
Notes on Crash Course Biology: Photosynthesis
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Read Pages 202-207
Answer Review on Page 207
What are the two types of reactions in photosynthesis?
Light dependent are called what?
Light independent are called what?
Photosynthesis is basically respiration in ________________________
What does photosynthesis need to work?
How do vascular plants get water into the plant?
How does carbon dioxide get in and oxygen get out of a plant?
How does sunlight get into the plant?
What do plant cells have that animal cells don’t?
What is the most important plastid?
Where is the chlorophyll stored in the chloroplasts?
The thylakoids are stacked into _______________________________
Inside the thylakoid is the______________________________ and outside the thylakoid is the
_________________________________ but all is inside the chloroplasts
Notes on Crash Course Biology: Photosynthesis
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The thylakoid membranes are _______________________ bilayers and really good at maintaining
concentration gradients
Stage one of photosynthesis is light- _____________________________ reaction
Photon of light hits __________________ in the plant
What is photoexcitation?
Chlorophyll is able to _________________________ molecules
Splitting water creates ________________ and ______________ as byproducts
Thylakoid starts to fill up with ______________________ we do this to create a ________________ in
the thylakoid.
Protons in the thylakoid want to get away from each other so they push their way through an enzyme
called ________________________________ that uses that proton to create ______________________
The electrons continue to travel on another electron carrier to use their energy to make
At the end of the light dependent reactions you have chemical energy in the form of __________ and
____________ and a byproduct ________________
The Calvin Cycle is where __________ Reactions occur.
Dark reactions don’t require energy from ____________________
Notes on Crash Course Biology: Photosynthesis
Video found on YouTube
Dark reactions are also known as light ____________________________ reactions
Where does the Calvin cycle begin?
What is the first phase of the Calvin cycle called?
_______________ is fixed to a five carbon compound called ribulosebisphosphate (RUBP)
CO2 is connected to RUBP by an _________________ called RuBisCo
The six carbon chain breaks apart into _______________ molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate
The second stage of the Calvin cycle is called what?
ATP slams a phosphate on to a 3-phosphoglycerate and NADPH adds some _______________ on to 3phosphoglycerate making G3P
G3P can be turned into carbohydrates like _______________________, _________________________,
and ________________________________
We convert ______ RUBPS into _____ G3Ps but only _______ of the G3P gets to leave the cycle and the
remaining ______ G3Ps regenerate the RUBPs to restart the cycle.
The third and final stage of the Calvin cycle is called what?
Notes on Crash Course Biology: Photosynthesis
Video found on YouTube
Answer Review on Page 207