Chapter 2


NOTES-Chapter 2 Section 1: European Settlements in North America

Main Idea: In the 1500s and 1600s, European nations led by Spain, continued to explore, claim territory, and build settlements in America.

Spanish Conquistadors

• 1494: Catholic Spain and Portugal appeal to the Pope to resolve competing claims to the

New World

• the _________________________________________________: drew a line on the map and gave all land to the west of the line to Spain and all land east to Portugal

Ponce de Leon & Florida

• Spanish explorers called _______________________ began exploring the Caribbean,

South, and Central America after Columbus

• Their goals were “______________________________________”

• Ponce de Leon sailed with Columbus, was governor of Puerto Rico, and searched for the fabled fountain of youth

• He became the first Spanish explorer in mainland North America when he claimed

_____________________ for Spain

Cortez and the Aztec

• Cortez claimed and explored _________________________ in an attempt to find gold

• When attempting to conquer the Aztec, he was aided by the enemies of the Aztec and an ancient legend that made them believe the Spanish were messengers from the Gods

• The Aztec fell to the Spanish in 1521

Golden Cities and other Explorers

• The successful domination of the Aztec and persistent rumors of cities of gold encouraged other explorers to push into modern-day Mexico, Texas, and Florida

• Explorers like ____________________________________ and ____________________ explored as far north as Tennessee and as far west as California, but did not find the gold they wanted

• Eventually the Spanish focused on ____________________ in Mexico

• 1565: Spanish establish a colony at ___________________________________________

• It is the oldest city in the US today

Spain Builds an Empire

Social Structure

• Spanish crown appointed ______________________________ to run new colonies that were being established

• Social classes in the colonies emerged; peninsulares (those born in Spain) felt they were superior to _________________ (pureblood Spanish born in the New World)

• Under the creoles were those who mixed with Native Americans called _____________, then Spanish and African, then pure-blood Indians, and Africans

• Also key to Spanish American social structure were _____________________________ who served to convert natives to Catholicism and to teach the faithful

Land, Labor, and the Pueblo Revolt

• Spanish established the ________________________________: Spanish received grants of land from the crown and the use of labor from the people who lived on the land

• The Natives were expected to convert to Christianity and work for the new owner

• The owner was expected to treat the natives humanely, but they were routinely enslaved and worked to death on plantations called ___________________________

• 1680: Pueblo Indians revolt against the Spanish led by ______________

• He was successful in driving the Spanish out of Santa Fe, but in 1692 Spanish soldiers retook the area

Other Nations Explore

England’s Navy

• 1497: ____________________________ arrives in Newfoundland & thinks he is in Asia; claims it for England

• 1500s- England realizes it is new land and begins looking for a northwest passage to Asia

• 1577: Protestant Queen Elizabeth builds up the English navy to challenge Catholic Spain;

_____________________________________________ first to circumnavigate the globe

New France

• 1524: ____________________________________ explores from the Carolinas to Maine for France

• 1534: ____________________________________ discovers the St. Lawrence River and explores Quebec and Montreal

• 1608: _____________________________________ establishes trade in furs and fish in


• 1666: _______________________________ explores Great Lakes region and Mississippi

River, claiming the land for France (called it Louisiana for French king Louis XIV)

New Netherland

• 1609: _________________________________ sent by the Netherlands to find the

Northwest Passage

• He discovers the Hudson River and claims land along the Atlantic coast for the Dutch

NOTES-Chapter 2 Section 2: The English in Virginia

Main Idea: After several failures, the English established a permanent settlement at Jamestown,


The First English Colonies


• Queen Elizabeth allows _____________________________________ to lead an expedition the

Atlantic Coast

• He calls the land ____________________ after her (“virgin queen”)

• 1587 Raleigh and governor John White establish a colony at _________________________ and established friendly relations with Manteo

• Virginia Dare first English born in the New World

• White was forced to return to England for supplies and was delayed 3 years due to war with

Spain in returning

• 1590: White returns but all of the settlers are gone, with only ______________________ carved on a post

• They are called the ‘Lost Colony’

King James’ Charter

• Under King James I, England tries again to settle the Atlantic Coast

• Charter rights to establishing colonies were transferred from Raleigh to the _____________

______________________ & the _________________________________________ in 1606

• These were _________________________________________________: investors pooled money to fund and govern the colony and split any profits

The Jamestown Colony

First Settlers and Captain Smith

• 1606: 100 men arrive at the James River under the London Company and built Jamestown

• The location was not ideal; swampy and in the middle of the _________________________


• The settlers succumbed to malaria and dysentery and many were gentry who refused to work

• By January 1608, only 38 men remained

_______________________________________________ became the leader of Jamestown and imposed military discipline in the colony

• he was able to trade for food with the local tribe and had even been saved from being executed by _______________________________, the chief’s daughter

• conditions improved in the colony, but John Smith was forced to return to England after being burned in a powder accident

The Starving Time and Tobacco

• London Company sent more settlers in 1609, offering free passage to anyone willing to work for seven years

• The winter of 1609-1610 was the worst in the colony, called _________________________: many died from Indian raids and starvation

____________________ saves the colony by experimenting with the cultivation of tobacco

• 1613: Rolfe secures peace between Jamestown and the Algonquians by marrying Pocahontas

• 1622: relations with the natives deteriorate after Powhatan and Pocahontas die

• Settlers were taking increasing amounts of land for tobacco cultivation , triggering an attack by the Powhatans

• Many, including Rolfe, died and the crown revoked the Virginia Company’s charter, but the colony survived

Virginia Grows and Changes

The Headright System and the House of Burgesses

• 1618: Virginia Company begins offering _____________________: 50 acres of land for each family member and servant or for any one else they paid passage for

• Artisans and 100 ________________ women were also sent to make to colony more stable

• By the 1640s, there were 8,000 settlers, 16,000 by 1650

• 1619: formation of the ______________________________________: membership went to white, landholding males

• They had the power to raise taxes and make laws, but the laws could be vetoed by the governor who was appointed by the crown

• This was the first legislature in America

Colonial Workers and Conflict

________________________________________: majority of workers- they received passage to America and worked 4 to 7 years

• at the end of service, they received clothes as well as tools or land

• Men outnumbered women 3 to 1

• 1619: Dutch ship arrives with 20 African ________________; by the late 1600s, slavery replaced indentured servants for cheap labor

• Conflict increases between rich settlers in the east and poor settlers in the west dealing with high taxes and conflict with Natives

• Governor __________________________________________ refuses to aid settlers, hoping for good fur trading with the Natives

________________________________________: former indentured servants march on

Jamestown, burning the city

• the rebellion collapses when Bacon becomes ill and dies, but the House of Burgesses does open more land to settlement and slave labor increases

NOTES-Chapter 2 Section 3: The Northern Colonies

Main Idea: The Pilgrims founded colonies in Massachusetts based on Puritan religious ideals, while dissent led to the founding of other New England colonies.

Puritans Flee to Freedom

Puritans and Separatists

• Protestant Reformation led to establishment of the Church of England (Anglican Church)

_____________________ felt the Anglican Church was still to Catholic, and wanted to ‘purify’ it further

____________________________ wanted a complete break with the Anglican Church and were persecuted in England for their beliefs

Founding Plymouth Colony

• 1608: group of Separatists move to the ______________________________ but left several years later because they did not want their children to adopt Dutch customs

• A group of merchants formed a joint-stock company and got land from the Virginia Company

• 1620: 35 Puritans and 66 other settlers left on the _________________________ under the leadership of ____________________________________________

• They were headed to the Hudson River but were blown off course and landed at Cape Cod

• While on board, the 41 men signed the ________________________________: created a government chosen by the consent of the governed and they would obey all laws made for the good of the group

• Half of the group died in the first winter, the rest survived with aid from the ______________________

________________ (especially ____________________________)

• The next year was so successful, the Pilgrims held a feast for their neighbors that we now commemorate as __________________________________

• Bradford continued to serve as governor until his death in 16578

Dissent among the Puritans

“A City upon a Hill”

• Success at Plymouth encouraged thousands of Puritans to move to _____________________________

• After getting funding from the Massachusetts Bay Company, they chose _________________________ as their leader

• They hoped to create a haven and example of Puritan living, what they called “___________________


• 11 ships and 700 people arrived in America in 1630 and grew quickly, establishing towns in Boston,

Salem, and Concord

• The Company created the Massachusetts General Court which had the ability to elect officers and make laws

• Each town elected members to the court, which elected a council headed by Winthrop

• Success led to the ______________________________________: 20,000 English settlers arrive in New

England between 1620 and 1643


• Puritans were not tolerant of beliefs that differed from Church cannon

• Society and government were closely linked to the church (attendance at church was mandatory, hard work was stressed)

• Dissenters either voluntarily left, or were forced to leave the colony

• Thomas Hooker- wanted government ‘chosen by all’  leaves to form ___________________________

• 1639 they write the 1 st written constitution: _______________________________________________

___________________ (gave voting rights to all free men, not just church members)

Rhode Island and New Hampshire

________________________________________ believed in religious tolerance (even for Jews) and wanted separation of church and state

• he also believe the colony should pay the Native Americans for the land they settled on

• He purchases land from the Narragansett Indians and forms a colony in _________________________

_______________________________________ causes an uproar when she claims people can read and understand the Bible for themselves without the input of a minister

• She was banished and went to Rhode Island

• Her brother-in-law left Massachusetts in 1679 to found a colony in modern New Hampshire; it was a

__________________________________: under the control of the king

Witchcraft Trials in Salem

• 1692 girls in Salem Village begin acting strangely and claim they were bewitched

• Belief in witchcraft was common in the 1600s

• Hysteria gripped the colony and eventually hundreds of people were arrested and 19 were executed as witches

• Eventually the trials were condemned and remaining prisoners were set free

Life in New England

Education and Government

• Puritans wanted their children to be able to read the Bible and established the first _______________

_________________ in America

• They also established the first colleges in New England: _______________________ and ___________

• Starting in the late 1600s, colonies most colonies were converted to royal colonies under the control of the English king

• The town, with its school and meeting house, was the center of life in New England colonies

• Town government was most relevant to people’s lives

• At _________________________________ church members and land owners were allowed to vote for selectmen and delegates and speak about issues like taxes and roads

Relations with Native Americans

• As colonies expanded, they had increasing conflict with Native Americans

• As colonies became more self-sufficient, they were less likely to try to have good relations with surrounding tribes

• Many Puritans viewed Natives as ________________________ that needed to be driven out or killed

• 1637: ________________________________: Pequot in Connecticut are slaughtered by settlers and their Narragansett & Mohegan allies over trade with the Dutch

• 1675: ________________________________________________: Native Americans led by Metacomet

(or King Philip) attack colonial towns

• Over 600 on both sides died and the tribe was all but wiped out

NOTES-Chapter 2 Section 4: The Middle and Southern Colonies

Main Idea: Events in England during and after the English Civil War led to a new wave of colonization along the Atlantic coast south of New England.

A New Era of Colonization

Charles II and the Restoration

• In order to pay back his supporters in the Civil War, King Charles II gave land grants in the new world called ___________________________________________ (there were

4:N Pennsylvania, Carolina, New York and New Jersey)

• These colonies were not ruled by investors or colonial legislators, but by their ________


• Son of a supporter, William Penn forms ____________________________ as a haven for Quakers and others suffering persecution

New Netherland becomes New York

• Charles gives land to his brother James, Duke of York, ignoring an existing Dutch colony

• After briefly struggling for control, England pushed out the Dutch in 1674

• New York was a very diverse colony with English, Dutch, Scandinavian, German, and

French settlers

• The Duke later gave part of his land to two proprietors who named their colony _______


• After disputes over land titles, both New York and New Jersey became royal colonies in the early 1700s

New Southern Colonies

The Carolinas

• 8 men were granted a charter that made them co-owners of Carolina (Latin for Charles)

• Settlement was slow and some of the men gave up their claims

• Eventually settlers arrived, but the Northern and Southern parts developed very differently

• The Southern part had large plantations and ports like Charles Town; the North was dominated by small farmers and had no harbor

• 1729: the proprietors sold their land to the crown and the king created two colonies:

__________________________________ and __________________________________


• Georgia is created as a buffer zone between the Carolinas and Spanish-Florida

________________________________________ proposed making Georgia a colony for those thrown into debtors prison in England

• he received a charter from King George II and founded Georgia in 1732 (it became a royal colony in 1751)

• Originally the colony had strict rules about slavery, land ownership, and personal behavior, but they were gradually relaxed

Quakers Settle Pennsylvania/The Founding of Maryland

The Quakers

• The king wanted to get rid of the Quakers, who were unpopular in England

• He encouraged Quakers to migrate to Pennsylvania

• They believed in direct communication with God and had not ministers

• They believed in equality of all men and women and were ___________________

(refused to fight)

• Because of its tolerance and wide adverting, thousands came from Germany and



• 1638: small group of ___________________ immigrants settle near modern

Wilmington, DE but were overrun by the Dutch in 1655 and the English after that

• William Penn later bought land from the Duke of York to give water passage to the

Atlantic for Pennsylvania


• George Calvert, _______________________________________ received land from the king to create a haven for Catholics that his son named __________________________

• 1649: Maryland’s colonial assembly passes the _________________________________ protecting the rights of all Christians to practice their religion
