Chapter 43 Guided Reading

Chapter 43: Internal Defense – Guided Reading
1. What is an immune response?
2. Describe the 2 types of immune responses and give examples.
a. Nonspecific
b. Specific
3. Define and give examples:
a. Antigen
b. Antibodies
c. Immunological memory
4. What are several ways for our body to use nonspecific defense?
5. Describe in detail the following cytokines:
a. Interferons
i. Type I
ii. Type II
b. Interleukins
c. Tumor necrosis factors (TNFs)
6. What is the complement system and what are the 4 actions of activated complement proteins?
7. Why is phagocytosis important for immunity? Describe all important aspects.
8. What is the significance of natural killer (NK) cells?
9. What is inflammation? Describe the characteristics and steps of inflammation.
10. How does a fever help to fight infection?
11. What are the 2 types of specific immune responses?
12. Lymphocytes are extremely important to immunity. Describe the following types with as much
detail as possible. Also, describe accompanying terms:
a. NK cells
b. B cells
i. Plasma cells
ii. Memory B cells
c. T cells
i. Immunocompetent
ii. CD8 T cells/cytotoxic T cells/ killer T cells
iii. CD4 T cells/ helper T cells
13. Discuss the details of MHC antigens.
14. Antibody-mediated immunity – (humoral immunity) – What cells are primarily responsible? List
the steps:
15. Discuss antibodies. What are their 2 main functions? What is the structure of an antibody?
16. What is an antigenic determinant?
17. List and describe the 5 classes of antibodies.
18. What other defense mechanisms are activated by antibody-antigen complexes?
19. What are monoclonal antibodies? How are they produced?
20. Cell-Mediated Immunity – What cells are primarily responsible? List the steps:
21. What cells are responsible for long-term immunity and immunological memory?
22. Explain the differences between a primary response and a secondary response.
23. What is the purpose of a booster shot?
24. Describe the following terms related to immunity:
a. Active immunity
b. Vaccine
i. Attenuated
ii. Killed
iii. Toxins
c. Passive immunity
i. “Borrowed immunity”
ii. Natural passive immunity
25. How does the body defend against cancer cells?
26. What is graft rejection?
27. How can rejection be prevented?
28. Explain xenotransplantation.
29. What is an allergic reaction? What are some things that people are commonly allergic to?
30. List and describe the 3 possible steps of an allergic reaction.
31. What are hives?
32. Describe the details of systemic anaphylaxis.
33. What is the purpose and role of an antihistamine?
34. What is autoimmunity? Give examples of autoimmune diseases.