Intro to the Chapter Kick Start Program


Chapter Kick

Start Program

“From small beginnings come great things!”

2013-2014 State Officers


Luke Searle


Eastern VP

Kaydee Gilson


Northern VP

McKell Nelson



Rachel Richens



Hannah Cook



Bradyn Poulsen


Central VP

James Carrington


Metro VP

Brandon Cui


Southern VP

Samantha Long



Tyler Herrera



Tania Fernandez


Contact one of your state officers for any questions, concerns, or comments!

Table of Contents

Preface .......................................................................... 1на стр. 5

FBLA Information ........................................................................ 2

Dates to Remember .................................................................... 5

Section 1 - Start Up ..................................................................... 8

Recruitment ........................................................................ 8

Induction Ceremonies......................................................... 9

Chapter Meetings ............................................................... 9

Officer Responsibilities ..................................................... 10

Membership Fees ........................................................... 100

Introduction to FBLAOPOLY .............................................. 11

Section 2 – Management .......................................................... 12

Fundraising ....................................................................... 12

FBLA Programs .................................................................. 12

Conferences and Competition .......................................... 14

Service Projects................................................................. 15

Section 3 - Foundation .............................................................. 16

Member Recognition ........................................................ 16

Selection of Officers .......................................................... 16

Closing Meeting ................................................................ 16

Resources ................................................................................. 18


Intro to the Chapter Kick Start Program

We who created the Chapter Kick Start program are committed to helping smaller and non-existent chapters be successful in Utah FBLA and understand what an asset FBLA is to their schools. In this packet is valuable information designed to aid and inform these chapters throughout the year. Not only does it contain effective activities and information it also expresses the best times to carry out those undertakings. More than just this packet, this program is a system of local chapters and state officers ready to assist and support their surrounding CKSCs’

(Chapter Kick Start Chapter). If this program fulfills its intended purpose then the chapters within the program will be the most thriving chapters in the state and the students will have gotten more involved than ever before.

Timeframe Icons

These Icons are there to help make it easier for chapters to known when to execute these activities.

Throughout the entire year August/September







FBLA Information

State Adviser

Lucille Brizzee


FBLA Mission Statement

State Director

K. Duke DiStefano


To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship though innovative leadership and career development programs.

FBLA Goals

 Develop competent, aggressive business leadership

 Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work

 Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise

 Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community

 Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism

 Encourage and practice efficient money management

 Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty

 Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals

 Facilitate the transition from school to work

FBLA Creed

I believe education is the right of every person.

I believe the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the work. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.

I believe every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.

I believe every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family life.


I believe every person has the right to earn a living at a useful occupation.

I believe every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, associates, school, and community.

I believe I have the responsibility to work efficiently and to think clearly. I promise to use my abilities to make the world a better place for everyone.

FBLA Pledge

I solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of Future Business

Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda and, as an active member, I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary in becoming a responsible business leader.

FBLA Code of Ethics

 I will be honest and sincere

 I will approach each task with confidence in my ability to perform my work at a high standard

 I will willingly accept responsibilities and duties

 I will seek to profit from my mistakes and take suggestions and criticisms directed toward the improvement of myself and my work

 I will abide by the rules and regulations of my school

 I will exercise initiative and responsibility and will cooperate with my employer and fellow workers

 I will dress and act in a manner that will bring respect to me and to my school

 I will seek to improve my community by contributing my efforts and my resources to worthwhile projects.

FBLA History

1937—Hamden L. Forkner of Teachers College, Columbia University in New York

City, proposes to business teachers across the country that a national organization is needed for the thousands of business clubs in the nation’s high schools and colleges.

1940—The National Council for Business Education (now known as the National

Business Education Association) sponsors the proposed student organization.


Committees are appointed to formulate the organization’s general plans. The name “Future Business Leaders of America” is selected for the organization.

1942—An experimental chapter is chartered in Johnson City, Tennessee, on

February 3. A second chapter is started two days later in St. Albans, West Virginia.

By the end of the year, 39 chapters are added; and over the next three and onehalf years, another 38 chapters join.

1946—The United Business Education Association assumes sponsorship of FBLA.

Headquarters office for FBLA is established at the National Education Association

Center in Washington, D.C.

1947—Iowa becomes the first FBLA state chapter. Indiana and Ohio quickly follows. Within the next three years, FBLA state chapters total ten.

1958—The postsecondary division, Phi Beta Lambda is created. The University of

Northern Iowa is the first PBL chapter.

1969—FBLA-PBL is granted independent status as a nonprofit educational student association under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3). FBLA-PBL, Inc. acquires its own board of directors and full-time staff.

1973—FBLA-PBL, Inc. appoints Edward D. Miller as the association’s first full-time executive director.

1979—The board of directors approves establishment of the FBLA-PBL Alumni


1981—The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation purchases 1.6 acres of land in the Center for Educational Associations, Reston, Virginia, as the site for a future FBLA-PBL

National Center.

1987—FBLA annual membership tops 200,000 for the first time.

1989—The Professional Division is formed to include alumni and professional businesspersons.

1990—The groundbreaking ceremony is held for the FBLA-PBL National Center.

1991—The grand opening of the FBLA-PBL National Center is held.

1994—The FBLA–Middle Level division is formed for students in grades 5–9.

1997—Edward D. Miller retires as president and chief executive officer of the national association. Jean Buckley is appointed president and chief executive officer.

2001—National center mortgage is retired.


Dates to Remember

Black Text – National Dates/Deadlines

Blue Text – State Dates/Deadlines


August 1 Online Membership Registration opens


September 3

September 6

September 10

Fall Stock Market Game begins

Tomorrow’s Business Leader—Fall issue copy deadline

ACTE Outstanding Business Student Award —Postmark deadline


October 1

October 3-4

October 8

October 20

October 25

Initial dues deadline

Adviser Training

Submit Initial Dues: FBLAOPOLY online deadline

Membership deadline for fall publications and chapter/state membership awards at NFLCs

NFLC—Salt Lake City, Utah: Early bird registration deadline


November 1-30 Prematurity Awareness Month

November 15 American Enterprise Day

November 17

November 20

November 22

March of Dimes World Prematurity Day

Aggie Invitational

Photos by NFLC: FBLA-OPOLY online deadline

November 22-23 NFLC—Salt Lake City, Utah


December 13

December 15

December 23

Fall Stock Market Game ends

Dues deadline to receive winter publications

Attend NFLC: FBLA-OPOLY online deadline



January 6

January 13

January 15

January 23


February 1–28

February 3

February 3

February 8

February 9-15


March 1

Spring Stock Market Game begins

Online Competitive Event Registration Begins

March of Dimes Grant: Application postmark deadline

FBLA-OPOLY online submission deadline

Utah FBLA State Leadership Conference deadline

National Career and Technical Education Month

Job Shadow Day

Virtual Business Finance Spring Challenge

Virtual Business Management Spring Challenge competitive event

State Officer Candidate Interviews


FBLA national dues deadline eligibility date for FBLA voting delegates, and competitive events

National dues deadline to receive spring publications

FBLA Business Achievement Awards: Receipt deadline

(Future, Business, and Leader Awards)

Spring Virtual Business Challenge ends

Utah FBLA State Leadership Conference March 5-7


April 1 Membership Madness and Membership Mania: Receipt deadline

FBLA Membership Achievement Award: Receipt deadline


April 1 (cont.)

April 15

April 18

April 25


May 1

May 9

May 15

May 23


June 6

June 9

June 28-29

June 29-July 2

FBLA Outstanding Chapter: Receipt deadline

Chapter/State Membership Recognition Awards: Receipt deadline

National Bylaws Amendment: Receipt deadline

Professional Membership Recognition Awards: Receipt deadline

Spring Stock Market Game ends

BAA America awards: Receipt deadline

FBLA Adviser Wall of Fame: Application postmark deadline

National Leadership Conference: Intern application receipt deadline

All prejudged materials must be in at the national center

March of Dimes Fund-raising Report: Receipt deadline

FBLA “Eco Chapter” Go Green Project: Receipt deadline

National officer candidate application: Receipt deadline

FBLA NLC and IFL: Early bird registration deadline

Last Day to Make Competitive Events changes

FBLA Local Voting Delegates: Registration deadline

FBLA Institute for Leaders—Nashville, Tennessee

FBLA NLC—Nashville, Tennessee

To find up-to-date information, visit our website:


Section 1 - Start Up


Pizza Party

Kicking off your first meeting with a pizza party is a great way to get students at your school to join FBLA. At the pizza party have beverages and organized games for everyone to play. Invite everyone you can think of including members from previous years. In this informational meeting give an overview of what FBLA has to offer and how each person can benefit from the program. Don’t forget to remind them how much dues are and when and where they need to be turned in.

Recruitment Week

During the first week of school, hold an FBLA Recruitment Week. Create information brochures and/ or flier to hand out to students in the hallways. Use colorful posters to publicize your chapter. End your recruitment week with an

FBLA chapter meeting.

Club Rush

Many schools have a club rush or other similar event that allow clubs throughout the school to set up a booth and advertise. Bring some candy and member applications to get members to sign up.

Chapter Theme

Use a fun theme to help attract potential members.

Classroom Presentation

Chapter officers can visit classrooms to promote the benefits of joining FBLA.

They can share their successful experiences FBLA has brought them and all the opportunities that have arisen because of it. Stress that FBLA is not only for future business leaders but it is open for anyone to join.

Spirit Items

Get t-shirts, sweatshirts, or other kinds of goodies for FBLA members or officers to wear. This will help promote FBLA and make it more visible in your school for potential members.


National Recruitment Video

Play the National Recruitment video during one of your first chapter meetings to show new members a visual tutorial of what they can achieve as an FBLA member.

Induction Ceremonies

Chapter Installation Ceremony

The chapter installation ceremony heightens the awareness of the importance of starting a new chapter. When possible, the ceremony should take place in front of a large group.

Member Induction Ceremony

The member induction ceremony helps new members feel special along with reminding everyone what FBLA stands for.

Officer Induction Ceremony

The officer induction ceremony is a great way to recognize your chapter officers along with reviewing their responsibilities and commitments they are making to the chapter.

Chapter Meetings


An agenda is important to keep members/officers informed with what is going on during a meeting. It is important to have an agenda so that you can stay on topic.


Take pictures at events to keep a record of what you do throughout the year. At the end of the year do a presentation with all the photos to remember all the great times.


Prepare invitation for members so that they know when upcoming activities are and that they’re invited.


Food is a great way to get members to come. Bring treats and hand them out in the middle or end of the meeting so that members will stay.


Officer Responsibilities


Conduct meetings

Delegate assignments to officers

 C oordinate chapter activities

Vice President

 Assist the president

 Oversee all committee work and assignments

 Coordinate chapter activities


Present and keep a record of what takes place at every meeting

Create announcements and flyers


Keep an accurate count and roster of members

Help plan fund-raising activities


 Take photos at every event

 Keep a chapter scrapbook

 Provide pictures for the webmaster


Update announcements on the website weekly

Update pictures on the website after each activity

Keep an organized file of all digital photos

Membership Fees

National Fees

The national membership fee for FBLA members is $6.00 for one year. The funds are used to help run FBLA-PBL, inc. along with conference registration fees and sponsors.

State Fees

The state membership fee for FBLA members is $3.50 for one year.


Chapter Fees

Chapter membership fees are decided by the chapter and are used to help finance activities done within the chapter.

Introduction to FBLA-OPOLY


FBLA-OPOLY is designed to maintain the integrity of FBLA and is Utah’s program of work. Chapters earn money by completing properties, railroads, chance cards, and community chest cards. Chapters with the most “money” will be recognized in March at the State Leadership Conference.


Properties are the most important cards to complete. As property value increases so does difficulty and/or importance.


Railroads are designed to increase chapter membership and are worth $500.

Chapters who complete railroads will receive ribbons at the State Leadership

Conference in March.

Chance Cards

Chance cards are designed to make it fair for every local chapter. When a chapter is unable to complete a property they can replace it with chance card. Chance cards are worth the minimum of that property color’s value.

Community Chest

Community chest cards are designed for those chapters wanting to go the extra mile. A chapter may receive points for completing a chance card only after all three properties (or two properties with a chance card) have been completed.

Community chest cards are valued higher than the property.

Make sure to follow @utahfbla

And Like the Utah FBLA Page


Section 2 – Management


Hot Chocolate Sales

During winter members can sell hot chocolate in the morning before school starts. Cups, straws and hot chocolate packs are cheap, put this in a central location in your school and you’re good to go.


If your school hosts the ACT or SAT sell pizza on the exit steps of your school.

After a long day of testing, people will love something to eat.

Krispy Kreme

Sell donuts at school through Krispy Kreme. The donuts are relatively inexpensive and students will be attracted to snack on food. Have members maintain a stand during lunch to sell them.

Talent Show

Hold an annual talent show. Advertise the show throughout the school and the community. Sell sponsorships before the show to businesses in your community and display their name and logo on a computer projector before the show begins.

Hold auditions after school and have the judges by your chapter officer team.

Require admission tickets to be purchased before the show.

Bake Sale

Have members submit a family recipe and create and sell cookbooks. Have your school’s student government promote your fundraiser and sell to your family and friends.

Car Wash

Find a good venue, such as a high school or grocery store parking lot (with permission). Advertise beforehand and have FBLA members volunteer.


FBLA Programs

Business Achievement Awards

The Business Achievement Awards (BAAs) are an aggressive, self-directed, resultsbased leadership program focused on service, education, and progress.

Community Service Award

The Community Service Award (CSA) is an individual program that recognizes members with commitment to community service.

Membership Madness/ Mania

Members receive recognition for recruiting 5 or 10 new members.

Super Sweeps

Super Sweeps is a membership recruitment program running from August 1 to

October 20. Chapters that complete “Super Sweeps” will receive a certificate at

NFLC, and the chapter’s members will receive ribbons at both NFLC and NLC.

No Stop November

No Stop November is focused on membership involvement. Chapters will be required to complete five tasks with the aim of promoting Prematurity Awareness

Month and American Enterprise Day.

Action Awareness

Chapters will be required to complete one task for each day of FBLA-PBLA Week, one task for CTE month, CTSO day, and America Saves with the aim of expanding

FBLA publicity and awareness of its programs.

Gold Seal Chapter

The top 15% of local chapters completing the annual business report will be recognized at the State and National Leadership Conferences. Gold seal chapters are selected according to the following criteria:

 Initial dues received by October 20

 Submit a Local Chapter Annual Business Report at the SLC

 Submit a FBLAOPOLY entry for State Leadership Conference


Outstanding Chapter Recognition Project

The outstanding chapter award is a great way for your chapter to be recognized at the national level. Chapters completing this project will be given a silver ribbon at the National Leadership Conference.

ECO Chapter Project

Partner up with an FFA chapter at your school and get ready to protect the environment. This program is great for chapters looking to make our planet greener. Even if you don’t have an FFA chapter you can do it by yourself and make this world a better place.

Conferences and Competition

National Fall Leadership Conference

Students and advisers participate in motivational general sessions, professional development, and career planning workshops. For many FBLA-PBL members, the

NFLCs are a convenient and affordable way to experience much of the education and excitement of an NLC closer to home.

Region Competition

FBLA Region Competitions are a great way for members to prepare to compete in their competitive events for State.

State Leadership Conference

The Utah State Leadership Conference is a great way for members to show off their achievement for the year. Ribbons are given to chapters for their achievements through the year and competition offers members the chance to compete at the national level along with scholarships and cash rewards.

Institute for Leaders

Held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference, this high-energy, intensive, two-day seminar is a focused-leadership experience for state and local chapter officers, as well as members and advisers. This training conference prepares student leaders and members to assume their elected responsibilities and develop valuable life skills.


National Leadership Conference

FBLA-PBL members have the competitive edge, as the best and brightest of FBLA and PBL convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. This four-day conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA-PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. FBLA-PBL has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students achieving national ranking.


The FBLA National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Competitive events fall into three categories: individual, team, and chapter. Individual and team events focus on skills useful in leadership and career development; chapter events recognize overall achievement and performance in chapter management and growth.

Service Projects

Penny Wars

Host a school wide service event promoting a charity (March of Dimes is a great national partner of FBLA). For two weeks have all students in your school bring in spare change. Each student’s donation goes towards their grade level. On the third week the grade with the highest amount of money left wins the penny war.

All of the money raised can be donated towards that selected charity.

Nursing Home Visit

Many nursing homes look for volunteers. Contact your local nursing home and lend a helping hand.

Special Needs Activity

A great way to have fun and serve your school community is to host a Halloween,

Christmas, or Valentine’s Day party or dance for them. You can have great music, great food, carve pumpkins, make gingerbread houses, and more!


Section 3 – Foundation

Member Recognition

Member of the Month/ Year

Member of the month is a great way to recognize FBLA members who put in the extra effort. Every member of the month can qualify for member of the year, where you can recognize them at an awards ceremony.

Point System

Develop a point system that works for your chapter. Award point to members that attend meetings, conferences, service projects, or go the extra mile. This is a great way to excite members about FBLA.

Selection of Officers


Applications are a great way to make sure those running for office are qualified for their position.

Time of Year

Select your next year officer team at least a month before school ends so the current chapter officer team can train them. It is a good idea to have one meeting with both officers from the current year and the next year.

Voting vs. Appointment

Voting is a great way for members to feel like they are a part of the selection for chapter officers. Appointing the chapter officers is a great way to make sure that those coming into office are the most qualified.

Closing Meeting

Appreciation Dinner

Hold an appreciation dinner at the end of the year to show your appreciation to members for their work and dedication to your FBLA chapter.


Awards Ceremony

Hold an award ceremony to recognize members who have gone the extra mile.

This could include BAA recipients, Member of the Year, FBLA Active Members, and more.

FBLA Overview Presentation/Scrapbook

Have a presentation of the events your FBLA chapter has done this last year. This is a great way to have members remember the hard work and achievements they have done and excite them to continue in FBLA next year.

Prepping for Next Year

Summer Barbeque

Set a date for a summer barbeque, a party, or game night. Keeping the bond between chapter members through the summer is an excellent way to keep momentum to start the year strong. Find a public or private place to host this event.

Utilize Returning Members

When you begin thinking about next year’s recruitment you can multiply your membership by a factor of 2 or even 3 by asking all of your chapter’s existing members to bring a friend or two to each meeting. Encourage returning members and the friend to pay their dues.

Interested in Leadership?

Run for a State Office!

Download an Informational Packet and

Application at




Business Achievement Award (BAA)

ECO Chapter Project

Installation Ceremonies


Outstanding Chapter Recognition Project

Super Sweeps


Facebook Page



Officer Biographies






Competitive Events Guidelines

National Chapter Handbook

Facebook Page

March of Dimes

Recruitment Video




