Chapter 2: European Colonies in America

The Big Picture: Following Columbus’ voyages,
European nations competed to establish
colonies in the Americas. By 1733 the English
had founded a diverse group of colonies along
the Atlantic Ocean seaboard. Their efforts,
however, had disastrous consequences for the
Native Americans.
Main Idea: In the 1500s and 1600s,
European nations led by Spain,
continued to explore, claim territory,
and build settlements in America.
Spanish Conquistadors
1494: Catholic Spain and Portugal appeal to the Pope to resolve
competing claims to the New World
the Treaty of Tordesillas: drew a line on the map and gave all land to
the west of the line to Spain and all land east to Portugal
Ponce de Leon & Florida
Spanish explorers called conquistadors began exploring the
Caribbean, South, and Central America after Columbus
Their goals were “God, gold, glory”
Ponce de Leon sailed with Columbus, was governor of Puerto Rico,
and searched for the fabled fountain of youth
He became the first Spanish explorer in mainland North America
when he claimed Florida for Spain
Cortez and the Aztec
Cortez claimed and explored Mexico in an attempt to find gold
When attempting to conquer the Aztec, he was aided by the enemies
of the Aztec and an ancient legend that made them believe the
Spanish were messengers from the Gods
The Aztec fell to the Spanish in 1521
Golden Cities and other Explorers
• The successful domination of the Aztec
and persistent rumors of cities of gold
encouraged other explorers to push into
modern-day Mexico, Texas, and Florida
• Explorers like de Soto, Cabrillo and de
Coronado explored as far north as
Tennessee and as far west as California,
but did not find the gold they wanted
• Eventually the Spanish focused on mining
in Mexico
• 1565: Spanish establish a colony at St.
Augustine, Florida
• It is the oldest city in the US today
Spain Builds an Empire
Social Structure
• Spanish crown appointed viceroyalty to run new colonies that were
being established
• Social classes in the colonies emerged; peninsulares (those born in
Spain) felt they were superior to creoles (pureblood Spanish born in the
New World)
• Under the creoles were those who mixed with Native Americans called
mestizos, then Spanish and African, then pure-blood Indians, and
• Also key to Spanish American social structure were missionaries who
served to convert natives to Catholicism and to teach the faithful
Land, Labor, and the Pueblo Revolt
• Spanish established the encomienda system: Spanish received grants of
land from the crown and the use of labor from the people who lived on the
• The Natives were expected to convert to Christianity and work for the new
• The owner was expected to treat the natives humanely, but they were
routinely enslaved and worked to death on plantations called haciendas
• 1680: Pueblo Indians revolt against the Spanish led by Pope
• He was successful in driving the Spanish out of Santa Fe, but in 1692
Spanish soldiers retook the area
Other Nations Explore
England’s Navy
• 1497: John Cabot arrives in Newfoundland & thinks he is in Asia; claims it for England
• 1500s- England realizes it is new land and begins looking for a northwest passage to Asia
• 1577: Protestant Queen Elizabeth builds up the English navy to challenge Catholic Spain; Sir
Francis Drake first to circumnavigate the globe
New France
1524: Giovanni de Verrazano explores from the Carolinas to Maine for France
1534: Jacques Cartier discovers the St. Lawrence River and explores Quebec and Montreal
1608: Samuel de Champlain establishes trade in furs and fish in Quebec
1666: Sieur de la Salle explores Great Lakes region and Mississippi River, claiming the land
for France (called it Louisiana for French king Louis XIV)
New Netherland
1609: Henry Hudson sent by the Netherlands to find the Northwest Passage
He discovers the Hudson River and claims land along the Atlantic coast for the Dutch
Main Idea: After several failures,
the English established a
permanent settlement at
Jamestown, Virginia.
The First English Colonies
• Queen Elizabeth allows Sir Walter
Raleigh to lead an expedition the
Atlantic Coast
• He calls the land Virginia after her
(“virgin queen”)
• 1587 Raleigh and governor John White
establish a colony at Roanoke Island
and established friendly relations with
• Virginia Dare first English born in the
New World
• White was forced to return to England
for supplies and was delayed 3 years
due to war with Spain in returning
• 1590: White returns but all of the
settlers are gone, with only Croatoan
carved on a post
• They are called the ‘Lost Colony’
King James’ Charter
• Under King James I, England tries
again to settle the Atlantic Coast
• Charter rights to establishing colonies
were transferred from Raleigh to the
London Company & the Plymouth
Company in 1606
• These were join-stock companies:
investors pooled money to fund and
govern the colony and split any
The Jamestown Colony
First Settlers and Captain Smith
• 1606: 100 men arrive at the James River under the
London Company and built Jamestown
• The location was not ideal; swampy and in the
middle of the Powhatan Confederacy
• The settlers succumbed to malaria and dysentery
and many were gentry who refused to work
• By January 1608, only 38 men remained
• Captain John Smith became the leader of
Jamestown and imposed military discipline in the
• he was able to trade for food with the local tribe
and had even been saved from being executed by
Pocahontas, the chief’s daughter
• conditions improved in the colony, but John Smith
was forced to return to England after being burned
in a powder accident
The Starving Time and Tobacco
• London Company sent more settlers in 1609, offering free
passage to anyone willing to work for seven years
• The winter of 1609-1610 was the worst in the colony, called
the starving time: many died from Indian raids and
• John Rolfe saves the colony by experimenting with the
cultivation of tobacco
• 1613: Rolfe secures peace between Jamestown and the
Algonquians by marrying Pocahontas
• 1622: relations with the natives deteriorate after Powhatan
and Pocahontas die
• Settlers were taking increasing amounts of land for
tobacco cultivation , triggering an attack by the
• Many, including Rolfe, died and the crown revoked the
Virginia Company’s charter, but the colony survived
Virginia Grows and Changes
The Headright System and the House of Burgesses
• 1618: Virginia Company begins offering headrights: 50 acres of land for
each family member and servant or for any one else they paid passage for
• Artisans and 100 single women were also sent to make to colony more
• By the 1640s, there were 8,000 settlers, 16,000 by 1650
• 1619: formation of the House of Burgesses: membership went to white,
landholding males
• They had the power to raise taxes and make laws, but the laws could be
vetoed by the governor who was appointed by the crown
• This was the first legislature in America
Colonial Workers and Conflict
• Indentured servants: majority of workers- they received passage to
America and worked 4 to 7 years
• at the end of service, they received clothes as well as tools or land
• Men outnumbered women 3 to 1
• 1619: Dutch ship arrives with 20 African slaves; by the late 1600s, slavery
replaced indentured servants for cheap labor
• Conflict increases between rich settlers in the east and poor settlers in
the west dealing with high taxes and conflict with Natives
• Governor William Berkeley refuses to aid settlers, hoping for good fur
trading with the Natives
• Bacon’s Rebellion: former indentured servants march on Jamestown,
burning the city
• the rebellion collapses when Bacon becomes ill and dies, but the House
of Burgesses does open more land to settlement and slave labor
Main Idea: The Pilgrims founded
colonies in Massachusetts based on
Puritan religious ideals, while dissent
led to the founding of other New
England colonies.
Puritans Flee to Freedom
Puritans and Separatists
• Protestant Reformation led to
establishment of the Church of
England (Anglican Church)
• Puritans felt the Anglican Church
was still to Catholic, and wanted
to ‘purify’ it further
• Separatists wanted a complete
break with the Anglican Church
and were persecuted in England
for their beliefs
Founding Plymouth Colony
• 1608: group of Separatists move to the Netherlands but left several years
later because they did not want their children to adopt Dutch customs
• A group of merchants formed a joint-stock company and got land from
the Virginia Company
• 1620: 35 Puritans and 66 other settlers left on the Mayflower under the
leadership of William Bradford
• They were headed to the Hudson River but were blown off course and
landed at Cape Cod
• While on board, the 41 men signed the Mayflower Compact: created a
government chosen by the consent of the governed and they would obey
all laws made for the good of the group
• Half of the group died in the first winter, the rest survived with aid from
the Wampanoag Indians (especially Squanto)
• The next year was so successful, the Pilgrims held a feast for their
neighbors that we now commemorate as Thanksgiving
• Bradford continued to serve as governor until his death in 16578
Dissent Among the Puritans
“A City Upon A Hill”
• Success at Plymouth encouraged thousands of
Puritans to move to New England
• After getting funding from the Massachusetts Bay
Company, they chose John Winthrop as their leader
• They hoped to create a haven and example of Puritan
living, what they called “a city upon a hill”
• 11 ships and 700 people arrived in America in 1630 and
grew quickly, establishing towns in Boston, Salem, and
• The Company created the Massachusetts General
Court which had the ability to elect officers and make
• Each town elected members to the court, which
elected a council headed by Winthrop
• Success led to the Great Migration: 20,000 English
settlers arrive in New England between 1620 and 1643
• Puritans were not tolerant of beliefs that differed from Church cannon
• Society and government were closely linked to the church (attendance at
church was mandatory, hard work was stressed)
• Dissenters either voluntarily left, or were forced to leave the colony
• Thomas Hooker- wanted government ‘chosen by all’ leaves to form
• 1639 they write the 1 st written constitution: Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut (gave voting rights to all free men, not just church
Rhode Island and New Hampshire
• Roger Williams believed in religious tolerance
(even for Jews) and wanted separation of church
and state
• he also believe the colony should pay the Native
Americans for the land they settled on
• He purchases land from the Narragansett Indians
and forms a colony in Providence, Rhode Island
• Anne Hutchinson causes an uproar when she
claims people can read and understand the Bible
for themselves without the input of a minister
• She was banished and went to Rhode Island
• Her brother-in-law left Massachusetts in 1679 to
found a colony in modern New Hampshire; it was
a royal colony: under the control of the king
Witchcraft Trials in Salem
• 1692 girls in Salem Village begin
acting strangely and claim they were
• Belief in witchcraft was common in
the 1600s
• Hysteria gripped the colony and
eventually hundreds of people were
arrested and 19 were executed as
• Eventually the trials were
condemned and remaining prisoners
were set free
Life in New England
Education and Government
• Puritans wanted their children to be able to read the Bible and
established the first public schools in America
• They also established the first colleges in New England: Harvard and Yale
• Starting in the late 1600s, colonies most colonies were converted to royal
colonies under the control of the English king
• The town, with its school and meeting house, was the center of life in
New England colonies
• Town government was most relevant to people’s lives
• At town meetings church members and land owners were allowed to
vote for selectmen and delegates and speak about issues like taxes and
Relations with Native Americans
• As colonies expanded, they had increasing conflict with Native
• As colonies became more self-sufficient, they were less likely to try
to have good relations with surrounding tribes
• Many Puritans viewed Natives as heathens that needed to be
driven out or killed
• 1637: Pequot War: Pequot in Connecticut are slaughtered by
settlers and their Narragansett & Mohegan allies over trade with
the Dutch
• 1675: King Philip’s War: Native Americans led by Metacomet (or
King Philip) attack colonial towns
• Over 600 on both sides died and the tribe was all but wiped out
Main Idea: Events in England during
and after the English Civil War led to
a new wave of colonization along the
Atlantic coast south of New England.
A New Era of Colonization
Charles II and the Restoration
• In order to pay back his supporters in the
Civil War, King Charles II gave land grants in
the new world called proprietary colonies
(there were 4:N Pennsylvania, Carolina,
New York and New Jersey)
• These colonies were not ruled by investors
or colonial legislators, but by their Lords
• Son of a supporter, William Penn forms
Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers and
others suffering persecution
New Netherland becomes New York
• Charles gives land to his brother James, Duke of York, ignoring an
existing Dutch colony
• After briefly struggling for control, England pushed out the Dutch in
• New York was a very diverse colony with English, Dutch, Scandinavian,
German, and French settlers
• The Duke later gave part of his land to two proprietors who named their
colony New Jersey
• After disputes over land titles, both New York and New Jersey became
royal colonies in the early 1700s
New Southern Colonies
The Carolinas
• 8 men were granted a charter that made
them co-owners of Carolina (Latin for
• Settlement was slow and some of the men
gave up their claims
• Eventually settlers arrived, but the
Northern and Southern parts developed
very differently
• The Southern part had large plantations
and ports like Charles Town; the North
was dominated by small farmers and had
no harbor
• 1729: the proprietors sold their land to the
crown and the king created two colonies:
North Carolina and South Carolina
• Georgia is created as a buffer zone
between the Carolinas and SpanishFlorida
• James Oglethorpe proposed making
Georgia a colony for those thrown
into debtors prison in England
• he received a charter from King
George II and founded Georgia in
1732 (it became a royal colony in
• Originally the colony had strict rules
about slavery, land ownership, and
personal behavior, but they were
gradually relaxed
Quakers Settle Pennsylvania/
The Founding of Maryland
The Quakers
• The king wanted to get rid of the Quakers, who were unpopular in
• He encouraged Quakers to migrate to Pennsylvania
• They believed in direct communication with God and had not ministers
• They believed in equality of all men and women and were pacifists
(refused to fight)
• Because of its tolerance and wide adverting, thousands came from
Germany and Scandinavia
• 1638: small group of Swedish immigrants
settle near modern Wilmington, DE but were
overrun by the Dutch in 1655 and the English
after that
• William Penn later bought land from the Duke
of York to give water passage to the Atlantic
for Pennsylvania
George Calvert, Lord Baltimore received land from
the king to create a haven for Catholics that his son
named Maryland
1649: Maryland’s colonial assembly passes the
Toleration Act protecting the rights of all Christians
to practice their religion