Learning Targets • I can name the force that holds the atom’s nucleus together • I can describe the two reasons why some isotopes are radioactive. • I can describe the four types of radiation • I can predict the type of decay an element will go through to become stable. Nuclear Reactions • Nuclear Reactions involve the nucleus and may change one element into another • Two types: – Decay reactions- nucleus spontaneously breaks up – Bombardment reactions- a nucleus is struck by another nucleus or some nuclear particle, such as a neutron or proton • Radiation- transmission of energy through space – Nuclear reactions involve much more energy than chemical reactions. Radioactive Elements • Elements with an unstable nucleus will spontaneously lose particles or energy to become stable. Two reasons for instability: – Nucleus is too large (atomic # > 83) • The nucleus is held together with the STRONG FORCE, which at short distances is stronger than the electromagnetic force that would cause protons to repel • At longer distances (larger nucleus) the electromagnetic force takes over and the nucleus begins to fall apart. – Imbalance between protons and neutrons • In smaller elements a 1:1 ratio is stable • In larger elements more neutrons are required to hold the nucleus together Radioactive Isotopes • All elements with an atomic number over 83 are radioactive • Many other smaller elements have radioactive isotopes. (Carbon-14) • In graph (at right), dotted line shows the “Belt of Stability”. A: B: C: Types of Radioactive Decay • Alpha radiation – A helium nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons) are ejected The nucleus changes! The atomic number is decreased by 2! • Beta radiation – A neutron becomes a proton, and an electron is ejected The atomic number increases by 1! Types of Radiation • Positron emission – a proton is converted to a neutron and a positron (e+) is emitted • Gamma radiation – The nucleus does not change, but energy is released Learning Check • What is the name of the force that holds protons together in the nucleus? • What are the two reasons that an element could be radioactive? • What happens to the nucleus during – – – – alpha decay? beta decay? positron emission? gamma decay? • Predict the type of decay for each element: – Uranium- 235 – Lithium-8 – Oxygen-15