Unit 2 Speech writing Speech Writing Process Unit 2 News Article Commentary Title (centered) Double Space between the title and the introduction I. Introduction A. Attention Getter- grab the audience’s attention B. Motivational Link- Why is this speech important to the audience? Why should they want to listen to your speech? C. Purpose- “The purpose of my speech today is to talk about….” D. Preview- What will I tell them today? Main point 1 and Main point 2 and main point 3 of the body. DOUBLE SPACE BETWEEN THE MAIN POINTS II. Body A. Main Point 1 1. supporting details 2. supporting details Transitional sentence- I have just told you (main pt 1) now I will tell you ()main pt 2) B. Main point 2 1. supporting details 2. supporting details Transitional sentence- I have just told you (main point 2) now I will tell you (main pt 3) C. Main point 3 1. supporting details 2. Supporting details DOUBLE SPACE BETWEEN THE MAIN POINTS III. Conclusion A. Review = A + B + C from the body. “Today I have told you…….” B. Final Appeal- Lasting Impression (tie back into the attention getter) Do not repeat attention getter! Title- Centered (DS) Double Space between the title and the introduction I. Introduction A. Attention Getter- grab the audience’s attention B. Motivational Link- Why is this speech important to the audience? Why should they want to listen to your speech? C. Purpose- “The purpose of my speech today is to talk about….” D. Preview- What will I tell them today? Main point 1 and Main point 2 and main point 3 of the body. MOVE (Double Space) II. Body A. Main Point 1 1. supporting details 2. supporting details MOVE: Transitional sentence- I have just told you (main pt 1) now I will tell you (main pt 2) this is where you will move B. Main point 2 1. supporting details 2. supporting details MOVE: Transitional sentence- I have just told you (main point 2) now I will tell you (main pt 3) C. Main point 3 1. supporting details 2. Supporting details MOVE:(Double Space) III. CONCLUSION (all caps) A. Review = A + B + C from the body. “Today I have told you…….” B. Final Appeal- Lasting Impression (tie back into the attention getter) Do not repeat attention getter! Attention Getters Always Cite Conversationally Quotation According to (Author’s name), Quote here (Author) once said, “quote here” Example: According to, Marva Collins, “character is what you know you are, not what others think you have.” Marva Collins once said, “character is what you know you are, not what others think you have.” Shocking/Startling Statement- *researched *cited According to, (source), facts Example: According to fastfoodmarketing.org, Children as young as age 2 are seeing more fast food ads than ever before, and restaurants rarely offer parents the healthy kids' meal choices. ****Website: http://www.fastfoodmarketing.org/ Statistics: *researched *cited According to, source, facts here. Example: According to takepart.com, 80 percent of Americans report eating fast food at least once a month, with almost half confessing they eat it at least once a week. ****http://www.takepart.com/article/2013/08/07/ Refer to an Event (Historical or Current) ***Cite if necessary Big event News Story/Narrative- cited unless you made it up. Website + News article Title + author (if applicable) Example: According to cnn.com, the article, Mark Wahlberg Earns High School Diploma.” states….. Vivid Description: describe 5 senses (doesn’t have to be all 5) Reproduce Dialog or Use a Conversation Cite if necessary ****Rhetorical Question (thought-provoking)**** Multiple answers, or requires thought Hypothetical Scenario What if….. Imagine…. Definition- *cite dictionary* According to, (source), definition here. Example: according to dictionary.com, art is defined as, the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. Other ideas……… Action- sing, dance, act, play an instrument Create Your Own Attention Getter Journal # 1 GUESS THAT ATTENTION GETTER 1. “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” –Bill Cosby 2. According to the US Department of Labor the article, “Teen Workers," a young man named Tom was a 16year-old, hired as a summer helper, at a warehouse. He was driving a forklift down a loading dock ramp with the forks lifted 10 feet high, when the vehicle became unstable. The forklift toppled over, Tom got trapped underneath, and he was crushed to death. 3. Which word best describes the typical working American today: overworked, under-worked, energetic, or lazy? 4. In less than two minutes, you can pass out or even die from poisonous smoke and gases. 5. What if your house was in flames and your family was inside would you risk your life to save them? 6. It is 7 a.m. the birds are chirping and a peaceful breeze blows through your hair. Your body is warming with every second of the beautiful sunrise. You look out over the lake and see what looks like glass. Not another person in sight and you realize that you will be the first person that day wakeboarding on perfect water. 7. According to smokingstatistics.org, half of all teenagers who are currently smoking will die from diseases caused by tobacco if they continue to smoke. One quarter will die after 70 years of age and one quarter before, with those dying before 70 losing on average 21 years of life. 8. Imagine, for a moment, that you live in a country where the government won’t allow you to show your face in public. You have no say in the way you live your life. How might you react? 9. Bill said, “Katie I would be honored if you would go to the prom with me.” Katie replied I would never in a million years go on any date with you.” As she finished saying this she slapped Bill in the face and walked off. Bill was heartbroken and yelled for Katie, “please come back and talk to me I will do anything.” This is how the whole incident began…. Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Quotation Story Rhetorical Question Shocking startling statement-significant Hypothetical scenario Vivid description Statistic Rhetorical question-hypothetical scenario Story or reproduced dialogue Motivational Link: Why should the audience CARE about your topic? Make a connection to the audience, telling them why they should CARE about your subject. EXAMPLES: “This affects you because…..” “You or someone you know will experience this.” Brainstorming for motivational link: Write out but don’t say You care about _____________, because ________________. If you are struggling to write a motivational link, try this. Example: Step 1: You care about choices because everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our future in either a positive or negative way. Step 2: Cross out you care about (subject) because Step 3: You care about choices because everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our future in either a positive or negative way. Step 4: Your motivational Link is; Example: Everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our future in either a positive or negative way. NEVER EVER say “you care about my speech because” during a speech!!!!!! C. PURPOSE & D. PREVIEW Purpose: What is the purpose of your speech? To Inform or to Persuade? C. “The purpose of my speech is to …….. Example: The purpose of my speech today is to talk to you about a (news article). Preview: Tell the audience your 3 main points. IN ORDER. D. First, I will tell you….Then, I will….Last, or finally…… Example: I will first talk about the artist and song facts, then I will tell you the story of the song and finally I will tell you the universal message. Attention Getters Always Cite Conversationally Quotation According to (Author’s name), Quote here (Author) once said, “quote here” Example: According to, Marva Collins, “character is what you know you are, not what others think you have.” Marva Collins once said, “character is what you know you are, not what others think you have.” Shocking/Startling Statement- *researched *cited According to, (source), facts Example: According to fastfoodmarketing.org, Children as young as age 2 are seeing more fast food ads than ever before, and restaurants rarely offer parents the healthy kids' meal choices. ****Website: http://www.fastfoodmarketing.org/ Statistics: *researched *cited According to, source, facts here. Example: According to takepart.com, 80 percent of Americans report eating fast food at least once a month, with almost half confessing they eat it at least once a week. ****http://www.takepart.com/article/2013/08/07/ Refer to an Event (Historical or Current) ***Cite if necessary Big event News Story/Narrative- cited unless you made it up. Website + News article Title + author (if applicable) Example: According to cnn.com, the article, Mark Wahlberg Earns High School Diploma.” states….. Vivid Description: describe 5 senses (doesn’t have to be all 5) Reproduce Dialog or Use a Conversation Cite if necessary ****Rhetorical Question (thought-provoking)**** Multiple answers, or requires thought Hypothetical Scenario What if….. Imagine…. Definition- *cite dictionary* According to, (source), definition here. Example: according to dictionary.com, art is defined as, the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. Other ideas……… Action- sing, dance, act, play an instrument Create Your Own Attention Getter Day 2: Speech Writing • • • • Review Outline Format Go over notes: Motivational Links Journal #2: Links Source Citation Assignment (____Title__) ___Double Space I.__Introduction________________ A. Attention getter B. Motivational Link C. Purpose D. Preview _Double Space_ II. Body A. Main Point 1 (news article recap) 1. Supporting Details 2._Supporting Details (Transitional Sentence tell the what you told them, tell them what you are going to tell them.) B. Main Point 2 (Thoughts/Opinion) 1.Supporting Details 2.Supporting Details (Transitional Sentence) C. Main Point 3 1. 2. _Double Space_ III.CONCLUSION A. Review Statement- I have just told you main point 1, now I will tell you main point 2. B. Final Appeal- must tie back to the idea discussed in the attention getter, WITHOUT repeating it. Motivational Link: Why should the audience CARE about your topic? Make a connection to the audience, telling them why they should CARE about your subject. EXAMPLES: “This affects you because…..” “You or someone you know will experience this.” Brainstorming for motivational link: Write out but don’t say You care about _____________, because ________________. If you are struggling to write a motivational link, try this. Example: Step 1: You care about choices because everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our future in either a positive or negative way. Step 2: Cross out you care about (subject) because Step 3: You care about choices because everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our future in either a positive or negative way. Step 4: Your motivational Link is; Example: Everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our future in either a positive or negative way. NEVER EVER say “you care about my speech because” during a speech!!!!!! Journal #2: Links Directions: Write down one motivational link for each subject. You care about (subject) because……. • • • • Animal Experimentation Recycling Success Kindness C. PURPOSE & D. PREVIEW • What is the purpose of your speech? • You must tell the audience where you are going! – To Inform or to Persuade? C. “The purpose of my speech is to …….. D. First, I will tell you…. Then, I will…. Last, …… Writing Introductions In your journal we will write two introductions. 1 as a class and one on your own. As a class…. Internet Dangers I. Introduction A. B. C. D. On Your Own….. 1. Motivation 2. Education 3. Fast Food 4. Body Image 5. Diversity 6. Choices 7. Peer Pressure 8. Nutrition 9. Stereotyping 10. Global Warming Title I. INTRODUCTION A. B. C. D. Attention Getter Motivational Link Purpose Preview Source Citations Journal #3: Puzzle Outline Notes: Source Citations Assignment: Source Citations Journal # 3: Puzzle Outline Directions: In your journal fill in the blanks. This is your outline format for writing speeches. (______) ___ I.__________________ A.___________________ B.___________________ C.___________________ D.___________________ ___ II.__________________________ A.______________________ 1._____________________ 2._________________________ (________) B._______________________________ 1.________________ 2.________________ C.____________________________ 1._____________________ 2._____________________ ___ III.________________________________________ A.__________________ B.__________________ (____Title__) ___Double Space I.__Introduction________________ A. Attention getter B. Motivational Link C. Purpose D. Preview _Double Space_ II. Body A. Main Point 1 (news article recap) 1. Supporting Details 2._Supporting Details (Transitional Sentence tell them (audience) what you told them, tell them what you are going to tell them.) B. Main Point 2 (Thoughts/Opinion) 1.Supporting Details 2.Supporting Details (Transitional Sentence) C. Main Point 3 1. 2. _Double Space_ III.CONCLUSION A. Review Statement- I have just told you main point 1, now I will tell you main point 2. B. Final Appeal- must tie back to the idea discussed in the attention getter, WITHOUT repeating it. How to cite sources for public speaking • ALWAYS CONVERSATIONAL • When you are delivering a speech, you must provide an oral citation for any words, information or ideas that are not your own. • An oral citation is defined in Public Speaking, by Coopman and Lull (2009), as a “brief reference to a source during a speech” Source Citation 1. Quotation Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. Wayne Dyer • Wayne Dyer once said, “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. • According to Wayne Dyer, “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. Citing Websites Website If the website is; http://www.statehealthfacts.org/profileglance.jsp ?rgn=14 “there are over 13 thousand people on unemployment in the state of Idaho.” Example: according to statehealthfacts.org,“there are over 13 thousand people on unemployment in the state of Idaho.” Significant Statement: Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That’s a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day. URL: http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11facts-about-dropping-out dosomething.org YOUR ATTENTION GETTER: According to dosomething.org, Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States. That’s a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day. Citing News Stories • website + article title + author (if applicable) • According to CNN.com, the article, “Teen narrowly escapes death after smoking synthetic marijuana,” is about OR says; Tricky Sites http://devstu.org/ (not conversational) Devstu.org =‘s Developmental Studies Center Go to the webpage and look for the webpage title Example: According to the developmental studies center, “during three school years (2003–04 through 2005–06), Integrity’s students made extraordinary progress on the California Standards Tests. Citing Websites • ALWAYS CONVERSATIONAL Never Cite • Wikipedia • Cha cha • Wiki answers • Answers.com • Ask.com • BLOGS! • Etc. Citing Sources Assignment CLASSROOM COPY Directions: You will write an attention getter for each section. 1. Quotation: Cite BOTH ways *use you attention getter sheet. “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss 2. Shocking or startling statement Fact : More than 23 million children and teenagers in the U.S. are obese or overweight, statistic that health experts consider an epidemic. Website http://fatfightertv.com/blog/2011/09/5-startling-facts-aboutchildhoodobesity/ 3. Statistic Across the country, 1 out of every 4 high school students is dropping out. Website: *http://boostup.org/en/facts/statistics 4. Definition: COMMUNICATION : exchange of information between individuals through a common system of signs, symbols, or behavior Website:http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/communication Source Citation Assignment Question #5: 1. Read the story 2. Write a complete introduction 1. Cite the article as your attention getter 2. Follow the outline format 3. D. Preview: A. Article Summary B. Thoughts or opinions about the article Citing Sources Assignment CLASSROOM COPY Directions: You will write an attention getter for each section. 1. Quotation: Cite BOTH ways *use you attention getter sheet. “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss 2. Shocking or startling statement Fact : More than 23 million children and teenagers in the U.S. are obese or overweight, statistic that health experts consider an epidemic. Website http://fatfightertv.com/blog/2011/09/5-startling-facts-aboutchildhoodobesity/ 3. Statistic Across the country, 1 out of every 4 high school students is dropping out. Website: *http://boostup.org/en/facts/statistics 4. Definition: COMMUNICATION : exchange of information between individuals through a common system of signs, symbols, or behavior Website:http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/communication Question #5: Read the story, and write a complete introduction, following the outline format and citing the story as your attention getter. “Young Brothers Invent Bestselling iPhone App” By Kathryn Hawkins. http://gimundo.com/news/article/young-brothers-invent-bestselling-iphone-app/ If you’ve got an iPhone, there’s no doubt you’ve discovered the addictive world of iPhone apps. From the teensy versions of Sim City and Scrabble to the bizarre Photoshop-esque Face Melter to Twitterific (one of the many apps that lets us Twitter addicts keep an eye on our streams at all times), there’s an app for every person and every purpose. But have you ever tried to build one yourself? It may seem like the sort of challenge that only an ultra-tech savvy genius could accomplish, but you might be surprised to learn that one of the online store’s bestselling apps was created by someone who’s still years away from high school, let alone an illustrious job in Sillicon Valley: 11-year-old Owen Voorhees. The boy from Hinsdale, Illinois has always been passionate about computers and technology, but developing an app from scratch was a little beyond what he’d learned in his school computer classes. So Owen spent nine months studying programming languages and college computer science textbooks, teaching himself all the skills necessary to develop an educational iPhone app, MathTime. The game works as a simple flash card-like device, showing users a basic math problem before revealing the answer on the next screen. Though MathTime’s premise is fairly basic, it seems that simplicity sells: as of last month, the app was the 13th biggest bestseller in the educational category, and has sold over 140 copies in a single day. “It’s really cool to make something work, to make a little money, to do something like this,” Owen told Inc. Magazine. And Owen isn’t the only budding entrepreneur in his family: his 9-year-old brother Finn designed all of the symbols used in the game. Sounds like the next tech dynasty has already begun. Source Citation Assignment Answers Citing a Quotation: Cite the quotes correctly, citing BOTH ways. Refer to your green attention getter sheet. • “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss. – According to, Dr. Seuss, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss once said, “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Shocking/Startling Statement • More than 23 million children and teenagers in the U.S. are obese or overweight. http://fatfightertv.com/blog/2011/09/5startling-facts-about-childhoodobesity/ Answ: According to, fatfightertv.com, more than 23 million children and teenagers in the U.S. are obese or overweight. 3. Statistic #3: Across the country, 1 out of every 4 high school students is dropping out. Website: http://boostup.org/en/facts/statistics Answer: According to boostup.org, across the country 1 out of every 4 high school students is dropping out. 4. Definition: Cite the definition correctly as you would for an attention getter. • COMMUNICATION : exchange of information between individuals through a common system of signs, symbols, or behavior • http://www.merriamwebster.com/medical/communication Answer: According to merriam-webster.com, “communication is the exchange of information between individuals through a common system of signs, symbols, or behavior.” Inventions I. Introduction A. According to gimundo.com, the article “Young Brothers Invent Bestselling iPhone App by Kathryn Hawkins,” states, that an 11-year old boy created the 13th biggest selling app. B. You care about iphone inventions because many of us have apps that we download daily but we don’t necessarily think twice about who or how old the creator is. C. The purpose of my speech today is to talk to you about the iphone inventions. D. I will first talk to you about the history of apps, then I will talk to you about, top selling apps and finally I’ll discuss some of the most famous creators of these apps that we use daily.