Slide 1 - Petal School District

Jan 12-16
Bellwork – AY
12 Jan
• Put these in order from most often to rarest
– Parfois
– Rarement
– Souvent
– Jamais
– toujours
Bellwork – AY
13 Jan
• Conjugage the verb « Faire »
Bellwork – AY
14 Jan
• Quiz today.
• Il y a une nouvelle étudiante en classe.
– Il faut….
• After you finish the quiz we’re working on
page 156 (sortir, partir, et cetera)
Bellwork – AY
15 Jan
• Conjugate the verb partir!
– (try not to use your notes)
Bellwork – AY
16 Jan
• translate into French
– The cake smells good!
• After you finish the bell work, please turn in
all five.
Bellwork – F2
12 Jan
• Translate this sentence into French
– I watched a movie this weekend.
Bellwork – F2
13 Jan
• Translate this sentence into French
– We finished all the homework.
Bellwork – F2
14 Jan
• Translate this sentence into French
– They (f) went to the store yesterday.
Bellwork – F2
15 Jan
• Translate this sentence into French
– She got to class late.
Bellwork – F2
16 Jan
• Translate this sentence into French
– I studied well for this test.
• After you finish the bell work, please turn in
all five.
Bellwork – SEM
12 Jan
• If plural make singular and vice versa
– Une petite amie
– Un bureau
– Les animeaux
– L’etudiant
Bellwork – SEM
13 Jan
• What three objects can you find in the
average backpack?
Bellwork – SEM
14 Jan
• Conjugate the verb être
Bellwork – SEM
15 Jan
• Write
– one descriptive sentence about yourself and
– One about one of your classmates
Bellwork – SEM
16 Jan
• Answer this question using a complete
sentence in French.
– Combien des tableaux y a-t-il?
• After you finish the bell work, please turn in
all five.