Welcome to the International Studies Student Association at UCSD!

Winter GBM #1: January 12, 2016
Who Are We?
Ivana Ro, President
The International Studies Student Association (ISSA) is the official student
organization for UCSD’s undergraduate International Studies Program.
We are a professional, social,
academic and I-House
organization that seeks to
gather like-minded
individuals who share diverse
interests in international
studies and international
relations. We provide a
platform of rich experiences
and opportunities in
international studies.
Q&A Session:
Senior Panel
featuring various ISP student leaders
Fall in Review
Check out what we’ve been up to since our last GBM!
Mentorship Potlucks
Cassidy Shapiro, Mentorship Program Director
 On Nov 18th, UMP mentors and mentees
gathered together to share in a time of
games, catching up and snacks.
 On Nov 19th, AMP alumni mentors and
mentees gathered for a goal-setting
workshop & a festive potluck meal.
Want to get involved? Questions/concerns?
 UMP: Email Cassie (cshapiro@ucsd.edu )
or Jenny (jhgross@ucsd.edu).
 AMP: Email Cassie (cshapiro@ucsd.edu)
or Ivana (iro@ucsd.edu).
Get Involved!
Contact Cassidy (cshapiro@ucsd.edu) to hear about
opportunities and have any questions or concerns answered.
Visit https://issaucsd.wordpress.com/mentorshipprogram/ to learn more.
Santorini Fundraiser
Thank you to all who came out to support!
Member of the Quarter
Recognize an ISSA member each quarter for their hard
work, commitment or involvement on campus! Each
member will be featured on ISSA's social media platforms,
and will also receive a small prize.
To nominate a fellow member (or even yourself!), click the
link here: http://bit.ly/1OLIaMv
Student Soundbites Blog
From students, for students
• Blog post topics range
from summer travel
stories, internship
experiences to general
• ALL members are
encouraged to
If you are interested in contributing a piece, contact
Jenny (jhgross@ucsd.edu) or submit a piece on our website:
Stay Active with ISSA!
Rebecca Chong, Director of Administrative Affairs
What does it mean to be an “active member”? You must:
Attend all GBMs (2 per quarter!)
Attend least one additional social or professional event
each quarter (volunteering, Networking Night, etc.)
If part of the UMP or AMP, meet all program-specific
Stay involved – via Facebook/Twitter,
socializing/networking with other members, even hanging
Stay connected by signing up for our weekly email newsletter
today! To unsubscribe, email issa-exec@ucsd.edu or contact Becca
directly (rcchong@ucsd.edu).
Additional Opportunities
GPS events, I-House orgs, and more!
I-House Events
Global Forum
Language Conversation
 The Global Forum hosts a weekly
series of events highlighting global
issues that are open to the entire
campus and larger
community. Topics range from
climate change, refugee health,
human rights, diplomacy, and
more. Check out the Global Forum
calendar of events.
 Practice languages and meet
new people!
 Every Thursday, 6 – 7 pm @
Asante Classrooms, I-House
 RSVP to next weeks’ event here:
“Global Forum: Gender and
Resistance in the Black Diaspora ”
 Wed, January 13th
 3:30pm @ the Great Hall
For more info, visit
Upcoming GPS Events
Who is Responsible for Climate Change?
When: Thurs, January 21st @ 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Where: GPS Robinson Auditorium
For more info: http://bit.ly/1PeaqCt
" China: An Alternative Model for Innovation?"
When: Fri, January 22nd @ 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Where: UC San Diego, Institute of the Americas, Hojel
For more info: http://bit.ly/1m6n149
Triton Winter Job
and Internship Fair
Sponsored by: UCSD Career Services
 When: TOMORROW! Wed, January 13th, 10:00am –
 Where: Price Center Ballroom East and West
 For more info and full list of participants:
Keep in Touch!
Website: issaucsd.wordpress.com
Email: issa-exec@ucsd.edu
Facebook: facebook.com/issa.ucsd
Twitter: twitter.com/issa_ucsd
LinkedIn: International Studies Student Association at UCSD
Have Questions? Speak to…
Mentorship Programs
Member of the Quarter, Blog
Thanks for coming!