Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent; Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal;
Applicable to all Successors, Assigns, and Agents;
Silence, when there is a moral or legal Duty to respond, constitutes Agreement.
John A, Doe in esse, d.b.a. “County name County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder”
“ILLINOIS” / “COUNTY OF KANE”, Elections Department
719 S. Batavia Ave. Assessor
Geneva, Illinois, [60134]
Service by: Fax: (630) 232-5870
August 13, A. D. 2013
Re: Follow-up request from: July 15, 2013, for voter
Notice of Termination of Voter Registration for Constructive Fraud and
Demand for Specific Performance
Greetings John A. Doe (Served Party of Record):
A startling Material Fact has come to my attention: By participating in Federal, State, County, or City elections, a man or woman
unwittingly commits a crime, pursuant to Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States’ private
corporate Charter (i.e. the foreign, private, for-profit municipal utility corporation formed in A. D. 1871). Based upon the breach of
political allegiance of the living man or woman (i.e. one whose lawful state is identified by his/her name which is properly spelled in
upper and lower case letters) to the de jure (lawful) republic state government of State, which existed prior to said corporate
amendment, such crime is an act of Treason, or at minimum, Terr0rism.
As such operation of alleged law is unconscionable, I hereby expressly and lawfully DEMAND that the “name”, which is written in
ALL CAPITAL letters, or any variation thereof, be removed from the Voter Registration Rolls immediately and such alleged
“registration” be cancelled, nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea (i.e., then as now and hereafter). I deny that the hereunder defined
living man is a “citizen” or “subject” of said alleged “UNITED STATES” or the alleged “STATE OF ILLINOIS;” and that I am not an ens
legis (legal) “person” subject to the authority of the alleged “United States” or the alleged “STATE OF ILLINOIS.” Finally, I do NOT
qualify to become a citizen of the United States as I am NOT “white.” [See: Naturalization Act of 1802]
In accordance with my rights pursuant to the Full Faith and Credit Doctrine, I lawfully Demand a response from your department
(See: within ten (10) business days of
your receipt of this Notice which: 1) certifies1 that such registration has been expunged from your records and the manner in
which said expungement was accomplished; 2) explains why the live employees of this department have acted in bad faith, inasmuch as
they failed to provide Full Disclosure their involvement in such an artifice and scheme (in the meaning of the original U. S. Constitution,
Article 3, Section 3). Accordingly, I lawfully demand immediate expungement of YOUR ALL CAPS NAME from all COUNTY,
STATE AND FEDERAL Voter Registration rolls.
If I do not receive a verified response from you by this reasonable deadline that is certified to be true, correct and complete, within
the time specified; then, by your silence, you admit that you are a knowing party to this artifice or scheme to deprive me
of my intangible right of honest services [cf.18 U.S.C. Sec. 1346] thereby subjecting you to suit in an environmental court system
without the United States. Additionally, by your silence, you are deemed to be in full agreement with the material Facts stated herein.
Beyond that reasonable deadline, your silence will activate estoppel [see e.g.: Carmine v. Bowen, 64 A. 932 (1906)], and it will also
constitute Fraud [see: United States v. Tweel, 550 F.2d 297 (1977); see also: 18 U.S.C. 1341 (mail fraud), 1961 et seq. (RICO)]. I am
greatly anticipating your full professional cooperation in this Matter.
By: ……………………..……….…….…………….…….….…………….…
Maurice Doe, sua potestas esse2
(not an Accommodation Party)
c/o: 3323 Blue Ridge Drive
Carpentersville, Illinois [DO NOT USE ZIP CODES] u s of A
Copies sent to the following Foreign-State Agents:
Attn: Lisa M. Madigan, in esse, d.b.a. ATTORNEY GENERAL Registered Mail #
100 W. Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois, u s of A [60601]
Attn: Eric H. Holder, Jr., in esse, d.b.a. ATTORNEY GENERAL Registered Mail #
950 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington city, D. C. [20530]
1 The term “certify” means that the “Served Party” will provide a sworn statement, which includes the following: 1) that the agents of UNITED STATES
(Inc.) and agents of STATE OF ILLINOIS (Inc.) have, in good faith, provided Full Disclosure that their quasi-government of “IILINOIS” is not a
lawful government under the doctrines of International Law or the de jure Constitution for the United States of America; 2) that the alleged STATE OF
ILLINOIS (DUNS number 06-523-2498) is in fact a quasi-political subdivision, a private sub-corporation of the “UNITED STATES”, Inc., and is a
non-American foreign state corporation; 3) that any American that participates in any election is deemed to be a “citizen” of the United States, i.e., U.S.
person or Federal citizen, and is deemed to be subject to the jurisdiction of said quasi-political subdivision; 4) that any such American (participating
in elections) descends to the inferior status and standing of a mere “citizen” / subject of (and subordinate to) the United States Congress, de facto (since
A. D. 1859) , and/or the UNITED STATES, Inc.
2 sua potestas esse – having full Power and Authority over one’s own dominions.