Article 1

Legislative Branch
Article 1
Section 1:
 The main function of the legislative branch is: ________________________
 Made up of 2 chambers (or branches): _______________________ & _______________________
o Together both are called: __________________________
Section 2: The House of Representatives
House of Representatives
Must live
Term length
# of members
Representatives based on ______________________
o Congress authorizes census every ____________ years
o “The number of representatives shall not exceed __________ for every ______________________ but
each state shall have at least one.”
o In 1910 the number of representatives was frozen at 435
The main officer of the US House of Representatives is the ______________________________
Impeachment: Official accusation of federal wrong doing; to bring formal charges against
o ______________________________________ has the sole power to impeach
Section 3: The Senate
Must live
Term length
# of members
The ___________________________________ of the United States is the President of the Senate
o Only duty of VP assigned by Constitution – modern Presidents have given them more duties
o Has no vote unless the congress is tied in a vote on an issue
When the president of the Senate isn’t there, the __________________________________ is in charge
o Pro tempore = temporary
During impeachment trials, the Senate acts as the ________________
o Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides if president is on trial
o 2/3 of all senators present must vote for conviction – finding the accused guilty
 No President has ever been convicted
Section 4: Congressional Elections
 All matters regarding times, places and procedures of elections are controlled by the state
 Congress must meet _________________ a year
Section 5: Rules/Procedures
 _________________: The minimum # of members that must be present to conduct a session of Congress
 Congressional Records (journals) are an __________________________________________________________________
Section 6: Payment
 Congress receives an annual payment out of the ________________________________
Section 7: How a bill becomes a law
 You will get more notes on this later!!! 
Section 8: Powers granted to Congress
 There are lots of clauses, but you only need to know the following for our class:
o Clause 1: _________________________, _____________________________, & ______________________________
o Clause 2: Power to borrow money
o Clause 4: Bankruptcy and naturalization rules
Bankruptcies: individuals and/or companies cannot pay their debts
Naturalization: the process by which a foreign born person becomes a citizen of the
United States
Clause 5: Coin Money
Clause 7: Establish Post Offices and Highways
Clause 9: Establish courts below the Supreme Court
Clause 11: Declare War and make rule’s about taking the enemy’s property
Clause 17: Create the Nation’s Capital and make all laws for that Capital
 Also called the Necessary and Proper Clause
 Gives Congress the right to make all laws that are “necessary and proper” to carry
out the rest of the powers.
 Implied Powers: gives them to the power to act in other areas NOT specifically
talked about in the Constitution.
Section 9: Powers denied to Congress
 Until what year did Congress have to wait until they could take action against slavery?_____________
 How much tax did they place on slaves? __________
 _____________________________________: court order that requires the government to bring a prisoner to
court and explain why he or she is being held.
 _____________________________________: a law pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, usually treason,
without trial and subjecting that person to capital punishment
 _____________________________________: A law that is made effective prior to the date that it was passed and
therefore punishes people for acts that were not illegal at the time; Makes it illegal to have done
something that was not against the law when it was done
Section 10: Powers denied to States
 Making treaties, coining money, ex post facto law, bill of attainder, taxing imports & exports, etc.
 Congress has the power to change this
Legislative Branch
Article 1
Section 1:
 The main function of the legislative branch is to make laws
 Made up of 2 chambers (or branches): House of Representatives & Senate
o Together both are called Congress
Section 2: The House of Representatives
Must live
Term length
# of members
House of Representatives
7 years
In district
2 years
Representatives based on population
o Congress authorizes census every 10 years
o “The number of representatives shall not exceed 1 for every 30,000 but each state shall
have at least one.”
o In 1910 the number of representatives was frozen at 435
The main officer of the US House of Representatives is the Speaker of the House
Impeachment: Official accusation of federal wrong doing; to bring formal charges against
o House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach
Section 3: The Senate
9 years
Must live
In state
Term length
6 years
# of members
The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate
o Only duty of VP assigned by Constitution – modern Presidents have given them more duties
o Has no vote unless the congress is tied in a vote on an issue
When the president of the Senate isn’t there, the President Pro Tempore is in charge
o Pro tempore = temporary
During impeachment trials, the Senate acts as the jury
o Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides if president is on trial
o 2/3 of all senators present must vote for conviction – finding the accused guilty
 No President has ever been convicted
Section 4: Congressional Elections
 All matters regarding times, places and procedures of elections are controlled by the state
 Congress must meet once a year
Section 5: Rules/Procedures
 Quorum: The minimum # of members that must be present to conduct a session of Congress
 Congressional Records (journals) are an explanation/record of the basic happenings of Congress
Section 6: Payment
 Congress receives an annual payment out of the treasury
Section 7: How a bill becomes a law
 You will get more notes on this later!!! 
Section 8: Powers granted to Congress
 There are lots of clauses, but you only need to know the following for our class:
o Clause 1: Collect taxes, pay debts, provide services
o Clause 2: Power to borrow money
o Clause 4: Bankruptcy and naturalization rules
Bankruptcies: individuals and/or companies cannot pay their debts
Naturalization: the process by which a foreign born person becomes a citizen of the
United States
Clause 5: Coin Money
Clause 7: Establish Post Offices and Highways
Clause 9: Establish courts below the Supreme Court
Clause 11: Declare War and make rule’s about taking the enemy’s property
Clause 17: Create the Nation’s Capital and make all laws for that Capital
 Also called the Necessary and Proper Clause
 Gives Congress the right to make all laws that are “necessary and proper” to carry
out the rest of the powers.
 Implied Powers: gives them to the power to act in other areas NOT specifically
talked about in the Constitution.
Section 9: Powers denied to Congress
 Until what year did Congress have to wait until they could take action against slavery?_____________
 How much tax did they place on slaves? __________
 Writ of Habeas Corpus: court order that requires the government to bring a prisoner to court
and explain why he or she is being held.
 Bill of Attainder: a law pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, usually treason, without trial and
subjecting that person to capital punishment
 Ex Post Facto Law: A law that is made effective prior to the date that it was passed and therefore
punishes people for acts that were not illegal at the time; Makes it illegal to have done something
that was not against the law when it was done
Section 10: Powers denied to States
 Making treaties, coining money, ex post facto law, bill of attainder, taxing imports & exports, etc.
 Congress has the power to change this