allowed me to align
where my gradient would be
located. I decided to have my gradient starting from top to
bottom blending from orange, to yellow, back to orange. I felt
this complimented the colours well.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
Here is an image of my finished gradient. Before settling on this, I experimented with
the brightness and contrast because I didn’t want my gradient to appear too harsh.
I then began inserting the different shapes for my layout. I was happy with the layout of
my mock ups overall as I felt that they highlighted the important parts of my DVD cover
without looking too much. By ensuring that the most important parts of my DVD cover
are highlighted makes it easier for my audience to understand therefore they can take all
of the information in without being overloaded. Firstly I inserted a shape where I would
be placing my masthead, I did not want to use a basic square or circle, as I had taken
inspiration from a magazine that I had studied in my textual analysis. I decided to use
the custom shape tool and create my ‘distorted rectangle’. In order for the shape to
stand out I decided to also add a drop shadow , which like gradient overlay, is located in
the fx section. I felt the drop shadow was effective not only to make the mast head stand
out but to emphasize its importance.
I then began adding the layout to the back of my DVD cover. Firstly I began creating the
section for all of my copyright information and logos. When I first created a white
rounded rectangle I felt that a drop shadow didn’t make it stand out as much as I would
have liked, I then decided to create a black rounded rectangle, slightly larger to act as a
border. I used the same technique to create a smaller box which is located in the bottom
left, this is where my certificate. I used this method as I felt it would emphasize the
importance of the information that is contained in these boxes, which isn’t for the
benefit of the child, more for their parents. More than likely this information can be
ignored or avoided and by giving such emphasis I am ensuring my target audiences’
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
attention will be drawn to it. The rest of my shapes were mainly made from the rounded
rectangle tool and the ellipse tool. I didn’t want everything to be straight lines and basic
images, as a result of my target audience being children I wanted to make it appear
funky and interesting which is why I decided to use 3 different colours rather than the
same colour for my rounded rectangle tools, a very minor detail that I felt made all of
the difference. This was also the reason for rotating my rounded rectangles slightly so
that they appear to be ‘toppling’. These are what my 3 images are going to be placed on
and I feel that this will attract the attention of my audience and make them appear more
interesting, compared to a basic photograph.
The main reason for inserting a large rounded rectangle was for my text to be placed on
as I found that white text on a yellow background would be hard for my audience
(children and parents) to read.
My final shape and final part of my layout was my circle. To make this I used the ellipse
tool and also gave it a drop shadow in order to make it stand out, this is where my bonus
features will be located. My reasons for this were because the ellipse would stand out
again the rectangles which mean so will my bonus features. Bonus features are
something that interest a young audience much more than they do an elder. I know this
from personal experience having a younger brother who is sometimes more interested
in the deleted scenes, games and documentaries, more than the film itself. Finally, the
drop shadow adds to making this stand out and even appears as though it could be
peeled off the page.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
I then began editing my primary image for my DVD cover. I
took a variety of photos some of which I tried to ensure I used
the rule of thirds, others however, I went against this theory
and experimented for what I felt was best for my DVD cover.
To begin editing my image I had to open it on a new canvas
Photo Shop, a simple task which involves going to File and
Open… I was then presented with a window which allowed
me to select the image that I needed. I double clicked this
image to open it up in Photo Shop.
I wanted to remove my image from its original background
and put it on to the new gradient background which I have created. To do this I used the
magnetic lasso tool, which allows me to click on an image and maneuver the mouse
around my chosen object, the tool then detects the object and follows it round. I used
this tool as it is most suitable for what I was trying to achieve. The magnetic lasso does
not wrap around an image perfectly which is where a second tool that I used, quick mask
mode allows me to tidy up any rough edges. Quick mask mode shows everything that I
want to remove in red, and the image that I want to keep normal. I then used the
paintbrush tool to add more ‘red areas’ and the rubber tool to remove any ‘red areas’
that I did not want. I spent a lot of time using quick mask mode as I wanted to ensure
my images looked as professional as possible ensuring my DVD cover is at its highest
quality. Once I felt I was happy with my image I removed quick mask mode and my
image was surrounded by ‘marching ants’ which show that it is selected.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
All that was left do was drag my selected image on to my DVD cover background.
I chose this particular image because it shows my characters clearly and they appear to
be happy and having fun, which suggests they are happy and positive suggesting James’
World is happy and positive also. My 3 characters are looking straight into the camera,
directly at their audience; this is effective because it draws my audience into the
pictures. The image also suggests the relationship between my 3 characters which is
effective, a theory known as ‘The Male Gaze’ which is usually about the way men look at
women and how women can influence if a man buys a product or not. This image could
have a similar effect on how my young audience look at my products, they could be
envious of the characters and their friendship, and could aspire to have a bond like that
with their own friends.
I then had to insert my 3 images on to the back of my DVD cover, to place on my 3
rounded rectangles. These pictures did not need to be edited and were much simpler to
insert into my DVD cover. I used the same process to insert my images into Photo Shop
going to File and then open… I selected the image I wanted to open up in Photo Shop.
My image did not need any editing, so the only tool that I needed was the rectangular
marquee tool, I dragged the tool across the whole of my image; once it was selected I
dragged and dropped my image on to my DVD back cover cover.
I then selected the free transform tool so I could slightly rotate my images so they would
fit on my rectangles. I continued these steps with my next two images.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
Again I chose all happy and positive images; my first image shows my 3 characters in a
mid shot with their arms around each other which suggests the bond and the strength of
the friendship between them which is similar to my main image and again could relate
to ‘The Male Gaze’. My second image is a plain pose of my characters looking in to the
camera. I chose this image to suggest the normality of my characters, they are not
constantly having fun and going on adventures, they are just the same as my audience.
Finally, my third picture is of my 3 characters pulling silly faces and having fun, like
your average child. I chose three different pictures to represent the normality, the
friendship and the silliness of m characters, to show my audience that they are just like
I then began inserting the text in to my DVD cover. Firstly, I began writing the text on
the back of my DVD cover. I wrote in second person (you), I felt this was appropriate as
it allowed me to talk directly to the audience and make them feel just as much a part of
the TV show as one of the characters. I think this is a key quality that any children’s TV
show should have as it ensure their audience feels as though they are interacting their
favorite characters and keeps them interested and focused on the TV show. I also used
other words and phrases to emphasise this such as ‘join in’ and ‘share as I felt they had
the same effect as the use of second person. Another way of ensuring my audience felt
included was using rhetorical questions.
To insert text I had to use the text tool, once I had written everything I needed to I could
then use the free transform tool which allowed me to position my text box where I
needed it too be, which I wanted to be located in my large orange rounded rectangle.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
I chose to use the font Comic Sans MS as one of my two fonts. I chose to use Comic Sans
as it is a less formal font and it is also the main font used in primary schools, itherefore
it is a font my audience will already e familiar with as a result of their age and connotes
that James’ World isn’t too ‘formal’, it is fun and back. However, as a result of using a
font that my audience will be familiar with from their school suggests the slight
seriousness James’ World does include with some of their stories, such as bullying and
stranger danger. I chose for most of my text to be in white as I felt it was the most
appropriate colour. It stands out on the background colour which I chose and also
connotes the innocence of my TV show and of my audience.
I then created and inserted my TV show’s logo. My TV show is called James’ World as
James is the main character. Again I kept the font colour white like the rest of my text
for the same reasons. I then chose a second font Stencil STD which is exactly what it
says, stencils. The font looks as though it has been written with stencils which again has
childlike connotations and is a look that young children are familiar with. Another good
quality of my chosen text is that it is all capitalized, which ensure that my logo will stand
out. Again I used the text tool and chose my colour, I inserted James’ as normal but
when I inserted world I left out the ‘O’ and made some space. My reason for this was
because I wanted to make my logo identifiable amongst its target audience. To do this I
chose to put a graphic of a world where the ‘O’ should be. I felt that this would be
effective and would be well suited for a children’s TV show. To create my ‘world’ I used
the ellipse tool and chose bright blue. I then chose the custom shape tool and drew an
unusual dark green shape to act as my countries. I then linked these layers together my
using the shift key and selecting all three layers, so when I put them into position they
will all move together. I then linked the layers of my world with the text of my logo.
Again, I used the free transform tool and positioned my logo on the front cover of my
DVD overlaying the ‘distorted rectangle’ which I made previously.
There were two other places in which I wanted to place my logo, one of these were on
the spine of my DVD. Rather than creating my logo again, I chose to right click my
linked layers and duplicate them. This created an exact copy of my logo which I could
then ‘free transform’ my logo where I needed to. I also had to use the free transform tool
to rotate my logo anti clock wise so it would sit on the spine of my DVD. I have to then
ensure I had put my logo the right way round. I then inserted my logo on the back cover
of my DVD above the images.
Finally, wanted to insert my bonus features, I selected the text tool and firstly selected
the Stencil STD tool to ensure that my heading ‘bonus features’ would stand out. I then
wrote the rest of my text in Comic Sans MS. I chose to include bonus features such as
games, behind the scenes interviews and outtakes, which I knew from personal
experience of having a younger brother and research that they would be popular
amongst my target audience. Again, I used the free transform tool so I could rotate and
position my text.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
Although I was happy with my mock ups overall, and followed them very closely when
creating my final DVD cover. I decided to make a small change to the spine of my DVD
cover. The change I made was to insert a rectangle on to the spine to act as a background
for my logo, I felt by doing this it would ensure my logo stood out better than it did on
my original yellow background.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
I then began adding some of the typical conventions that would be found on a DVD
cover some of these which I had originally put on my mock ups, others that I had
decided to add to ensure my DVD cover was at the highest standard it could be. I firstly
decided to add ‘Season 1’ on to
the front of my DVD cover and
positioned it just above the title.
I also decided to add a TV times
rating on to the front of my DVD
cover. I felt that this would be
beneficial for parents so they
could see that James’ World is
successful and suitable for their children. Another convention I decided to add was the
names of my actors. This is a good source of recognition for my actors and also adds
more information about my TV show for parents to see at a glance. When adding this
information I kept my style consistent by using Comic Sans MS, however, when adding
my actors’ names I deiced to change the colour to orange to suggest the importance of
the actors’ and their names.
My next steps were to start adding the typical logos that are seen on a DVD cover. To do
this I picked the appropriate images that I needed and saved them, I then opened them
in to Photo Shop and dragged them onto my DVD cover. Firstly, I added the age rating
of my TV show, when I created my mock ups I use a PG rating, but changed this as I felt
it wasn’t right for my TV show. I then changed the rating to U as it is suitable for all ages
with no need for parental guidance. Other logos that I decided to add were the DVD
logo, Dolby digital and Blu ray.
In my mock ups I used the Disney Channel logo, however, this is copyright and for my
own DVD had to create my own logo. I only wanted to create a
basic logo, using basic Photo Shop tools, to be located in the
bottom left corner and on the spine of my DVD. My logo was
more for the professional look of my DVD cover, rather than my
audiences benefit. I created this in Photo Shop, firstly I selected
the colour navy blue for my background which I felt was
appropriate as navy blue connotes trust and authority which will
suggest to parents of my audience that HWProductons is a
trustworthy company and also suggests their importance. I then
decided to use dark red for my text which connotes leadership. I
chose to use Arial Black as my font for my logo as it is a bold,
clear font which can be read easily. Overall, I was pleased with my logo, it was very plain
and simple but had all the right connotations.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
Lastly I had to add my barcode and the final text to the back of my DVD cover; I looked
at several DVD covers and decided to include copyright information. I also included a
website for James’ World.
Hollie Walsh
March 2012
DVD Cover Development Diary
I finally made some small changes such as the order of my actors names, I made sure
they went in order of how they appear in the main image and changed my text on the
back cover and aligned it to the left.
Overall, I was very pleased with the outcome of my DVD cover. I felt that both my colour
scheme and images were appropriate for my target audience and that I had kept my
DVD to a professional standard ensuring I included the conventional logos.